HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953-12-28 Board of Selectmen MinutesDECF~BEE 28~1953-conttnued
Nr~ Nillisthen exolatned that the Hemingway people directed their routes along
Nerrimack Street and out through Lawrence but as far as Stevens trucks are concerned
we had to find a route which would affect the least number of people. He said
adter the survey and discussion with ~r. NcCabe the chief suggested that this route
would be the most direct one and would be the place with the least 'resistance.
· Nr, Willis explained further that this particular route was not picked because
there were elderly people living on the street. It was the result of study and
caretlul consideration. He said that this b6ard has no right toexelude these trucks
from the highways. Whether or. not something is a nuisance has to be decided.
If these trucks were nuisances they eouldn't be licensed. He said he was sorry
that Nr. Harvey assumed the attitude that the trucks were being push~d~.onto
Prescott Street.
Er. NcCabe said they are using the mos= direct route now.
Er. 'Kirk inquired if ~r. Harvey had noticed any difference during the past week
in the noise and number- of trucks and he said, Strange to saM, it has been very
quiet this week; Nr. NcCabe again said that that was what ,he had tried~to,explain
before about the trucks coming in day and night for a week and then probably ~ go along
a whole week without a single truck coming in at night.
Er. Kirk asked if Nr. Harvey would be satisfied if %he noise is eliminated .and he
said that was so.
Nr. NcCabe then said he would do all he could to fix the mufflers, to quiet-them down
and he will see that one:truck goes up Prescott Street at one ~ime.
Er. Willis;,then asked Nr. Harvey if he would gq along with this ~ suggestion' for
two or three weeks andsee what happens.~and ~hen if the noise still continues he
could' come back before the board and they would see what could be done.
He agreed to do this and left sayihg that he needed his sleep and that if he
didn't &mt it, no one else will. Er..NcCabe will keep the Selectmen informed of
the progress he makes~,during the next few~ weeks with respect to ,this matter.
Arthur Bourdelain appeared before the board at their request with respect to a bill
submitted to the Highway Department for excavating trenches at the new .dump site.
~here was alengthy discassion about the depth and width of the trench. Nr.~Willis
stated that.the problem the board has. is the amount to be p~id. to Er.' Borderlais.
On the testimony of our. Engineer, Pmlph Brasseur, who checked the amount:,of excavation
the amount owed for the amount of work completed is $~89.. Nr. Willis said he was
particularly disturbed at an original bill submitted which was for an amount almost
twice as much as the above amount.
Hr. B0urdelais stated that ,the first lO0 feet dug was not the f~ll ~i~. '~ said
that Dr. Kay .and 'a State Engineer:were ~up their:and they said that 15 feet' ~rlde'and
6 ~eet deep was plenty big enough and he said the~ excavated 100 fee't~'on
measurements. Then Ira came along and wanted the full width. He said that Er. Carry,
agreed on the bill for $400. ..
Nr.~ Willis.said that contracte were given to the next lower bidder and the total
cost. was much less~for, a new ditch at 20' Wide and8. ~ep~. He asked I~r..Bourdelais
if ho'was sure that'Dr., Kay'was present when %his change was made and also 'the state
,. ~r. Bourdelais stated that both Dr. Kay and the State Engineer were there and' that they
-wasted a whole-morning helping,' :Ira and Walter. Stamp to put stakes in and the ditch was
~o have run~ opposite from the way it actually runs now. He said he knocked off
~100 feet off, the trench and that most of .the trench was 8' deep but ,that th~ other
25G', might have been a trifle narrow. He said it had to be 20,~Wide in,order to swing
his. shovel. He~ said he had a backho~ there for one day.- Er. Willis said he did not
agree with him on this but Er. Bourdelais said he could look in the Tribune as there
was a picture of it and Nr. Willis said he recollhcted that this was so.
Er.. Willis said he was not interested in paying a portion of the bill a~d then get.
another bill later on but Er. Bourdelais said this $400 would be the final'bill.
: Ralph Brasseur then came into the meeting ~nd Er. Willis explamined about the bill
, of Sb00 for excavation and that according to ~lr. Brasseur's investigation, the cost
of the .work performed would be $289. ..
~r. Brasseur said he measured the ~ength of the trench, and.arrived at an average
depth~ and Width. He went on to explain how he arrived at the $289.
Nr.- Kirk.mentioned that they had to have 20. in order.to swing-.the 'machine around.
Nr. Bordelais said that in some places the trench was 22, wide and that it ~is still
opened 'and could be measured'. He'questioned how Hr~ Brasseur could measure the trench
· when he didn't come up there and measure until after the trsnch, had started to have
-.refuse dumped ,in there.
Nr. Kirk said he would like to talk to Nr. Carty and he made a motion that the matter
be tabled for one week
Contacted by telephone Dr. Kay informed }~r..Willis that the Stat~ Engineer had told !~r.
Bqurdelais to change the soecificat~ on on the basis of his experience. Bordelais agreed to
ma~e up the difference in length..-
~ms. ~illian Acciard requested the removal of a tree from in front of her property
at 168 Greene Street. The roots interfere with the pipes and she has had .to call in
the Board of Public Works several times. The men suggested that she contact .the Selectmen
have have the tree removed as the roCos will grow in again. The board voted unanimously
to refer this to the tree warden for investigation and posting, if necessary.
DECEMBER 28, 1953; continued
Notice received f~om the American LaFrance Foamite Corporation that the following
apparatus has been shipped- One American LaFrance Type 945 Quadruple with 750
GPM .Pump, 1%0 Gal. Water Tank and hose body. Reg. # L-4903, Shipped 12/2~/53.
~his apoaratus should arrive at East Cambridge on December 27m 1953 foriunloading.
Tee letter requests that a telegram be sen~ to the company-a~ 28 Brighton Ave.
Boston 34, as soon as the ~anazus .arrives.
A petition for permission to excavate to install gas s~rvice for Vincent Boylan,
210 Pleasan~ St. (20 feet on Lexington Street) and for Dr. Joseph A. Maker,
234'Main Street,(27 foot'on Garden Street) was received. The Board voted unani-
'~mously to gr~:~ permission subJec~ ~o the conditions as se~ forth by the Select-
A copy of an accident repor~ wa~ received from the Board of Public '~orks. Louis
J. Godin burned his left arm, neck and spray burns on the right inner arm a
steam pipe was being replaced and the hot.water came back and burned him. No
ENDORSEmeNT- Policy FD 3549:
An 'endorsement covering three reserve police officers was received and the addi-
tional premiumis '~6.77. The men covered are John J. Lanni, Ronald F. Heggar~y
and Paul U. Lafond.
An estimate showing the need for an increase in appropriation for 1954 was re-
ceived from ~ichard G..Whipple, Manager. ~he amounts paid in 1953 are $12,348.33
and the estimated amount for 1954 is $14,562.10 and a total amount of $14,570
-will be requested in the appropriation.
Notice received that a 15,000 Lumen Mercury Vapor light has been installed on
pole #454, Waverley Road and was installed on 12/21/195~. On the same day,.
two lights were removed, one 2~00 lumen incandescent on pole #454 and one 1000
Lumen incandescent on pole #54 on Second.Street.
'A communication was received in ~reply mo our letter of December 18~ relative ~o
the position of chief engineer of the Board of Fire Engineers of this town and ~
is classified under Civil Service. ~he letter states that'under the law the
position may only be filled on a permanent basis ~as the result of a e¢mpetitive
promotional ex ~a~in~tion. The Civil Service records show that there are six
'permanent fire fighters w~o have been employed more than one year in thi's grade
and they would be eligible to compete in this' examination if held prior to May 1,
1954. One other ~ermanent fire fighter was promoted ~o this permanent force on
May 1, 1~53 and wc~ld not 'be eligible if this examinationI is held prior to Mayl,
~1954. .~equisition should be filed at the Civil Service office together ~ith a
detailed statement of the duties of the positio~ in duplicate~, in accordance
with the attached outline, upon receipt ofwhich arran§ements would be m~de for
a ~competitive promotional examination.
Mr. Willis stated that there ~as no rush as the chief is not actually through until
~the middle o_f January. The board voted unanimously to table this c~mmunication
for furt~mr c~usideration at a later date.
A-letter was received from Roland Sherman thanking the board for the prompt
attention given to the m~tter of releasing their bond, posted which was a bank
book,-Broadway Savings Bank, Account #109822 in the name of the Sutton Hill Ce. Inc.
Chief McKee reported that Bennie Gioco of North Andover ha4 never been engaged
in the illegal selling of alcoholic beverages and was a person of good repute.
The board signe~ the form and it will be sent to the office of the Secretary.
Mr. ~Nillis informed the board that he had talked ~th Mr. Culver relative to
determination as to liability i:~ case of damage claims. Nr. Culver eaid it
would be left to the discretion of the board unless there was something unusual.
A letter will besent ~o the Selectmen verifying this information. The bond will
be held up untll the letter is received from ~ir. Culver.