HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-14 Board of Selectmen MinutesMarch 14. 1960 - continued:
Board of Public Welfare: Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Mr. Finneran be nomin-
ated chairman of the Board of Public Welfare. Mr. Finck seconded the mot-
ion and the vote was unanimous.
Clerks: Mr. Finneranmotioned the Clerks of the boards remain the same as
last year. Mr. Sutcliffe second the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Clerks: Board of Selectmen - Mr. Philip Sutcliffe; License Board - Mr.
William A. Finneran; Board of Public Welfare - Mr. Ralph E. Finck.
HEARING: Underground Storage Puel 0ils
Mr. Robert Nicetta was presen: in the interest of his petition for a lic-
ense to store underground 60,000 gallons of fuel oils at 91 Belmont Street.
Mr. Finneran motioned the license be granted. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous.
Chairman Finck read letter from the Fire Chief thanking the board for its
assistance in helping him solve his recant problem in obtaining his step
rate increase ~o maximum salary rate.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanim-
ously, a notice £~ome.th~nDepartmen~ of Public Works of a hearing on March
24 at 10:30 A.M.. Public Works Building, relative mo waterway projects,
and an attached form of petition for desired projects, was placed on file.
NOTICE - Petition of Bankrupmcy
Upon motion ofMr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous4
ly, a notice of meeting of creditors March 21 a~ 11:00 A.M., Federal Build-
ing, Boston, on petition of bankruptcy filed by Echo Glen Trucking Co.,
Inc., 876 Forest Street, North Andover, was referred ~o Town Counsel for
further action.
Upon recommendation of Mr. Finneram seconded byMr. Sutcliffe and~ted
unanimously, recommendation by Merrimack-Essex Electric Company for im-
provedstreet lighting in the vicinit¥of the Leyland residence, 237
Winter Street, North Andover, was adopted.
P~'£TION- Buried Cable Location
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr.~Finneran~and voted unanim-
ously, hearing was set for March 2~, 1960, at 7:30 P.M., on the petit-
ionof New England Tel. & Tel. Co. for a buried cable location under
Beech Street and Massachusetts Avenue.
Chairman Finck read reques~ from the American Cancer Society for per-
mission to conduct a cancer crusade inNorthAndover during the month of
April. A proclamation for use of the board was attached.' Mr. Sutcliffe
motioned the proclamation be signed by the board and permission be
granted. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was unanimom.
Chairman Finck read letter from the American Foundation for Overseas
Blind, Inc., requesting appointment of local committee chairman Eo join
with the foundation in the o~servance of Helen Keller's 8Oth birthday.
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Command er Leonard Enaire of the V.F.W. Post 2104
and Commander John Lyons of the American Legion Post 219 be appointed
c&-chairman of the local committee. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Paul J. Greeley, President of the Lawrence Chamber of Commerce,
appeared before the board to reques~ the Town join with other greamer
Lawrence communities in a clean-up, fix-up campaign. He further suggest-
ed a local, chairman be appointed to work with other, community chairmen
to plan a program for the campaign. Mr. Finck suggested the appointment
be made by the North Andover Board of Trade. Mr. Finneran made this a
motion adding the Board of Selec~en be advised of their actions in this
regard. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the vome was unanimous.
Faithful performance bonds were submitted by James J. Maker, zT~.easurer,
and James F. Dewhirst, Tax Collector, for acceptance by and approval of
the Board of Selectmen. The board vo~e~ unanimously ~o accept and
approve said bonds and that they be turned over ~o the Town Accountan~
for safe keepin er bonded of 000 and
March 14, 1960 - continued:
the Tax Collector in the amount of $53,300.
BOARD OF REGISTRARS - Voting List, Preci~ ct Workers
Mr. Patrick Cronin, Chairman, Mr. John J. Lyons and Mr. Fred McCormack of
the Board of Registrars appeared before the Selectmen to. discuss the
number of hours the polls should be open on April 26, the Presidential
Primary, and the pay rate to be accorded the precinctworkers on said
date. It was agreed that the polls would be open from 12:00 Noon ~o
'7:00 P.M., and that the workers will be paid on an hourly basis. The
Selectmen advised the Registrars that the workers should be informed on
the amount of pay to be received when called upon to work at the polls.
The Selectmen then called upon the Board of Registrars ~o explain the
discrepencies on the voting list, stating that a number of voters were
not permitted to vote because their names were not on th~slism. The
Registrars explained some of the errors were printing errors with in-
sufficinet, time to proof read, and that others were the fault of in-
correct street listing. Mr. Lyons stated ~o avoid future errors the
list would be made up in July and supplementary lists adde~ thereto
during the year. The voting hours for April 26 were adopted by the
board upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded by Mr. Finneran and VOted
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and vo~ed unanimous,
this meeting adJourne~ at 8:30 P.M.
March 21, 1960
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present and
Chairman Finck presiding. The meeting commenced at 7:30 P.M.
CHAPTER 90 - State Budget
Chairman Finck read letter from Representative Frank S. Giles stating
sufficien~ funds for Chapter 90 work had been encumbered for the year
1960 and that it would not be necessary to appropriate additional monies
in this years budget for the State. Mr. Finck stated the letter doesn'~
satisfactorily an~wer the board's~question on the mamter, and suggested
the board request Representative Giles contact the Commissioner of Public
"Works or the Governor,s Office to determine whether or not failure to
provide for Chapter 90work in this years State budget will mean a loss
of the program in 1961. Mr. Sutcliffe made this a motion which was
seconded by Mr. Finneran an~ vomed unanimously.
A letter was unanimously accepte~ from Mr. R. Ashton Smith, Chairman of
the AdvisoryBoard, thanking the board for ma%arial submitted in refer-
ance to Articles 15, 16, and 17 of the 1960 Annual Warrant.
Chairman Finck read a detailed report of last meeting Of. the Lawrence Air-
port Commission meeting submitted by Dr. Thaddeus Zimny, D.M.D., Liaison
Officer to the commission.
Mr. Finneranmotioned Dr. Zimny be re-appointed Liaison Officer to the
Lawrence Airport Commission. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the
VOte was unanimous. --- Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Mr. Joseph Morkeski be
appointed Associate Liaison Officer ~o the commission. Mr. Finner~n second-
ed the motion and the VOte was unanimous.
SEEK TRAFFIc SIGNS - Mr. John Harris
Mr. John Harris reported to the board that ten accidents had occurred in
seven years st a sharp "S" curve on Salem Str?et. He stated this is a
through way for Route 95 and that csrswere mzssing the curve due to~ess-
ire -'peed and ~ater draining onto the highway and freezing during iceing
conditions. Mr. Harris requested suitable warning signs be posted in the
area. Mr. Finck suggested signs depicting an "S" c~rve be installed in
both directions. Mr. Sutcliffe suggested the drainage problem be referred
to the Highway Surveyor for inves~gation. Mr. Finneran motioned the Police
Chief be requested to survey the area for proper safety signs. Mr. Sutcliffe
amended Mr. Finneran,s motion to include a letter to the Highway Surveyor
on the drainage problem. The vote was unanimous.