HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-04-11 Board of Selectmen Minutes 366april 196S (continued) ~JSCULAR DYSTROPH~ LETTER: A letter of thanks was received by the Board from the ~D foundation thanking the Board and town of North Andover for their cooperation in their last drive. REPORTS: Reports receive& from National Safety Council, Sale~ Tax and Ration Board were tabled for further study. POLLUTION: John Monterio, Chairman of the Pollution Study Committee, will represent the town at Pollution Committee meeting, April 13, 12 noon, at the Merrimack Valley Motor Inn. A town pollution meeting will be set up in the near future. CI~IEF LAWLOR: Chief Lawlor reported that the requested ,,Go-Slow, Children" signs had been installed on Francis Street and on Salem Street,--vicinity of the Bernardtn residence. . C~mPTE~ 0 ~O-SAZE~ ST.: ~Mr. Nicetta repor~ted to the Board that at his meeting with Jacob Be~kover and Mr. Les- pasio of the Danvers DI~,, they had advised him that desi~aa~s~WhO were to plan the . additional extended road of 1000 feet on Salem Street before bids can be put out on the contruction, had been put on priority projects where Federal money was involved .and the work had to be done by July of money would be withdrawn. As a consequence they could not advise Mr. Nicetta how soon the planning of the Salem Street, Chapter 90 work.~could ~be startod...the planning would take two or three weeks, once started. -',. '. ~r..Fink wanted to know why they couldn't put out for bids the 3000 feet already corn-. pleted~in plan and ~r. Nicetta replied that the total hO00 fee~ of construction had to be on. one contract, under one request for bids. Mr. Finck said the,representatives should be contacted and a meeting set up on the matter. Chairman Oakes said he would. ' contact Mr. Berkover asking him to 'attend next, Monday nightts meeting~ April l$,~if .poss- ible for 'Mr. Berkover, to d~'scuss this matter. If he could not attend, he will be:re- ~2quested to send a letter concerning information, in deter, as to why the~ Chapter 90 work'..was being delayed, how long the delay would be, etc. ~)':'[Mr'. ~icetta'also reported that the repair of the cement sidewalks in the town would"cost a great deal of money...slabs would have to be removed and new cement walks-installed'.' Chairman Oakns advised him to make a survey of the cost ami to contact the. Advisory, Board . ,'on:.h~w the. money for same could be procured. Mr. ~icetta asked .the Board. if they .would i'.. sponsor this survey and request for funds and he was. advised that they would do -so. . . ~..,- TOW~ DUNP: "On ithe problem of fires at the town dum~, Mr. Nicetta said they were attempting, to con- ~ solidate the dump into one area and in case of fire breakings'out, Chief Daw would;be ~)." :/a~le. to take care of it.- Mr. Nicetta-said also ~they were trying to' place .refusef'in ~.',': .- ~. layers but it was'.a .very slow .process due to, the great' fire .hazard. Ne was askedfif ~the Board of Health had been contentod and he said yes Eut ameeting should be set' u~[in the Board of Health, Selec~nen' and Mr. Nicetta to determine, if.;.the'.dump be -relocated.: - Mr. :Nicetta also stated that trenches could,be., dug but said.:in'.'one ~ ~ 'week only 1200 cubic 2'~rds of debris could be dumped into ~th~m 'at a cost of. $1000.%~er('~[!~.,. .. ~: PONDI pAP~ING ,~RE~: - ' signed .agreement was received f~om the Mass. Electric ~ompa~' re the addi-. ": .tional land, owned by t~Mass. Electric, Company and leased tc the town of. North Andever one dollar per year, for additional parking space to relieve the congestion caused by cars having to park on the road adjacent to the beach. This land was procured .chiefly ~: .. through the continuous efforts of Chairman Oakes. A meeting will be held on the pro-~,;' posed parking area, site on Friday, at 2:30 p.m., April 1~1 Mr. Dully, Mr. Lafond,, .,.Mr"" ·: Nicetta and ¢~irman Oakes wil~' maet there. SALES TAX NOTIFiCATION: A' letter from the State advised the ~oard of Selectmen to file an application (Form TA,1) ' for registration as an exempt purchaser. ~his registration will cover all'town, depart- merits, offices and agencies, including school committees, whether they purchase through. a central purchasing office or. independently. ~ll department heads will ,be so notified' with the additional advice that if any town department had already applied for registra~ tion separatelY, it should use its own number when issued. All other departments will', use the To~n ~ombar. STREET ~TGRT ~URTE~: Mr. ~loneran requested that a street light survey ~e made by the electric company lm the vicinity of the Pine Cres~ Nursing Home on Great Pomi. Road. 4th OP JUL~ COMMITTEE: Mr. Arthur Drummond ami Daniel O,Leary ~/ee~an unscheduled appearance before the ~oard to why of Committee did not want to serve om the Committee this ar. chief wes the obJe to the fee of the land. (cont uod) 867 Mr. 'Drummond couldn, t understandwhy they didn, t object to donating the money sooner. He said he had discussed the charge with the Chairman of the Community Center Board and nothing was said. about 'their objection to donate to the 4th of July Committee. Chairman Oakes replied that the Community Center,having donated their time and effort many years to have a place of recreation for the young people of North Andover~ should not be taxed by the 4th of July Committee. It was h~s opinion it was unfair to take money from the Community Center for the 4th entertainments; the money was needed and should be applied to the activities of the youth of the town. Mr. F inck stated the matter should be understood before the 4th of July events took place. Mr, 0akes also stated he highly objected to the Union officials, through their strong protests, taking the Navy and Arm~ bands out of the parade. The price of the Union ban6 was so high it was prohibitive to hiring for the parade and the Union officials, because their bands were not hired by the Town of North Andover, contacted government officials and prevented the arm[. and navy hands from participating. Mr. O'Leary said the Union officials were within their rights. Mr. Drummond and Mr. 0'Leary also they received very little cooperation from the merchants of the town, that they showed very little interest in the parade and in having bo~th~~ at'the affair. They also declared that the Veterans organizations refused to have 'a color guard in the parade. Mr; Oakes said he was surprised to hear · this as the 'Veterans have always been most cooperative. · · .Mr. Drummond and'Mr. O'Leary 'said these were the reasons the 4th of 'July.Committee were not interested in serving o~ the Committee this 'year. Selectman WilllnmFinneran stated then that a new committee would he appointed. 'This concluded 'the discussion. C.& C REPAIR GARAGE: . .- Mr~ Finck reported that he had gone down to view the property of the ~oldGlonnie' 'plant od Derivers Street where abuttors had said there were many~:cars parked and obsolete 'equi~ment at the. C & C. repair garage. He steted-alth0ugh the~e was no :business acta . ivity apparent, there were unregistered trucks 'and equipment in the yard. The Build- ing Inspector will be notified to have 'the owner remove them. ;'Mr...Findlan, owner of the old Shann house, the Building ~nspector,-mh~ef.!La{lor me~ .. ~,~ ~¥with' the. Board te discuss what could be done about the hduse. · FincLlan said 'the house :..i¥ ,.!had been a. prublem to him since the 2oning Board of Appeals denied his petition'~to 'for a variance to permit him to convert the'.,bi- ~^,~-~ ,-- ~.u ~o-ng ~o se~, ~ ever since. The problem of the house was in k~ping it ~oa~ded , it up properly so children could not get in perhapslhu~ting themselves and.the.eVer ,' = ~- ,u~-,~ ~ ~ua mr. ,~' '~n~.an said that every time he receiVed .s 'he'immediately,.cnme up and boarded it up but someone kept taking the boards do~ fro~ ~ ~"the windows and going inside they would unlock the' door 'from within~( He stated that las~ week: columns' from'the house were taken down and .to do that, heavy tools asd'.4 6r'~ :~.men: ... would 'have. to be present..that they were .t0o'. heavy~fo~,, children to. take, ~e; ~ :--~- -y .... ..-~..? a~so couAn.no~ unaers~ana why the."police', did'. not apprehend the' ' ones who 'contlnuousAy took down the boards he put up.' [Chief Lawlor stated that~the ~. police had been'checking the place daily and' on the l~St report' found trying to' enter. The Board stated ,that if Mr. Findian did not take .... ~to keep'the 'house hoarded and locked' up, the town would take action and crea~e .~:: on'his property. Walter Cmean, a realtor with Mr. Findlan, stated thatlhis ~ompany, ' ~ ?,the Norf~h E~sex Realty Trust were interested in acquiring the property and were [.e.rection of te~n house apartments there. At the present time, they were contacting :' ?a~uttors, personally, to see whether there would be any objections to their 'plan. Th~ plans would .be presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals 'as soon as completedif abuttor did not object. In conclusion, Mr. Findian~stated that he would be willing to have the Building Insp~. Mr. Foster, order repairs to the house if the boards were removed or damaged and would pay all bills sent to him for such work. This procedure would i~sure the immediate.. reboarding of the house as soon as the police department informed the Building Inspect- or that it wns needed. :' h.~. ,.~..U~..IVE SESSION: Before the agenda for the evening was coepleted~ town appointments were still to be taken care of, Mr; Finck insisted that. an executive session with~the Selectmen~s Sec~ retary be held. The reporters were dismissed. Mr. Finck wanted to know why Mrs. Letarte had taken last Thursday off. Mrs. Letarte stated that she had more than ,60 days sick leave cominE to her~ that, on many occasions she had come to work when ~ull~ on one occasion oven when she had concussion from a fall in her horn%because she could not get a replacement and she didn, t wish to have the 'office eupty, she had reported for work. On Thursday, with permission from Ohairman 0akes, the head authority of the Board, Mrs. Letarte attended a Tax Collector, s meeting with Mrs. Casale, Deputy Tax Co~-lector. The subject of the meeting.was the current sales tax and Mrs. Letarte thought it would he to her advantage to know about it. Mr. Finck objected strongly to the day off. ~e forgo-~ the many weeks and days off his former Secretary, Claire 3 6 8teok off when s5e was not ill. Vt is contained in the records of the town. There was no obJectio~'~de by Mr. Finck on Mrs. Taylor's absenteeism at any time. Mrs; Letarte stated she has taken probably t~o days a year to attend these meetings bu~ if Mr. Finck so strongly objected, .she would not do so in 'the future. ~r. Finck also stated that the Clerk of the Selectmen should sign the minutes every week, that the minutes of Monday. s meeting should be completed by Wednesday. Mrs. Leter~e replied that if ~ important letters from the meeting were to be sent out it would be impossible to have the minutes written up by Wednesday. The letterssplus interruptions' from townspeople for service would not make this dead-line posslble. ~hen first instructed on office procedure, Mrs. Letarte said that the minutes of the meeting were to be completed, if possible, by Friday, which $% done except during the Licensing period where time is at,a premium and the minutes have to be deferred until the following week. Chairman Oakes advisad Mrs. Letarte that Friday would be all right for the minutes. Appointments for town committees ~e~e then made. Alice M. Letarto, Secretary. APRIL 1966 The meeting was concluded at lO:iS:p.m.' Moth Superintendent: :~ B~klding Inspector: Ass,t. Bldg. Insp.: ~Wiring Inspector: 'Ass't Wiring Insp.: Gas Inspector: ' Ass't. Gas Insp.: Board of'Registras: Civil Defense Dir.: of Appeals: Board of Appeals, ;fAssociate Members: Leo LafOnd Charles H. Foster William A. Cyr' John J. Thompson 7incent B. Landers Mitchell- p. Bootman William A. Geremia Fred McCormack John it. Farrell Donald Sc~t~ Robert Jl Burke, Howard Gilman .. - ~t~lia~ Deyermoad · ~ Personnel Board: (3Yrs)Fred Cavallaro,- ~Daniel J. Griffin, Walter !Stamp Calvin R. ~ell, Dana Fisher .T°,W~ .'Bldg' [Cu'~tod~an:' .Zphn J. Lyons --- i 'A'o~n 'Bldg. · Ja~Ltor: Harold' Cleary 'An~ 'In.~pector: Dr; Edward C. Bulger F~re,:Warden: Ja~es P. Daw, Chief the Lock~Up:Joseph W. Lawlor, Chief ' g.' Officer: Louis' P. ~aunders Surveyor; Wood, Bark . - &: Lu~ber: ' John C. Far~ha~ R. Fenton, J. W. Lawlor Oo'ndo~ A~rport: . Thadeu~ Z~ney-Ed~r~n J. ~cCue Joseph J.' Morkesk~ ;0ff~cer: Stauley Hut~rlia P0~ce Officer: John-Oronin ~chool'iCross~ug-Guard:Natalie j. 'Stan~u !~ Pubic' ~eighers: Edward g. ,El~sey, Rebert'Hshb t,:,. ' ' ' DOme~Cr;Eeite~o, Gemev~ve ~ebb ~exander McEinnon, A~hart Johnson ..Cu~tedAan Tax Tit~e !-property: ' J~es J. ~ker 'Auctioneer Tax ~itle .. ~roperty: Ja~es J. ~a~er : ~eterans. Agent: Bernard Bingha~ B~rial Agent: Bernard Ringha~ ~a~c~ Hd. Com~Lttee: Fred P. Oakes, ~. A. Finneran Relph E. F~nck apital OutJLay ¢'0~. Selectmen, s .Appointees:Joseph Morin, Irving H~uton David Roche '..Council for Ag~:' Bruce Russe]:~, Frank Spencer Jack Earle George C. ~son E~ Murph~ F~L~Ap Sutc]:Lff Recreational Council: ~/AJ:Lum McE~oy, W~].~ium L~fond Nicholas Evangelos, Herbert Toomey Edward ~Fan, Ra~oad ~vun James Yule Co~un~ty Action Co~Lttee: George Ste~.~a, Hichard Lafo~d W~J:ia~ J. Suni:ivan, Rshert'Guptil N. A. Industrial Devel. Coum.: Leonard B. ~bis, George h F. Fitzpatrick, George Schruender Builc~mg Code Co~.: Charles R. Foster, ,~. j. Dr~scoll John J. Cyr, Jr., Aa~nond Jensen ~-- Andrew Alvino, Jr. Town By-Law Corem: Donald F. Smith, .Esq.' Arnold R. Salisbury, 'Esq;, William F. Finneran, Henry E; Lu~i,..iJohn j,, Lyons AZfred L. Gardiuer, A~thur.-p; Xirk. Historic. Dis. Study.Committee: WalterM.. ~aitehill, J. ,Rad~Ord'Abbot Thomas ,W..-Leavitt,(Robema C;"Enapp.; Tram Report Committee: John"H;'Farrell,¢ John :R. Robinson,' Fred?; JOakes John J. Lyons, Da~id'F~...Roche .ofl Jul iCo t &ii 4.'j;:.Lyons, ,Charles Fo~t~r, John'[J,~, ThOmPson . mtehe Boo z , Oagocd.: 1,: Henry Green,'. Philip' $u~cliff ! ".' :' ,., ': Leo;E. Lafond, .~arJorie[.~Lt.t~, edge Francis A'. Lordan,. Wal~ ~;~Deme To~n, Infirmary. S~rvey 'Committee:' .Andrew. p. Coffin :GeOr Louis: H: McAloan, .,f: 'Rober,~[.Eearag~ ~nar£es ~T~mbl~v;~r. ~Ja~es Bradley~ Town "Ad Hoc Joseph Boardman ' Alvin T;. Watts ',~i[Ja~e~'Poor Richard 'Rochon ' ,' ]trthur..Broderick JohaWaIker, Jr.~. ~ RAY, m, oad'PFbus., Joseph [Mcrin "-' Spare Precinct 1 ' ' ~hirley Lawlor Me~gare t' Lawlor -.~, L ~ary; Rive t Pa~icia 'Lawlor ~:/~i' Doris; Brucato