HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-12-01 Board of Selectmen Minutes FIRE ENgiNEERS-continued
Thoro was further discussion about Mr. Koentg accepting tho SS0.O0 per ~ear
and he admittsd accepting it for six years. He said he wasn't homo when the
call c'ame for him ~o go on the ambulance and later he said .he did rofuse ~o °'
go but didn't give as a reason for refusing, the fact that he had a bad leg.
Mr. Hargreaves said he was called one night a~ sloven o'clock and that was
within the past two weoks, but he could no~ recall any other occasion.
Mr. Koenig thon said that the engineers did no: ge~ enough pay for the work
they do and he montionod the various salaries givon to the other members in
the department. He said he had always dono his Job .as a f~eman and always
showed up at the fires. '
Mr. ~homson said that this board had heard only good reports and Chief Hargreaves
had informed thom that he was a vary good fireman and had al~¢ays performed his
duties faithi~lly.
Mr. Brmderick then s&id that the ambulance has always boon a headache; He said
they hsd askod for three men in 1947 and the Advisory Board had .no~ approvod it.
He said he feols that the ambulance should be covored by ~ermanent men twenty-four
hours per day. He. cited several instances when they couldn,t get anyone to drive
the ambulance, and he ~sked. the board who is to blares if anything sorious should
happen. LT. Thomson samd that mos~ definitely the Board of Fire Engineers and
the Selectmen would be blamsd. There was a discussion abou~ the number of calls
per year and Chief Hargreaves explained the procedure at the fire station. '
Mr. Broderick felt that this was an omorgoncy and that something shouId.be done.
He said he advocates a s~ation a: the cen~er and believes that the ambulance
should be thoro. '
Mr. Coffin suggested tha~ the enginoers check the ~hannoc~ report a4d' has this
thing over together, having in mind that thoy are .doing something for .the ~own
~ theh present their request to the Selectmen and/the Advisory Board~ at.a
.meeting to be determined later. ' * ·
Mr. ThomSon suggested that~ they accumulate figures, the cost per man, ~ general
'~- ' all over: picture and. then sit in with the two boards on Docomber 6, ,19S2 at
1 o'cloc~ P.M. We will chock with the Advisory board and if they or a ~representative
· i will. be available on the abovo dato, than the fire engineers will he ~not&fied.
They meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7 O'clock.with
· , all, members prosent. ~¥eeklybLlls and payrolls were apprOVed. .~ ,
'The Board voted unanimously, to gran~ a license to carry a revolvor 'to,Mr.::Harry D.
Berry, 2303 Tarnpike Street. Application was approved by Chief Mcgee.
""~. ... ~ne following recommendations were received.asa result of a letter sentby the
~. board, and at this mse~ing thel. selectmen voted' unanimously to~accept~.lthe~recommenda_
~ '~' .: .tion of ~he.company and reques~ them'to go along with~ the installation of~the~follow_
ing lights: '
Bay, State Road at Chickering Road,"
· ' 2~00 lumen light on.a now~poie to-be>erected.
~Adams ~Avanue, two 1000 lumen lights on poles 2~17. and 2?20... ~ .'
- Chickering 'Road, one 2500 lumen light ~ on, pole:'.~20~ · aZ ~Alger, s animal' .hospital.
· Cbestnut Street, two 1000 lumen lights on.p~les 1239 and 12h3..
,' Salem Streot three lO0011umen lights on poIss 1378,13§5 and 1392.
~ A letter was received relative to supplying service ~o Mossrs. Towne~ Baker end
· Knowlton on Turnpike Street, which states that this would require an extontion of
· approximately~ 7,000 'font from thoir existing lines. ~he cost would be $19.42 each
month for the three parties for a period of fiveyears. ~he letter further states
-- that they will investigate the.possibility of~serving thoso people fromm:another
source and we .will be advised if thoro isany alternate solution. Mr. Lumb has been
notified of this cost.
Chief McKee sent a letter to the board informing them tnat the "Ail N~ght Parking
Ban,, .was nowwin effect'and tha~ Mr. Rock~ell had. givon .him permission .to allow
residents of this aroa tc park their cars all night on the land 1owned by Davi~ &
Farber Company on First. Street, provided that the Highway Department will be willing
to plow out the snow when necessary. Chief McKas wanted to ~no~ if the-board fel~
this was 'a good suggestion.
The board discussed the matter and decided it was a good suggestion .but '~id no~ feel
tha~ this board should take any official action.
Mr. Thomson said.that the maimer now remains with Mr. Catty as to the plowing of snow
in this ares. Chief McKee will talk with the Highway Surveyor.
Mr. Bonnelli askod for permission mo put up Nmas decorations a~ Railroad Square
~a~d the ,b~ar.d_g~fante.d permission for a period begi~ming Docombor 1 and ending on
~anuary m~, A~. Vo~e was unanimous.
DECEMBER Y~, 1952-continued.
Mr. Frank Mendes requested permission to have a tree removed at ~a~erly Road
and Massachusetts Avenue. The tree is in the middle of the proposed driver;ay
which Mr. Mandea is building. Mr. Conners has looked~ at this tree and said it
is an exceptionally large elm tree and if possible he would prefer not to take
it down but they have started work on the driveway and there seems to be no other
The Board voted unanimously ~o referthis to the tree warden for posting with
a hearing ~o be held on December 15, 1952 at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Macl?illiams of the Board of Public '~Vorks, Beverly, called a~ ~he office, to
inquire if the Selectmen are satisfied with the work that has been done on Great ' .~.
Pond Road. He would like to be informed of their opinion by. Tuesday, 12/2/52 before
he releases the contract. The Board voted to request Mr; Carry and Mr. Brasseur to
make:an [nvestigat+on to morrow and report to this office so that Mr.' 'MacWill~ams
may be notified. : ~ ' ·
Mr. Carry reported on Tuesday~ .that he and Mr'. Brasseu~ checked ~he wo~k done' and there
are ~oms' holes at the farther end which should be' filled in and' a coat of oil put~
on it at that point. Mr. MacNillismm was notified of this .report.
~A~RANT OPENED::: '.' ' ~
~ of't~e Advisory Board requested~.that 'th~ 'Selectmen' conside~ '~0~ning
the'warrant on this day,and closing it on'December 31 so that his board~:
working on%he, articles as'soon as possible. · ~
Tbe~ board discussed this for some time and they felt that the people shbu~d~ ~
some time in January to submit articles; Mr. ~illlam Dnffy, supt. of Dept.(Of iPublic
~orks has 'sent ou~ 'notice all during the ~ear informing people .that the.~
article~tbe, firs~ week in January and the board felt that it would not be fair tom~,..
-~ y. change~ the'daiSes at~'this l~te date; ·
y w. '~Mr .~ Coffin. ~made a~ mo~iwn, seconded by Mr · F inner~n 'that the ~arrant! for ~He "Annual ~
~ i ~.T..o~n Metering to. be hald in accordance with~.the, to~,.m~l;DY, rlaws~will be opened as of', ,,
~nzs moment 7':5o.p~ and ;cl6sed at eigh~ 6,clBck Bn J~nuary~'12,~ ~953. ~Mr~.
m.a.d.e, ~the vote unanimous anti,Mr, iWindle willI be .so notified., '~ ' ' ~' ~
George Sanford informed Mrs. D arden, secretary, th~at h'~'w0'uld er~in~te his
· on December 31, 1952 as 'part time Janitor of the town building. ;~Wo applications have
· '~ _be,e.n r~e. ceived 'to da~t~ ,~ne from Archie Gourl?y, 100 Main Street~ and ~6n~'frcm George~
",'~Care'y,~o Main Street. '" ' ". ' ": "' ......... :- '
".~rl;'.!Thomson' then'm~ntfoned that since' ErS. Lillian Dearden is[tHe ~6'u$'tod~an ~fl
· ', ?'~b~,lding, the recommend"'tion Should come from'h~r~ in' his 'opinion. .... " ) ~' '"
· Mr. ,Coffin feels that agplication should be made to Ers. :Dearden: and, he made. a 2orion
:"' (%hat'~ on 'the matter' of: appointment of 'a new part-ti~e Janitor, appoin~meht be' deferred
~un~il~.December 15 next and in the meantim$, applicants be dulegated':to~ ~&rs;~';Dearden, die
se~cretary and she be required to obtain suffician~ information: and: mak~ r,e, co ~n~?ndatio~>
- ,lJ~Oj~his board. Vote was unanimous. . : ' -' :, .
, ~,., ~ S.~DP SIGN REQUES: ........... , · - -
· ' ~'] ';' Mr;' .Thomson said he had been r~quest~d- to; have a Stop sign,lnstelled at Union and
'~ :'il, ;Marblehead Streets as this ~as a very dangerous inters ectlSnJThe board vo~ed]unan- ',
· "~ ~us, ~ly. ~o'fr~ferr;%his to the police departmeht, f0r inveSti~ati0n'. and report~, ~,~.~ ~;, ~
' .Mr,, ,Thomson mentioned :the recent meeting of' th~ Selectme. n ;ith ~l:"Board bf,~ire.
Engineers relative ~o th~ ambulance calls and the additzonal' salary paid'rd them
for 'this work; '. He said he felt tha~.siflce there was an' open declaration by, Mr. ~ :: '
.Koenig that-he had received~$50'.OO a year for a period of six years, and during that. ~'
time' ha~ not PerfOrmed the duties.'required for this additiona~ compensation,' t~at
· , this matter should be 8iscu-~sed again, i .. .
MrJ Coffin's'aid that there had.been only ~ne occasio~ whe~ Mr~ Koenig .was called
upon ~o:go ~n the ambulance, over a period of years. Mr'. Coffin said he had'mede
recommendations some time ago,relative to the fire department but-they ha~, not
been acted upon. He said he Wouldn't want to discipline one man and not the othe~s.
H~ had hear~ ~f a number of things going 6n in the fire .department which should be
corrected. His feeling is that. the board should drop the~matt~r until there' is some '
~change in the Board. Ail is not well there, as Mr. Coffih has Said before.1 ~ere-is '
a feeling between the Chief and Mr. Xoenig and they should consider the welfare of
the town and be a little bit humble. ~e have rep~.atedly refused to interfere and he
believes that the selectmen should no~ interfere at this time.
DECEMBER 1, 1952-continued. FIRE ENGINEERS
Mr. Tnomson said ~nat the thing that disturbs him was the declaration of Engineer
Koenig which was an open admission that he took $50.00 for six years and did nothing
to earn it.
Mr. Coffin said if other questions were put to the board there might be more admissions
which would not be favorable. He said he could visualize the opinion of the people
if we chose to discipline one engineer when 'the public kno~m that the're are other
conditions existing which might call for criticism.
Mr..Finneran said he felt that the en~-ineers should work out their own problems unless
a formal charge is made.
The board adjourned at this time and no further action was taken on the matter.
DECEMBER 8, 1952
Th~ meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:00 P.~. with
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
The board voted unanimously mo approve the ~pplicatiohs of the following persons
for a permit to carry a revolver:
Edward A. Manning, 68 Sutton Street, Target practice. Machinist helper.
Ralph Joyce, 57 Lincoln Street, Accountant. Target practice and hunting.
A hearing was held on the petition of Mrs. Louisa Boardman, 174 ~Green Street for
the removal of two trees in front of herproperty. Mr. Conners~ had checked these
trees and reports that the roots interfere with the pipes going into the house and
they have had to call the Board of Public ~iorks to clean the pipes and this is an
expense. No opposition was recorded and the board voted unanimously to instruct
the tree warden tox~move the twotrees in question.
The Board received a certification for'one permanent patrolman at $63.63 per week
from the Director of Civil Service and the ~ollowings names were listed, in order
of their seniority:
Russell F. Donnelly, Robert L. Sanborn, Charles R; McCubbin, Paul G. Dyer and Frank
H. Dusha~e, Jr;
Mr. Coffin ~ade a mbtion that Russell F. Donnelly be appointed as a permanenn patrol-
man to ft!l the vacancy caused by the resignation of David Roche. Mr. Finneran
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
George Sanford informed the Secretary, Mrs. Dearden, that he wished toreconsider
his decision to resign as Janitor. He mentioned the fact~ that he would appreciate
receiving an increase for his work as Janitor and listed the number of 'offices'~he
has to take bare of, plus 'other duties. Eleven applications .had been received for
this part time job. The' Board voted to table the matter until the next meeting on
December 15, 1952.
Notice received calling attention to the pro~isions Of Chapter 624, Acts of 1952,
which provide for an increase in the amounts of pensions and retirement allowances
payable to certain former public employees. Special attention is called to Section 5
of the aforementioned law which provides for acceptance by the governmantal'units.
The Board discussed this with Mr. Maker, ~reasurer, and an article will be inserted
in the annual to~n warrant in March 1953.
Anthon2~,Camasso, ~46 Foster Street came before the hoard and asked if they might
have two "Slow" signs on Foster Street. He said there about sixteen children on
'this street in one area and now that the road is in good condition, there is con-
siderable traffic. They would like ~o have a sign installed near Mosquito Brook
and the other one as you come in from West Boxford. Mr. Camasso said they would
be willing to put the signs up if the Chief of Police would give them permission.
Mr. Thomson felt~ this was a very magnanimous offer but informed Mr. Csmasso that
the lights must be installed by the Chief or the proper depart,merit or they have
no value. The Selectmen will be glad to take this up with the Chief and if it is
necessary to con~act the Department of Public ~forks, we will do so.
Mr. Coffin suggested that Mr. Camasso suggest these locations to Chief McKee and
see what can be done.
Mr. 'Thomson informed Mr. Camasso that the Selectmen w ill ~et in touch with Chief
McKee and suggest that he check these locations for signs.
Chief McKee reported that he has checked the locatisn at Union and Marblehead Streets,
and he feels that there should be signs installed on Union Street. He will have
a plan made a~ D & F CO. and a copy of the vo~. letter, of ~ransmittel .and a. p~rin.t
will be sent to Edward J. McCarthy, Highway Traffic Engzneer at 100 Masnua S~.~os~on.