HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-04-30 Board of Selectmen MinutesApril 30, 1962 ~89
The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this date at 7:30 p.m. with all
members present, Chairman Finneran presiding.
A public hearing was' held on the ~pplicatien of Joseph Durso, 20 Ferry Street, Haverhill, for
a gasoline station to be built at Main and School Streets in the northeast corner of the shop,
ping center perking lot. A permit was asked for the storage of 16,000 gallons ~of gasoline,
and fuel oil underground for the station. Mr, Durso contended that therewould be no repairing,
storing or selling of cars; that,'the station would be operated by a National refining chained,
the area, 42 by 29 feet, would fit into the parking space which, he added, was zoned for general
Seven abutters were present to protest the erection of the station. They said it would be an
eyesore, create dirt end litter, and constitute a serious traffic hazard, especially to the
children going and coming from school, and add to the hazards of collision because of the fire
station situated directly opposite. The~controversial matter was taken under advisement by the
Selectmen and tabled for a week. ~
A sign, 32 by 18', to be installed to advertise the above motel, was protested by ~rious sbu
of the establishment. The sign, Mm. Mellien, manager, said was a necessary item for his memb
ship in a national motel association, was a Quality sign and in good taste. Me offered to ere.
a smaller sign,. 19 by 11 feet, if there was too much objection to the larger. Selectmen Sakes
favored granting permission for the installation of the smaller sign; Mr. Broadhead suggested
the opposition of the sign and the manager confer for an amicable settlement. Chairman
said the State Department of Public Works would h~ve to approve as it would border state
Routes 125 and 133. It was voted to seek advice from Town Counsel, Salisbury.
Several residents from the area of Middlesex Street and Lyman Road were present in protest to
the unusally high foundation for a house to be moved there from 60 Perry Street by Mrs. Anelia
Apenovieh. Their contention was that the two-story house to be placed on the very high founda-
tion was out-of-keeping with the homes surrounding it, all single, low heighth ranch houses.
They also questioned whether the garage she has already erected on her lot is in keeping with
the zoning laws. Selectmen Broadhe~d made s motion the moving permit be held up until the
Build~ng~Inspector, Charles Foster, coul look into the matter and the Board of Appeals referred
Permission was granted to the telephone company to remove 2 poles and relocate another from
one corner of Pleasant and Davis Street to the opposite corner for the benefit of the bus route
tO/the Elderly Housing Project.
Recommendations for improved street lighting were voted .on unanimously for the following:
33 Forest Street, Heath Road, corner of Winter and Bradford Street, 894 Great Pond Road,
46 May Street. 305 Winter and 1077 Osgoed Street.
Hearing was ~set fur .a pole location' on Monday, May 21, 1962, at 7:30 p.m.
The North Andover Booster Club issued an invitation to the Chairman or a member of the Board
to-attend the annual Ail Sports Banquet on Thursday, May 10th at the North ;mdover High Schso~
A letter from the Chairman of the Council, Bill McEvoy, contained a report of same announcing
the holding of their organizational meeting on April 26th. Announcement was made that the
· playgrounds ~ould be opened...~ou July 2nd end closed on August 24th, constituting an eight-week
program. Applications for playground instructors, to be appointed at the May 28th Council
meeting, wil/ be at the Town Clerk's Office with the deadline s~t on May 25th. Hops was ex-
pressed that during the summer plans for a skating rink next winter could be fomulated and
that the Iand for the new playground in the Airport area would be purchased in time for the
ch~14ren to enjoy this summer.
Charles H. Foster was appointed Building Inspector once more by unanimous vote end so was the
Board of Engineers consisting of: Calvin R. Snell and Dana Fisher.
Civil Service authorities acknowledged by letter confirmation of patrolmen, William McMahon
Charles Ntcosia, as permanent patrolmen. They s~arted on April 2~, 1962.
Approval was sent by the above-named board of the 5% cost-of-living increase 'in the salaries
of ~he School Crossing Guards.
APRIL 30, 1962. (continued)
Selectmen Broadhead requested that a letter be sent to Town Counsel to see if the .old ~serv~ce
station which is as much ~n eyesore as the Diner that was finall~ removed could be legally be
torn down or condemned. The motion was adopted unanimously.
The meeting wss adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Alice M. Letarte,
An extensive study end~investigation is being conducted by the North AndoverPolice Department
to determine the proper r.ate of speed to be maintained on the streets of North ~ndover. When
completed, a report~ will be submitted to the State Department. The Radar 'machi~...e, used in con-
ducting the survey, will be demonstrated within the next month.
NAY 7, 1962.
?he re~,l~,m~eting of the BoerdCf Selectmen was held on this date at 7:30 P,.m.~ with all
~-_ _~'~ ~rese~t, Chairman Finnerau presiding: ' ., · ....
?he following policemen for the reserve force were appointed unanimously--.,
Edward j. Scanlon, 41 Parley Rd. / John R. Crane, ~6 Elm Street
l~illiam O. Wilson, 2% Saundcrs Street Janes W. Oarabello, 346Ntddlesex Street
Thomas J. Giaqut~ta, 18 Margate Street Donald R; Foulds, 80 Union Street.
Robert J. Quin~, %3 Nay Street
· ppointments were all. chosen from a Civil Service List and' makes la complement of nine officers
in the Reserve Force,' the other t~ previously appointed are Daniel Quinlen and Janes Lusten-
Abu.tters of the land.on..~hich Mrs. Anelia Apanovich wishes to mn~dher house from Perry
· again cane.before the Board protesting the hsighth of the foundation, already in, and the
· ccnditien .and value of the house to Be moved. Mr.' Leo Galeazzi' submitted a cop¥.~Cf,~ a deed
~.listingpr~visioms and.~ights of lend--ers relative to abutting owners..~e de~d, at, the
suggestion of Selectmen Broadbead, will be sent to Tow~ Counsel for perusal,, .'.~airmen~ F~eran
~at the Building ~uspsctor a~d Mrs. Apanovich be present ~,at the next.~ meeting with
and .the,Board; ~electmsu Oakes asked the residents to consult: w~th Mrs. Apeno-
rich in the hopes of .an~anicable agreement. Mr. Porter is to be,asked to delay'any moving, until.
atine an agrs~,~t~may be reached Concerning .~ points. ~
~ 'NOU~E- NOVING:,, ....... '
.... made a~_ ,,~. p. ointm..emt[to meet eith tree wa~den~ Leo 'Lafond, m~l .FrodJia,. !~O
-~ Street a~-.y:,l~: a.m. ~me~ay, may ISth, to viaw and discuss the, propo~od paasa~a 'of, a house onto
<Lincoln ~treet ~om Pleasent~ Street .~hich-~Lll Be moved fr~m South La~rence. I new route was
sad by Mr. Kellam but,objected to, b~ Mr.-Lafond because cf"serious danage to several good
~ be involved..He strongly advocated the original route,'. ' ~e mattor ~m~ld-be.decided
.After. receiving a. draimage plan fr~m-civil engineer, ~harles E. C2r, the ~alectanncvoted to
quest State permissic~ to connect the ~rai~ on ~assachnsetts Avenue, via Kimg~a Highway.;
Letter received from the. latter directed that the local Board of Health should, sta~ -~oc~iinga
,against T?~a.s U. F .a~. ell, i~3~l Boxford Street/~ho though duly warned, has not made any progress.
.v~.. s_cAe.an~_ng_up ~ne gener.al dump nuisance ~ich he has maintained for some time, illsgal~
~.s ~n.e ~oax~ ox. 2e.alth has,~prlme Jurisdictiom over the matter, ~hairma~ Fi~neran directed
·nem $o protest a~ assured them of their utmost becking in the matter. . : -..
~ce ~e. ~e B~ ~ att~d ~s he~g.
A c~cate of ~ce ~ ~b~t~ for Po~ & De~d, ho~e moves.