HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-03-28 Board of Selectmen MinutesMarch 28, 1960
APPOINTME~f. Town~ounsel
The committee designated Under Article 16 of the 1959 Annual Town Warrant
met on this date at ?:00 P.M. for the purpose of appointing Town Counsel
for the current y~ar. Ail members were present excetp Mr. Joseph Sullivan,
Chairman of the Board of Public Works. The committee voted unanimously to
accept Mr. Sulliven.s absentee ballot. Voting was by secret ballot. Atty.
Salisbury received 6~otes, Atty. Trombly received 2 votes and Atty. Lynch
received 1 vote. The committee further voted: That Town CoUnsel.s s~lar¥
be understood to cover only the foreseeable services to be expected of him,
end that the matter of additional compensation to him for other services be
referred to the Selectmen for action as questions relating thereto may arise.
The Board of Selectmen me~ on this date with all members present and Chair-
men Ralph?:30 P.M.E. Finck, Esq., presiding. The meeting was called to Order at
HEARING - Buried Cable Location
A hearing was held at ~his time on the petition of the New England Tel. &
Tel. Co. for a buried cable location at Beech Street and Massachusetts Ave.
Mr. Holmes and Er. Clamp of Beech Street were pre~ent as interested abuttors.
Mr. Casey, representing the telephone company, explained the reasons for
the petition and the area to be effected bY excavation. No objections.were
cited. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned permission be granted. Mr. Finneran s&cend-
cd'the motion and the VOte was unanimous.
G~APTER 90 - Sta~e Budget
Chairman PLuck read letter frcm RepresestativeFr~nk S. Giles who explained
there is sufficient money now remaining in the Chapter 9Of un d to take care
of the fiscal year of 1961 beginning July 1, bus that additional funds will
have to be apPropriated for fiscal1962 beginning July 1, 1961. The board
stated its satisfaction with this answer.to the~r, questian.
CLEAN-uP, FIX-UP CAMP~LTGN- Board of Trade
Chairman Finck read letter from the Board of Trade recommending Mr. Leonard
B. Albis, 28 Rolbrook Road, be appointed local chairman of the Greater
Lawrence Clean-up, Fix-up campaign. Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by
Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously, Mr. Albis was appointed local chair-
man. It was directed that~m. Paul J. Greeley, President of the Lawresce
Chmmber. of Commerce, be so-advised.
STABETLIGHTING _ Recommendation
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe. seconded by Mr. Finnsran and Voted UnanimousL
ly, the board 'adopted the reco~audatiou byMerrimack-Essex Electric Co.
for improved street lighting at ~e corner of Abbott Stream and Marble-
ridge Ro~d.
TO~ C0~NSEL: ZON~ . Cor. Second St. & Waverley Road .
~dt°~g~~Chairman ~Finck~o~c~u~rea2 a letter~o~from Town Counsel on zoning status~of the empty
s eS?~et'andWaver~ey Road~ The letter co~-.
a copy of the letter be sent tomwn~er~sted-partzes'~ N~.~,Sutcliffe moti~*
the interested Parties. Mr. -~ · ~oeepn Smith and Mr. WzlliamWhi~e,-~
Finneran seconded the motion end the Vote was'"
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. SutcLiffe end voted unanimously,
a he~-lng date was set for April ll 1 60
by Mr. Benjamin Rollins f ~ .... ,_~9~ ,. at ?.30 P.M. on the ann
;~dAVenUethe 2ownThe Cl~r~aPpLicati°nfor action.Was referred ~othe Fire Chief for recommendation
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran sacoudedbyMr. Sutcliffe andvotad unanimously,
Det~nission Was granted the Lawrence Gas Company to excavate on Beech Ave.,
Rea Street and Woodbridge Road to install
had been previously~pproved b~the Chief gas services. The aPPLications
Board of Public Works. of Police, ~ighwsy~veyor and
FUND DRi~E - Crippled Children's week. April 3 to 9
Upon motion ofMr. Finnaran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and VOted un~tmously,
the board endorsed a SUggested declaration submitted by the Bay State Soc-
iety for the Crippled en~ Handicapped to be used during Crippled Children.s
Week, A~ril 3 to 9. The press release was referred to the news reporter.
HOUSE B~LL 1305 - Mass. Parking Authority
Chairman ~inck read letter from the Mass. Federation of Tzxpayers Assoc.
March 28, 1960 - continued:
requesting the board contact the Committee on Highways and Motor Vehicles,
Mass. House of Representatives, recommending that House Bill 1305 be ad-
versely reported. Upon motion of Mr. Finn~an seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe
and voted unanimously, it was agreed the board would express i+~s sentiments
as requested.
TRAFFIC HAZARD- Carney's Corner
Chairman Finck stated he had received many complaints on the traffic dangers
existing at the corner of Osgeod Street and Massachusetts Avenue due ~o the
~tOne~ wall elong th · Mitchell Segal property Jutting into the intersection
and creating a blind corner. Mr. Finck suggested Mr. Segal be requested ~o
attmnd next meeting of the board to discuss the feasibility of tapering off
the stone wall to alleviate the hazard. Mr. Finneran made this a motion
which was seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously.
R~UISITTON CIVIL SERVICE - Two Permanent Patrolmen
Chairman Finck stated Police Chief Joseph~ W. Lawlor had requested the board
requisition 'for the list of police reserves eligible for appointment as
permanent patrolmen, all as provided under Article 66 of the 1960 Annual
Town Warrant. The article calls for two new regular patrolmen. Mr.
Finneran made this a motion, seconded by Mr. Butcliffe and v~ted unanimously.
Upon request of Mr. William McKinnon of Osgood Street, the board voted nnan-
imcusly that a sur~ey for improved street lighting be made in the vicinity
of Phillips Court.
Mr~ Sutcliffe suggested the board take action on the article appropriating
$500.00 for the purchase and installation of' metal street signs. Mr. Finck
stated the Police Chief was compiling a list of needed signs and checking
with the Department of Correction on the price of sm~e.
The following annual appointments were made by the Board rof Selectmen on this
Industrial Devel-
opment Committee
2 yr.
Joseph W. Sullivan
Irving E. Hinton
Frank W. Lee
Edward W. Phe!an
Ralph E. Finck
James M. Barman
George Schrnender
Leonard Albis ·
Sutcliffe, Fianeran, unan.
.'School Crossing Guards ( Mr. Sutcliffe motioned 'each individual be appointed
separately. Mr. Finneran motioned the present guards
be reappointed. Mr. Finck read letter from Po/ice
Chief Lawlor and Safety Officer Dushane recommending
reappcintment of the present crossing guards. Mr.
Finck then seconded Mr. Finnnran~ motion and the
vote w~s unanimous
Regular Crossing
Guards: 1 yr
Reserve Crossing Guards:
Janet Yule
Mary Stone
Dorothy K. Freeman
Mary Hanover
Helen Tacy
Mary Pellegrino
Florence M. Bush
Edith Hayes
There are two vacancies on the reserve list and the board stated applications
for the positions should be made at this office.
March 2~, 1960- continued.:
Special Police Officers: The following list of Special Police Officers
were appointed by motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sut~Liffe and
voted unanimously:
Thomas Spedding
Joseph Senia
Frad Salois
Edward Phelan
Sylvester Murphy
Raymond Minardi
Frank Lee
Janes McCabe
Archie Gourley
John Dolan
Ru~ seTliChanberlain
Domenic Bananno
Louis J. Godin
Carl Pearson
~ndrew J. Moynihan Jr
Francis O'Loughlin
Arhhur A. Thomson, Jr
Alfred H. McKee
Ernest Bryson
William Lafond
Roland G. Cook
Joseph Bumy~a
Edward Laycock
Dominic Giarrus o
30 Upland St.
Great Pond Rd.
60 Main St.
931 Turnpike St.
Osgood Street
22 Maple Ave.
5% Bradstreet Rd.
6 Water St.
100 Main Street
salem Street
~5~2~easant St
24 Linclon St.
420 Gr. Pond Rd.
666 Gr. Pond Rd
346 Middlesex St.
476 Waverley Rd.
Greene St.
30 Church St
16 Water St
97 Maple Ave.
123 Mass. Ave
Pleasant St
91 Main St.
318 Salem St.
Charles Zuill
John J. Wilcox
James Thomson
Carl Thomas
Walter Stamp
Robert $~ewart
John Sltpkowski
Albert SchoZield
Alexander Ness
Philip Midgeley
William McEvoy
E~win johnson
Malcolm Hamilton
Robert Fimner an
Francis Dowd
Augustine Donovan
Walter Corcoran
Stanley Burturlia
Otto Bishop
Fred Christie
Lloyd Banchman Jr.
Lloyd Banchman, Sr.
Roland Ambiehl
92 Fu~ber~.~ve.
Lacy St.
Sawyer Road
4 Ashland St.
Willow St.
44 Lincoln St.
48 Camden St
16 Bixby Ave.
II Dewey St.
22 Maple Ave.
28 Second St
47 Chickering Rd
10% Pleasant St.
98 Waverley Rd.
296 Lawrence St.
232 Bradford St
422 Waverley Rd.
346 Salem St.
15 Williams St.
130A Main St.
15% Water St.
14 Main St.
218 Mass. Ave.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously,
this meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
April 4, 1960
The Board of Selectmen met at 7:~0 P.M. The members presen~ were: Ralph E.
Finck, Chairman; Willian Finneran and Philip Sutcliffe.
BIDS: Police Cars .
Shawsheen Motor Mart bid on 2 - 1960 Ford 2-door Sedans and equipment, in-
cluding transferring Of police equipment and lettering - $2,650.00.
Woodworth Motors bid on 2 - 1960 Chevrolets and equipment- $2,997.88.
Mr. Finneran motioned to make the award to the lowes~ bidder - Shawsheen Motor
Mart. Mm. Finck seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
T~ INFIRMARY a Town-owned land
Chairman Finck read letter from Town Counsel explaining that a Town Meeting
may authorize its sale if the land is no longer needed for municipal purposes.
Mr. Sutcliffe said it would be necessary ~o look further into the land prob-
tern and talk more to the people and if. they are further interested then make
arrangements for Town Meeting, etc.
Mr. Sutcltffe made a motion to temporarily adjourn the meeting in order that
the Selectmen could attend the Hearing being held over the Fire Station at
8:00 P.M. concerning the new Rte..497. Mr. ~inneran seconded the motion and
the ~ote was unanimous. The Board returned at 9:10 P.M. and the meeting
was resumed ·
LICENSE APPLICATION- Trombly Motor Coach Service
Francis J. Trombly presented and discussed a letter applying fora license
to operate motor coaches through North Andover for a proposed direct bus
service over Rte. 93 to Boston. Ehairman Finck stated that a hearing date
will be set.
Willtan McAloon and Edward Phelan discussed with the Board plans for a
centennial Ball to be held this year. Mr. McAloon suggested making it a
costume ball, set up committees in each precinct ~nd let each compete against
the other. Chairman Ftnck said the .Board has confidence in Mr. McAloon an~
for go right ahead with whatever plans are necessary .