HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-11-29 Board of Selectmen MinutesNovember 29, 1965 (continued)
Nr. Finneran stated that the layout of the reconstruction work was complete to the inter-
section of Bo~ford St. and that plans were under way for completing the layout to the
Middleten line. tt was anticipated that the highway department in years to come would
assume more of the basic construction work under Chapter 90.
In the. letter to the commissioners the Board will state that theywould like to see the
portion of Salem Street to the Boxford St. intersection completed by 1967 which involves
at stretch of road five miles long. To acconplish this, more than the usual allotment
trill be needed from the State.
Ma-.' Nicetta stated that the crossings still had not been repaired by. the railroad as
requested. The Board voted to send -~uother letter on the matter in question.
Because of dangerous intersection, a request will go tb the DP~ bo change to regular
traffiC lights the blinking lights at the corner of Mass. Ave. and Waverley Road.
TEICHN~ Complaint:
Mr. & Mrs. Teichman appeared before the Board to complain .of annon2mous calls over a
period of two years. The Board asked if' ~hey had reported this to the telephone com-
p~IV and the police department. They stated they had and had. also engaged the services
of a la~eyer. All had done nothing, they reported. The police had a report on the
matter which was studied by the Board. The Board concluded that because she had engaged~
a lawyer and reported the matter to the District Attorney: they could do nothing for them
and to advised them to take up the problem once more with thei~ attorney.
~d/ce M. Letarte, Secretary.
,,- .December 6, 1965.
. Ray.m. oad Broadhead, Chairman of 'the Bos~d of Selectmen, annoanced that due to increased
.: business responsibilitims he would notbe a candidate in the coming elections as a
· · member of the Board of Selectmen. Ne stated that he would miss being a part of the
'; administration of the Town and ~rished the ·best of prosperity and growth to the Town of
· North ~.udover in the comLug years.
-~ ~wo Jurors .were drawn for Jury duty, at Salem, on January 3~ 1966. John T. Ff~n, 49
Meadow Lane', Clerk, drawn for civil-~cou~t ami John W. Connors,' 67 Brightwood Ave.
drawn for Criminal Court.'
Notice 'received from the Board of Health that flu shots would be given to town
~emp!oyees on December 9, 4:15 to 5 P.M. in the Board of Health office. T
Chief ~Lawlor submitted character reference for J. A. Kennedy, request of Secretary of
State's office.
2wo petitions to excavate were approved for H~l~ide Rd and Herrick Rd. and Silsbee Rd.
Surveys received for street lighting on Main and Cotuit Streets were approved by the
Board and requested they be instmlled.
Requested also ~ms street lights to be installed on pole ~4. on High Street across from
home of ~Mrs. NcQuestion~ and on G~eat Pond Rc~.~ across street from home of Mr. Brown
at 1%35.
Noticerrec~eived of inst~ation of street lights on Chickering and Great PondRds.
The Board voted to request the DPW to install reflectors on traffic island on the
North Andover side of Sutton Street.
A letter received from Thomas W. Leavitt, Director of the .Merrimack Valley Textile Museum
contained names to be appointed to the above-roamed committee: The Board voted approval
and the following members were appointed: Walter Muir %~hitehill, 4h Andover St.
Thomas W. Leavitt 117 Beacon Ave., J. Radford Abbott, 72 Central St., Andover, Mrs. Edward
· Knapp, 1OO Court St.