HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-06-29 Board of Selectmen MinutesJUNE 29, 19%3: ~akly meeting of the Board of Selectmsn.~as held at 7:00 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. RECREATIONAL COUNCIL: Domenic Bonnano and philip Sutcliffe came before the beard to discuss a transfer of funds from the ~eserve Fund in order to secure more mags for the bathers at the North Andover bathing beach. They have purchased 500 a~ s cos~ of $75~00 and these are all used up. Taey charge $.15 for ~ach ~ag and the money is then turned over to the treasurer. Mr. Bonnano feels that they should have at least 1000 more tags and this wo~ld cost $1%0, but they would collect this amount as they disposed of the .trigs and it would be turned over to thee treasurer. There was a discussion as to where this money could be taken from and Mr. ~homson suggested that the money be taken from the Rsserve Fund.and suggested that the chairman contact that board to 'see what their feeling in the'~matter is. Mr. ,Willis was unable to get the chairman but Mr. Lebew informed him thdt th~s procedure must go through t he regular channels and he wo~ld not give any opinion over the phone. It~as f%nally agreed that no tags would be ordered until Mr. Willis had an opport,m~ty to contact the Advisory Board members, and he will inform Mrs. De'arden who will order the tags if the reply is favorable. Mr. Sutcliffe brought up another matter and 'asked the Selectmen for 1their recommendatiun. He said that Rolling Ridge has requested 60 tags but if the wording of the article is ~o be considered, then he felt that these ~eople are not. North Andover bathers. Mr. Bonnano ssLid his thought'was to keep this place for North Andove~i~people only and he ~understands that there are now 100 to 120 People at Rolli. ng p~.dge. He said even sixty would,be too many. Mr. Thomson said he would go .along with the recommendation of the Rec~a~ional COUnCil.- lO0 t~gs and these students change over every two w~eks...He said there would be tbs ame problem with Campion Hall, Brooks School and Merrimack Cdlleg~e¢ Mr, willis said that perso~s!ly, he would be in .favor of a~owing th~se grdups ~o use the beach, that they do not contribute to the town financially but they:~ certainly give cultural value. He Suggested'that the' Council~ limit the number of tags which would bJ given out and he felt that only Rolling Riegel would ap~ly for them. Mr. Bonnano said he would like ~o suggest that only'50 tags~ be' given: '$ut and if ~the 'Selectmen feel that these people,should be -~owed to~use,~th'eJbeach h4 thought the're s~ould be such a limit to the .number 'of tags issued.' Mr. Kirk suggested that the committee meet and discuss this' matter and 'he would go along with Mr. 'Thomson and allow any Of these people 'in and'limit the number, if they felt it neces'sary. , . '' i Mr..Suttdliffe felt that the selectmsn,'shovld ~make the decis'ion. ' Mr. Thomson said that' this council .makes recommendation on the persons to be appointed to work on the ,playgrounds and then they are presented'to this board for final' decision so that he felt .~hey, should do the same in ~this matter. Mr.-Willis S'aid the board ~vould wait ~or a' recommendation ;fr0m the .Recreational ¢6~ncil. ~ - ~ ,: · ',~PERRY STREET DUMP: ' ~: ' A_ gr0up of. citiz'ens dame be'fore 't~e Selectmen to discuss this 'dump and to see ~-what' could' be done~'aboht closing it. ' ~ ' "' .Hen~y. Hayman was spokesman for the group and he said he thought it was time this dump si.tuation was settled. · The last' ~wo weeks the condition has been terrible · and is almost unliveable. ~he people want action in the near',future. Mr.' George Stewart asked the. board ~to' tell ,them Just 'what had been done to date. 'Mr. ,Willis explained that there had 'been a meeting, every two weeks tryingto decide,where to have this dump and fill method disposal site. He explained that the article called .for $5,000 · which is for the purchase of, the, land.'~ If this amount ,is spent for .land only there would be no money, to operate the..dump.-Mr. Carry has agreed to operate for the balance of the year,by supplying~one man using his present appropriation. ibere' is'a question as to whether,:the equipment.is heavy enough to do the required work. ~ Thbre was a. demonstration' las~ week and it has been. suggested that the present equipment is not, sufficient to do~ ali the work. Mrg Willis said' We don't want the sams situation in.~other location. He said the board is in sympathy with. this group as he went through that area during the fire last week and the situation is "tough". '~here is to be a meeting tonight with reference to negotiating with Mr. ]~ogers as to the steps to take to procure the land and this presents quite a problem. Mr. J.Lane inquired if the town wasn't operating in violation since the dump has been condemned by the Board of Health. It has been condemned since last September. Mr..Delia of Union Street said they wanted some action and he said that Mr. Willis wouldn't like the condition ~_f he lived there. Mr. Willis stated that where he lived for the past 31 years, they hsd to put up with the smoEe from the Lawrence dump and he was in sympathy with these people and knew what they were going through. JUNE. 29 ~ 1953 :, icontinuec~ Mr. ~homson saf~ that %his was an old~ old problem ~d he was a~zed ~hat the~e people bad.no% been up before. M~y areas have been checked for a location ~d'when %hey decided on one site an article was ~erted in the ~o~ wa~a~t askinE for ~,000. ~e to~ voted ~o appropriate $5,000 a~d now we ~e where ~e s~r~d from. ~. Ro~ers had a~reed ~11 the ~d for $5,000 ~d ~. C~ty a~reed ~o ~tain .the dump for the bal~ce of the ye~. He said %hab if i% is deter~ned that we ~eed a new b~dozer, It ~1 be necess~y ~ve a speci~ to~ meeting. _. ~ere ~ere ~rious suggestio~ as ~o ho~ the money co~d be s~nt or if~ the land co~d be %~en by e~nent demon ~d whether or no% it ~o~d be:ad, sable to go ~o the open d~p method ~il ~e ~e able %o get ~he other one in operation. ~. ~o~on made a mo%ion that ~e Bo~d of Selec~en c~l a S~ci~.To~n mee~ lng at the e~l~es% oppor~e time containing ~ ~ticIe asking 'fdr authority to ~rchase a Cletrac ~actor ~d ~ article to tra~fer the money., ~. ~o~on s~d tha~ ~gers had offered.to sell ~e l~d. to~the ~o~ buthe mayhave cha~ed his ~d'and t~t' sho~d be de~r~ed f~s~. ~. :~gers w~ then con~ac~d and asked if he would come zo the meeting.and . ~scuss ~is matter ~th, the board. He. c~e %o.~he mee%~g ~d the Selec~en held an executive session ~ith ~. ~gers. ~ Rogers was not ~ ~o sell ~e a~ition~ 14 acres of land ~th ~e option of bu~ng at ~00 ~r acre. He felt tha%.~he ma~ter had. been ~held~ over ~oo ,long ~d n~~ he had ch~ged his ,~d.. ~ere was a len~hy dis~ssion,on v~ious offers made~-by ~. ,~germbut, he :wo~d not a~ree to a~ of ~em at t~e. He ~n~ly.a~eed to sell 14 acres~ of land for $5,000 ~. the t~,to' pay for ~e S~ng of same.. · . ~. *~rk ua~e a motion that we accept' the offer, of. ~. ~gers of, 14;acres for ~'$5~0 ~th .North ~dover %o pay for ~s~e~ng. }~.~ ~o~on sec motion and the vo~e was ~Imous. . . ~,~.. me. on *then made,emotion that th~s ~at~r be refe~ed to }~.~ El~g ' And:ask'~at he'comple~: the ~r~sactmon,_~ ~soon as,,~possible, ~ ~i~ motipn; · ~ ~. ~o~on i~ormed ~. ~gers that this. w~ a bin~nga~eement ~d that a ~, re~esen~tive of the ~%o~ wo~d c~l on ~. ~ge~'~o-mo~ow to* complete' the/-;: ;,:..,2 .change ,~s:~[,ag~n. ; .% made ~is .a~eement. ~and. that~ he'co~d n6t- ~e Bo~d retched:to ~e.'Co~t~om ~d.~i W~ls t~o~d t~0s'e*,present the Selectmen ~s~ =~ for a'Speci~ To~eting ~ order.%o get'the ~b,~]ldozer and t~t- the project c~'t be S~ted ~t~ :the ~money is available;~.* He'asked wo~dt ~e ~at · . , , ~. ~.--~ ~n~ ou~oozer co~ on:Yep Street ~ere~as f~ther dis~ssion~as to What co~d be done ~t ~. '"~' '~ if all :~'la~eeable, this is the~b~st,we c~rdoUand,~we %~fllis, said:that on J~y 1], 1953a% 8:30 P.,M. to ,apprdprlate a '~fi~ent's~- ' ..... " ~F',P.M; at.the to~.h~, ~ order to ~clude ~other,article ch~g~he~classi_~ ' ~d.~mp~e c~e before ,the bo~d ~ said he ' '' ' held om' J~e '30 ~th: reference -to', cheung a ce~ ~ea: (about from ~. A~i~ to an ;~dustri~, ~ea. ~ey,:have plashed a he~:.to '~ectmTn_.~o't(~' a s~ca~to~ meetEnk'2o'be he[d::on the s~e 'even~ "~:'8~ 0 ~.' ~omon/s~d that in subst~ce, a cer~in ~g. Concern wan~. 150.i~'r;~.of l~d on 0sgopd~S~eet, 1~0 south Of'the Haverh~l l~e t0 be Ch~ged'fro~ a~i~t~ ~to ~ ~dus~i~ ~ea, and-that' ~e Industri~ ~a~g B~rd is' as~ng the~ S~ectmen ~o hold a speci~ %O~:~et~g once ,s~e ~ght as he~ing.- ],~j',~o~0n.s~d.~i~ project w~d be ~of great benefit to th~.,%o~ and the ~ard ~f ~Selec~n have pledged to assist ~ ~y way possible. ~. '~i~is 's~d ~his ~is one of ,the ~ea~st ~gs ~o happen to North ~dover ~d he ~11 pledge hi, elf to this P~= ~oJect and do ~ he c~ to help it ~ong. ~is is a wonde~ th~ng for the %~. ~. ~O~on then ~de a mo~ion to' revoke his p~ous motion =o hold a speci~ to~ me,ting on J~y 13 ~d to hold it on J~y 14, 1953 at 8:30 p.~&. Motion ~ voted ~imously. ~. ~o~on ~de a motion to include in the w~r~t of the Sneci~ To~ ~et~ ACCIDENT REPORT: 0opy of accident report on George ~&~rtin injured when a piece of glass struck him behind the ear while lifting a barrel of refuse onto a truck, was received from the Highway Department. No action taken. Report filed. REVOLVER PEP~ITAPPLICATION: An application for a license to carry a revolver was received from John ~. Doran, Jr. Field engineer, 201 Green Street, North Andover for use in target practice was received~by ~he board. The application had been approved byChief Mcgee. ~e Board voted unanimously to grant this license. DEPAR~NT OF PUBLIC WORKS: Copy of an order for work done under Chapter 90 of the General Laws and recommends that the'sum of $1,599.70 be paid %o the contrac%or, Martin Mai]et, .12 Beach Road Salisbury, Mass. BOARD'OF TRADE: No action is to be taken on the request to app6int Thomas McEvoy a special.police officer. Mr. Kirk took this matter up with Harold Trombly and he will talk to Mr. Kirk at a later date. DOG OFFICER WARRANT: A copy of the warrant of the dog. officer, datedJuae 5, 1953 has been received by the board signed by Stanley Buturlia, Dog Officer, for~ our files. BOARD OF TRADE: Pamphlets recently assembled by this board were received for distribution to each Selectmen. DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATIONS & TAXATIONS- DZVISIONOF ACCOUNTS: A letter in.reply to our letter of June.16,' with respect to Section 14 of Chapter 40 of the G. L. advising the board that.this section applies to cities only amd the 2o~n of North Andover may pay $5000 for the land for a dumpsite, which was appropriated for this purpose. Mr. Willis wanted to have an opinion on' this section before the $5,000 was spent for the purchase of land.which is more than 25%inexcess of its average assessed valuation during the previous three years. Upon receipt of this letter, Mr. Willis felt that the to~n could, go ahead with thepurchase of the land. LAWRENCE GAS CO: 2he Board voted.%manimously to gran~ nermission to excavate to instull~gas service for G.~Minnlcucci, Chickaring Road, 2~ feet in street. Mr. Carry will be notified. ~he Board ~oted unanimously to grant permission to excavate to install gasservice on 267 Osgood.S~reet,~9 feet in street and on Trinity Court, 26 feet. in street. NEW ENGLAND~EL. &~. CO. -I~WRENCEELECTRIC CO: The Board voted unanimously to grant permission to relocate poles, wires, cables and fixtures on Sutton Street, approximately 385' southwest of TaorndikeEoad, 1 pole (remove 1 pole). . _ : . · ~ ESSEX C6UNTYS~CT}~E~,S ASSOCIATION: Acommunicationwas received relative to a State-wide drive for funds for the relief of those who suffered as a result of the tornado which occurred recently in ~rcester. Fmrther information will be received £rom the Zt. ~overno~'s committee as~ell as publicity in the~press and local radio stations. Mr. Thomson made a motion that the Selectmen endorse the drive and take such s~eps as are necessary upon receipt of further information. Vote was unanimous. MEMORANDUM- GO~RNORHER~E,S CENTRAL MASS. DISASTER CO~ITTEE. INC. A copy oft he ~rgclamation of the Governor,plus a release from the Governor's office and sample ~.adio copy which is going to all radio ~stations was received by the board. No plans have been made relative to this drive and the board will wait for further information from the Lt. Governor's office. SCHOOL DEPARtmENT: A letter was received by the board relative to the work "inte&~ation,,. The letter farther states that Mr. O'Brien feels that the Board of Selectmen~d the Board of P~blic ~orks should know what the school committee is doing~ and a copy of the minutes of the last meeting of the School Committee was enclosed for each member and for the files. No action required. 345 JUNE ~, 1953: continued POLICE D~PARTMENT R.~ORT: Chief McKee presented a report on various matters which the board had referred to him for ihvestigation and report. 1. T~o signs ha~e been placed at the Drummond Playground, one on Milk Street and one on Johnson Street. 2. The chief recommended ',Slow Signs" rather than "Stop Signs" at the following intersections; Foster, Forest and Summer Streets and ~arbleridge Road. On motion of Mr. Thomson the board voted unanimously to'adopn the Chief's recommendation. 3. The white painted sign on the road a~ Water and Elm Streets has been blacked out and moved up to the' line at Elm Street. 5..Mr. Curry from the Beverly Office will check the intersection at Osgood Street and Mass. Ave. to determine if a "Stop" ~ign is warranted at this'location. 6. ~hs chief reported that an Approach Warning Sign Disc had been plzced~ at the North Main Streetcrossing and the other mentioned as missing were not missing at the locations mentioned. 7. Chief McKee recommended that "Stop Signs" be placed at Suttons Corner at Main Street, both sides rather then the slow signs no~ located there. He also inf6rmed the board that the work of painting the broken white line on. Sutton Street has been completed from Marblehead ~o the Thatched Roof. · ~. Willis said he agreed with the chief about Sutton's Corner being a bad one but he felt that the ~tep Sign should be on Main Street and have through traffic on Sutton Street. He will check with the chief further on this before any action is taken. ELW~N KING'S REPORT: GR~AT POI{D ROAD: Mr. King presented· a report on ~he matter of a slope easement in connection w~th Grea~~ Pond Road improvement work and he recommends that nothing be' done at"this time. The report referred to the facts involved in the slope easement and ~it is filed under Elwyn ~g.. .. DAMAGE CLAIM REPORT: Mr. King reported on the' claim of Mrs. Catherine ~eardon of 208 MtddIeseX,' against the town for injuries sustained from a fall on the stairaay inside the Thomson School on last election day. Mr- King stated ~hat Mrs. 'lReardon's injuries are not negligible and rom that reason he 'believes she will bring a law sdit if a settlement is 'not made. But he feels that her proposal is' out of line where there is no negligence on the town's part. He suggested that the Board suggest to Mrs. Reardon :hat an article will be placed in a warran~ for vote at a special town. meeting to pay $94.90 for her actual expenses incurred as it is'believed that the town is not. liable. He further stated that Mrs. Reardon .cannot =aise her-arm and she is handicapped and it is doubtful if she will ever be able to raise it very far. T~is is the basis for her wanting'$5OO ,over. and above her actual costs o .Mr. Kirk made .a motion that we accept Mr. King's report and the chairman will write a letter to Mrs. 4~eardon ex~31aining that the board feels that the t~wn has no liability in this case. Motion seconded and vote was unanimous. ~ · BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF C~NTER SCHOOL: TWo bids were. received for razing~the Center School building, as follows: Sorenson'Building ~r~cking, 2 Burnham Road, Andover submitted a bid to take down the old Center School for the sum of ~1800 ahd that the job.will be done according to agreement. . /~wrence Building 7~recklng Co.:'submitted a bid 'in the amount, of $2900 .to raze .the Center School building and D~qq fill the agreements ~specified. Ir'was not clear to the board as to whether these two companies axpected the town to pay them the amounts listed to remove the building or i£ they: would pay the town for the building and remove it. ..... · ~r. ~homson suggested that the ~.awrence Building .~recking Company be contacted and find out just what they hayecin Mind. Mr. Willis agreed to con:ac: this company and ask them to pu~ in writing their clarification. Mr. Thomson made a motion %hat the so-called bids be received and held in abeyance for decision. .Vote was unanimous H~ARING-DISPOSAL SITE CO}~ITTEE- RE: ROGER'S P,~PERTY: · ~he Board ~ voted unanimously t'o notify.all abutters of the petition, opposing the Steinberg property as a dump site that a hearing would be held on July 14, 1953 at 7:15 P.M. in.the Selectmen's Office. The Board had promised this group that they would have another hearing when they decided on a site for a dump location. MASS. S~r. ECTMEN,S ASSO. Memorandum received on House .Bill 2820 re: Outdoor. Advertising. No action taken. P~PORT OF DEMONS]3~ATTON OF CLETRAC #30 CAPABILITIES: Dewey Dyer reported that on June 15, Mrs. Edward Murphy, sales rep. for the H. F. Davis Tractor Company with Ira Carry and Mr. Dyer saw a demonstration of the same zype owned by the ~o~n and equipped with a blade as intended for the ~own unit. ~he repor:, in substance, states that this equipmsn~ is not of ~ufficie~t siza to ta~e care of the work and he recommends a unit of the nex~ ~arger s~ze,ana suggests that the present unit be turned in for trade. Tae board has alreacy taken action by calling a special town meeting. JUNE 29,1953: THAILORS: Mr. Lawlor, building inspector, reported that the t~o trailors on t~e property of Mr. & }~rs. McMurray will be removed in the very near future. Mr. Willis stated that he understood that they are to be placed on another lot of land that is large enought to comply with tile .zoning by-laws. BOARD OF PUblIC WORE~: Notice sent to the Board of Public ~¥or~s on June 16, 1953 that there has been filed with the Board of Selectmen the necessary bond in compliance with the vote on Article 80, of the last annual town meeting. DOG OFFICER: Notice sent to Thomas F. Duffy, County Treasurer, informing him that John Dolan was not re-appointcd by the Selectmen for the ensuing year. His employmeht terminated as of April 30, 1953. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND ~EASURES: Mr. Willis informed the board that it has been brought to his attention that it is a requ.irement of the law that a report be made each month by the Sealer. Mr. Roberts, the present Sealer, can,t get any information from 'Halter Hamilton and for the henefi~ of the present Sealer, ~r. Willis felt that we sh0ul~ get this matter straightened out. Mr. Roberts would like to p~rchase a cabinet to keep his supplies .and equipment in and he also hss some suggestions to make. Mr. Willis said that Mr. Roberts would be willing ~o sit in with the board and it agreeable we could have Mr. Hamilton ih at the same time. Mr. Willis said there were some funds which should have been turned i~ and an inventory sh6uld' have been made and perhaps this could bestraightsned out at the~ same time. Mr..Thomson said he thought that Mr. Ham~] ton should be'advised as to What has been said and we could ask him to c~e in on Jp2j~! 27, 1953 at 7:30 ~.M. ~he Board received a letter from the Director of S~andards relative to a report of inspection of equipment of our Sealer and advising what supplie~ and equipment he should have. It was also noted that some of his ~orking metric weights are missing and these shsuld be checked. Mr. Willis felt that in view of this letter, we might clear up the matter when Mr. Hamilton meete with ~he bbard. J LY 14, 1953: The meeting of the Board ~of ~Selectmen was hel~ this, evening at 7:00 P.M. with all members present. Due to a special town meeting to be held on this. Tuesday at 8:'30 P.M., the Selectmen had previously agreed to ho~d their meeting .on the same night, rather than on their .regular Monday evening. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. DISPOSAL SITE MEETING-¥~ITH PETITIONERS WHO OPPOSED THE ROGERS LOCATIONi A group of citizens met with the board, to discuss the disposal site at the Rogers property. Mr. Willis informed them that professional advice had been obtained and the board had been advised that thin particular site is the most equitable for the town. The Board of. Health will not permit am open dump ~nd they. are highly in accord with this location. He said that the Selectmen have entered.into a purchase agreement for the lh acres at the end of his land. --He informed those present that there is. to be a Special 'Town meeting tonight to raise money for .a.bulldozer and this will be used for the dump and'fill, method. He said the board asked these psople to come back tonight to see if they had changed their minds ~t all or if they had any further comments ~o make. Mr. Caron said that if the land is purchased the dump will be operated properly.- It will be fenced in and there will he,restricted dumping there'and-it v~ill be covered every day. The entrance will ~be on Clerk Street about 100 yards from the Rogers home. It will be professionally laid out. Mrs. Griffin, of Osgood Stree~ said there,:had been complaints from North Andover' people for years about the smoke from the Lawrence dum~ and now we are doing the same thing to Lawrence. She said she 'is taking a very firm stand against this dump and she doesn't think it is fair to the property owners in that area. She said everything seems to be shifted down to that section of the mown. Mr. Willis informed her that there w~11 be no smell, no smoke, etc. ·and that it will be properly operated. Mrs. Griffin insisted ~ that you can't control nature and they are being chased out of their homes. She said the Forgetta family feels the'same. Mr. Forgetta said that'all the fellows on the committee are sidestepping the most important thing and that is that this dump ~ill only last about ten years. He feels that ,they should find a piece.large enough to make it last at least twenty years.