HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-11-17 Board of Selectmen Minutes259
NOVEl/BERYl7, 1952- continued
Mrs. McQues~en met with the board at' their request to discuss the progress
she has made on the ,History of the To~n" Project. -
Mr. 2homson informed her that' the board wanted to know how she was getting
along with the project, if she 'could handle it herself, if the ,compensation
wah adquate and how long it would be before she would~ need any voluntary
assistants. · '
Mrs. McQues~en said she can't see how anyone can come in at this t~ime and pick
at 'this a~d that, while she is doing research work. S~e said one man had promised
.to' m~t.with her and he never kept the date and that was Mr. Carvell~ Buchanan
Charles has beefi very helpful and she feels that there are other peopl~iwho might
hel with the assembling and writing of th~ history.: She said she would have ~o ~
make' a decision as to the, period of time covered;, meter/al~ collected and she be-. ~,
lie+es that she should s rt w th the' be nhing 'th ' t ian6 t en the
period of ~ime to be covered in a given time. Shewants to cover, al~,~the wars.
Mr~ ?homeon said we .would have td insert an'artf~cle~in the t~w~w'arrant,.of,,
anR there should be soma' kindL of a report to, give 'th~ s for re-
:quiring more money to COntinue' the 'project.-'· He ;inqut
'~cOuesten co~lSn,t contlnue with this w6rK ~n~i~shs L~i t'hat~Sh~
~ass' the ma'terial on to anyone qualified to.~carry on ,the
~ ~ast first have the material ~coliectsd* b~f0~i.~u can
-d6 r,e, search work beyond what you need and then';ycu start .to assemble. She:.in ....
· ;libra~ beco~ei
Buchanan Chhrles~ had "sUggested that .the~ PUblic
fo~m~ the: board that'~
a depos~t~ry for. the old re~cerdSr ,of the~ ~own~ ~ If t~here ~.were a room'available i, (' ['
Whi.c.h cSuld be. ~psn/for the public th~ ~he.*ould:/advise ustng~ the~Jlibrar~)for
~fir~t fifty'years of recor~s~'('She thin~s t~is:W°61d ~b~ .mu~h ~b~ter~than',u,'Sing,,:.~/~'
'.that,~M~S. ~ MiQuest~',~a~s,',p~tt~'~g~in.,more';time. that.%he,'iis/[/
take ffiv~ ~ye~i;S,'w0rking part,:time,, and~ ~ ~
s~e! Said' thh~
C~ffi/i ~aid th~t'w~, sh~ld' ~k for ,morJ~icompensatibn',:an~expanse':money
'~arlbut ~he"did, no~'~bali~ve tha~'mUch of?a ..report would_he-'needed.. He!
we- need 'a, committee and we should put~ in w~iting ~wh$% we ,expec. t. ~ I,t
?more"dete/~ination o£~policy an.d advice, that we!Bo,~:,e~. ,pe,c~ f~om, the/, . ,, ,,-. ,
Mr~/Tnomson thinks a: committee iS~ essentisl ,~but..'asked, 'if~ithis ,.wasn'.t' a.;little'
.' .Finneran thought'that the .lastl s to :s
committee; ". '
demecr~cy best'thai*es: When"'%h~s~,.thingsja~e~-cons/dermal-' He.'",
~sten was the,:person~to~do, the r. esear,ch. ., . ..... ,, ;, ,~,,.~,; "~, :
asked Mrs 4'.~)Mcquesten ,if :sh~i~ felt ~thht~ ~this '.~bgrd- should, app0in% a ~':. ' i
"variou~ ~recordil ~:~e me, hr/cried. Mr. '~ B~ch'anan',,:Charles, a~d' ~ances. Kittredge.,who; ',./i,. [;
Mr;~ Whiteb4~ .~nd~Mr.* Kittredge ~are/membflrs:,~f, theLHis~oric,,aa society whi!e*.Mr~-, i~,
,Charles is a member· of the Library commi~tee..~ ,: , ,, , , .~ ~ .-,~, ~,~
.:'~oms0h ask'd~,.~bout appoin~i'ng"a C~mmittee~ bef0[re December 31~ .perhaps a~'
Mr; :¢offin",felt :that we should form a ~ommittee and we w, ould.%e in a bettex;. ~osi=
t/on:to 'get at .records. He thought there should-be one from~the. Historical·Society,
one from th~ Library, possiblY George ~.~enl ~.an'd each church Should~hav, e.a~ member.i
He ,thought~ fi~' tn'~all would be sufficient but he didn'.t think ,we: should have a one
'~Mr.~ Tho~s~n then inquirad if it Would begOod Judgmen~'t0~have,a, ~el
· d~nomlnati'0n~of churcHes, and M~..cOffin ~greed that it would~be. Mr. Flnneran', ~
irsaid'%h~),board~sh6uld .thi~k about the men, av-~able for this .committee.
,Mr., ~omSon 'then S~ggested'.,~hat We. contact the Catholic~Olergy, :the Protestant · /
'/Cl6~rgY, th8 Hist6rical 'S0'ci6ty and the'Library with respect.to this. matter and then
:',~ th~e.,.boardwould,pick one,~mber,~.to'make upa total of five. · ·
'~he'.'chairman thanked ,Mrs. McQues'ien for mast/nE ·with .the bOArd, at this time.
Colonel Bench informed those 'present that during 19~1%here were no fatalities in
North Ando-~er and two a*ards were to be presented to the, to~n of North Andover.
One is from the National Safety Council and one from the American Auto Association.
He said that due %o the cooperative effortS of the Police Department, Engineering
School, Board of Selectmen, auto drivers and pedestrians, these ~wards were made