HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-09-29 Board of Selectmen Minutes2i.49'
SEPTEMBER 29 'lgS2--continued
A hearing was held on the petition of Carmello Marino, 229 High Street, Lawrence
for the removal of three trees on '~averlyRoad near Greew~Street. Mr. Connors
informed the hoard that there are six ~rees in a row and because of building in
this area, at least three should be removed. The Board voted unanimously to
instruct the tree warden to remove these trees.
HEARING held on the petition of Miss Ann .Bushnell, 52 Beve41y Street, North
Andover, for the removal of a tree in front of her property. Mr. Conaors stated
that the tree is close %o the driveway and in the winter, the ~cndition is very
bad. He believes ~hat the tree should be removed. The Board toted unanimously
to instruct the ~r~e warden to'~emove the tree.
Mr. ~orge Lumb,. 2218. Turnpike Street came before the board ~o di.~cuss the
matter of having electric poles installed near his property and that of '~illiam
Kn0wlton, 2202 Turnpike Street. Mr. ~humb stated that he had ,tal~ed with the
Gas Company and they informed him that he should come ~o see this board.
The board voted to check with the gas company and see what can be done for Mr.
Report on complaints ~ecured and presented before the Court for action for She '
month of August was received from Chief McKee. ~ Alsoa report on the R~serve'
Officers who worked for the month Of August. 5'iled in Police folder. ~
~he Board receiveda letter from Sena~orlCoddiare informing ~nem tha~'he is
ready and anxious to assist the town~ in his districts in presenting ~heir
requests to the Department of Public Jorks~and in securing whateverSha~e
whatever projects can best be worked.out. A meeting is to be held on Octoberl6,
ca requsstsfor ChaptergO allotments for highway work.
Mr.' GastasoM~dolo 18 Glenwood Street came before the board~and asked to have
some word.'done' on his s~reet. He said 200' feetis~tn bad condition caUSed~b~
the last rain storm which washed all the gravel away; Mr1. Catty was presen~d
at this meeting and he' took this matter up'~.~ithMr. Medoloan~ assured himthat
he would do what he could for him.'
A meetingwas held in the Selectmen's office to discuss the new-dump 'site and
those present ~ere Ira D. carry, Highway Surv,yor,W~lliam B. Duffy, Sup:. Bal.
of Public Works,. James J. Maker, Treasurer, Ralph B~asseur, Engineer, Dr. Julius
Kay, Chairman, Board of Health and Thomas Wilkinson, Joseph Gaudetand Robert
Saltonstall, Advisory. Board members~ .-~
~. Thomson~informed those present tham the purpose ortho hearing ~as to dis$uss
a ne~ dumping site.~ This matterhas been Under ,~onsideration~for a long time
and on June 13, .~he Selectmen were advised by the Board of Healththat .the -
present dump site %s a public health nuisance~and is condemned for further use
a~ a public and prorate dumping site, to be 'effective Sept. i,!1952. -
Mr. Thomson further stated that various locations have been viewed by the Board
of Health, ¥~illiamB. Duffy and also the StateBoard of Health. A reporton
various locations from C..I. Sterling, Jr, ~hich were examined' bya sta~e re-
presentative was also received ~hich include the ~oppola Site, Rogers,~ Town
land, Burke and Clark Street. Later the Board of Health recom~,ended the Rogers
proper:y~as the b~st possible site.
A letter.was received from Robert Burke s~ating that.he ~oul~ lease appr~mately
ten acres of 1And for use as sunitarylandfill and rubbish aisposal for $600
per year for a five year period. This land is be~een Cotult and Parker Streets.
Anthony Rogers was presentso that the matter of the price .could be discussed
with him.
Mr. Coffin stated thathe did not :think there.'wasmuch sense in presenting some-
thing to the people to be thrown out. He thought tha~ $500 per y~ar to lease the
Rogers property would be a good figure but that was only his personal opinion.
Mr. Thomson said that he does no: think that any one of us want to see added
expense to the town but we have the condemnation of the Board of ~e~lth on the
present site and something should be doneas soon as possible.
Mr. Coffin said thathe thought $na~ the price of Mr. Burke's land might be more
suitable. Mr. Saltonstall questioned the. possibility of dumping in the Lawrence
incinerator. Mr. Thomson informed him that we have been advised indirectly that
the cost will be $10,O00 a year.
2!~$epteWmer 29, tg~2-continued
Mr. Rogers finally agreed that he would lease his land for $700 ay ear for as long
as the town wants it and the cost to purchase it would be $8,000. Mr. Dully in-
quired if the present dump could be used as a dump and fill proJectuntll the next
annual town meeting and Mr. '~omson decided to ask Dr. Kay to come down to the mee~-
lng. In the interim, Mr. Coffin thought ~hat the Burke property should be checked
and have a public meeting and show motion pictures of a dump and fill project so
that the' people would kno~ what to expect. Mr. Thomson informe~ Dr. Kay that ~e
were discussing the new dump site and we have some figures from the Burke site at
$600 per year for five years. Mr. Rogers' land would be $700 per y~ar for'as long
as the town wanted it and to purchase the Rogers property, it ~ould be $8,000.
Answering Nr. Duffy,s ~uestion, Dr, Kay sai~ that the Board of Health had cohdemned
the Perry Street dump an~ according to the state law, it has been pointed out that
there can bo no dumping into any river or tributary and unlsss there was'some very
good financial reason why a special town meeting couldn't be held,~he di~ not approve
using the Perry Street dump until March of 19~3. Dr. Kay fel~ that we shouf~d get ou~
of the town to have a dumping si'te and he thought the Rogers' site was the best
place and if the highway department should become a little lax, it would'not make
too much difference if it ~ere in that area. Mr. Thomson inquire~ if the A~visory
Board members had any doubt as to the n~ed of a new location and ~ ~ agreed we should
have a new site. Dr. Kay feels that the Selectmen should do something i~mediately.
The town has spent considerable money on the Perry Street dump and he knows that
one member of the Board of Health is very anxious to get this thing settled. The
~octor has received many complaints and he feels it is ~ whole toga problem and
that this Perry Street dump is a health menace to the town and we wont get anywhere
by waiting until March.
Mr. Coffin :~ought we should walt until an annual town meeting for such a maJsr
i~emand we havealways done this in the past..~Mr. Finneran suggested that the
Advisory, Board go around n~d.check the sites and'any other officials you wished.to
go. Dr. Kay said the Advisory Board should consider the rivers or tributaries when
deciding about a site.
Ira D. Carry, highway surveyor, who previously had gone on record as needing.'a $9,000
bulldozer, $700 for the wAgesof a~n~for~he balance of.~he year and'SilO00 for
grading a road in the event 6f selecti~nof the Rogers'land, indicated tha~"h~ Can
now purchase a buIldoze~ bladeand attach it to a presently town o~ned-t[acbo~ for
the. sum of $2,600 for a, savin~s of $6,400. Further, Mr. Carry sugges~edthat he did
notnow r~quire.the extra Wagas'fo~.a man and that'b~ using'anOther ~a~ihto the
field, the c6st of grading could also be reduced. Afterfurther discussion as to
the price of a bulldozer, land and building,a road, the total am6ant was as follows:
$8,000for fifteen acres of land; $2~600'for"trac.tor hlade'an~$1~O00 fo~ b'.u~lding
the .road, making a totalof $11,$001
group will meet 4t th~ Selectmen's office on Saturda/, Oc~er '~, 19~2 a~' liO0
P,M. and Dr; Kay informed those present that, either he or Mr.' Car°nwould'be'present.
OCTOBER '6, 19%2
~he regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held~at ~,~00 p~iM. with all-
members present. Weekly bills ', and: payrolls were 'approved.
· · Mr. ,Thomeo~ ~suggested that the Selectmen invite the Board~ofm ~ Assessors ~and.~Attorney
~'Elwyn' King.lto meet with-.~them on. October 20, 19~2 at. ~ :00 P;M. to discuas~ the takings
, on Great Pond Road and/discuss the assessed value of the land and.perhaps arrive at
be agreeable to t~ose who wish to make a,claim against the' town.
Finneran and Mr. Coffin agreed with the suggestion and'a.meeting w~].l, be held on
~ October 20, 19~21at 8:00~ P.M.,~
· Mr. Hearty.appeared before the board and said he would offer hisland for considera~fon
as a dumpsite if the Rogers site is not accepted. He has 19~ acres and he will. lease
or sell to the 'town if it is suitable. .
.Mr. Coffin feels that the Ro~ers site is much toohigh in price and if 'this~should be
the opinion of'tbe~fullboard, then they would'be glad to. ccusidertbeHeartyp~operty.
He also ~thonght the boaz~ should re-examine the Burke.and Reartyproperty and the board
might be able to negotiate, with Mr. Burke and. get a lower price. He said he was not
postedon the Burke property and would like to know more about it.
Mr. Tnomson then said that.it was his understanding that the AdvisoryBoard would ma~e
· some.investigations of their own on other sites and make a recommendatibn ~o this board.
Mr. Coffin felt that it is up to the Selectmento initiate'and find an acceptable and then
take this up ~rlth"the Advisory Board. He felt ~nat perhaps t~e Hearty site might be a
good one if we can get the price and the accessibility~o the property.
Mr. Finneransald 'it was his understanding that the Advisory Board members felt that
the Rogers site. was the best for the dump and fill method. At Mr. Thomeon's suggestign,
the board willawalt the.results of the Advisory Board's investigation before anyaction
is taken for a specialtown meeting. . .
OfficerJohn Willis asked the board for pemmtssion %o put a banner 8, x 10, across Main
Street near Railroad.Square at the request of ~he Community Chest Inc. The Boar~lvoted
unanimously to grant t~is request, the mmmer %o remain up through November 4 or' later.
Mr. Byrom has given permission ~o have it hung from his building an4 Mr. Willis will con~ac~
Sam DiMauro. The banner will most likely be a csmvass one.