HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-18 Board of Selectmen Minutes 84july 18, 1966
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members present...Chairman Fred P. Oakss,
William A. Fiuneran and Ralph E. Finck.
Three bids were received and opened for service ~o the Town departments for the ensuing
year. Cyr Oil Company, 100 Water Street, Lawrence, Mass., was awarded the contract~with
the lowest bid submitted, Net price per gallon, .1047. J.A. Leone & Sons, Inc. submitted
a Net price per gallon of .106% and Haffner's Service Stations, Inc., submitted a Net
price, per gallon of .1139. The three companies were %o be notified of the Board's vote
and thanked for submitting their bids.
The Boa~ requested that John BrasseUr of Brasseur Associates, Inc., Haverhill contact
Santos Nicolosi, City Engineer to resolve the question of the Law-North Andover boundary
line obliterated when construction of Route 49% wen% through.
The Board approved street lighting surveys received from Mass. Electric Co., as follows:
Elm Street, between Water and Prescottstreets --Pleasant Street, from Chickering Rd. to
Stevens Street -- Sutton Hill Rd., % street ligh%s instead of the 17 recommended. · The
five lights are to be installed on Poles 3323, 386~,3720,3721,3722.
Nicetta will be requested to investigate the. car damage claim submitted by Peter Aziz
The Board voted to receive the copy of "For an Expanding Economy" for future reference
on the Overal Economic D%par.tment Program. The Town's cost, $148.20.
The jury list for July, 1966-July, 1967 was sent to County Clerk of Courts, Phillip
;Hennessey and U. S. District Court Clerk; The latter also requested a street li~ting
book which was sent by return mail.-'
Gas excavation petitions were approved on Sutton St., 667 and 812 Salem St., 2%O0! on.
mlem~St., and Summer Street, lots 17 and 21. They also approved later in the week~a
petiten for several gas excavations to renew gas services on Marblehead Street due to
the fact that the Highway 'Department was going to resurface said street and the exca-
vations should be done before that program was in effect.
A 'letter from the Capital Outlay Committee requested the Board to review the projec%'
program suggested by the Board and add uny more town programs required for
' want to set up a comprehensive program before the next Town Meeting and asked:
for the recommendations by August 1%, 1966.
~:-! Two..certif~c~tes of incorporation were approved for the Secretary. of State's office,:
· one for:~.th~Volunteer Education Exchange, Inc. and for the Northeastern Massachusetts
· Retail Liquor Dealers Association, Inc.
The Board. of Selectmen met at 8:00 p.m. with members of the Lawrence, Andover,- Methuen~
and North Andover pollution abatement Boards. Also invited by the Selectman were members
of the'North Andover Board of Health, Public Works and Advisory Board. Present besides
the Board of Selectmen we~P.Prendtville~ Charles A. parthum, engineers from the firm,
Santo Nicolosi and James' Coffey, Lawrence; Nr. Ged~ge~ Harry Thomas, ~ue~4, R..'Watters,
William-Stewart, Andover; John Monterio, Jean Phaneu~% William B. Dully, Robert pangione
Nicholas Szabat,N. A. pollution, board; Arthur Drummond, Public Works; and Richard' ~
young from Central Merrimack District Planning Board. The meeting was called by the
Board to discuss the six points in the packageplan for a regional abatement plant
which has been worke~ on for the past 4 months by Mr. Young and the four pollution
.boards. Of the six points of legislation, only two seemed to be controversial. The
three towns favored a 4 - man Board (one man for each town and Eawrence) Lawrence dis-~
agreed and wants 2 men to represent Lawrence. On the operation and construction costs
of the project, N.Andovar, Andover and Methuen favored the meter basis and Lawrence wan~ed
the costs figured on population consumption. Fro. Coffee stated that they were waiting
f~ +.~, ~.v ~.ouncil's decision on these matters. When asked by the Board the exact
cost for North Andover h.~'re~e~Z~e construct~on~oE~f~be treatment plant on a Region 1
basis would be 21.4 million dollars and approximats~7 %~.;t~Sanddollars for yearly main-
tenance. If North Andover contructed the plant on an individual enterprise it would
cos$.North Andover a million dollars more on each count. This was the s%a%ement of Mr.
Pre"dzvtlle, Camp, Dresser and NcKee representative.
Mr. Young emph. azised that. the. g_o.vex~,..men, t. h.as..decreed ..that. the to.wns an~. cities .cle .m!iup
the pollution xn the Nerrmmac~.~zver, %na~ %his was mne oes% package p-an, reg~onaz-y,
and urged the 4 districts to support the plan. (continued)
July 18, 196~ (oontinued) S85.
Mr. Peters asked why the three towns and city of Lawrence could not present a united
front and refuse to enter into the expense of the demanded treatment plant. He said
it would be brought to the courts and take 10 years to resolve it.
Mr. Young said that this could be done, but in the meanwhile,~ the government and State
would refuse to render Federal and State aid to the towns and city for any other, pro-
Jects such as schools, highway projects, etc.
The final decisions in the abatement matter will be determined by the three towns'
Board of Selectmen and the Lawrence City council at a meeting to be held on Thursday
evening, August 11, 1966. After this conference, legislative action will be sub-
mitted and supported by the officials of the four communities and a Referendum Bill
will be drawn up for the vote of the people of the four cO~nunities.
johnTMont'erIo~statedTthat-h%rHa-d~t~Td~ the river clean-up conference in Washington
C~-b~6n-~6~-d~SappbI~t%~-tlya~-tT~-~tate of Mas~sach.u~s..et. ts~.wa.s_~o~t__reRr_e_s_e~gdj He
a~so~dv~s~eF-t~e group ~h-~ the 'Senate had passed the Clean River Bill 90-0.
Mr. Young emphasized that if the four communities did not approve the proposed package ~
plan for legislation, the demanded treatment plant costs would be higher. If the four
communities backed the plan for legislation, the districts could get 50% Federal Aid if
the state contributed 30% aid.
Chairman Fred P. Oakes highly commended the pollution co~nitties of ~ndover, N.~ Andover,
Methuen and Lawrence for the long hours and many meetings they devoted to this matter~
He 'also come, ended Richard Young for his efforts to formulate a plan to which a114
communities agreed to.
The, meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Alice M. Letarte, Secretary.
'_=: ~ = - ~:-' _-
August !, 1966.
The Board.of Selectmen held a meeting 'on this date at 5:00 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m.
to enable the Selectmen to Join the townspeople in the Board of Trade's annual'theater
party event~ Ail members were present.
Congratulations'were .in order for.the Board's Chairman, Fred P. Oakes, whose wife pre-
sented, him with his No. 2 Son last week~ This blessed
children ~for our active and progressive Chairman. : :'
Received by the Board and invitation to attend a pollution Abatement Committee dinner
meeting, August 11, at the Andover Country Club. They will make everyreffort to attend.
Hayor Kiley~ Jr., of Lawrence will bs the host 'of the meeting.
Also received was notice of luncheon meetings on Sanitary Disposals 'in OctOber to be
given by .the firm of Perkins Machinery Co., Inc. . .
Approval for gas, excavations were given for the following stree.ts:
'805 Salem S~.- Sutton St.$200) - Maple Ave. - 657 Salem St. Clarendon and E~ Water
Streets - Marbleh sad and Sutton Sts.
The Board of Health, answering request'of the Selectmen, advised same that the B
Health did not meet during the summer':menths. However, she would let the Board know.
as soon as possible when the Health Board could meet with them and Western Electric.
A letter from Miss Sheridan advised the Licensing Board that R. Canty wished to sell
.~s~dwiches and could he do this at his store location. The Board said the usual pro--.
cedure of application for a common victualer license was in order and to so advise Mr.
A request for historic data on the town of North Andover was received from the Re~lutiun
ary War Bicentennial Commission and referred to the town's historic committee.
Routine report and decisions of the Board of Appeals on hearings was received.
Notice received of necessary boiler repairs in town schools and referred to Superintend-
.ent, D. Chandler.