HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-10-26 Board of Selectmen Minutes ,~c ontinuad
Chief McKee reported that he had contacted Mr. Curry of the Beverly office
relative to,,the corner at Mass. Ave. &.Osgood Street and he requested, a report
on the number' of accidents at this corner. Mr; Curry will go, to wor~ on this
at once and Chief McKee will rep~r~ to this board as soon as he some i~formation.
~he Board voted unanimously to grant permission to excavate 'to install, gas service
for F~ank Furnari, Massachusetts( 15 feet in street)
To install gas service for J. W~lliam Killen,. 278 Greene Street, (13 ~eet in street)
T6 excavate to install 600 feet of ga.~ main on Mass. Ave. Mr. Carry has .been noti-
fied of this permission.
A/request' for a street light to be installed 'onlpole ~1246 at,the corner of
Hillside Road gnd Chestnut Street was received,from John McGregor and.Philip A.
· 'Busby. 'The nearest street light is on pole ~1243 and is 308 feet away. ~he Board
voted to check this location before taking any action.
Notice received om.the Com ss. iomsr, e that .they vo ed appro- e, .
the work dona by this board under the provisions of Section 34,~ Chapter/90
of the G. L. in the maintenance of Chapter 90 Roads ~in town,under &Contract
No, 14481, dated ?/28/19~3, the engineer having repor.ted ~tha~ the ;werk' :called for ·
bM .said. contract, has been completed.
An application for a permit .to .carry a revolv, er ~as received' f~om Donald J. C.
Phair, 35 BeVerly Street, who is a tool and cutter grinder~ at .the Rollin.e. Service
Station. Hementioned' ~arget practice in addition to personal protection: at the
station.. Mr. Th'omson,made a- motion ~hat the application be taken .under :advisement
unti~ .Chief' McKee' can check with Mr'..'ROlZins to' see if he feels that this boy
' h~eds '.a~ revolver permit in connectie4 with :the business at ,the filling,.station.
The .Board voted unanimously:io.'approve for. renewals th~ revolver.permit~ to the
,i'foll0wing persons~, P~lph I~ Joyce, Freeman C. Hatch 3rd, Fred. J. :Doyle, Frank H.
Storey, Howard W. Bailey, Francis Cashman, Davis. Simpson, Leo. Macklin,,~hlan p.
~rmstrong, ~rank J. 0onscli, Fred Salois, Harry D. Berry and Edward Manning.
. These permit, s, are due for renewal in November` and December. ..,
for authority to .readjust commutation ~nd 12 ride fares will be held at the State
House on November ~, 1~3 at 10G00 A.M. Mr. Willis was ~o r`epor~ to 'the board
on this matter but has nc~ had time. He will .~ry~ to get the information for the
'~ r~e
b~'[ ~S~=S=~ ~e dump at,Parry Street.relative t~ .the. money~ to be paid
,':':[2b. Mr., l~rry.' Mr.' Willis informed .the bo~rd ,that Mr. ;Perr~,,:feels that:it was
i'a' $400 a year ,'Job inasmuch as Mr., Carry is. still,dumping filling thor%' Mr.
,'feels that he should receive the balance of the money for thisyear.. He
th:waive the $100 for the first quarter of 1954. On motion of Mr. Thomson, the
$oard voted unanimously to postpone thio matter antil further notice, since it will
not come.::.,,up again until December.
A le-tter, of resignation as a member of the Reserve Polton~S.rce was received
from Mr. Barteaux. He has been living out o~ state and- doesn't expect to return
to North-Andover. Mr. Barteaux thanked the board for their consideration to him
in .the .past. Mr. Kirk made a motion that the resignation:be accepted and the board
voted'unanimously. A letter will be sent to Mr; Barteiux;::;'~. - . .
A:n.application for a license to' peddle ~as received from stanleylB.~.~ombly,
92.Prescott Street for a certificate of character from the Board of.Selectmen.
The board voted unanimously 'to approve this license.
OCTOB~ 19, 19%3- continued~
Petition received and a hearing is to be held on this petition at 166 State House,
~Bos,ton on November %, 1953 at 10:00 A.M, relative to adjustment of passenger fares.
Mr. Willis informed the board that' Mr. Robert Curry had called at his office and
explained the rates. ~here will be a 12 ride Commuter ticket and a 20 ride ticket
for students· Mr. Curry is asking the various ,Selectmen to cometo the hearing.
Mr, Kirk said he understood that there is ~o be considerable opposition at this hearing.
Mr. ~homson made a motion that the chairman take-the matter under advisement and
report to the board prior to the hearing. Mr. Kirk seconded the motion and the
VOte WaS ~x~ani~ous.
Mr.' Willis brought up the matter of having this corner checked and stated that
the chief was to have, checked thi~ location some time ago.' He asked that Mrs.
D~arden take the matter up with the chief and see if he has any information on
Mr..will~s attended the hearing at the Court House, Salem ~his morning. 'He said
that~_Oommissioner Volpe was present. Mr. Carry made a request for fdnds to-compIete
Great Pond Road. ~hisyear the amount of'money fDr this work has been raisnd from
$~,000,O00 to $%~'000,O00. It was pointed ~ut that there is sufficien~ surplus to allow
$1~O00,O00~las~ available and this should'be distributed roll,he various cities~,and
towns.. Mr. Willis s aid he had done considerable'-research ~himsel~ ~and-~. ,t~.r Great
Pond Road is completed our nex~ Chapter 90 project ~w~ be Green Street~ w~ich:,is
c~nting~t on Lawrence accepting and doing the B~dgo'. and Bmilding 'a~ r.,oa, d'~rom~the
NAval. training station. Mr. Canty and Mr~ O,Sul'livan ~6f Lawrence are', fdutereste~
'in this proposal and Mr. Willis hopes to meet with Mr; Terrisi in t~ 'near future.
one'~reas On for, having. G~eene Street done under. Chapter' 90, is ~that· there 'w-J_ll be
a~cess to Lawrence .and further, it will give, route from the new ~e~ern E~ectric
'.to r. awrence'.:~/It"will~alle~iate traffiC'~from Davis' &~'Furber and Stevens'. Company
'and iMr. Willis believes ~that al~ of ~us w~11~ be very ~uch be~efi~ed~ !"It'will also
, alleviate the ~rainage problem in Mifflin park.
Y~u all the reports, Green Street is listed as a very important project.,~
Mr. ~homson s~ated ,that a prior report of' Chapter 90 included North~Parish
~ a~_d .the bridge..It wilt~ tak~ two or '~hree years to ~conpleta.~Great Po~d
,/Road a~d although he is not opposed'to an investigation he wonders, ab0utdthe
· Willis stated that the limit he, would li~e to go is to lay the 'grand'work
for Lawrence and have' the bridge and road built. ~f bridge couldbe~ finished
N$rth Andover might be able to pa~ our share. He is also intereste'd~'in' cleaning
up ,the~ drainage problem in ~fflin Park.: . ,, ' -: ........ -, -',-, ~
Mr;' , Willis brought.up the 'matter of a-cc~mittee which was appointed'to consult:.
..with Mrs. McQuesten and he feels tha.t they should get togeth'er: and ~ee',~hat has 'been
done on this work. ~,.-. ~ ..
Mro,,K~irk Suggested that the committee be contacted andjJee-~,~he~ ~]]"'~,meet
i~rs.. McqueSten' and then report to this-board ~On..Novimber'~2~?xg~3?''.The iosrd:
'.agreed'. to/conta~ct 'the .com~ittee, Mr, .-~t]]is, in his. letter to.:Mr,' Wa~ter Whitehill
'~Sta~ed~ that. he would like to' have the.: committee ~report to ~ha Selectmen ~' pr£or, to
the ,middle of NOvember. ~ :
DCTOBER .26~ 1953: ' · ~
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectman ~s::held at 7':30 P.M. with all
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls, were*-approved.~, 1, _.:., ~,,. ....
~EE. ~:MOVAL. REQUEST: -....
Peter Kurgin, 281 .Sutton Street, requested,the removal, of. a tree in front of his
property. He stated tha~ ~ha roots' interfere.,with,'the'.sewer pipes and,~he is
having trouble with the'toilets backing up. He, has hadlthe plumber there ma~y
times and slso tha Dept. of Public gorks. He has used copper s~lphate'several
times and it did' not work out properly.' Mr. ~homs0n made, a motion that',this matter
be 'referred to the tree warden for poSting au~ 'hearing.. A.hearing will.'be held
on November 9, 1953 at 7:30 P.M.
Louis.Saunders came before the board seeking information relative to the appro-
priation of $300. If they should go over this amount he ~anted to know if the
Selectmen would approve a ~ransfer of money from the ~serve Fund. Mr. Wi1
informed him that he should keep within his budget if poSsible, and not be re-
sponsible for any bills contracted ovsr t,his amount.. ~f some.t.h.i.ng was unavoidable,
he could take itup with the board prmor ~o contracting such o~s.
OCTOBER 26, 1953- continued.
A discussion was held at this time by the Selectmen as a result of. the request
of Officer Robert Sanborn that the board set up.a.policy with respect to the
vacation for new patrolmen. There was a discussion on Just what policy would
be fair to all patrolmen and the following motion was made by. Mr. Thomson:
"Every office may be allowed fourteen days, vacation in each financial year
without loss of pay except that he shall receive no vacation in the year in
which he is appointed., Mr. Kirk seconded this mot£on and the vote was ,d'e-
61ared to be unanimous.
Mr. ~_llisnsuggested that this policy be submitted to the Chief of Police and
to the Police Relief Association so 'that the board may-know what their feelings
are in the ~atter. The board a~reed to this and letters will be s ant to~ the
chief and the Police Relief Association.
Mr. Alfred J. Grondin, Supt. of Buildings, Salem, Mass..came ~o check on the
furnishings ~'in the Court room ~hich belong to the County Commissioners.. Mr.
Grondin had a letter from Attorney Charles irombly who listed the following
items, which he ~hought might belong to the county commissioners~ a bench, chair,
railing and a set of old Mass. reports. Mrs. Dearden checked the records'but
could find nothing to indicate that the above items belonged %o the Commissioners.
Joseph Duncan stated tha~ he feels quite sure that the to~n paid allexpenses
for furniture in the court room~. The Board voted to inform Mr. Grondin that
we will check' further for this information and if he has some proof that the items
belong to the Commissioners, he should bring it to the building.
One bid was received from Fred Savoy, 16 Ferry Street~. in the amount of $900
to take down the building and the material-will go.to him. ,He will post a.bond
if necessary.
Mr~ Willis said he had been toying with an idea abou~ the school in question.and
he 'would like to pass it along to the beard for their consideration.. ~his school
is located in an area conaiderably removed from our Fire .Station. If weI could
~have a Volunteer Fire Dept.(Call Men) and give them some equipment, they ,could
operate from the school'; We could check with the chief and the engineers. Very
shortly, we will run into a short, age of space for equipment in the present station
and there is a possibility that we could s~ore the forest fire t~unk in the old
Mr. Thomson. said that the time is rapidly approaching when we will have ~o~ in-
crease our ~,~rsonnel and get away from the outmoded system 'of running all~ the
way up to the center to pick up men. At the moment, he is not in'favor of a
Volunteer Dept. Mr.'Willis thens aid he monet Call Men, not a Volunteer force.
Mr. Thomson said he would suspec~ that the cost ~o'ren0vate.'-the"s'chool would be
Mr. Xirk said he didn't think you could build such a building forl $2,000 to-day.
Hel~felt ~there were many points in favor of.equipment and protection of the sort
mentioned. If we had a serious fire, thereis; too" m~ch running around.
~Mr. Wt__llis said that at presen~ we have~wo branches of the Fire Departme4~,
uptown~'and downtown. If we could ge.t five or six
it'could work out. At. least, 'he samd, the
Mr, ~Thomson made emotion that we refer this matter to the Engineers suggesting
the possibility of using the old Center School for a Auxiliaryd~ri Dept. Mr.
Kirk seconded this motion and tbs vote was declared to be ~h~nim66s. A letter
will be sent :to 'the Fire Engineers and~ on a second' motion by Mr. ThomSon, the
board voted'to call the 'attention of .the Planning Board to this matter, and see
if they have any recommendations to make with re~ect to this school.
Charles Ashworth came before the board to'discuss call firemen who are not in-
cluded in the Group.Insurance. He can't understand ~why they were not included
and he-said he had been on a provisional appointment for the past 12 yrs.
Mr. ~illls explained that the Board had contact Herman Dine relative to the'statute
and was advised the board as ~o the meaning of =permanent,. In Mr. Dine's opinion
even call fire fighters who have Civil Service status would be covered in con-
nec~ion with group life insurance provisions specified in Clause (~4) Section ~,
Chapter 40, ~neral Laws. The distinction, apparently, is, whether the position
is of a permanent nature or a temporary nature. ~There was a general discussion
on this matter and~ the board agreed that Mr. Willis waxld contact the Insurance
Company and find out why these men,re not included in the group insurance.
Mr. ~/tlLts reported later that he had talked with Carl William~ of the John Hancock
Life insurance Co. and he is going to look into the matter.
OCTOBER 26, 1953: continued:
Mr. ~dward Eaton met with the Selectman at their request on complaint made to the
Selectmen by residents in the viuinity of the Heming~ay Terminal. Mr. Willis
explained that a petition containing 64 names had been presented to the board and
that the conditions referred to in the complaint as responsible for the disturbance
betwesn the hours of 9 P.M. and 6 A.M. are loading andunloading of trucks; trucks
starting and stopping, backing up and. down, hitching and unhitching of trailer
bodies, running and racing of motors and trucks entering and leaving premises.
Ail of the above conditions cause excsssive noise .and vibration resulting in dis-
turbance of sleep, impairment of the health of persons residing in the neighborhood.
Mr..~aton explained that the trucks are loaded 'until'they are ready to jo. T~CY have
to .go long distances and in order to make deliveries they have to travel 6vernight.
He said they are having Ia ter sessions than they had planned but they are doing all
they can for their own benefit as well as others and they can't give service unless
the trucks go out. He said that he had a notice posted after.he received the last
complaint on October 1, and any person making unnecesaary noises by dropping plates
or yelling in the yard, gunning the motor of trucks or tractor, they will ,be dismissed
inm~diatoly. He stated that they plan to have a new foreman in char~:e and he has
had considerable experience and Mr. Eaton feels-sure tha% he wLll help get the trucks
out early.
W~]fred Bottomlywas spokesman for the group and he said th~se units ~aks enough
noise to wake everyone up. He asked if the hours couldn't be changed or if they could
pu% up a sound barrier.
~r. Eaton said they would be out of business in a week if they t~ied %0 change their
hours. He said he .was quite sure that things would go along better and they have
one man responsible for hooking up the trucks and they keep them on the pond side
to eliminate noise. -. - -
After further discussion, Mr. Willis said that'we had reached an impels. Mr. Bottonley
suggests a barrier of trees or a wall. ~his is a new opera%ion and it is difficult
a~ the beginning to get organized. Mr. %¥ill~s 'said he has the utmost faith in Mr.
Eaton and ~e feels that after it has been organized, that there will bemach less
trouble about noise at this t~rminal.
Mr. Eaton said he would not let up on his efforts but .there w~ll still be some night
work. In bad weather the trucks will be coming in later but that happens in all
business concerns.
Mr. Bamford inquired if the mo%ers will run a long time in the cold we&ther and Mr.
Eaton said .they~weuld not and the trucks will be kept inside.
All those present decided %o wait and see h~ this works out.
NOVEMBER 2~ 1953
~he regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen w~s held at 7~30 P.M. with
all members present. Weekly b~]~s and payrolls were approved.
& hearing was held at 7;30 P.M. on the request of Rober~ ~inters, 157 Greene Street
for the removal of a tree which interferes with the grading ~o be done in front of
his home. Mr. Conners was present and he feels that the ~ree should be.removed.
Thomson made a motion that the tree warden be requested to remove this tree, seconded
by Mr. Kirk and vote was unanimous.
A hearing scheduled to be held on the request of Mrs. John ~.eary, 40' H4rold Street,
was removed 'several days ago as it was declared to be an emergency. The children were
ill and the sewage was backing up causing a serious condition there.. Mr. ,Conners
removed the %res at the request of Mr. Willis, chairman. Ail members of ~the board
agreed that this was the proper action.
The hearing on'-the request of Mr. Oscar Hoehn, 2 Summit Ave.' Methuan for the removal
of a. tree in 'front of his property at 34-36 Main Street was not acted upon as Mr.
Conners informed the board that' he had agreed %o take care of this matter himself.
A written request for the removal of a tree at 118 High Street was received from
Leonard Wlndle. His chief complaint in c~ctinn with this-particular tree is due
to the roots plugging the sewer line on an aver~.ge of every three m~nths.
Mr. Conners was present and he said he thought the pipe must be broken and he didn't
believe that the trouble was all caused by roots. He has talked with Mr. Duffy
about this and he seems to feel that the only solution is to remove the tree. Mr.
Conners mentioned another tree where the same condition exists and a hearing is to
be held next week, and this request will be'discussed a~ tha~ time, although Mr.
Conners is quite sure that the tree is on private property.,
.Mr. ~illis inquired of Mr. Conn0rs if he knew of any specific case where the
condition continued after the tree had been removed but Mr: Conners said he would
have to see Mr. Dully to &~t this information. He will check on this before next
Monday night.
.The Board voted to have a meeting with Mr. Duffy and' Mr. Conners on next Monday
evening at 7~30 P.M. to see what solution can be reached with respect to taking
trees down or replacing services.