HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-07-14 Board of Selectmen Minutes JULY 14,- l~52-continued ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK~: A letter..was received from Edward J. McCarthy,' Highway ~affic Engineer wit h reference'to the .reques.t of the Selectmen for isolated stop signs at the intersection of Water and Elm Streets. It is now recommended that approval be granted for stop signs mo face east and westbound drivers on Water Street at Elm Street, that t~o signs are erected facing eastbound drivers on Water S~reet. The Board voted IHAT THE. TRAFFIC RULES AND O~DER~ OF ~HE T0~t OF NORT9 ANDO~ER,-'adoped .by the Board of Selectmen under date of May 9, 1938, be and are hereby amended by.adding at the end of Article VII, Section 10, the following: "East and ~?estbound drivers on Water Street at Elm Street (2 .signs to face eastbound drivers.m copies to be sent to the Department of Public ~,7orks. 2EQUEST :FOR T~EE REM~VAES . Mr. Rudolph Masserli reques.ted .the removal of ~wo trees on Stevens Street, 'opposite Sevens Mill te provide space for a new driveway. The Board voted unanimously to refer this to John J.' Conners, tree warden for investigation and posting. Oiuseppe Massina andC. F. Favorite, requested permission for the removal of a tree _sm~-1675177 Sutton St.tc provide 'f~r the .construction and operation of a · gasoline station..ihe Board voted unanim, ously to refer this to the mree warden for inve,stig~tion and posting. . DOG 'OFFICER- . ..... John ~Dol.an reported_that David Ruanie had three .geese 'killed by unknown.dogs and they ~era v~lued, at. $10,00, Mr..Dolan checked on the geese and one was .still alive hut died while he was there, This .wiLl be reported, to the County Commissioners, DEPART~EN~ OF PUBLIC UTILI~'~A~: Notice received that a public hearing will be held at 166 S~ate House, Boston on July 23, at 10:00 A,M. .on the petition cf the ~awrence ~ & E Co; for a~thority to*issue an inst~l~ent note in the principal amount not excee~n~'$83%,OOO'te - mature not later than September 14 1962. (.A release was obtained from~ Father Freder, ic~ Burke in the amount of $69.~§ which :. ' xs i the~ cost ~o.f repairing, his car which was-~damaged Whe~ it went into~ a h01e'~' on ~ S~mm~r~ S~r~eet on. June$~/~952. ~2he B'o4rd v&tsd to ,1low the i~01' affount cf· the damage, ahd' check wt~71 be maile~~ to ~est St~~ Motors, Imwrence. ' ~' ' ' ~OA~ION .FOR'~rOENSE FOR GASOLINEi F~3.ING STATION: Au application for a 'license for a filling stadium with a two car ~ubrit~rium the easterly corder of Sutton and Main Streets,(16?-lT? Sutton St. to 8 ~ Street was received from Giaseppe Mossina, 6~.Dolan Court, r~awrence and 2he Atlantic fining Company by 0. F. Favorite, District Mgr..140'Eee-B~rbank Highway, ~vere %1, Mass~ ~e Board voted to accept the application' and set ~a h~aring fo~ 19~1 at 7:4~'P. M. ,r. ~.~ ~ ': ~The~Board of Appeals will hold a hearing 'on~the~request:for~a permit from this - ~board and~ it~ will be ~held on ~uly 21,~19~2 at 8:00 P;M~ Mr.. 'Thomson suggested ~tha~ Mrs.~ Dea~den ~check the action of the Bcar~ of Appeal~ arc, the above hearing. .DEPA~.~T OF, PUBLIC ¥~)RKS: Copy of.the Contract No. 13700 covering work, to be. done ~in this town undk~,.~the pr~visio~s,lof Section 34, Chapter,'90 ~of the General Laws, Ter. ~Ed. was received by' the board; DIVISION OF CIVIL SERVICE-DAVID F. ROC~E: Notice re. ceived that a leave of absence for six months cannot~ be-granted-for the- reason set 'forthe in our letter of June 23~ which~stated that Mr. Boche had 6htained a positt6n in the Salem Office of the ~egistrar of Probate ~and'wished to try it for sfx'monthsl ~he letter then states' that,an appointing official may grant~ an employee ~a leave of absence'far a period not to exceed three months inany period of twelve consecutive months without the prior auproval~ of the Director of Civil ~ervice. ~ ' . In view of this infomation'-the Board voted unanimously to. amend their motion of June 2~'to 'read: ~he Board of $alectmsn~oted unanimously ~o grant a leave 'of absence to David F. Roche, Police Officer from June ~ to September 9, 19~2, and that Mr.-Roche and the Director of Civil Service be so notified. PAi~OLMAN-APPRO~A~ Di~ISION OF CIVIL SERVICE: Approval has been received on the appointment 'of ~ssell F. Donnelly, 27 Francis Street, as patrolman on a' temporary basis from June 9 to December .~, 19~2 'at a salary of $63.63 weekly, on a 1~,1!, time basis. INDUS TI%T. AL DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Coffin and Mr. Finneran attended a meeting arranged by the Industrial Committee with- -'. -_ . . . , 1~ ~. i e s and~du~ltrial locations · n ~ne A~mlts of ~hexr respe~tlve[ t~c~-ias. The theory is that the Selectmen JULY 14, 1952-coatinund should attempt to invite business farms to locate An their localities and that the Seleot~en should have available prospective locations. ,~r. Finn.ran Suggested that the Selectmen.contac% the Industrial Committee of the Board of Trade and they may have some suggest/ohs. Hr. Coffin felt that we should cooperate with the local board of trade and h, ejwe_nt along with Mr. Finneran,s suggestion. ~r. ~nomaon said he would go along wt'~h t~-Suggestion but he felt that the should let the Chamber of Commerce know their feelings ~ut he is willing ~o cooperate with the Board of Trade and a letter to that effect will be sent to the Industrial Committee of the Board of Trade. Mr. Coffin then made a motion to the effect that this Board communicate with the Industrial Board of Trade Committee and. get their reaction as to in%er,st sad attraction of new industries and inform them that this board is willing to give their cooperation and we request the committee to submit possible sites available for these industries, to this board. Mr. Finneran seconded this motion and vote was unaxlimo~ls. DUMP COMPLAINT: ~' communication was received from the Lawrence Airport Commission, Melvin $. Kirkman, Sec. informing this board that the Commission held a meeting and on J~ne 23, it was called to their attention that the town of North Andover proposes to have a dump on privately owned land a~,the end of the northwest runway. On a vote of the cemm~tssion Mr. Kirkman was instructed to send a letter of opposition to the town in regard ~o the proposed dump location and to notify the Selectmen of the fact that the CAA will be informed of this matter. Noaction was taken on this letter and i.t'~ll be filed. JULM 29, 1952: ~he by-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M. with ,t~ memb?rs present, Mr. Coffin being on' vacation. ~Teekly bills and payrolls were approved. TREE RE~OVALHEARINGS: A hearing was held on the petition of Rudolph'Messerli for the removal of two trees on Stevens Street, near Stevens Mill which are in line of. a new drive~ay which is being mede.for parking cars. Mr. Conners was present and informed the board that the trees should be removed. The Board voted unanimously to instruct the tree warden ~o remove the two tre~e. HE~RING on~O~AL OFTREE ON SUTTON ST~J~T: Mr. Conners requested.{hat this ~aring be postponed until after the hearing on the gasoline station license SlnCe i{ would not be removed if the license were not granted. The board agreed to do this. LAND-I~'HIC~SCHOOL: AtterneyElw2n King~ came before the board. ~o inform them that a special'town meeting will be. required to raise the money for the t~o parcels of land needed for the new high school. Mr. King prepared the articles and they wlll be checked wSth Mr. Makerto see if the available cash is sufficient ~o cover the two articles. Eater Hr. Maker was'con,acted and he Suggested that the money be taken from the fund for the sale of real estate as there is sufficient in this.account. ~ism~ agreeable to the hoard and the articles are so worded. Mr. KingiDformed the board that the owners are willing to agree on the amount byalreadynamed'oharles and Daniel°ne parcelMccarthy.to be $1200, owned by Haggertyand the other $500, owned V.F.U. REQUEST: Americ Laani,came before the board and requested permission.~o use certain streetm in North Andover for their parade on August 9, 1952 and ~o obtain permission to hold a hospital tagday on August 9. Mr. Finn. ran made a motion that permission be granted :o the V.F.W. to use certain streets in the to~n for their parade on August provided they check with the police and have proper policing ~1 that, day. Vote Was unallt~ous. Tn. Board also voted unanimously to grant permission for the hospitai tag day on August 9. HEARING ON LICENSE FOR GASOLINE STATION-SUTTON STREET: This was taken up by the License board and will be found under Licensing matters. HOUSING BOARDR Mr. Thomson broujht up the matter of the vacancy in the Housing Authority caused by the death of Roland Hmmmond. He Suggested that the board write a letter to the Sta~e Housing Board and recommend th~ name of Edwin C. Murphy as the state.z~presentmtive. letterMr' Finneranwith thisagreedrecommendatiSn.with this suggestion and the board voted unanimously to send a