HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-01 Board of Selectmen Minutes382-June 20, 1966 (continued) INSECT ~EST CQ!TRGL (MOSQUZTCES) Because of several complaints from residents in wooded areas, ~he Board voted to have' a meeting vrlth a representative from the Board of Health and the Moth Superintendent, Leo Lafond to discuss the problem. ,Mosquito control comes under the Jurisdiction of the .Board of Health. The meeting was set for Friday, July 1, at 4:00 p.m. PoLlution Abatement Meeting.~ John Monterio, representing the N. A. Pollution Abatement Committee, appeared before the Board to advise tha~ the refernndum for legislatian on the regional abatement plan ~ms nearly completed. On ~his recommendation, the Board voted to meet with .the Pollution committees of Andover, Lawrence 'and Methuen, the N · A. Board of Health, Advisory Board and Board of Public Works 'with Superintendent, Mr. Dully to discuss points and resolutions agreeable to all involved. This meeting will take place in the Selectmants Office, on Ju~y 18th, at 8:00 p.m. Ail parties involved will be so notified. Alice M.~ Letarte, Secretary July 1, 1966 The Board of Selectmen met on this date, a F~iday,(the 4th ~f July~being their r~gular ,meeting date) with all members pr'esent,~Chairman Oakes presiding. FUEL OIL BIDS: ~.-i' It was voted to have fuel oil bids advertised and bids would be accepted as presented · .-until 7:30. p.~., July lB, 1966, in the Selectmen!s Office, Town Building. A copy of .. said ad was sent to Cyr 0il Co, Haffner's Service. Oil Co. and Union Oil C8. o~';Bos~on ~e~request .... ~ . BLOC~ PARTY EEQUE~T:'. ~ : received request from 'the 1966 N. A. High Echool graduating' class for Ret- ~ have Main St. blocked off from Nerrimhck St. to the corner of Wa~er and ~ ~ YMain Street on August 20, bet~ee~ the hours of ? p.m. and Ll. p.m. for a~benefi~B~oCk ~D~cing Party. Permission was granted and a letter sent to Chief Lawlor to mthat.' effect~ letter from the Zding Znspector agreed the mddZeton method of wanted cars aud suggested with the amendmen~ that junk and unregistere~ cars ~e allowed to be stored .under co,er. If'it became a By-Law 'of the' Tow~ 'the poiic~ dept~T would be the enforcing department rather than the Building Ymepector. The-letter was referred .to the By-Law Committee. Pe~L-~sian. was grente~ to .excavate on Marblehead St., corner Un,'on end Sutton Streets main repairs. . .~ Petitions to relocate poles on Salem St. and Waverley Rd. were a~proved. 'STREET LIGHT P~F~T: The Board voted tc have' a s~reet' light installed on pole,, vicinity of lO~ SuLliVan:St.~ : ' to eliminate hazards of dangerous cUrve on SuLliven St. Request was made by Mr. John · ': ':Shea,~.05 Sullivan St. NOTICE, STREET LIGHT INSTALLATI~S: . . · ~No. tice' re. ceived of street light installations on Johnson St, corne~r of Union and Beverly Streets, Great Pond Rd. and Pond' Street. ST. LIGHT SURVET: A street light surv~ for improved street lighting on Sutton HiLl Rd. was received~ and tabled for further study. CERTIFICATE OF IN¢ORPORATI~: A certificate of incorporation was received for a groUP called the '~olunteer Education Exchange, Thc." which was referred to Chief Lawlor for. character check-up. DEPT. ~F NATURAL RESOURCES: A copy of an amendment to 0.220, ·Acts of 196~ was received and referred to the ~onserva- tien Committee. ' TRAFFIC SIG~$: A letter from K. Krekorien, Traffic Engineer, advised the Board that the Board's request fo~r ~irecti0nal: signs .- on Mass. Avenue and Rt. ~i~ste Rt.' 4~ had been referred to the Dis.t[.[~t Hig.hwau Engineer for investigation. The Board will be notified as soon as re- por~ is recezvec on matter. July 1, 1966 (continued) SUTTON ST. TRUCK TRAFFIC: A copy of a letter from J. Label, North Andover, to Ex-Commissioner ~rancis Sargent was received re trucks using Sutton St. The Chairman of the Board stated that the matter was already under investigation and that a necessary traffic count (24 hrs.) was being made by the Police Dept. both onWaverley Rd. and Sutton Street. As soon as this report is re- csived it will. be forwarded to the state traffic department. RECEIVED: ~.etter acknowledging receipt of Town Report for award competition. Brochure from Mass. Association for Mental Health, Chamber of Commerce News and request for recommendations on legislation from the Mass. Selectmen's Association, additional general purpose insuranc. endorsements · MOSQUITO COntROL MEETING: The Board of ~He'a'tth, represented by Mary Sheridan and Dr. Kay, Chairman, met with the Board and several residents of so-called mosquito invested areas to-~iscuss the problem of mosquito control. Leo Lafund, ~oth Superintandent, was unable tobe present as he was on vacation that day. He sent a letter, however, clarifying his position in the matter and advised that 'the Town, through Town Meeting action, could Join the Essex Mosquito Con- trol Association, who had the proper and necessary equipment to spray areas affected. man Fred P. Oakes read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Conohoe, X Campbell Rd;, stating it was impossible to sit outside, day or night, and the children could not play outside because of danger of being severely bitten by moequitozs.~-~ Thirty residents of Forest Street sent another petition on mosquito control. Mr. Ed Lerktn, sp..oke .s~n. f~r_o.m the group, pre. sen.t.ed. a petition, signed by residants of Salem Street, reques%~ng rme xTollow~ng course ox sc%men: 1. An article be included in th'e 1967 town meeting warrant to participate-in the Essex COUnty Mosquito Control Proj oct which' counts within its enrollment twanty-two of the thirty- four municipalities in Essex County, including Boxford and Middleten. Favor- able town meeting action would avail us of the benefits of the Project starting July ':~.1, 1967. 2. Pesticide spraying by the town be initiated immediately, and continue until Andover belongs to the Essex County Mosquito Control Project. This spraying s~ould be at frequent enough intervals to provide significant relief Mr.~'Larkin continued that he had mos with the Essex CoUnty Mosquito Control group and was told that'it would take at least two or three years of continuous spraying' t~ achieve any desired results. He stated that unless spraying was started, the people would never get any relief. Dr. Kay advised the group that mosquito control and spraying, at a Special Town Meetinl 1959, was voted out by the townspeople. The $4000. expense was completely ineffective ridding the town of mosquitoes. Ne stated that it would cost the town a minimum cost ~25, O00. and still would not reach into the heavily wooded areas where small bodies are.the breeding grounds for mosquitoes. The female mmSquito lays-at least 5000 eggsat one time. Even if 'areas were sprayed from the air, the areas wouldn't be touched indense are~as$ numerous cesspools that ne one knew about would not be'tOUChed and they are places where~.mosquit~es, brse~~. Dr. Kay definitely stated that there was not any health hazard to mos uito bites...Tha%malaria and ~nc~phalitts (sleeping sickness caused by .a~..imals)~' . q ...... ' - ~- -~-- ~-~- ~--'~d. Malaria was found in countries with' co~' were, no% ~ow~ 1~ T~lS area ur ~n2 ~-~ =nous hot:climate. Other towns would have to join in the program, also~ for the variable currunts, of air. would~sring, mosquitoes from other townships. Because it was not a.health px~?lsm, The .Board o£']~a~lth woul~ not sponsor an article for mosquito contro~. Both'~the Boars of Selectman and the Board of Health advised the group to have an article prepared for inclusion in the next Town Meeting} that the town did not have either the money or the necessary equipment to. start a program at the present time. Mr.'~Psters, Advisory Board Chairmsa present, told Mr. Larkin- and the group that there was no available moneys for immediate mosquito spraTing .... that there was .only $3200. left in the Reserve' Fund which had to be saved for salary emergencies or town needs. Dr. Kay said it would be a terrible burden on the other taxpayers to spend all this money ~ ~on inadequate mosquito control, especially since the government is forcing the e~p~m~ve cleuning-uP of the Merrimack River onto the town. More important needs should take prece- dent~ to a ~two-month seasonal problem. OVERALL ECON0~IC DEVELOPMenT PROGRAM: A representative from the Lowell Tach. Institute Research Foundation appeere~ before the Board to explain the necessity for the copies of their brochure untitled, "For an Ex- panding Economy." He stated it was a very necessary guide for the Town of North Andover to aid in their planning of projects eligible for Federal grants. The ~oard took the matter under advisement and will make a decision at their 'nex~ meeting, July 18th. Alice M. Letarte, Secretary.