HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-08-06PlanningBoardMinutes Senior Center August 6, 1996 Members Present: Joseph V. Mahoney, Chairman, Alison Lescarbeau, Alberto Angles, Associate Member. Richard Nardella arrived at 7:12 p.m. and Richard Rowen arrived at 7:20 p.m. John Simons was absent. Kathleen Bradley Colwell, Town Planner, was present as was William J. Scott, Director of Community Development and Services. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. Minutes: On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau, seconded by Mr. Mahoney, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of July 16, 1996. Discussion: Bradford Street - Preliminary Plan Tom Zahoruiko presented his plans for an 11 home PRD subdivision off of Barker Street. The area is one acre zoning and not in the watershed. The roadway will be 1,000 feet long with a gentle grade of 1% to 4%. There is a small wetland crossing 12' to 14' wide channel and the subdivision will be on Town sewer across an easement through the Barker property. Mr. Mahoney asked Mr. Zahoruiko if he had the easement in hand and Mr. Zahoruiko replied he's three quarters of the way there and it will be no problem. Ms. Colwell stated that she has not received any comments back from John Chessia yet. Mr. Zahoruiko stated that the wetland line has been confirmed by Con Com. Discussion continued to August 20, 1996 meeting. Heritage Estates: Paul Donahue, a developer, and his attorney Jim Senior were present to discuss a new plan for possible settlement. This is an early 1980's subdivision that has been in litigation for quite some time. Mr. Donahue stated that he became involved with the project last spring, has reviewed the files extensively and feels his proposed plan is a way to build the project that makes a lot of sense. He plans to eliminate any work in the wetlands, and to move the road 25' so as to eliminate a wetland crossing. His plan also abandons the development of lots 1 and 2 totally, thereby eliminating development in the wetlands. Mr. Donahue stated that the Parkers, owners of the property, are willing to move their home 50 feet and he feels this is a significant step forward on their part in an effort at settlement. Mr. Donahue stated that by eliminating development on lots 1 and 2 there will be no work done near the abutters property (Mr. Hamblet). Ms. Colwell stated that the issue is that the area is in the watershed, and their permits have expired. The question is what bylaw do they apply under - 1991 or 19947 The subdivision plans were never signed by the Planning Board. Atty. Senior stated that the pending litigation could be settled, and agreement for judgment could be entered, the subdivision plans could be endorsed with all sides involved acknowledging there are compromises and risks involved in a lawsuit. Foxwood: Continued discussion of a request to move and or eliminate the stone wall. The Planning Board decision required a stone wall, and Town counsel stated that if it is eliminated there could be a potential lawsuit problem. Mr. Nardella stated that occupancy permits should not be given out until all outstanding issues are complete. Jim Dimitri stated that last fall was not the time for a wall to be constructed. Mr. Dimitri also stated there is a possibility of lowering the wall. Ms. Colwell stated that Bill Hmurciak, Asst. Dir. DPW, is very hesitant about recommending lowering the wall. Mr. Rowen stated that when a structure is designed you must have criteria. Since we don't have criteria why can't we lower the wall? Ms. Lescarbeau stated that the wall was designed for a specific reason and she feels it should be left as is. Mr. Mahoney stated to the homeowner (Karen Sieger) and Jim Dimitri that they should bring before the Board some facts and figures proposing a revised wall and the Board would consider lowering the wall. Continued until August 20, 1996. Master Plan Committee - update Bill Scott, Director of Community Development & Services, gave the Planning Board an update of the Master Plan meetings. A community wide survey is being done to see what the residents want. Mr. Nardella stated that he knows what the residents want: more services, less residential and commercial development. Mr. Scott stated to the Planning Board that he is applying to the EOCD for a $30,000 grant in order to have the Town flown so that we may have topographical maps. He is looking for a letter of support from the Planning Board to include in the grant application. Mr. Mahoney replied that the Planning Board would write a letter of support. Coventry I - Bond update Ms. Colwell informed the Board that she met with the Town Manager, Bill Hmurciak and representatives from Fleet Bank on July 18. Fleet Bank is anxious to complete all of the roadway issues. Two of the five easements have been obtained and the other three are in process. The bottom line is if all outstanding issues are complete by October 1996, and the Town agrees to accept the road and pump station at the fall Town Meeting, then we could settle. The problem is the Town does not have the $5,000 to take over the pump station. At this time Mr. Mahoney suggested that as this has been going on for some time now perhaps we should just make the best deal possible in order to bring it to closure. Another meeting is planned for the end of August, and Ms. Colwell will keep the Board informed. FO~ii~ A Mill Road Ms. Colwell stated that the lot has the required area and frontage. Con Com reviewed the site and there are no wetlands across the frontage. Ms. Colwell recommended that the Board authorize her to sign the plan. On a motion by Mr. Nardella, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted unanimously to authorize Ms. Colwell to sign the plan. Public Hearings (new) Meadowood III - Subdivision/R-6 Modification Ms. Lescarbeau read the legal notice to open the public hearing. Jim Dimitri was present and stated that the application is for three lots all fronting on Rt. 125 with one common drive servicing two homes. The Gallant home will remain and two new homes will be built that will use the common drive. Ms. Colwell stated that there were no comments from Town staff, and the common drive alleviates the need for another curb cut. The applicant has applied for a common drive and access permits and will be on the August 20th agenda for these items. Due to this, the Meadowood III - Subdivision/R-6 modification is continued until that meeting. Continued: 1750 Great Pond Road - watershed special pe£mit The applicant requested in writing an extension until the August 20, 1996 meeting. Lot 2A Beechwood - Site Plan Review Continuation of the public hearing. Ms. Colwell stated that there are numerous outstanding issues from Coler & Colantonio that need to be addressed. A letter was received at the Planning Office from the neighbors regarding the parking. Mr. Rowen stated that at the last meeting there was a rather lengthly discussion regarding the parking. Mr. Mahoney asked the applicant and Ms. Colwell if they could meet in the Planning Office with John Chessia to discuss the outstanding issues. Ms. Colwell will set up an appointment. Topography along the 50' buffer zone will be shown on the plan, and Ms. Colwell stated she would like the wetlands shown. The applicant asked if they could have a waiver from a formal landscaping plan due to the fact that the building is in the woods and the applicant feels the landscaping they've proposed is sufficient. Mr. Rowen stated that he would like listed the number, species and height of trees to be planted. Ms. Colwell recommends subsurface infiltration on the roadway. The hours of operation will be 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday thru Friday. A couple of abutters sent a letter in to the Planning Office regarding their perception of a certain Board members statements regarding the hours of operation. The abutters appeared at the meeting and a discussion ensued with all issues being resolved. Discussion of this project continued until August 20, 1996 meeting. Appleton Street extension - subdivision Applicant in writing requested an extension until August 20, 1996. Rocky Brook II Subdivision Applicant in writing requested an extension until August 20, 1996. 701 Salem Street - Site plan review Applicant in writing requested an extension until August 20, 1996. Bond/LotReleases: East Pasture - post bond/lot release Ms. Lescarbeau read a letter from DPW recommending the posting of a $37,800 bond. The Planning Board signed the lot release. Nadine Lane - bond reduction Ms. Lescarbeau read a letter from DPW recommending the RELEASE OF $25,410. On a motion by Mr. Nardella seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau the Board voted unanimously to release $25,410. White Birch I & II - bond reduction No letter of recommendation from DPW. Wagon Wheel Estates - bond reduction No letter of recommendation from DPW Hickory Hill - bond reduction Ms. Lescarbeau read a letter from DPW recommending the release of $24,656 and the retainage of $34,784. On a motion by Ms. Lescarbeau seconded by Mr. Angles, the Board voted unanimously to release $24,656 and retain $34,784. Decisions: 27 Charles Street - site plan review Ms. Colwell had a draft decision prepared for the Board's review. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Nardella, the Board voted as follows on the amended draft decision: In favor: Mr. Mahoney Mr. Rowen Ms. Lescarbeau Mr. Nardella Abstaining: Mr. Angles As there were four affirmative votes, the special permit site plan review for 27 Charles Street was granted. Executive Session On a roll call vote, the Board agreed to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the Heritage Estates subdivision. The Board will then reconvene in open session. vote took place at 9:15 p.m. The Roll call: Mr. Nardella yes Mr. Rowen yes Ms. Lescarbeau yes Mr. Angles yes Mr. Mahoney yes On a roll call vote, the Board agreed to move out of Executive Session and reconvene in open session. The vote took place at 9:35 p.m. Roll call: Mr. Nardella yes Mr. Rowen yes Ms. Lescarbeau yes Mr. Angles yes Mr. Mahoney yes Ad ou=nment: On a motion by Mr. Angles, seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. 6