HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-04-13 Board of Selectmen Minutes276 April 13, 1964 (contiuued) The Selectmen advised ~r. Hughes that Jolmson Street was one of the streets allocated to be surfaced this year. re~J~ R.R. TRACtG: Selectman Raymond Broadhead requested that a letter be sent to Jacob Berkover, District Highway Engineer, to expedite the removal of obs~tete railroad tracks on Chickering Road in the vicinity of Lund ~s Garden Center and on Osgood Street. Mr. Melvin Kirlcn~:, Airport Manager, met with the Board to discuss, emong other matters, a com- plaint received by the Board of private planes flying over residential section of the town i.e. specifically inthe vicinity of Lincoln, Russell,Pleasant,Davis and Main Streets. Mr. Kir~u~ produced ~a map of the Airport showing where one runway would be phased out and another runway· would be . epaired to extend it to a total of 3100 feet. This would eliminate the necessity · for the planes to fly over residential section. He also stated that a fence would be construc-~ed on the Holt Road side to keep cut "parkers", on the Osgoed Street side to keep cut cows, and on the Sutton Street side to keep children cut for their own protection and safSty. He also stated that land on Sutton Street side would be available for construction of buildings. Plans ~mre made for Mr. Eirkman, Selectman Fred Oakes, Leo Lsfond, Tree ~Iarden and Highway Foreman, Walter Stamp, to make an inspection tour to Fort Devens and Bedford to try to purchas~ surplus equipment for the Town of North Andover on Wednesday, Apr,! 15th. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. A~.tce M. Letarte, Secretary. Clerk Note: Because Patriot's Day, a legal holiday, falls on Sunday and will be celebrated on Monday, April 20th, the Town Building will' be closed on that day and the regular Selectmen's Meet- ing will be held on Friday, April 17, 1964, at 5:00 p.m. April 17, 1964. As Patriot's Day, a legal holiday, was celebrated on Monday, Town Building w~s closed and the Se!ectmen's Meeting ~ms held on this date, instead of April 2Oth, with al! members of the Board present: KEV~ H. ~HITE, SEC. OF STATE: A certificate cf incorporation ~.ms received and referred to the Chief of Police for investi~ ~PROVEM~NT SOCIETY: Notice wms received of the executive board meeting of the N.A. Improvement Society. SUPREME COURT: A copy was received of the decision of the Supreme Jucicial Court on the case of Moysenk6' v the Town of North Andover and the Board of Health. TG~N ~NPLOYEE PARKING: The Selectmen directed that a notice be sent to all Town Building ~employees requesting them to park in the space provided for them behind the To~m Building and to refrain from parking in front of the To~m Building. This is to provide space for parking for town citizens who have business in the Town Building. LAND-TAKING: The Board voted to authorize Attorney Charles Trombly to settle the land-taking claims of the B. & M. RaiLroad for $300.00 and of Harry and Marion Tubman in the amcunt of 84,000.00. CARTY PENSIC~: A meeting was set for Wednesday noon, April 22, 1964with the Selectmen and Attorneys Salisbury and Tromb!y to discuss the procedure pending the Csrty pension. A meeting of certain departments is pending to discuss the Highway Dept. problem. The meeting w~s adjourned at 5:45 p.m. AliceM. Letarte, Secretary.