HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-10-27 Board of Selectmen MinutesOCTOBER 27, 1952-continued
the Board granted permission ~o the Senior Class at Johnson High School to
use Stevens Hall on November 10, 19%2 for a dance. The Hall is available and
Mr. Hayes agreed that it was alright for this group to use %ne hall if the
Selectmen agree.
Copy of a petition of the ~'~estern Mass. Dump Truck o~ners association on the
matter of prescribing a minimum tonnage rams of thirty cants per ton for the
first mile plus six cents per milo for each added mile after one mile and a minimum
yardage rate of f~rty-two cents per cubic ~ard, etc.
A hearing will be held on this petition on November 10, 1952 a~ lO:00 A.M. a%
166 Sta~e House, Boston.
Five memcers of the Recreational Council came before the board mo discuss various
maimers about their council. Carl Thomas~ Philip Sutcliffe, Nathaniel Archer,
Domi~ic Bonnanna, Elmer Jackson. '~heyStAted tha~ they ~sa~ed to know what powers
the Com~cil had. Mr. Sutcliffe said ~ney have plenty of ideas but they ge~ no-
where. .
Mr. Thomson said that the Recreational Ctuncil orijinated with the Selectmen and is
no~ a separame department of the town. They operate through the Selectmen. Their
duties refer ~o any recreation in the :o~n and recommendations are made ~o the
Selectmen and if they are acceptable the board would accepm them and mney could be
.recommended mo the ~own meeting for action. At present'there are no funds but Mr.
Thomson said the Council should prepare some recommendations before ~he end of the
year and then the cos~ could be cinluded in the budgem or in a special article.
~r. Thomson said that ~his co~mmittee was performing a very valuable piece of work
~nd they hav~ operated efficiently. He informed them that they have the privilege
of submitting an a=ticle ~o the to~n meeting in '~arch. He said the Selectmen have
taken the recommendations of the council and submitted them mo the To~n Meeting
for action. In answer ~o a query' from Mr. Bonnanno, he s~amed .that he would say that
the council should make recommendations all year round, not only during the men
weeks of summer. .
~he members then discussed a skating rink 'and Mr. Sutcliffe inquired if the Board
of Public ~orks would take c~re of it. Mr. Thomson then informed them ~n~ at a
vome of the mo~n meeting the nlaygrounds were turned over to the Board of Public
~?orks and they take care of materials, safeguards, ~ainte~nce, etc.
l~. Thomson suggested that this council sit in v~lth the Selectmen and the Board of
Public ~?orks and discuss these matters and Suggestions. He fur6her stated tha~
the Selecmmen had tried mo get a skating rink started and it is first necessary to
have an engineer make a survey.
.Mr. Bonnanno brought up the mammer of the bathing beach and said tham they had
made suggestions for stickers and tags mo be g iven to all the residents who go ~o
the beach but the policing ~ould cost about $400. ~.~. Thomson said that they should
consider this la,er in ~he year and ask for this money in the budget.
~.~r. Coffin said he needed a clearer asoect of ~ne bathing beach authority. He also
felt that the council,s interest shoul~ include all types ofrecreation~ He would.
like bo s~e a satires of meetings' and see ~h~ action~uld be ta~.en.
Mr. Thomson then informed the members that they should no~ get discouraged as they
have been doi~q; an excellent job and he hoped that they '#ould continue and also
send in their recommendations to this board. Mr. Finneran said they could not go
ahead with all the recommendations but they.,~ould consider them.
They then brought up th~ matter of the fire escape at the old Cente.r School and said
they had recommended that parm of it be removed. Mr. ~ha.~son informed them that
they ha~ taken this up with the building inspector and had later requested that
the Highway Department have their men remove the fire escane. Mr. Car~y will be
conmacted again on this maimer. '
Miss Mary T. Finn, Town Accountant made application for a transfer of $150 from
the Reserve Fund to'her appropriation. Due to the increased volume of weekly
9ouchere, her presenm fil~s are filled mo capacity and she would like this money
to purchase a new filing cabinet, The Board accepted the application and will refer
the mamter ~o the Advisory Board for their approval of this mransfer.
Harold Trembly asked the board if they could Xive the Booster,s Club any monemary
help tewards the inclusion of the School Baud. They plan ~o include them in the
banquet for the football ~emm on December 4, and this ~ould help with the expense.
They want mo get uniforms for them and keep the band going. Tae ~oard agreed unan-
imously that the Selecu~en h~d no power mo do this as it would s~art a preedent.
!irs. ~'~tchael Devine, 12 Adams St. requests a light on pole 2717, Adams Ave. Dr.
Bu!ger requests a light in fronm of his hospital on Chickering Road. Board will check