HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-12-22 Board of Selectmen MinutesDECEMBER 15, 1952: continued T6~N ACCOUNTANT: Miss Finn came in to talk with the board and ask for permission to have clerical assistance included in her budgc~. She said she would like to be able to have a vacation in the futureand she doesn't have available funds for thispurpoee. Sh~ also requested permission ~o purchase a new typewriter. ~he Board felt that she should have a new ~ypewriter and that she should also include in her b~dge~, sufficient money ~o take care of extra clerical help. December 22, 1952: ~y meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at-7:30 P..M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. GREAT POND ROAD-DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS: Engiheer MacWilliams met with the Board and also Highway Syrveyor Ira D. carry to discuss the con~rac~ of Martin Mailet.. He said that the ~wo Jobs are complete excep= for one minor item, that of seeding the slopes. He said that'if the wishes they can agree to have the highway surveyor do this work in the spring and then the contract could be released. He said there are certain charges that are paid by the ~o~n and a small balance could be listed as one of these items. One Job requires 2100 sq. yds. of seeding a~ a cost of $525 and the other is 2300 sq.yds. at $460. The reserve is held 65 days after the approval by the s~a%e. Mr. MacWilliams said there are no slopes of any importance and the holes at the temporary approach have been taken care of by Mr. Carty. Mr. Coffin said that if the Selectmen decide hot to do the seeding and let Martin MaLlet do it, he will not receive his 1%% but he felt that the Selectmen should not take %his responsibility but should let the contractor do it' and if the .Dept. h~s ~o go ~o the Ee§isla~ure they will see the figures that are available. Mr. Coffin leans toward ha~ing Mailer do the work in the spring in fairness to the town. Mr. MacWilliams said it was important to' Mailet to have the 15% but the Department · of Public Wo~s will go along with anything that the Selectmen approve of. He said that most town do this work but to the Dept. i~ means nothing except that-the small contractors ge~ hurt by losing the 1%%. Mr. Carry then said that he agrees with Mr. Coffin that they should let the contractor dc the work and something, may happen before spring, like prices going up, etc. Mr. Thomson felt that the board should go along with Mr. Carry and let the contractor do this work in the spring. -. ~ ' '-' ' · Mr. Coffin then made a motion, seconded by Mr. Flnneran, ~hat with reference the seeding on the slopes on Great Pond Road, the work is to be done by the Company and the 1%% is not to be paid until the work is completed. Nr, MacWilliams will be notified. ' Mr. Coffin drew the name of Michael M. Lane, 12 FernWood Street, Retired, ~o serve as a Juror at the criminal session at Superior Court, Salem on January 19, t953. GROUP INSURANCE: T~o representatives of the }~ass. Mutual Eife Insurance company,~ Mr. Harrison and Mr. Stanley Nack, met with the board to discuss group ~nsurance. They explained that the ici had been passed on April 12, 1952 on this insurance for towns for permanen~ employees. The town would pay one half eL the coat and the employee would pay the other half. He ~anted to get the dates of birth of all employees first and they they would be able to give a fairly accurate estimate of the cost to each employee and to the town. He said they use the dates of bf'rth and average them up ~o get the ~igure they 'use for an average. Mr. Mack explained that his company is one of the very few companies who do not have mo load the police snd fireman. The dividends are returned to the town which brings doe the cos~. He. sald~they must ge~ 75% of the full time employees ~o make this effective. Mr. Coffin said he had no objection to these gentlemen maktn~ survey and see what they have to offer but he doesn't believe that it would b~ accepted this year. ~here is so little time left before the warrant closes. Mrs. Maker, ~reasurer said he would get the birth dates as soon as possible and notify Mr. Harrison. . Mr. John Coughlin also sent a letter to the board regarding this insurance and gave a brief resume' of it. Mm. Coffin explained to the gentlemen presen~ that there would be some competition since Mr. Coughlin is from town and if his figures were the lc~esm he would probably ge~ the insurance. They understand that this would be the logical thing to-do but wer~ quite anxious to be give a chance ~o presen~ their figures. HEARING ON ADJUDICATION OF WOODBRIDGE ROAD: The Board received a communication from the Highway Surveyor informing them that he had viewed the conditions on Woodbridge Road and find that two hundred feet of the road from Greene Street ~o Tyler Road is in proper condition for acceptance. ME. Coffin made a motion that the board hold a public hearing on the adjudication of Woodbridge Road for a distance of 200 feet fro. m Greene Street to .Tyler Road and- the hearing will be ~eld on January 5, 19%3 a~ 7.30 P.M. Abutters will be notified. 269 DECEMBER 22, 1952-continued DEPART!~NT OF PUBLIC~ WORKS: Notice received relative to snow removal assistance under the provisions of Section 11, Chapter 84, General laws, that the Department will share equally in the expense of snow removal work on the following town highway: Route 133 from Rou~e 125 ~o the Boxford line, 1.60 miles. TAX COLLECTOR: Frank Wallwork notifed }~s.-Dearden that{,the proposed layou~ for a new location for the ~ax collector's office is not in accord with his ideas and he has suggested that we wait until 1954 when he is sure a more satisfactory arrangemen~ can he made. No further action will be taken. SAFETY ENGINEERING DEPT. L~BER}~N'S INSURANCE CO: Mr. Dewey Dyer, Jr. recently made an inspection and has made the following re- commendations: 1. The hand raillright hand side) of the Police Dept. rear stairs is in need of repair. 2. VERY I~0RTANT: The top 8' of the chimney of the fire Station should be rebuilt. It is so far gone that repointing would not take care of it. 3. School Dept. Women who work in the kitchens a~ the schools should be checked to make sure they know the proper procedure in using the C02 fire extinguishers provided there. 4. Consultation material and poster w~11 be sent ~o the Moth and T~ee Depar~men~ ~o aid ~hemin their work. Mr. C~ffin made a motion that the various department be notified about these reconmnendations and that when ~hey have been corrected, a report be made ~o this board. DECE~ER 29, 1952: The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmenwas held a~ 7:00 P.M. with members Coffinand Finneran present. Member .Thomson was ou~ of ~own. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. LAWRENCE GAS &ELECTRIC CO: A petition for permission to locate wires, poles and fixtures was approved.by the board and a hearing set for January 12, 1953 at 7:30 P.N. Poles to be located on the northerly and southerly sides of Middleton Street, from a point approximately 155 feet easterly from the North Andover-Andover line, easterly, 4 poles. .~N~NG BOARD: Notice received from the Planning Board ~elative to public hearings held with respec~ ~o changing the classification of two parcels of land o~nedbyHenry E. Lund, one from General Residential toAgric~ltural and the other from Restricted Residantial%o Agricultural.~e board voted by'majority vo~e to approve the petition of Henry E. Lurid fora proposed amendment ofthe Zoning by-laws for the parcel ~o be changed from general residential to agricultural. The board further voted that they would not grant approval for the re-classification of the second parcel~of property from restricted residential to agricultural district.. FIRE ESCAPTE-.CENTER SCHOOL: Mr. Forbes Rockwell reported that the fire escape has been removed from the old Center School and upon presentation of a bill for $10.00 to Davis & Farber Co., they wtll send a check mo the town for the purchase of the fire escape. DANGEROUS CURVE: 'Mr. Coffin mentioned that he had been contacted about a dangerous curve on Salem Street near the Jackson residence. He said there are children in that vicinity and the motorists have no warning.of this curve. He suggested that this bereferred to the police department. BOARD OF HEAE ~H-SE~AGE-TUR~PIKE STREET: A letter was received from the Board of Health advising that the situation of sewage going into the State Highway drain on Turnpike Street has been properly cared for~ ~hey stated that there was an open trap at Thomson's Restaurant which had been left open and the sewage was flowing in to the high~ay drain, instead of into their filter bed. The ~rap is now closed. Commissioner l¥iltiam F. Callahan will be so notified. CIVIL SERVICE APPROVAL: Approvsl received for the provisional employmen~ for six months from November 22, 1952 ~o~ Leo J. Guleazzi and philip Taylor, as patrolmen. DEPARTmeNT OF PUP~C WORKS: Notice received that the Commissioners voted ~o approve ~s of December 6, 1952 .the work done by this ~own under the provisions of Section 34, Chapter 90 of the General Laws under Contract 13978, dated September 2, 19~2, their engineer having reported that the work called for by said con:rac~ has been completed.