HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-11-10 Board of Selectmen MinutesDAMAGE CLAIM:
~le Board received a letter f~om paul F. Smith, 27 Lincoln Street which ~tated
that on October '10, Mr. Smith was driving on the road at Crockett Sanitorium,
route 133, his car struck a hole in the road and as a result he lost a hub cap
and blew a tire. ~o total value is $23.97 and he felt that he should be reim-
bursed. The Board voted unanimously to pay this damage claim after a release is
obtained from Mr. Smith.
NOVEMBF~R h, 1952:
The Board met to draw a Juror to serve at Lawrence Superior Court on November 6,
at the Civil Session. Mr. Finneran drew the name of'Raymond W. Wilcox, 303
Sutton Street, Operative.
NOVEMBER 10, 1952:
· ~meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at ?:00 P.M. with
all members presenm. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
.Approval for the mransfer of $500 from the Reserve Fund to the Election expenses
was received from the Advicory Board. ~his transfer was necessary in order to
~eet expenses of additional salaries and increases granted by the Board of Select-
men, due to the increase in new voters and the long hours required on election
day, November 4, 1952.
A report on the dog warrant was received from Dog Officer John Dolan.
reviewed the report and voted to accept it as submitted.
The board
The Board voted to inquire of the Boston & Maine Railroad if there is some sort
of luminous paint which might be used for painting the game arms to make them
more visible at night. The Board of Trade recently sent a letter to this board
stating that it was their feeling that the present paint does not improve the
visibility sufficiently to cope with the amount of traffic at these points.
A letter ?fill be sent mo the B & M R. R. and also an acknowledgment to the
Board of Trade.
A petition from the above companies for Joint locations and existing poles ~as
approved unanimouslyon the following locations:
On the easterly side of Beverly Street, at a~point~ approximately.lOC feet southerly
from Middlesex St. 1 pole; on the westerly side of Herrick Road, opposite Young
Road, 1 pole and on the southerly side of Peters Street, at a point approximately
25'feet westerly from Andcver St. 1 pole. No hearing was requited.
Mr. Thomson made mention that the Board of Selectmen regrets the-passing of
Louis Bisso~, firefighter, who passed away recently. Mr. Coffin said he would
like to have a resolution put in the Selectmen's records but.Mr.. Murphy, reporter,
informed them that this had already been written up by the Board of Fire Engineers
and w6uld be placed .on their records.
A letter was. received informing the board that only .temporary patching would be
allowed because of the season cf the year and it is felt that a more satisfactory
Job will be accomplished by waiting until spring before ~the permanen~ surface
is replaced. In this interim the fill will have its final settlement before the
permanent surfacing is placed, next .spring.
The Board viewed various lohations where street light were requested and made
the following suggestions:
Bay State Road, one light at Chickering Road
Adams Ave., two~ lights on~ poles #2717 an~ 2720; Chtckering Road at Balger's
dog hospital, one light on pole #5209 and on Chestmut Street, possibly ~wo lights
are required, one on pole ~1243 and the other to be determined by the ~awrence
Gas & Electric Co.; Salem Street, at Stork's property, one light on pole ~1392.
TheBoard voted to send' this information to Mr. Frost at the Gas Company and ask
them to chec~ these locations and forward their approval or recommendation before
taking any action.
Thomas Lebel came before the board in an executive session =o discuss the work
,he is required to do, checkLug oil burners in additional mo his work as electrical
inspecmor. ~bntf~u~d
Mr. Lebel informed the board that he cannot keep ,Jp with the oil burner
applications, and with the new High School comihg, he will much busier. Ne
said the oil burners alone would take a whole forenoon and he has to make so
many return ~isits when people are not at home. He has suggested that if he
is to continue , the Job should be a.full tine one and he will need clerical
help. ~ith his o~n private work, he has enough to do but he wanted the
board to know the situation so that they could do something about it before
the new year. He will also need more money for a file, etc.
He thought that someone in the Fire Department could be hired as a full time
man but dc this work exclusively and then answer calls to fires, if necessary.
He said that-Chris Higginbottom did this work before and he is a good man.
The board discussed this matter at length and Mr. Thomson then inquired if
Mr. Lebel could hire someone to do this work on oil burners and his compensation
would be the fifty cent fee which would probably run into $390 per year. Mr.
Aebel had stated that he has an average of fifteen per month the year round and
fee is $.50 each.
Mr. Thomson said that he could pay for mileage at $.07 per mile and turn the
fee into the town or Just pay the fee for salary. Mr. Coffin and Mr. Finneran
agreed that tbs substitute should receive the $.50 for each permit as salary
and the board so voted...Mr. Lebel will ~try to find someone to do this work.
NOVE~BER 17, 1952
~ meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.M.
with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
The Board discussed, the fire escapes at the old Center School and decided that
rather than have a section removed, they would ca21 for bids and have all the
fire escape disposed of and perhaps they would be able to ge~ a fair price ~for
the complete fire escape. .The board voted unanimously to call for bids and
to state that the fire escape must be removed and taken away by the bidder.
Communication received informing the board that they will give consideration
to some further means of improving the visibility of the gate arms at the
crossings in North Andover. This is a reply to our letter of November 12,
requesting the use of some type of luminous paint.
The Board voted to accept the resignation'of ~rs. Elizabeth Cunio, 3.Waverley
'Road, as Deputy Inspector in Precinct one. Mrs. Cunio has served each year
.since 1930 and the board voted to write a letter stating that the resignation
is accepted with regret and to inform her of their appreciation of her service
to--the town since 1930. - ·
Chief James Hargreaves came before the board and said he had a very disagreeable
duty to perform which he had been thinking of for some tine. He explained that
in 1945 the. Engineers voted $50.00 per year to the engineers to take care of the
ambulance. ~c~ntly Edwin Koeuig was asked to ~ake care of the ambulance and
he refused. When Louis Bissan died, Mr. Hargreaves expected Mr. Koenig to take
over the ambualnce in the emergency but he refused to do ~his. The engineers held
a meeting last Saturday and discussed this mat~er. Mr. Kowuig then made a motion
to rescind the vote of 1945 but Mr. Broderic~ would no~ go along with this motion.
Chief Hargreaves said scme action should be taken but hem o~1~o$ do anything alone
and he feels that it is unfair to the town to allow this to go on.
~he chief further stated tha~ the men are getting $100 per year for practice and there
is no record of any practice although he knows there has been some during the year.
Mr. Ko~nig is a good fireman and he does a good Job but he ~lll no~ cooperate in any
other way and he refuses ~o go on the ambulance.~ When asked about it, he said,
"To hell with the chief".
Mr. Thomson asked if in 1945 when they voted to answer ambulance calls between
6:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M., they were to receive $50.00 additional, if the chief went
along with this vote. He said he did beouase he felt that it w~s a good idea but
Koenig pays no attention at all to this vote.
Mr~ Koeaig inquired how long the emergency would last and the chief said, until
a new is approved by Civil Service. Mr. Finneran felt that the engineers should
solve the problem and if they can't do it, then the only thing he can see, is to
have the t~ree engineers meet with the Selectmen. He doesn't feel that Mr. Xoenig
should receive the $50.O0 if he refuses to'~rk.
Mr. Coffin agreed with this idea and a meeting will be held on Monday evening,
November 24, 1952 in the Selectmen's office at 8:00 P.M. All engineers will be
notified and Mr. Thomson asked that the record of the meeting in 1945 be available
or at least a copy of it.