HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-06-30 Board of Selectmen MinutesJune '30, 19%2 (continaed) DAVIS & FURBER MACHINE CO. [re dumping on May Street) - e~ rece ye_ Yom ! · Forbes Rockwell stating that a complaint received by the Board relative to dumping on May Street, and referred to the Chief of Police, had been turned over to them as the dumping was on property owned by Davis & Furber. Mr. Rockwell reported that they have gotten the area cleaned up and have erected a sign which they hope will prevent people from dumping there in the future. Letter from-Mr. John Lyons stating that the Board of P~gintrare request the Selectmen to "ear-mark". $400 for the printing of new voting lists for the coming elections. APPLICATION TO ERECT OUTDOOR SIGN: )~ 'appl'{cation was received by the Board 'for a permit to locate an outdoor advertising sign at 144 Sutton Street against the west wall of the Boston & Maine freight shed. (This unit has been maintained for the past eleven years under Section 32, Chapter 93, G.L., and this application is to bring the unit.under permit.) Ihe Board voted to refer this matte~ to Martin Lawlor, Building Znspector, for investigation and request that he make a report to them as soon 'as possible. ~z~/.~f~, ~ ~ ~W ~. ~,-J~ 71-//~" -,"' . LAWRENCE GAS & ELEC~T¢ CO. & N.Z. TEL..&. TEL. .ihe '~bove-mentio-~d'companies request permission to locate poles, wires~ cabXes and fixtures, on the easterly side of Ms,in Street, at points appro~mntely 60 feet and 410 feet southerly from Water Street, 2 poles. (.~hese are existing poles. No new poles to be set.). Ihs Board voted to hold a hearing on this matter at' 7~30 P.M. on July 14, 19%2 and abutters will be notified. REQUEST ~OR SCORE BOARD AT ~/AVERLE~ BALL FlqlLD~ Harold Trembly'requested permission to h~4e a "Pepsi Cola Score Board" : erected at ~averley Ball Field. ~his was approved by the Board, providing it is approved .by the Building 'Inspector and a letter will be sent requesting that the-Building In- spector advise as to whether or ne~ this complies with the By-Laws. POLIC~ DEPARTMENT (Richard Hilton) Mr. Hilton requested four ~eeks' vacation and the Board approved his request for four weeks' vacation for which he will receive t~vo weeks' salary for his .regular vacation and no salary for the second two weeks. A reserve officer will be paid by-th~ town~ · ,DEPT. OF LABOR & .INDUSTRIES: Ihe Board received a retail price index of specific goods and services in larg~ Mass. cities from Mid-May 19~2. to Mid-June 19%2. ALDEN VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE CORPS: T~e"abo~e 'organization reques~d August 14, 19%2 to co~Auct a tag day in North Andover ~n~ the Board voted to table this matter. REQUEST TO USE CENTER SCHOOL GROUNDS: Mr. J. E~mond; · ot,.askad for permission to use the Conter'Schoo~ ~ounds for the Fourth. of July C~lebration, Permission was granted and Mr. ELliot invited the Board to attend this celebration. ELWYN 'A. KING~Gt...Pond I~i~: Mr. King submitted his bill for services and cash disbursements re services in con- nection with co~-*truction of road improvements on Great Pond ~oad. Bill will be paid from the Contingent Fund. DUMP DI~GUS~tON:' D~. Julius. Ea~' George Caren, Zra carry, James Hargreaves, James ~aW_er, Ralph Brasseur, ~illiam B~ ~Duffy~ ~.e-~a~xi ~indle, John Gander, Turner Bridges, Robert Saltonstall and ~oh~J. Cennors, .~mat with the Selectmen to discuss the Perry Street' ~)ump. 'Mr. Ihomson opened the'~maeting by reading a letter received recently, from the Board of Health. which states that the present dumping site, which has been used since 1929, consti- tutes a violation of General Laws, Chapter 111, section %, as amended, in the opinion of'the State Department of Public Health'and the local Board of Health. Mr. ~homson t~ormed those present that the.Selectmen' had looked at a location on Boston Street which was not too acceptable and which would require~ additional help and extra trucks for the HighWay Department and in addition to this', the. right of way was difficult to obtain. JUNE 30, 1~2' IContinued) The most recent lOCation was that owned by Anthony ~ogers at the rear of Clark Street. The Selectmen and' Mr. Catty agreed that this was a secluded spot, being a considerable distance frou the highway, and that it would cost about ~1~0 to put the road in use. Mr. Thomson stated that the owner had indicated a price but he felt that if we get the location in mind, the price will be discussed later. James Hargreaves talked about the Perry Street dump and said this was a nuisance and the people have been annoyed for a long time. He said his men had worked there for four bourse this afternoon putting out a fire. James Maker informed those present that the town owned two parcels of land in back of Glennie's plant. One parcel consisted of 3,:64 acres and the other, about six acres. Then, there is a third parcel o~ned.by the town, of about thirty acres, which is mostly swamp 1-~. Mr. Thomson stated that if any of these parcels of land appear to be good for d,,mp~ng purposes, they should be 'looked at. At this point, Mr. Duffy inquired what kind-'of'a dump they had in mind...s'anitary' fill or another Perry Street dump. Mr. carty'sa~d if they had sanitary fill, it w~uld be necessary for him to havg a .bulldozer and"a man to be stationed at the 'dump ,ll the time. Mr. Bridges inquired as t~"the~cost of using the Lawrence incinerator but it is under- stood that Lawrence is not able to take care of their own refuse in the incinerator and would probably not consider'our request if it were made. Mr; Conners informed the Board that the Dutch Elm trees, when removed, are supposed 'to _be burned and he feels more or less responsible for the recent 'fires at the Perry Street dump buthe stated that the elm trees could be buried at a depth-of two fcet. Mr. ~indle stated that he had looked at the site ~n Clark street and he was present.when Mr. Rogers indicated .a price. ~ He felt if the Pe~ry Street dump were transferred up there~ there would still be the same nuisance. Bowever~ .~'f another method is used, we ~ay be able to continue to use the 'Perry Street Dump~ - He felt that the town would 'go into' an expensive proposition ,m~ess the various locations were checked. Mr. ~homson stated this was very true but the purpose/of the meeting is to 'check locatibns and areas. He ,felt .~ it would be practlcal~y impossible to get a'dump as close ns Perry Street. What they want 'to do 'is get rid of the'nuisance.and view ail locations before making my deciolon. Mr. ~¥indie stated that it!may he-'necessary .to put two feet of fill on Perry Street and if this were done, why couldn't they continue to use Perry Street, using the new method. Mr. ~iteh~e said 'if'some .of these people lived in this area,' they would want a new location. He lived 'there.-for.many years and was annoyed by the Perry Street dump.. Dr. Kay said he kneWvery'little of the mecb-~tcs of sanitary fill but the State Department would be willing to send 'out Clarence Sterlin~ to show us' how to do~ things right' and he would suggest places in the town which wou~d be acceptable for this type of dumping. He said if some of the members went down and saw the garbage being dumped, then they would realize that this dump should be discontinued. He further stated that the State Department. wants'no dumping into the Shawsheen ~iver. This can be taken care of a considerable distance' from the center of the t~n if sanitary f~l~ is' used. Mr. Coffin-wo,,]~ like to have a ~consultatio~ with Mr.. Sterling as 'to the cost 'and st&ted that if we were to have an open dump method, it would be necessary to have a man all day. ~r. Duffy suggeste~ that a gate and fence could be used and the gate could be locked at night and after the gates were closed, the bulldozer covers the refuse with soil. Mr. '~indle suggested that the Board investigate different~meth'ods and get figures and it seemed to him that there might be other lOCations which would be better if abutters and owners knew the method to be used, and he would also go along with Mr. Duffy~s suggestion as to a fence and a gate. Mr. D~ffy. said that in a sanitary fA~l method, one and one-half~acras would be necessary for each 10,0OO population per year. Mr. Thomson SUggested that they have am e~pert come out and view various locations and perhaps look at the location at the Burke property, which had been checked some time ago by the Board of Selectmen. Dr. Ka~ stated that. the Board of Health will invite Mr. Sterling to come out and look at these locations and he may have something specific to offer. After a survey is made 'of the town, he will' then shew motion pictures to a~] those interesting, showing the complete ~ethod of sanitary fill dumping. Dr. Kay will notify the Board when Mr..Ster~ is av-~able. ARM~ I~SER7~ ~etter r~c~i~od 'from Headquarters First Army in reply to ~he Board's letter dated May' 28, 19~2, in which they.stated that they'appreciated the Board's letter but 'their suggestion of a site on ~oute 114 was rejected,by competent authority due to topographic features which would result in excessive engineering costs. -- CLOSING T~E B~.nING-J~ly 5 The Board of kssessors not, tried the Board that they had voted.unanimously to close the office on Sat. mor~n~ .July ~thF dueto the holiday. The Board voted that they were in accord with this and voted that the buil~ be 'closed on July ~th.' 2~8 ~UNE'30; 19~2"('continued) POLICE DEPARTMENT: ~~-~ed the Board that a "Slow-Children. sign has been erected on Second Street and the ro~s have keen painted with large "Slow- signs at' Waverley and Lincoln Streets. ?he police are checking on the speeding on Johnson'Street Before having the painting done on the road. These signs cost $13.75 and if they are to be erected at the various locations mentioned by-Mr. Coffin, it will be necessary to have some made and he may have to ask 'for extra money. ~he Chief submitted to the Board copies of orders made by the Chief'for the department. These orders covered 1.- speeding in town; 2. checking all business establishments and homes that have to he checked; 3; towing cars to the nearest garage, in case of acci- dents; and 4. having Sergeant Hilton make out a work sheet.for the officers on the early night shift as he is familiar with the work to be carried ou~ C1WIL. S~VICE - POLICE APPOinTMENT: e - scusse . - g - s appointme~ to replace Officer Roche. Mr. Coffin made a motion that Rassell F. Donselly be appointed and the Board. voted ananimously to appoint Mr. Donnslly to the Police Department to December 9, 1952. SOflOOL BUILDTNG COMMITTEE: ' -e oar recexve _. a otter from the School BuLldi~g 'Committee, which rstated.th~¥"thay have been. a~vised by the architects of the new high ~chool te include in the'~H6$1 site ~wo parcels of real estate which, in their opinion, are .important to adequate site development (one parcel of. land on Grasmere Road, approximately 12,000 square feet and the other parcel on Beacon Hill Boulevard, approximately ~000 square feet). The School Building suggested that. the Board proceed to take whatever steps are necessary to acquire these parcels of .real .estate. ~e Board referred this matter to Eing to examine titles and requested: that he report to the Board as to the procedure to be followed in the event that other parcels of land might have to he purchased. JULY 14, 1952:" The bY'monthly m~eting of the Board of Selectmen was held at ?iOO P.M. with all members present. ,Ueekly bills and payrolls were approved. iAWPJ~NCE GAS & ELEC~2IO CO.-NE~ ~NGLAND TEL. & TEL.¢O~ A hearing was held at ?:30 P.M. on the ~etition of the above companies for permission to locate poles, wires, cables and fixtures on the easterly side of Ma~n Street, at points approximately 60 feet and 410 feet southerly from ~ater Street, 2 poles. (These are existing poles. No n~w poles robe set.) (Cancelling and. Superseding Grant dated 7/2/37 Book 6, Page 52 insofar as' two poles are concerned, and Grant dated 12-10-51 B~ok 7; page. 198, insofar as one pole is concerned.) On motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded b~ Mr. Coffin, the board voted unanimously to grant this petition. V.F.%¥. ~EQUEST TO HOLD CARNIVAL Amaric Lannt came. before the boar~ to ask for permission %o hold their annual carnival at the southeasterly end of Grogan's Field, to raise money for a trip for the children of the. town and~for' Xmas party. Mr. Ooffin stated that he was very sorry but he would nst.~ w~hg to vote favorably on thfs request. Mr. Finneran made a motion that permissi6n be granted, seconded By Mr. Thomson and vote was a majority [vote~ Mr. coffin voting no. Mr. Lannis then' requested of the Board, acting as the License Board,' a license for a one day beer ~ermit for August 9. Mr. Coffin said that he again would not be willing to grant this license. Mr. Thomson made a motion that the license Be granted and this was seconded by Mr. Finneran, the vote being a majority vote with Mr. Coffin voting no. The Board agreed that no fee should be charged for this one day beer~ license. - COMPLAINT-~EP~! STREET DUMP: ' Mr.. Lovering came in to the office to make a complaint in behalf of his daughter, Mrs. Wi~iam Holt, 59 Perry Street. He stated that there is a large hole about' ten feet across which is between the land of Mrs. Holt and the Perry Street Dump. Mr. Lovering has b6en informed that there is a cess pool here and for that reason cannot be filled in. He stated that the board should do something about this hole. as it is dangerous. The Board voted to refer thi~ to. the Chief of Police and ask him to check this location and make a report to this board to determine on whose property the hole is located. ; DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: Aletter was received from Charles A.. Fritz, District Highway Engineer, informing this board that the chkin link fence erected on Massachusetts Avenue at the Waverley Play- ground is encroaching within the layout of a distance of approximately 5 feet. This matter-has beeh discussed with Mr. Dully, Supt. of Public ;?orks, who informed the f~re- .man that removing and resetting tkis fence would be expensive and his department do'es not have the necessary funds. The letter directed- that steps be taken within a reason- able time for the removal of the fence from its present location. ~he board voted to refer this to Mr. Duffy to take up with the Board of Public Works and a copy of the letter will be enclosed.