HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-06-16 Board of Selectmen Minutes'JUNE 2, 1952: -continued
Mr. Thomson said he f~!t that the letter could be sent to the mayor and Mr.
Finneran agreed with this. Mr. Coffin will re-wni~s the letter and havei~
6/3/52: Mr. Thomson called to say that ~e had been thinking about thiJ letter
and in view of what Mr. Ritchis said about the incinerator, he would withdraw
his assent ~o sending the letter at this time. He felt that itwas going over
'Jr. Carney,s 'head and he had always been fair with the board. Mr. Coffin and
Mr. Finneran will be con~acted with reference ~o this change.
Mr. Finneran said h~ fel~ that the ma~er could be held over for a time and
see what happens.
Mr. Coffin stiI1 felt that the letter sho~uld be sent and since the majority
of the board did nos agree on this, he would send the letter as a personal
letter and re-draft it.
JUNE 16, 1952:
The by-monthly meeting of the Board of Sdlcc~men was held a~ 7:00 P.M. with
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls ~ere approved.
.The board acted on the application of Stanley Twombiy, 92 Prescott St. for a
state license ~o peddle. Mr. Coffin inquired if he were planning :o s'ell pop
corn, etc. on Great Pond Road and Mr.' Twombly replied tha~ he did not expec~
to this year because of the road being torn up but that he has in the ~past
and hoped to next year.
Mr. Coffin stated that this board had receive~d a complaint from the Board of
Public Works some time ago about rubbish being left around there and it was and
is contaminating the w~er supply. The Board' of Public ;;orks suggested that no one
be glowed to peddle there. Mr. Coffin said he has been trying to get %his ~rea
cleaned up and had asked for cooperation through the police department but had
no~ received any. Mr. Coffin said he does object to selling a: Lake Cochichewick
but not Mr. T~ombly in particular.
Mr. T~omblys tated tha~ he has always picked up any rubbish around"the place and
not only his 'own but any that happened to be around. He said the to~n benefited
by his being there. He told the board 'that on this license he is allowed to stay
anyplace until the police tell him to move.
Mr. Coffin then said that he is favor of the license but not at Great Pond Road
and he .said that many innocent people are hurt by others who do not c0opera~e.
Mr. Coffin said he thinks it is wonderful for people to be able to go to the Lake
and have a picnic lunch, etc. but his concern is to prevent pollution of the wate~
and preserve the Lake as a recreation spot. He said that was his thought and
perhaps the other ~wo gentlemen on the board may no% go along with.
Mr. Thomson inquired if Mr. Coffin had amde. a, mo~ion to which he stated that he
had not. Mr. ~homson then made a motion that the license be granted. Notion was
seconded by Mr. Finneran and it was a majority vote of the board.
Mr. Catty met with the board to discuss two matters which had been called to the
attention of the board. The first one was with .respect to a wall and culvert between
78 and 80 Sutton Street and Mr. Richards from Andover, who owns the property, stated
that the wall is beginning ~o =rumble and he wondered if the to~n could take care
of this. Mr. Catty stated that this wall is on private property and it has been there
a long time. He could do nothing about it.
The second 'matter was with respect to~ter backing up from a culvert on Winter St.
and was ~alled to the attention of. the board by Frederick k~dred.
Mr. Carry informed the board that he had cleaned out the culvert and that is all
that he can do. The ~her of the property there will no~ allow them to go on .her land
in order to pu~ in a large culvert. He said there is a natural waterway there and the
present culvert has been there forty years or .more. He said his men had. repaired it
on several occasions and it is in the original condition. He had looked a% it recently
and he thought it was in pretty good shape. He said they would have ~o dig down
deep if the wa~er is to run off but they can't go on private property.
JUNE 16, 19S2-continued
Richard Whipple, Robina BulloCk and Thomas McGrail came before the board ~c
discuss insurance relative %o compensation ~ich the Aetna Company has carried'
for years but they have declined to renew this policy in July. Mr. %~hipple
said he had talked to Mr. Coffin abou~ this and he had asked,that Mr. Whipplg
get some figure~ ~o gerber.
Mr. Bullock suggested tha~ this meezing be held in executive session.
Mr. Coffin said he did not think individual names should be mentioned anytime
and felt tha~ there was no need of an executive session.
Mr. Thomson said he would be governed by the representaZives of th~.Insurance
Mr. McGrail sa~d that in fairness to the company, he felt that an executive
session should be held. He said that certaincases could be affected if this
information got ou~. ~he board decided that the meeting should be executive.
Mr. Whipple stated that none of the agents have comoamies who are willing to
take on this policy. The board then went over the ~aricus figures presented
by Mr. ¥~nipple.
~. Thomson mentioned that they receive about $5,000 from the town each year
and he thought that previous years had bot been too bad. He inquired if the
frequency of accidents might be the maJor~ complaint to which Mr. NcGrail replied
that it was. Thex discussed one particular case which involves a large sum of
money ~nd Mr. Coffin asked if both pension and insurance could be allowed to
one person.
~i~. McGrail said he felt that with such a reserve the company would investigate
all angles.
Mr. Coffin felt that mcs~ companies, if given a good spread, would be witIing
~o take on the other(compensation).
;~r. Bullock said that if they were a Casual~y Company they wouldn,t be interested
in stock. Mr. Coffin still felt that if ohe~ ~Company were allowed to write all
the policies, they would consider taking on the compensation policy. He said
he wondered wha~ duty we have to get a lo~er settlement on this particular case
and would we be severely~ criticised if we thought the amoan~ were ~oo large.
He also wonders if this is a legitimate claim.
Mrs.~ Ruby said it was no~ our prerogative to interfere.
Mr. Thomson asked if it would help if we were tohave a represeu~ative check
up and then have the heads of the' Departments in a~ a meeting. It may l~en go
to one of the big companies.
Mr. McGrail said we might possibly get ~it ~right back. . ~.
Mr. Whipple then said they would try the ma~er of having one company w~£~e
.up,all policies asc if this were no~ successful then they would initiate
assigned insurance. He will notify this board at a later date.
~he board received a letter from the Board of He-~lth which stated that the
so-called Pe~ry Street Dump has beau condemned by-the State Department .of
Public Health and the local board as public health nuisance as defined
in the General Laws, Chapter lll, Section 122. They are condemning'this
area for further use as e public and private dumping site effective on
September l, 1952. Prior to the abandonment, it is imperative that this
area be levelled and covered with two feet of earth.
Er. Thomson informed the board that Mr. Carry had looked at the most
recent suggested dumping location at the end of Clark Street and it will
cost approximately $1100 to. improve the road in Clark Street. He felt
that very definite action is now required and suggested that a meeting
be held on Jdne 30~ 1952 at eight o'clock and invite the board of Health,
%~llliam B. Duffy~ Ira Carry, James Hargreaves, Ralph Brasseur, James ~ker
and m~mbers of the Advisory Board. V;e should have in mind, if we plan on
the location mentioned, that we mus~ have a special town meeting. There
has been some discussion as to laying a pipeline from the hydrant.
Mr; Thomson suggested that the location be given to the Advisory Board
and perhaps they could view it before the meeting on June 30,1952.
Mr. Finneran said he felt that this location is the most lo&~cal one' to
date and Mr. Coffin agreed but he said he did not like the price.
All the officials mentioned will be invited ~o meet with the Board on
June 30,1952.
Petition for Joint pole relocation was received requesting permission
to relocate poles, wires'and fixtures on Great Pond Road, southeasterly from
a point'approximately 1812, southeast of Osgood Street, 9 poles. Remove lO poles.
No hearing was required on this petition and the board voted unanimously ~o
grant the request.
JUNE 16, 1952:-continued
A copy of an order drawn on the town in favor of Martin Mallet for the sum
of $437.75 on accoun~ of work done under contract with the town. The board
referred this bill to the Highway Department.
Upon recommendation of the Commissioners, the Board of Selectmen voted to
extend to July 1, 1952, the completion date on the con~rac% of}~a~tin ~ailet
dated October 9, 1951 and covering work on Great Pond Road.
A copy of the list. of bids received covering work ~o be done in North Andover
on Great Pond Road was discussed by the board and on recommendation of the
Commissioners, the Board voted :o award the bid to the lowest bidder, ~&~rtin
Mallet, 18 Beach Road, S~.isbury, Mass, their bid being t~6,660.90.
A reques~ for a permit to have a neon sign hung a~ 220 Middlesex Street.
was xmceived by the board. The sign is 3 feet by 5 feet. The signshangs
10 feet above the s~reet and has an 8~ foot clearance. Joseph Campione,
O~ner of the Elite Pharmacy made the request. Mr. Finnera~ s~ated that i~
was alright with him if it complies with the by-law, m~. ~/~.~.~
Mr. Coffin. made a motion that Mr. Campione be granted a permit, subject ~o
approval by the building inspector as ~o size and attachment to building,
and that upon presentation of bond of $1,OO0 to be filed wtth the town clerk.
Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and vote was unanimous.
Miss Charlotte Batson, 23 Merrimac St. requested %ne removal of a large elm
tree which is growing at the right side of the entrance to her driveway..The
Board voted unanimously to refers.this.matter %o thg~.tree warden for posting
af. ter investigation.
Mr. Connors la~er informed the board that he had talked with Miss Batson and
she agreed tha~ the~ree should not be removed at this· time ·and no. further
action will%be ~aken.
The Board reconsidered the bids which had been received two weeks ~go and
the bid~for the'tractorwas awarded to E.' Dewey Dyer, 7 Prospect Street
On.his high'bid of $150.~ The bid for the grader was awarded to Mazichuck'~
Garage on their, high.bid of $27.50. Vote of ~he board was unanimous.
Approv~llby Thomas J. Greehan, Director of Civil Service, was received on
Leo J. Gal~azzi, 44 Sawyer Rd. and Phillip Taylor, 346'Salem StreeZ, for
provisional appointment for six months fro~ May'22~ 1~52 to November 22, 1952.
Mr.~Thomson informedtbe board'members that he had talked with Chief Mcgee
and he agreed with Mr. Coffin that one man should be appointed for the six
months period to fill the vacancy caused by the leave'of absence of~ David
Roche. A request' for a' certified list has been sent' ~o ~he Director of Civil
Servf ce.
TheBoard voted unanimously to go along with plans for a portrait mo. be made
Of Joseph Duncan, as ~oted~tthe annual town meeting. The board agreed that
the portrait should be m~d~ by Bachrach Studio, Boston, Mass, for the prices
indicated and that the' total amountshall notemcead $185.00. TheStudio'will
be con~acted as soon as Mr. Dunca~ is r~ady mo sit for the porte, att.
VOUCHER:'JOhn Donovan:
Mr. Coffin againstated that'he declined to approve the voucher of John.Donovan
Police ~epar~men~ until h~ ~ould be assured that the voucher was warra6ted and
he will continue to do so Mr. Thomson stated that so long as there'is evidence
that work is 'being done by Mr. Donovan in the Police Department and since he is
a totall~ ~disabled veteran, he will continue ~o approve the v$ucher for Mr.
Donovan's pay. Mr.'Finneran made no comment but he did approv~ the warrant including
this voucher.
A questionnaire was returne~ to the board by Mrs. Annie N. Smith, 29 Brigh~wood
Ave. and she is willing ~o accep~ Jury dutyif she were s~lected. Name will be
placed on file.
JUNE ~6, 1952- con=inued
Notice received that the ga~e arms at the crossings in North Andover vrlll be painted
=o improve their visibility, as requested by this board. Notice of this information
has been forwarded to the Board of T~ade.
Notice received that this board voted ~o grant the variance so as ~o permit the
· addition of a garage for the use of the owner, Walter M. Steele, Jr. 19 Beacon
Hill Boulevard, on June 9, 1952.
The Board of Selectmen came in to approve and sign the regular weekly bills and
payrolls (as there is no regularly scheduled meeting this week).
'~he Board granted permission ~o the Lawrence Gas & Electric Co. ~o excavate to in-
stall gas service for James Barclay, 63 Lymam Road (15 feetin street) and ~o excavate
~o install 50 feet of gas main on Lyman Road.
'~e Board of Selectmen signed three copies of the contract between the town of
North Andover ar.d Martin Mallet of Salisbury, dated June 4, 1952, for reconstructing
a section of highway in. the..mown of North Andover. T~o copies will be returned
to the Dept.' of Public %?orks.
JUNE 30, 1952:
The bi-monthl~ meeting of'the Board of~$electmenwas held at 7:00 P.M. with all
members present. ~eeklybills and payrolls were approved.
l~otification received frcm the D.P.U. advising that the New Engl--~ Road Builders
Assoc. have petitioned the Department to further--~-nd order in I)/P;U. 943% dated
Jul}.. 20, 19~1, entitled "Minimum Hourly Rates for Vehicles Transporting Certain
Dump Truck Commodities." Upon a review of the evidence in D.P.U.9435, and in view
cf the changed situation resulting from the amendment, it was'believed proper -
to establish a new intermediate classification covering registered carrying
capacities of between 22,000 and 28,000 pounds, and also a new rate for this
intermediate classification. (Carrying capacities and rates listed in notice).
DEPT. OF ~u~,m¢ UTILITIES (Harold Trembly)
Harold Trembly requested the Board ~owrite a letter to the'D.P.U, stating that
they were in favor of Trombly Brothers' petition for auth0fization to operate
buses on chartered c~11s in the ~own~fNorthAadover. The-Board voted to
~te a letter to this effect, ss they feel it is necessary to have chartered buses.
A letter of approciatiunwas sent to the Board for their cooperation in making
a success cf the BoyScout's parade. The letter was sent byE rnestAbbott,
· ~hairmanof the North AndoverDistrict.
A carbon copy of an ~rder for work done under Chapter 90 of the. General Laws
was received by the Board (the original of this order has been forwarded, to the
Contractor, Martin Ma/let, 12 Beach Road, SaIisbury,~ Mass.). The orderstates
that the Dept. of Public ~orks, 'acting as engineer under the terms ~f the
contrac~between this board and the contractor, Nr. Nailer, hereby certifies that
work to the value of $3,980.00 has ~eenperformed under this con~ract ~o 6/11/~2
-~d recommeads that $2,945.25 be paid to the contractor.
Notification received that Alison p. Ceplikas and § Other North Andover Residents
(~illiam E. Andr~,~, Dorothy E. Arsenault, Doris W. Lodge, Miriam E.'Andrews, ~thel
L. Ross, Frank W. Lee, Mary G. ~t-~le, ~yF. Charles) and others [not residents
of North Andover) have made'application for incorporation urger the name of Parents'
Kindergarten, Inc., to be located in North Andover, 33 Johnson S~reet. In accordance
with the provisions of section five of saidchapter 180 of the G.L., the Board voted
to forward a statement of the facts called forbysaid section.