HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-01-04 Board of Selectmen Minutes898 DECemBER 28, 1953: continued SKATING RINKS: Fred Houghton called Mr. Willis about skating rink:~ for the children of the town due to the increased number of drowning accidents. ~r. Willis suggested that this be referred to the Recreational Council for their discretion. JANUARY 4, 195~: The regular weekly meeting of the Poard of Selectmen was held a~ 7:30 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. INNIS STREET: ]~r. Leo Gucciardo came before the board to say that he was willing to cut down the brush on Innis Street on both sides of the street but that Mrs. Bohnwagner re~used to let 'him cut the brush in front of her property. He wanted to know what he could do as he would like to make this road passable and later put in some gravel. Mr. Thomson stated that on a private way each owner may own half cf the street but it would be necessary ~o look up the deeds ams see if each abutter'owns half of the street and if that is so, unless ]~rs. Bohnwagner wants the brush cu~ down Mr. Gucciardi would have ~o leave it alone. P~CREATIONAL COUNCIL: Several members of this council 6ame before the board to present their articles and also to discuss skating rinks. Carl Taomas talked ~o the board and he wondered Just where we could have a skating rink. He said that the ~own had gained 600 children in the past two years and that we would have to get a playground 'of some kind in the area of Davis Street. ~r. Thomson inquired if they hm~ talked with Mr. Rockwell about the land on DaVis Street but they had not as yet. Mr. Thomas.~mentioned all the time given by members of this council and they felt that no one in the town real~ reed Just ho~vmuch time is spent at the various playgrounds. · Mr. Sutcliffe and Nr. Bonnano stated that they were interested in skating.rinks this year and if Mr. Carty would furnish.the sand and some other department take~ care of the renter they felt that they could get the rinks. Taey said that all the kids need is a large puddle of wa~er frozen over. Mr. Willis said he had Mr. Carty's verbal assurance that he will coopera~e and he felt that the members should talk with Nr. Puffy about the water, and also with the Fire 7~ugineers. Mr. Thomson said that this .question has been before the board ~or years. He said that a survey had been made and it was felt that the town didn't have a suitable place. It takes a long time to pour enough water to make a rink and it has been tried at · the Thomson SchooT and a g~ea~ deal depends entirely on the weather. It is'quite a problem to ask men to go out in zero weather and spray water on a rink at the proper time. He .felt that the council should t~-y to develop a spot and determine from a technical point if this is suitabl'e. ~r. Thomson said he thought all the Departments would coopera~e. He also felt it was a very worthy pro,lec~. ~r. Bonnano mentioned that he had talked about the Johnson High School as a Youth Center and found that this would have ~o be done by a private organization. Mr. Thomson then mentioned the appointing of the Life Guards and he felt it should come under the Recreational Council rather than the Public '~orks. H8 ment~ioned various irstances during the stammer when the life guards were supposed to be o.n duty and were playing cards at the beach. Mr..l~illis said he' sympathized with the council as he had noticed in one .instance that the guards were playing cards and the life boat was out pas~ the'raft and was filled with water. He felt that they' mould make a complaint to the Board of Public works. FAr. Thomson stated that the province of the Recreational Council is to make recommenda- tions an~ ether, departments would' carr-y out the work. They were more a less a Planning Board for recreation. ~r. Willis asked the group ~o come in on January 1§,1954 at 8:00 P.M. to discuss this further as the board had a hearing and they had considerable other mat~ers to take car~ of at this time. The members agreed to come in at the time-specified. FIRE ~RUCK COM]~T2EE: Lester Perkins, ,~ichard Heider, Edwin Koenig and Calvin Snell as well as the Selectmen all members of this committee were requested to meet at 8:00 Mr. ~¥illis said he had called this meeting ~omight to disucss the fire truck. He said the new t~ck had been delivered and that the Underwriters test ~ad been held on December 31. He had been verbally assured that the equipment is topnotch and that within five or slx. days we will receive written approval. He felt tha~ ~he committee should view the truck and see if the terms of the contract are conformed with. Mr. ~homson felt th'at the Chief should be presen~ and suggested that the committee view the truck a~ a later date. He said he would also like to ex~mine the .contract and speciTications and then look a~ the truck. Mr. Willis said he ~ould see no partiaular reason for delaying the viewing of the truck and that ~.~r. Starr from the LaFrance Company was in the fire station to give any information required. Mr. Lester Perkins stated that the specifications were not the same as specified. He also fel~t that ~r. Hargreaves should be present as Chief and that he would probably like the opportunity of viewing the truck with other members of the committee. JAh~ARY h, 195~- continued. FIRE TRUCK COmmITTEE: ~r. Heider amid he would like all members to be present. He had looked the truck over and it was a nice pump but there were some articles missing.and he felt that the represanzative should be present. Mr. Willis said that Mr. Start is fully qualified to give all the information required and he thought the committee should view the truck tonight since they had been without a ladder truck for se long. He said they don't have to accept the truck and the Chief can point cut his view point later. Mr. Thomson stated that he didn't think we should show a representative of the Company mere respect than our Chief. Mr. Eirk'satd he wouldn't sign the contract acceptance tonight and not until we get written approval from the Under~riter,s. Mr. Snell said if that is what they are waiting for, then they should wait to view the truck. It was agreed that as .soon as the notice is received, Mr. Willis will get in ~ouch ~vith all the members and arrange for a meeting to view the truck. I'~RING INSPECTOR: Thomas H. Lebel submitted a ~ltten resignation as Electrical Inspector for the town of. North Andes,er to become effective as of January l, 1954..He said that due to increasing pressure of his own business he found it necessary to resign. He made a suggestion that the board appoint some one who can work in the Fire Department and who can also take care of his end of the work. He said he had made 1500 calls during the year and that the work was getting very heavy. He also suggested that they ge~ rid of the Board of Fire Engineers and have one person in charge and he felt that it would work out much better for~the to~n. Mr. Thomson made a motion that the resignation of Thomas Lebel who ser~dc~ass %~iring Inspector for the town be accepted with.sincere thanks and that the re- signation become effective as of Januar~ l, 195h. Motion was seconded by Mr. Kirk and vote~ unanimously. Mr. Lebel said he would finish up all the work left over from 1953 but,would not take any of the 1954 work. The board votedto appoint John ~hompson of ApDleton Street %o continue as wiring inspector until ~arch 31, when the appointment for the ensuing year will be made. DOG DFFICER REPORT: A copy of the report of the Dog Officer for the ye'ar 1953 ~as received by the board. REVOLVER PERmiT APPLI~%TION: An application for a license to carry a revolver was received~from Stanley Burtulia, reason given was the fact that he is the dog officer. Application ~was approved~.by Chief McKee and the board vo~ed unanimously to grant the license. MASS. SEDEC~N'S ASS0: Notice received reporting that another y~ar of 100% membership of the towns in the state and also enclosing bill for dues for 195~ in the amount of $45.00. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: A petition for permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures on the following public way: On the westerly side of Turnoike Street, from a point approximately 355 feet southerly from Berry Street, southerly, 22 poles; ~ On the easterly side of Turnpike Street, at points approx~nately 1639 feet, 1989 feet, 6499 feet and 7063 feet southerly from Berry Street, 4 poles. A public hearing will be held on January 11, 1954at 7:45 P.M. in the Selectmen's Office. LA~NCEELECTRIC CO:-~NEI? ENGLAND TEL. & TEL.CO: Petition received requesting permission .~o locate poles, wires, cables and on Massachusetts Avenue, Glenwood S~ree~, ! pole(remove i pole). This petition when granted will supersede order granted 10/9/1953 and recorded in Book 7 page 242. ~ public hearing will be held on January ll, 1954 at ~?:45 P.M. in the Selectmen's Office. LAWRENCE ELEC.CO: NEW. ENGLAND TE~. & TEL. &~J~ERICAN TF~. & TEL. CO. &petition received requesting permission to abandon and remove poles and fixtures along the following public ~ays: Great Pond Road wes~ of So..Bradford Street, 1 pole. No hearingrequired and the board voted unanimously to grant this request. JANUARY 4, 195~: continued LAWRENCE GAS CO: As requested by the Board of Selectmen this company son% a duly executed bond of the Lawrence Gas Company %o the Town of North Andover for the Town records. The Lawrence Gas Company will comply with all its obligations in connection with same, as r~. required by lmv. Mr. Willis informed the board that he had talked with ~. Culver, Manager, relative - to the request of the board tha~ some determination be made as to whether or not the company wishes to sit in on any damage claim and Mr. Culver stated that they are willing to abide by the decision of the Board of Selectmen but if they fe~l that it is of sufficient importance to call the Companyiin, they will be glad to do SO, Mr. Thomson stated that he was willing %0 accept the oral suggestions ef Mr. Culver and the other members agreed. Bond .will be filed under Law. Gas. Co. Bond~ DAMAGE CLAIM: .A letter was received from Mrs. Fannie Cruickshank relative to our letzer~of December 23, 1953. Mrs.. Cruickshank stated that she thought Mr. Catty,was very unjust in saying.tbere was no defect in the highway. Her letter explained the exact condition of the road andshe said they had to put blocks under the mud guards to keep them from scraping on the tires. .In view of this information, the board vo~ed %o PaY the amount of· th~ claim in full.. A release will be first obtained from Mrs. Cruickshank. GREAT POND ROAD-MR. STEFANOWICZ: · A~ reply to. our letter of December '.1'.7;1953 ~as received ~from Mr. Stefamowicz. He stated that he was suprised to hear of t~he condition existing as he had the place graded and seeded with rye for the prevention of such a thing ~happening~ as this - -. wash-out. ~en he re%urns in the spring he.will take the-necessary steps to correct. this condi~ion. ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC :WORKS: A letter in reply %o our.letter of December 16,' 1953 ,relative. to a drainage,condition at the intersection.of Pleasan~ Street and Chickering Road was received by the board. Mr.. Gray stated that the matter is. being referred %o the District. Highway Engineer C. A. Fritz and following receipt of his report, this board-will be .advised further. Mr. ~illis stated that he had a conversation with Mr. Healey at the Beverly office and he said that a report would be available to the board by January 25, 19%4. A meeting is to be held to-morrow at 1:45 P.M. a% this location and.Ralph Brasseur and Hr. Carry will meet with the representative from the Beverly Office. Mr. Willis suggested that we contact Mr. Puffy, Supt. of Public Works and that perhaps he will be interested in a%~ending this meeting. -" DIVISION OF CIVIL Sk~VICE: A reply to our letter of December 18, 1953 relative to the position Of Chie~ engineer of the Board of Fire Engineers ,was received by the board. ,The letter .states that the position under the law m~y only. be filled on a mpermanen= . basis 1~ as the result of a competitive promotional examination. ~he records indicate that there are six permanent fire fighters who have been employed more than one y~ar in this grade and would be eligible to compete in the comnetitive promotfnnal examina- · .tion if held prior to May 1, 1954. One other permanent f~re fighter.was.~ not promo~ed- to · this permanent force .un%i!' May 1, 1953 and would not be eligible if the examination is held prior to May 1,~ 1954. Requisition s.hould be filed in the Civil Service 6ffice with a detailed statement of the .. duties of the position,.in duplicate, in accordance with ~the attached outline, upon .receipt of which arrnagements would be made for a. competitive promotional examination. Mm.. Thomson made a .motion .that we requisition for a list of persons eligible for the ~. ,position of.chief.engineer. NATIONAl FOUNDATION EOR-INFANTILE PARALYSIS,INC. A letter was received and a s~atement enclosed to eb made available to daily and weekly newspapers to be released on January 7, 1954 to inform the citizens Of th~ importance and meaning of the N~ch of Dimes. ~e reporter informed th%'chairman tha~ the wquld not be able to have the s~atement in the. paper and .no further action was taken. ~.R~IiUR BOURDELAIS; DISPOSAL 'SITE: Mr, Willis stated that a bill for Arthur Bourdelais was held over last week as .the members were no% satisfied tha~ the amount .of work done was valued a% Shoo. He said Mr. ,Kirk .was to ,check the location which he did, but he stated that he was no% an engineer and did not feel qualified to say Just how much the work was worth., Mr..Willis wen% onto say that the contractor ~as willing to give a relaas'e for $400 and that Mr. Carry h~d agreed to settle for this amount. Dr. Kay and the State Engineer had told Bourdelais to reduce the width and depth but that he would make up the difference in the length. Mr. Kirk said that they did keep Mr. Bourdelais sitting there for one half'a day and he had his men and equipment but was unable to do any ~ork. After further discussion, Mr. Kirk made a motion that we offer Mr. Bourdelais $3~0 as a compromise offer for the work done a% the new disposal site. Mr. Thomson seconded the mo~ion, and vote was unanimous. JANUARY 4, 1954- continued. The Board discussed various articles to be inserted in the to~n'warrant be petitiened bythe Board of Salectmen. Ail these articles wlll'bebefore the board at a later date when the warrant is closed. JANUARY 11, 1954:1 Meeting at 7:30 P.M. with all members 'pres~ntc TREE PJ~0VA~ HEARING: : ...... ~.. : . ' ~'hear,~ was ~eld'. at:?,t~.~,:~;~. :o~ :t~e ~titiO~ of::Mrs, ttn[an 'Acciardj' '[~S" areen ~'"r"'=';':'-TStreet for the removal -o~'A"tree in front of" her' -ro-ert-; ,-'~.~::.-'. - --. . the board'that th d~h~d .... ~ · ~, , , .,.. uonnors.~n~-ormec ......... · .~e-a~so st~ed that the Board ;of .,b~en"c ..~lle d~'up, th'er,e','~n 't,h~.,ee $c'cas~ons' to' the is ·nei servic~ ~nd sO ~nvi~ . Mr. Thomson made..a' motion-that.thei'treeward~n Mr..Kirk seconded.the mot£on and vot~'Was~.unanimous; ,~,.: .- ........ ~ ...... !~: tree. · :,~ ~ chairman: o£-'the the dis burning~D~tc~:~,~14 diseased',~ reveals n~t"constit~?~:heaI~h ~enane:-but ~lt .~aS~ his' recoLl~c'tion-,tB~t~.tbe::· ¢omm~t~eipromised the residents :'o£ 'tha%.-are~ ~t~a~ doC~or. :.t:" ~the~e:.:'and~ tha~;' refuse :[w'as' fee'iS~Lthat, the are :about 100 kUd :fha ,:caUSe: ~Such: =OREENE S ~che bridge t' ~ an'd $ °r'j: pets ohs 7 cr 6s'sing: the :rs omo 'k~nd: erected'. ~n~!the'rNortfiTA~d~V6~t' ~ SeCtion,'. 24.which'states other, s~ff~cient means..~.to .cautiont~the~. ;~.affiC :::ligh~,i:and ;k: FOr~' tru~k ~crahsed:-:, into .eived' Strained ApplicatiOn for: a license to" '' ' carry =' reVolver Was received from Louis sergi~ ' :: ' 615 Mess, Ave, and the board voted unanimously to gra~t ~ license upon payment of the 'usual fee; Mr. carries large sums and thi~: ur .