HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-21 Board of Selectmen MinutesMarch 21, 1960 - continued:
APPLICATION - Board of Fire Engineers
Mr. Frederick Soucy presented an application to the board requesting
appointmenm to the Board of Fire Engineers. The board explained the
appointments to the Board of Fire Engineers ~e made Just prior ~o May 1,
and that Mr. Soucy's application would be place~ on file for consideration
at that time.
APPLICATION - Amuseman~ License
Mr. Edward McGee, 647Waverly Road, made application ~o the board for an '
Amusement Park License, amusemenm park ~o be located a~ the corner of Clark St.
and Rou~e 125. Chairman Finck suggested the ma~ter be referred to Town
Counsel in connection with zoning, and referred to the Police Chief for
recommendation. The board agreed unanimously.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. SutclJ_ffe and voted unanim-
ously, Permission was granted the Lawrence Gas Company to excavate on
Beverly Street to %install a gas service for Robert Cochrane, withthe
provision that the road be restored to its condition prior to excavation.
The application was approved by the Chief of Police, Highway Surveyor
and BOard of Public Works.
CIVIL DEFENSE - Purchasing Programs
Chairman Finck read letter from Mr. Dyer, Director of Civil Defense, rel-
to purchasing programs under Federal matching funds of Town equipment.
Chairman Finck suggested the board r~quest Mr. Dyer to ~ttend next meet-
ing to further discuss the ma~ter.
the Vote was unanimous. Mr. Finneran made th~s a motion and
Chairman Finck noted an application had been received from Dr. Edward C.
Bulger for appointment as Town Animal Inspector. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned
Dr. Bulger be re-appointed. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the
vo~e was unanimous.
Mr. Finck requested a street light survey be conducted at the corner of
Abbott Street an~ Marbleridge Road. Mr. Finneran motioned the electric.
company be contacted on the ma~ter. Mr. Sutcliffe seocnded the moron
and the Vote was unanimous.
SET DATE - Appointment of Town Counsel
Chairman Finck suggested a meeting be called for next Monday at 7:00 P.M.
Selectmen,s Office, of the committee members responsible for the annual
by Mr.~Pp°intmentFinneran°f Townand votedC°unsel'unanimously.Mr' Sutcliffe made this s motion, seconded
NN~ POLICE CARS - Call for Bids
Mr. Finneranmotioned a caLl for bids on the purchase of two new police
cruisers be advertised and that the bids be received on April 4, 1~60,
at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded~the motion and the vote was unanim-
The following annual appointments were made by the BOard of Selectmen on
this date:
Moth Sup't. 1 yr.
Wiring Ins'p. ,,
Civil Defense,Director ,,
Board of Registrars 3 yrs.
John J. Connors
John Thompson
Dewey A. Dyer ,, , ,,
Fred McCormack ,, , ,,
Zoning Bd. Appeals ~ yrs Henry Lurid Fin~'eran, Sut~iffe :,,
Personnel Board 3 yrs Robert Dulude Sutcliffe, Finmeran ,,
" " 3 yrs Clifton Stone, Jr. ,, ,,
" " 1 yr ~ Henry Martin ,,
Graves Registration ,,
Officer 1 yr Louis p. Saunders Finmeran, Sutcliffe ,,
Foresm Fire Warden
1 yr. James p. Daw
Sup't. T. Infirmary 1 yr
Matron T. Infirmary ,,
Fimneran, Sutcliffe, unan.
Sutcliffe, Finneran ,,
Sutcliffe, Finneran ,,
Orin Foster Finneran, Sutcliffe ,,
Nora Foster ,,
APPOINTMENTS- continued:
Recreational Council 1 yr.
Public Weighers
Fence Viewers l yr.
William McEvoy
Nicholas Evungelos
Raymond Sullivan
~Carl' A. Thomas
John Moran
~Carl A. Thomas
Herbert Toomey
Edward J. Ellsey
Domenic Reitano
Robert Hebb
Denevieve Hebb
Patrick Driscoll
Albert Johnson
John Wilcax
Sutcliffe, Finneran, uriah.
Finneran, Sutcliffe, unan
Finneran, Sutcliffe, unan.
Veterans Agent
Burial Agent
Surveyor, Wood Bark
~ Lumber 1 yr.
Sp. Civil Constable 1 yr.
Liaison Officer to
Condon Airport 1 yr.
Assoc. Officer to
Condon Airport 1 yr.
Town Bldg. Janitor 1 yr.
Castodian Tax Title
Property 1 yr.
Auctioneer Tax Title
Keeper of the Lock-up
Sealer of Weights &
Bernard Bingham
Bernard Binghm~
Finneran, Sutcliffe, unan.
John C. Farnham
John R. Fenton
Sutcliffe, Finnersn, unan.
Thaddeus Zimny
Joseph Morkeski
Joseph Noone
Fiunermn, Sutcliffe, unan.
Sutcliffe, Finneran, unan.
James J. Maker . ,, r,
1 yr. James J. Maker Ftn~ueran, Sutcliffe, unan.
1 yr. Joseph W. Lawlor Sutcliffe, Finneran, unan.
Mr. Finneran motioned Mr. Robert C. Gray, 108 High Street, be
appointed. Mr. Finck motioned Mr. Ernest j. Roberts, 22 Irving Rd.,
be appointed. Mr. Sutcllffe motioned Mr. Domenic J. Bonanno, 34
Lincoln Street, be re-appointed. Chairman Finck called for a
second bsa_lot. The same motions were repeated. Chsirmam Finck
called for a third bsllot. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned Mr. Bonanno.
Mr. Finneran motioned Mr. Ernest J. Roberts. Mr. Finck seconded
Mr. Finnzran's motion and the vote was unanimous in appointing
Mr. Ernest J. Roberts as Sealer of Weights & Measures.
The following appointments were tabled for later consideration by the board:
Selectmen's Secretary
Town Building Custodian
Special Police Officers
Crossing ~uards
Industrial Development Committee
ZONING - Cor Waverley Rd. & Second Street
Joseph A. Smith of Main Street and William White, Jr. of Belmont Street, appeared
before the bosrd to inquire if an empty store at the corner of Second St. and
Waverley Road could be used es a ~ry cleaning establishment with no machinery
on the premises. The board explained there is a question of zoning in connect-
ion with the particular location and Mr. Finck suggested the matter be referred
to Town Counsel to determine the present zoning status. Mr. Sutcliffe made
this a motion, seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr.~ Sutcliffe and voted unanimously,
the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
March 21, 1960
Upon consideration of a request by Mrs. Lillian C. McDonald, Selectmen's Sec-
rotary, for s transfer to the position of Clerk-Typist in the Welfare Depart-
menm, the board Voted unanimous approval of the transfer. The vacancy in the
Welfare .Department is created by the resignationoof Mrs. Agnes Doherty, effect-
ive April 30, 1960.