HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-18Planning Board Meeting Senior Center June 18, 1996 Members Present: Joseph V. Mahoncy, Chairman, Richard Rowen, Vice Chaim~ Alberto An~les, Associate Member and Alison Lescarbe~ Clerk. John Simons arrived at 8:55 p.m. and Richard Nm'della arrived at 9:10 p.m. Katbleen Bradley Colwell, Town Planner, was also present. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Minutes: On a motion by Mr. Angles, seconded by Ms. Lesearbeau, the minutes of April 16, April 23, May 6 and June 4, 1996 were approved. Diseus~iou: Rt. 114 (Moore's Farms) Preliminary Subdivision Plan There was no applicant present to discuss the plan. On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by MS. Lescarbeau, the Planning Board voted unanimously to DENY the prelimin~ plan. Old Center Lane - Prelimina~ Subdivision Plan Cominued discussion of the pre 'hminary plan. Ben Osgood, Jr. was present and stated that at the TRC meeting there were no issues with the plans. Mr. Osgood brought a plan of the Parker property (Heritage Estates) to see whether there was a possibility of connecting a roadway from Heritage to Old Center Lane. Ben stated that he feels it would be possible with a loss of one lot to Heritage Estates. Ben also stated that he does not want to be forced into doing that. The Parkers do not have a landlocked piece of property, and Ben stated he shouldn't he forced to give an easement just so they have better house placement. Mr. Mahoney asked Mr. Osgood whether the developer of Heritage Estates la_as any interest in connecting to Old Center Lane and Mr. Osgood replied that the Parkers were approached, but no agreement was reached. On a motion by Mr. Rower~ seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to approve the prelimin~ subdivision. Coventry I - Bond update Ms. Colwell stated that Mr. Halpin and David Ault (Fleet Bank) have been trading calls, but hope to set up a meetin~ by the end of the month go review the final punch list. Chapter 6lB - Right of first refusal on 277 Farnnm Street_ Ms. Colwell stated that the asking price for the property is $180,000. As it is not propecty noted for acquisition under the Open Space Plan, Ms. Colwell recommends against the Town purchasing the property. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted unanimously against purchasing the property. Chapter 61A - Right of first refusal on Bradford SWeet M~s. Colwell stated that the Town would have to have the prope~ appraised, and the Town would have to pay the full and fak market value. The property is not in the watershed and it is not noted for acquisition under the Open Space Plan. Ms. Colwell recommends against the Town purchasing the property. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Ms. Lescatbeau, the Board voted unanimously against purchasing the property. Master Plan Committee Update Ms. Colwell stated that the Magter Plan Committee has a meeting on June 20, 1996. A steering committee of 5 memhea's will be chosen with a larger committee of thirteen and many subcommittees. MS. Colwell asked the Planning Board to notify her if they had any interest in serving on a committee. John Simons will continue to be the Planning Board's representative. Public Hearings Now~ Growth Man _~ent Bylaw- Re~. d~fions Ms. Lescatbeau read the legal notice to open the public hearing. MS. Colwell stated that she reviewed with Bob Nicetta and Bill Scott the draft regulations submitted by Mr. Rowen. The Board discussed the draft and made some changes. On a motion by Ms. Lescarb seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to approve the regulations as amended and discussed tonight. Appleton Street extension - subdivision Ms. Lesmrbeaa read the legal notice to open the public hearing. Blaine Gam~ the applicant, was present, however his engineer Scott Giles was not. Mr. Gann stated that he is proposing a two lot subdivision plan at the end of Appleton Street. The lots are just under two acres each and there is 725' ofroad to the end ofthe property. Mr. Garm was asked whea'e the house placements were to be and he replied that there are no specific sites yet. Mr. Rowen asked if there was an existing plan to take Appleton Street down to Blue Ridge Road and Ms. Colwell replied that she will check with DPW. A couple of questions were asked that Mr. Gann stated could have been answered by Mr. Giles, the engineer. Mrs. Tymvakiewi~ an abutter, was present and stated that she is concerned about the grading ofthe property and how much runoff will occur. Jhn Pangiakos, an abutter, was present and asked if the area of extension will be narrower than the rest of Appleton Street? Mr. Rowen replied that it will be as wide. A site walk is scheduled for June 25, 1996 at 6 p.m The public heating is.continued until July 2, 1996. 150 Flagship Drive - Site Plan Review This is a contim~n of the public hearing. Greg Welch from Channel Builders was present and stated that Peter Novello, an abutter, was notified of the site walk but did not attend. Ms. Colwell stated that the drainage issues have not been addressed, but they should be by the July 2, 1996 meeting. Ms. Colwell also discussed a potential issue with the Conservation Commission. The most appropriate place for the wetland replication area in located adjacent to the stone wall in between the proposed project site and the property boundary with Peter Novello. The covenant placed on the property states that a fifty foot buffer zone must remain fi.om the stone wall towards the project site. It does not state that the area between the stone wall and Peter Novellos' property would remain undistmbed. It was always assumed that this area would not he disturbed as the majority of the land is a wetland resources area. Because the majority of the area is a wetland resource area is also the best location for the wetland replication are~ Mike Howard, Conservation Administrator, will review an alternate location off site however the ConCom has never approved off site replication and it is doubtful that this location will work. Mr. Paul Kneeland, Bayfield Development, presemed a letter from Peter Novello stating that he understood that the wetland replication area would he adjacent to the stone wall. He does not object to the location as long as tree clearing is minimized. The Planning Board discussed that they would support the alternate location for the replication, however if the ConCom determines that there is no other appropriate location other than adjacent to the stone wall that Board would approve that location. Staffwas directed to draft a decision for the July 2, 1996 meeting. Continued to July 2, 1996 meeting. White Birch II Subdivision Modification Continuation of the public hearing There were a couple of abutters present who stated they did not want the sidewalks to be built. Ms. Lew. arbeau stated that she has a real problem with developers who do not install sidewalks at the time the road is built! On a motion by Mr. Angles, seconded by Mr. Rowerh the Board voted unanimously to dose the public hearing. A vote was taken for the elimination of sidewalks and a contribution to the sidewalk fund made instead. The vote was as follows: Mr. Mahoney yes Mr. Rowen yes Ms. Lesearbeau no As the vote was three in favor of e 'hmination of sidewalks and one against, the sidewalks will not be built, but a contribution to the sidewalk fund will be made. 200 Chickm'ing Road - Renni~s Continuation of the public hearing. Due to a possible conflict of interest, Mr. Mahoney stepped aside for this portion of the meeting and Mr. Rowen chaired. Mr. Simons asked Ms. Colwell if the applicant filed a single application for both the residential and commercial portion of the property. Ms. Colwell replied in the affirmative. Mr. Simons stated that Scott Construction did not file a good application, and they should refile. The applicant, Joe Scott, was told by the Planning Board that he should withdraw his plans and refile. Mr. Scott withdrew his single application and stated to the Board that he plans to refile two applications, one for the commercial property and one for the residential property. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted tmanimously to accept the withdrawal and also to close the public hearing. 701 Salem Street- Site Plan Review Matthew Xenakis, property owner, was present along with John Daly the architect of the project. Ms. Colwell stated that the applicant has presented 6 different orientation optiom for the building however, all ofthem violate the 45' setback from the abutter. Ms. Colwell further stated that she has met with the abutter, Mr. Crisostamo, and he will appeal any variance granted by the ZBA to impinge upon this setback requirement. Mr. Daly presented the Board with the 6 options as to the Imilding orientation. The applicant is looking for direction on which option the Board prefers so they can move forward. The different options were discussed by the Board and it seems option 6 works better. There is one entrance and one exit on Salem Street with a possible lane for circulation, there will he staggered walkways with planters. Mr. Daly stated that the property owner is willing to spend more money to orient the building toward Salem Street, but he may need some relief on zoning encroachments. After viewing the plans, Mr. Simons stated that it seems you're creating a structure that' s branch bank centered, not neighborhood centered. Mr. Nardella stated that the footprint is too large for the site and Mr. Mahoney agreed. Mr. Nardella also stated that the building should not be oriented to the drive up Atty. Mary McCabe, representing the Crisostomos, was present and stated that option 6 will create heavy traff~ near ~ house and they are concerned about safety issues. The Planning Board discussed eliminating the driveway around the rear of the building. Tim O'Brien, 710 Salem Street, concerned about the site distance on Salem Street. Mr. Daly asked about a center entrance and the Board was in agreement. Mr. Xenalds and Mr. Daly to work on the plans and come before the Board again. Continued until July 2, 1996 meeting. Woodlea Village - Subdivision/PRD Ms. Colwell had draft decisions for the Board's review, On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Ms. ~, the Board voted unanimously to approve the draft decisions as amended. The Crossroads - bond reduction Ms. Colwell recommended that $10,000 of the bond money be rdeased retaini~ $5,000 to cover the cost of the as-built plans and landscaping. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Ms. Lescarbe~, the Board voted unanimously to release $10,000 of the bond money being held by the Town. I-Iawthome Place (Den Rock View) bond reduction Ms. Lescarbeau read a letter from DPW recommending the release of$11,300 and the retaining of $28,100. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted unanimously to release $11,300 and retain $28,100 of the bond money being held by the Town. Lots: Lot 296 and 297 Adrian, Wesley and lnni~ Streets Ms. Colwell stated that all three streets are private ways. However, the streets are shown on a subdivision plan prior to 1956. She has received confirmation from DPW that Wesley and Innis Streets are ~ and used as public ways, therefore, the lots are conforming. The Board directed Ms. Colwell to endorse the plans. Election of Officers: On a motion by Mr. Nardella, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted unanimously to re-elect Joseph V. Mahoney as chairman. On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to re-elect Richard Rowen as vice chairman. On a motion by Mr. Nardella, seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to re-elect Alison Lescarbeau as clerk. Adjournment: On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Nardella, the Board voted unanimously to adjoum. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.