HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-11-24 Board of Selectmen MinutesHOVEMBER 24, 1952:
The regular weekly board mossing was held by the Selectmen at 7:00 P.M. with all
members presenm. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
The Board discussed the matter of increasing Mrs.' ~cQuesten salary %o $30.00 weekly
~o compensate her for her work and the amount of time she. is giving to this work.
They felt that a new typewriter should not be purchased at this time but she could
probably rent one a~ $3.50 per month. I~5~h respect ~oa new c;~binet, the Old
Age Bureau requires a new cabinet ~o take care of their records .and in order %o use
the Penderflex folders, they have to buy a special type. They have a small one in
the Selectmen's Office which they will turn over to Mrs. McQuesten for her use and
they will take the new one, to be paid from the Tow~ History appropriation.
Mr. Coffin mentioned that there is need of a street light on Main Street near ~he
drive way ~o the new Parish House of the Methodist Church. The Board voted unan-
imously to reques~ a 1000 lumen incandescent light on pole ~676, Main Street.
~pproval of the request of the Town Accoun~s~ut for the transfer of $150 from the
RESERVE Fund for the. purchase of a new filinf cabinet was received. However, the
Advisory Board approved the amount of $130.00 which they felt was sufficient for
this expenditure.
A~plication in quadruplicate was received from the Iibrary Trustees, by Mr.
Arthur Sunderland for the transfer Of $245.97 from the P~RVE ~FUND to the Library
appropriation to take care of expenses for the balance of the year. The Board
accepted the application ~ referred it ~o the Advisory Board for their approvsl.
The BOard granted permission to the above company to excavate to install gas service
for Claude Howard~ 445 Johnson .Street, North Andover. Mr. Catty will be notified.
Notice received, that a hearing will be held as'to the propriety of the rates and
chargesstated therein at the Depar~nent,s Hearing Room, 166 State House, Boston
on Monday, December 22, 1952 at. lO o'clock'in the forenoon.. The Board.accepted
the notice and wt~1 make an effort to attend this hearing.
A discussion wan .held at 8:00 P.M. with Chief James Hargreaves amd members Arthur
Broderick and Edwin Koenig ~elative to an allegation' made by the Chief with respect
to' Mr.~ Koenig refusing to attend ~o the ambulance during un emergency.
Mr. Thomson explained that the Selectmen had asked all the members :o meet to dis-
c6ss this matter. HeI said that an enr~y had been made to the effect that
eers were to attend to the ambu~Zance in emergency situations and that' J;hey had
voted $50.00 yearly co.upensa~ion for this work in addition :o their regular compen-
sation.~ The allegation is that Mr. Koenig refuses to go on. the ambulance' and also
that the vote is still on .record. Mr. Thomson asked if there #ere~any questions
and hearing none, he asked Mr. Koanig if there. ~s such~a vote on the recor~J
Mr. Koenig said there ,was and that he and Leo Kane had made an agreement at that
time (1945) ,that he, Mr. Koenig, would take the night calls and Mr. Kane would
· go on the ambulance. He said he wouldn't answer .the ambutAnde calls, now as he is
· under the doctor's care. for treatmen~ of a fractured ,ankle~ and if he~ had someone
on the stretcher, he would probably drop them. Ne said~ he had the accident about
a year ago and the Board could call'Dr. ~?allwork. He told the board that~this was
Just. ~spite" and that Mr. Hargreaves wants to get something on him.
Mr. Thomson inquired if Mr. Koenig went on the ambulance during the years, 1945
through 1951 and he replied that he did not. Mr. Thomson then~anEed if he accepted
the extra $50.00 for the six years and he replied that he had collected and he
felt .he was. entitled to it.
Chief Hargreaves said Mr. Koenig had made no~ report of his accldant at any time and
he had Jus~ said that he would, not go on the ambualnce. Chief Hargreaves said he
came before 'the board, because he felt that if' the man is being paid for a certain
Job, he should do it.
Mr. Thomson inquired if Mr. Broderick. had received any official notice of this
accident and his inability to go on the ambulance and he replied that he had
no official notice but 'he knew about it;
There was furthor questioning by Mr. Thomson and Mr. Koenig stated that when Mr.
Kane left as .engineer, Mr. Broderick came in and he attended the ambulance calls.