HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-07-28 Board of Selectmen MinutesJU~Y 25, 1952-continued
Notibe, recuived %hat at,the public hearing bold on July 2~l, 1952 on the
Joint~ petition' of Guiseppe M~ssina and the Atlantic. P~fining Company for a
permit for the operation of a gasoline station at Sutton Street, the Board
voted unanimously ~o grant the permit but ~hat it shall no% become effective
unless and until ~he license is obtained from the Board of Selectmen.
A binding memorandum has been rec&fLved on the Workmen's compensation CStatutory)
for the To~n of North'Andover the binder period from July 29, 12.O1 AN to August
28, 1952.
A complaint was received from Mrs. Thomas Hayes, 38 May Street, about planes
flying too iow over the .houses. She said all the 'n~ighbcrs in that' section
.were ,up in,arms" about this situation. Mr. Finneran made'a motion to write
a letter to the· Airport Commission relative to this complaint and this was
U~ani~ous ·
RECi~TIONAL' COLq~OIL: (Center School &, Bathing Beach)
Communication received from the P~creational Council urging the tearing'.
down of the old Center School building. In addition to the unsightly con-
dition, they feel that there is a distinct danger to small children who
climbup and down the high firs escape. The Board voted to.refer thislto
the Building Inspector and request that he make a report on the safety angle ',
and see if the fire escape should be removed temporarily.
the Recreational Council also made the suggestion that town residents be
isaued ~pecial car stickers and this might help to keep down the number
of out-of-town bathers; ~he Board voted to refer this to Mr. Dully fo~'
any action he might take. .
Ccmmunicaticn~from the Board of Health informing the Board ~hat they have
a Babcock Machine which is. obsolete in their department and which the Beard
may want to sell. ~he Board vcted ~to request a Ietter 'from the Board of
Health. stating that they are giving up all rights to .the machine as personal
property and that the Selectmen may sell it by bid or otherwise~
Mrs. McQuesten will present a partial .report to the Board in the .Fall.~
Letter from the Dept. of Public Works enclosing a~carbon copy of 'an order
forWOrk done under Chapter 90 Of the General .Laws. T~e Dept."cf'Public'
· Works "certifies that .work to the valde Of $6,910.00 has .been performad~under
this contract to July.9, 1952 and recommends that'the .sum of $1,440.75~be p~id
to the contractor, .Martin Nailet.
Letter received informing ithe Board that the Commissioners made an additional ·
allotment of. $500 from ~Chapter 90 funds for the maintenance of CheptsrgO
roads, in North Andover, on condition that an additional $1,000 is contributed
by the town. ~ will make available for 'Chapter 90 meintenance State $1,000
and town $2,000.
Chief~ McKee reported ,on t~e recant complaint received bx.,the Board ,relative
to a large, hole at the rear of 59 Perry Street. Mr. McEee reported that th=
land is owned by Mr. Perry, that the hole .is all c~ied up but there is
a-considerable amount of ~ebris there. ~ae Board voted to refer this'matter
to the Board of Health for action.
Communication from Arthur ~. Br~wn, Director, enclosing a copy of a resolution
which, if adopted, would place the city governmen~ on record as declaring that
because of the housing shortage in this area it isimperative that rent con-
trols be continued. Mr. Brown strongly urged the anoptien of this .resolution.
JURY LIST-1952-1952 (July)
Tae Jury ·list for the ~year. from July 1952 ~o June 30, 1913 was typed, checked
and placed in capsules, per L.D. List :o be given ~o Accountant, Town Clerk,
Press, Capsule box(Vault) ~ud four~ ex:ra copies made for the files. B.P.
Mrs. Elliott asked for permission to hire a substitute as an instructor at
the playground and recommended Pauline Dyer. She has tried to get intouch with
others who were available but has been unable to dc se. It is important that
they have permission tc hire a substitute for Wednesday as they are hol~ing
Parents nighS. The board felt that items nora good policy to hire mwc in the
same family but if this is an emergency they agreed to allow it for this time.
Walter Koroskys of 30. ~,?iley Court, informed Mr. Coffin that he nas about eleven
acres of land on Abbott Street which he would like to lease to the townfor A
dumping area.
Mr. D~ffy talked with Mr. Thomson about a section of Great Pond Reed ~here there
is no guard rail and he feels that there should be a rail erected as there is
a serious traffic hazard here as well as a source of possible pollution to Lake
Cochichewick which is North Andovers public water supply. Mr. Thomson and Mr.
Duffy agreed that a letter should besent to Mr. Fritz, Highway Engineer to
make inquiries about this condition. A letter ~ms been compiled by Mr. Dully
and will be sent to Mr. Fritz/
The bi-monthly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held am 7:00 P.M. with all
members present. V~eekly bills and payrolls were approved.
~'~"~drew the name of Alden K. ¢oggins, 4 'Johnson Street, (Contractor) mo
serve as a ~urer at Criminal Court in Lawrence on S~ptember 15, 1952.
:.-e cosSet's, u req6ested permission to block off Main Street from Lumenello's
Barber Shop.to the Package Store (on the School side) in order to have a Block
· Party where they will have booths _and sell hot dogs and have a fortune teller.
Mr. Coffin made a motion that the Booster's Club be given permission mo Block
off Main Street from 8:00 So' 10:30 P.M. on either September 24 or 2~ but it was
felt by the Boar~ tham they should leave one lane open for traffic. (See license
bookfo= granting of Common ~ictualer's license for either 9/24 or 9/2%, no fee).
The ~ta~e Depm. cz olic Health sonm a letter to the local Board of. Health giving
their commenms on several sites propmsed for the disposal of rubbish in North
Andover. ~is letter was submitted for the Board of ~tectman to look. over.~
relative mo the suggestion of the Recreational
Council for the use of special car s~ickers issued to to~n residents who wish ~o
use the American Legion Bathing Beach.. Mr. Dully stated that his Board has con-
sidered the use of these stickers but when the problem of assigning a numbered
sticker to each of over 3,000 cars registered to No. Andcver residents was con-
sidered, the plan was not adopted. Mr. Duf~y further stated that the presen~ plan
of the ~police checking the use of the beach by out-of-towners ~which weald still
be necessary even if stickers were used) has proven to be effective in limiting
~he use of the beach So local residents.
CoMPLAINT-Street light:
~ comp ain was received from Charles Cataudella, ~1 Brightwoed Avenue, about a
street light which shone in their bedroom. Tae Board discussed the possibility ·
of referring this tc the Lawrence Gas & Electric to. have a shade pure on but since
they understood that Horace Walters is going to request ~a light on Furber Avenue,
.they decided to wait until we have further information and then some samisfactory
arrangement can be worked out.
4.~..-_aw or repur-:~- ~o the Board that he feels that one section of the fire escape
could be taken down and ~hen the children couldn't climb them. The Board decided
~o have one section taken down and we would ask Mr. Carry if~ his men could do r~.is
Noti ication from the Gas o. shat 1000 lumen incandescent lights have been installed
(July 8, 1952) on poles 3111, 3436, 3437 and 3438, By-Pass Road, North Andover.