HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-10-31 Board of Selectmen MinutesOctober 31, 1960 (continued) COMPLAENT: Mill Road Mrs. Charles Thornton of Mill Road complained that a business was being conducted on adjacent property and that she had complained to this BOard about two years ago. She stated that there were many trucks and other mechanical equipment on land owned by Cyr Trust and a lime business conduc:ed by a neighbor PerleF Ran. Chairman Flnck said they would do aL1 they could to enforce the by-law. Mr. Sutcliffe stated that the Board will try to do something about the situation even if the Town has to go to Court to take care of it. K OF C INCORPORATION: A communication and questionnaire was received from the Secretary of the Commom- wealth Joseph D. Ward, regarding the application Uf ~ichard 0. Lafond and eight others for incorporation under Chapter 180, General Laws~ under the name of the E of 0 Association, Incorporated. Mr. Sutcliffe made a motion that the ques-' tiounaire be filled out without investigation, Mr. Finck .seconded the motion, but the motion was not uhanimous because Mr. Finneren thought the usual investigation should take place despi~e the fact all members are known to be reputable citizens of North Andover. L~WRENCE GAS CO.: Upon motion of Mr. Shtcliffe. seconded'-by Mr: Finneran, and voted unanimously, Permission was granted the Lawrence Gas Company ~pou thsir~petition to excavate on Mass. Avenue near Andover Street for the new Merrimack-Valley Textile Museum. HEA~NG: Merrimack-Essex Electric Co. Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded by Mr. ' Finneran, and voted unanino~sly~'a hearing for a pole and wire location petition was set for November 1~, 1960, at 7:30 p.m. I~catiou is on the ~westerly side of Osgood Street, at a point approxi- mately 50 feet northerly from Main Street, 1 pole. D.P.W. - Traffic Survoy: ~ ~epu~ea upon DF ~e mass. ~ept. of Public ~orks regarding*the intex~ section of Great Pond Road and Osgood Street and also at Osgood Street and Sutton Street. Regarding the former, the Department felt that the present method *of control is ~ch safer .than that ~hich would be obtained by Traffic Control signals. The Board was highly dissatisfied with the results of the survey ~nd Chairman Finck suggested writing to ~estern Electric Company informing them of .sane and also our senator and representatives. Mr. Finneran made a motion to. that effect, seconded by Mr. Su~cliffe~ and voted unanimously. MASS. DEPARTM~ OF PUBLIC WORNS: A letter was received ~m the Mass. Department of Public Works stating that ** Chapter 90 work under contract No. 19318, dated August 2, 1960, has been completed. E~EX CO~ RETTP~2~T BOARD, Ida Farrell: . , i letter was received from the Essex County Retirement Board advising the Board that Eda E. Farrell, an employee of the Town, has made application for Superannus- tion Retirement, effective November 4, 1960, and that her name should not appear on the payroll of the Town for any period subsequent to such date. Mr. Smtcliffe motioued, seconded by Mrj Finneran. that a letter be sent to Miss Farrell sanding thanks and appreciatiou.~or the many many years of faithful service rendered by her. BOARD C~ HEALTh:. A letter was received from the Board of Health regarding the dump off Holt Read. Chairman Finck said that until this Board received a complaint ~from Anthony Rogers a number of weeks ago, the Board of Health did nothing about it. in answer to a query as to whether it would be feasible to purchase fairly expensive equipment which may be subject to Prohibitive costs in repairs and maintenance, Chairman Finck said he did not think it feasible. Regarding the possibility of a Greater Lawrence incinerator, Chairman Finck said that he intends to meem wi~h Alderman GuiLmette of Lawrence once again, as the bill, recantly rejected, may be sub- mitted to ~he legislature once again. Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe, and voted unanimously, it was agreed that the Selectmen meet ..with the Highway Department and the Board of Health on November 14, 1960, at 8:00 p.~. October 31, 1960 (continued) PUBLIC ROUSING ADMINISTRATION: A letter was received from the Regional Director of the Public Housing Administration inquiring as to whether this Board or the local housing authority are interested in more detailed information on the Housing Act of 19~9 providing Federal financial assistance for housing of low-income families. Chairman Finck suggested that the letter be referred to the No. Andover Housing Authority with a request for an answer by our nex~ meeting of November 7th. An invitation was received by each of the Selectmen to attend the Graduation Exercises of the 22nd Local Police ~fficers Training School to be held at the Framingham State Teachers College at 8:00 p.m., at which tine Patrolman John Lanni will be graduating. The Selectmen made a motion to attend, said motion being made by Mr. Flnneran, seconded by Mr. S~tcliffe, and voted unanimously. D.P.W. ~NCUM~RANCE OF CHAPTER 90 FUNDS: A letter is to be sent to the Department of Public ~¢orks stating that the Board is re~uesting the encumbrance of Chapter 90 funds for the Dale and Appleton Street project. At this time, Ralph Brassaur was telephoned to ask him to call at the Selectm~ 's office to look over the plan recently submitted by the State D.P.W. for the Dale and Appleton Street intersection. APPLICATIOn- Jumklicause: An application was received from Ralph Bevin, 32 Johnson Street, for a Junk - Town Wide - No Storage license~ was referred to the Police Chief and the Building Inspector for a report by the next meeting. FZRE STATION STUD~ OO~TTEE: Because some of the members of this ~commtttee will· be attending the reception for Senator Kennedy on November 7th in Boston, the meeting of the committee with the lelectmen ,schec~lad for November 7th was postponed until November 21, 1960, at :00 p.m. upon motion' of Mr. FLuneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcltffe, and voted unanimously. POLICE STATION COMMITTEE: Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded by Mr. Ftnneran, and. ?otec unanimously, the nm, es of Chief Joseph W. Lawlor, E~erett Woodhomse and Robert M. Wood ware sub- mittad for the Police Station Committee. SPARE WORKERS: Upon motion'of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. S~tcliffe, and voted unanimously, the following were appointed Spare Workers: Joan S. Manning, 222 Pleasant Street (D) in Precinct 4; Rite K. ~bittaker. 291 Waverly P~ad (I) in Precinct 3; and Frances J. Rand, 242 Main Street (Il in P~ecinct 2. ,~ DRAINAGE PR0~L~M': Chickering Road Mr. Sutcliffe stated that he w~ndered if the drainage problem existing at Concord Street and Chickering Road wes being taken care of. Said matter had been brought up at the June 27th meeting. Mr. Sutcliffe read the minutes of that meeting aloud regarding the situation. Ne said that when spring arrives and the thaw sets in, · ~ the sm~e badI situation will arise which has existed for four to five years. Chairman Finck said that a petition for declaratory Judgment was filed in the Superior Court by private owners. The Town and State will Join in ~o determine what the rights are of the parties concerned. Responsibility will have to be determined by the Court. A validity of an easement has to be d ~termined. Rights of the' parties will have to be established. If a drainage syst~ is nut in by the.Town, it will take Town Meeting action to do so. Upon motion cf Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded by Mr. Finneran, motion was voted unanimously to adjourn, at 8:30 p.m.