HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-11-21 Board of Selectmen Minutes96
November 21, 1960 (continuedl
call the attention of the building inspector to ~&rs. Thornton's charges.
Atty. John J. Willis appeared regarding the acceotance of Green Hill
Avenue as a public way from its termihus at Wood~tock Street to Great Oak
Street from the intersection of Green Hill Avenue to its terminus at
Linden Avenue. Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by ~&r. Sutcliffe,
and voted unanimously, hearing was set for November 28, 1960, at 7:30 p.m.
relative to the adjudication by this ~oard.
A proposed article for the Special Town Meeting to be held December 12,
1960, was submitted by Atty. Roland H. Sherman regarding the acceptance
of Sutton Hill Road from its present accepted terminus southerly and
westerly to Chestnut Street, a distance of approximately 2,000 linear feet.
Hearing for adjudication was set for 7:30 p.m. November 28, 1960, upon
motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by ~r. Sutcliffe, and voted unanimously.
A Mrs. ~cIntyre appeared with her nephew, John ~cIntyre, to recuest per-
mission for him to be able to salvage material from the town ~ump., if
and when he can. ~r. Ira Carry, Highway Surveyor, was agreeable, and upon
recommendation of this board, ~ir. Charles Black is to be notified of this
Board,s recommendation.
Messrs. Ira Catty, Walter Stamp, George Caron, Dr. Julius Kay'and this
Board met to discuss the town dump. Dr. Kay stated that it was a poten-
tial health and fire hazard. George Caron stated that the highway de-
partment is doing all it can to operate the dump efficiently but that the
Tovm has never appropriated the money for equipment which could'do the Job
outlined by the ~tate when the dump was established. ~r. John. Connors,
Tree Department Warden, definitely has to bUry or burn the Dutch Elm debris.
Mr. Carry stated tha~ complaints were received some time ago that smoke
hampered aircraft at the Lawrence Airport. He also stated that he re-
ceived only $1,000.00 appropriation for gasoline, repairs, and digging
at the dump. Dr. Kay queried whether'we should push f'or more ~quipment
and money and discussed possible maintenance of expensive equipment if so
purchased. Walter Stamp said that various mills in town, plusschool,
private contractors, etc. hauled to the dump and it was known that a North
Andover resident hauled from the Ayer Mill in Lawrence. Chairman Finck
said the trouble is that there are no regulations governing the dump.' it
was stated also tha~ it is known that the Lav~ence dump will go,~but not
the incinerator, with the erection Of the new bridge being built. It was
stated by Dr. Kay that in the future, Western Electric Co. plans 'to have
its Gym incinerator. Mr. Stamp stated that the only way to keep illegal
dumpers out of the disposal site is to build a fence around it but that
previous attempts to place a gate at the entrance failed when the locks
were broken open. Mr. Caron suggested visiting the dump to explore the
possibility of building a fence and also urged that rules and regulations
be set up and enforced to govern the dump operation. It was decided that
members of the Board of Health,.Selectmen. Highv~y Department, and Mr.
Connors visit the dump at a future date, not se~ as yet, to try to work
out a reasonable plan for operation of the dump.
The following members'of the Fire Station Committee met with thisBoard:
Acting Chairman Dana Fisher, Dewey Dyer, John Detora, Richard Holmes,
Sidney Coleman, and Calvin Snell. After discussion, it was decided that
the committee is to begin a program of educating the town, so to speak,
to the reasons for building a new station in the vicinity of the Center.
Mr. Fisher stated that the question will,e-'whether to put the package
all together in order to submit the whole thing at a Town Meeting rather
than wait for a further meeting. However, Chairman Finck said that that
will depend upon what other major expenditures will take place.
Upon motion of ~,~. Finneran, 'seconded by ~r. Sutcliffe, it was vo~ed un-
animously to approve the petition of the Lawrence Gas Company for excava-
tion on Moody Street, Subject to the approval of the Highway Surveyor who
had not as yet signed the petition.
November 21, 1960 (continued)
Petition of the l~errimackrEssex Electric Co. was set up for a hearing, for
December 5th at 7:30 porn. upon motion of
Finneran, and voted unanimously, for a pole and wire location on the wester-
l~side of the ~y~Pass, opposite the southerly line of (Old) Willow Street)
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe, and voted unani-
mously, a hearing for a .1oint pole location of the N. E. T. & T. Co. and
iMerrimack-Essex Electric Co. at Hillside Road, from approximately 312 feet
southwest of Andover By-Pass, i pole, for December 5, 1960, at 7:35 p.m.
Upon motion of ~r. Finneran, seconded by ~r. Sutcliffe, it was voted unani-
mously ~o approve the survey for s~reet lighting by ~errimack-Essex Elec-
tric Co. at the corner of Pilgrim Road and Richardson Avenue, at an annual
cost ~o the Town of $40 per year.
This mam~er is being taken care of, i.e., the intersection of Dale and
Appleton Streets. The Highway Department has been in touch with the State
who has an engineer on the ~ob at th&s time. ~r. Broughton, an abutter,
will sign a right of entry and e berm will be built in front of his prop-
er~y. The State will set the price that the contractor gets and they
supervise. The State has taken care of the entire procedure to da~e.
A letter and a plan showing the present and proposed drainage system along
Massachusetts Avenue was submitted from the Mass. Depa~tmen~ of Public
Works. Permission vms requested for the State D.P.W. ~o enter the town's
30-inch reinforced concrete pipe referred to in the letter bu~ Chairman
.Finck suggested that &report be requested from Ralph Brasseur, C.E., before
permission is granted. M~. Sutcliffe motioned same, seconded by Mr.
Finneran, and voted unanimously.
A notice of a public hearing regarding nursing and convalescent home
erators was read and on motion of ~. Finneran, seconded by ~. SUteliffe
and voted unanimously, the Board was to notify George Wilson, Welfare Agen~
about the pending hearing. '
A letter was received from Arnold Salisbury with a copy of the Land Court
Judge's "Decision.,, Mr, Salisbury stated that it will be some time before
he can inform the Board whether or not the Land Court decision will be made
the subject of an appeal to the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth.
A letter vms received from the Department of Natural Resources regarding
certain basic steps ~o be followed ~o complete excellent control of the
Dutch Elm Disease. Letter was referred to John Connors.
A letter ;~ms received from Spaulding-~ss Company requesting an appointment
with this Board in order to show samples~ their work on town reports a~d
prepare a p~oposal for the Board to peruse, Upon motion of ~hr. Finneran,
seconded by l~r. outcliffe, it was voted to ask their representative to call
at this office on the nex~ meeting date to discuss the matter.
Upon mo~ion of ~,~.Sutcl~ffe,' seconded by.Mr. Finneran, it was unanimously
voted to advertise the All Night Parking Ban to take effect at 12:01 a.m.
December 4, 1960. ,
Chairman Finck stated that the Police Department was to be complimented on
solving of the series of crimes ~aking place in Greater Lawrence over the
past few months. Upon motion of Mr~ Finneran, seconded by Mr. S~tcliffe,
it was voted unanimously to write to the Police Chief ~o commend the
departmen~ on the fine work done by his men. A list of the men who were
"involved in solving the matter is being compiled.
November 21, 1960 (continued)
The mmember who v~s supposed to attend this meeting to discuss Holt Road
was unable to appear, so upon motion of I~r. Sutcliffe, seconded by Nr.
Finneran, it was voted unanimously to request a member of the Commission
to attend next Nonday night,s meeting.
Joseph Giard appeared requesting that Norton Street be made one way. The
matter was referred to the Police Chief upon motion of ~{r. Sutcliffe,
seconded by ~lr. Finneran, and vo~ed unanimously.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by ~&r. Sutcliffe, and voted unani-
mously, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
The meeting was reopened when Superintendent of Schools Douglas Chandler
and ~ohn Harriman of the Building Committee appeared after their having
met with the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board was to contact this
~oard regarding the two articles and the approval of
~ng the proposed $~0,000.00 expenditure to be used fo~h~e~ ~d r?gard-
~ P ~g pzans,
etc. for a new Junior high school rather than an addition to present
building or buildings. There will be land-~akin~ involved and there will
be no intent to znvolve any property where houses are located. Incident-
ally, if Article #1 is defeated at the ~pecial Town Meeting of December 12~
1960, the $30,000.00 appropriation can still be used for an addition
regardless. ,
The meeting readjourned.
November 28, 1960
The .regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this date at 7:30 p.m., with
all members present and Chairman Finck presiding.
'HEARING: 'Adjudication of Green Hill Road
Present at this hearing were Atty. John Willis, Contractor Anthony Merino, Pauline
Blood and Mr. Roberge. Atty. Willis said that all of the requirements have been
m~t. The Chairman rea~ the publication regarding the public hearing for the ad-
Judication of Green Hill Avenue as a public way from its terminus at Woodstock Stree~
to Great Oak Street, a distance of approximately 910 feet and that section of Great
Oak Street from the intersection of Green Hill Avenue to its terminus at Linden
Avenue. Mr. l~lnneran motioned that subject to Planning Board approval, ~hich h~d
not as y~t bee~ received, the adjudication be made. Mr. Sutcliffe second ed the
motion end it' was voted unanimously.
HEARING: Adjudication of Sutton Hill Road
The Chairman read the publication regarding the public hearing for the a~Judication
of Sutton Hill Road as a public way, from its present accepte~ terminus southerly
and westerly to Chestnut Street, a distance of approximately 2,000 linear feet.
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned that the street be adjudicated, subject to Planning Board
approval, seconded by Mr. Finneran, and voted unanimously.
DEPARTMENT OF P~C WORES: Drainage on Mass. Avenue
A letter was received from Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E., regarding the drainage on
Nassachusetts Avenue, in which he 'stated he thought permission should be given
for the Department to enter the town's 30-in.ch reinforced concrete pipe on Ma~s.
Avenue on the condition that it should be stipulated in the agreement for entrance,
that the State Department should rebuild the catch basin at Linden Avenue at the