HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-07-01 Board of Selectmen Minutes July~ 1~68 HEARING: T~e land-fiLl petition of Benjamin Oegood far Farnum Stree'~ and Coachman,s Forea'r, wa,,, reviewed by the Board at this hearing. Selectman Finneran made a motion to approve the petition and the motion was seconded by Chairman K~r k, subject to Conservation Committe'e approval.. B~ARD ~F APPEALS: The Board received notice of hearing, July 8,. 1968 on Medelo appeal by Board of Appeals. W~LFARE REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTMENT.' ' Attorney James Glynn, 12h Miflin Drive, was unanimously appointed representative f~r the town cf North Andover for the Welfare Dept. recently changed under administration of the State as of July 1, 1968. PUBLIC W~LFARE:~ ' A letter was received f~om State Department of Welfare re Chapter 312, Acts of 1968; , CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION: An affirmative character reference was received from Chief Lawlor re the member of a pro- , posed corporation entitled the 'Quarter Centrury Federation-Boston Dtstrict-Intarna~ Revenue . Service, Inc. Joseph F. Bishop, 334 Waverley Rd, Member. MICHAUD BUS LINES, INC. '' A~tetter'of application for a permit to have passenger service in North Andovar was received from Michaud Bus Lines, Inc. This was tabled until advised by Town Counsel re, contract d~awn, ' ' ~ ,,. ~ OF JULY PARADE: Letters of acceptance to participate in the ann~al 4th of July Parade were received/~,'th~' ,Board from Congressman Bates and Repres'entative Paul Cronin. Senators Edward Kennen~i.and · rE. Brooke ware unable to attend. CONGRATULATIONS :_ - ';.A lettar of congratulation was sent by Paul Cronin for-the %own's record (one o~. 27. Mass. ~owns)' without a pedestrian fatality within the period of 3 years. A copy was voted to be '~sent ~to Chief Lawlor, Police Dept'. THANK YOU NOTE: ' ' .... : .Rev..Edward M. Sull~ven, S.J., ~ampion HaLl, thanked the Boar~ for their felicitations. ':NEN SHOPPING PLAZA: Due to the efforts of Selectman. Fred P. Oakes, an official letter of confirmation from :'James T. Curtis of DSN Realty, Inc. ~o the effect that the new shopping plaza would be called the "North Andover Mall., instead of"Andover Mall.. as or.iginally planned. :' Mr. ,Oakes, took a bow ~o~ his co/leagues. RETIF, EMENT: . , · Notice received from Essex Retirement Board that John ~olt, Board of Public Works,.would.be ,: ~mr.eti~ing as of July 1, 1968. ; C~FLAINTS: ,i:Mr-4., Griffin, Osgood Street, complained of negative results of her request to pick"~ ,_ once a week on Chtckering Rd. and once every two or three months on Osgood Street., ,Sher~said the barrels were o~ 0sgood St...that it took 2 or 3 months to fill them..and she has a small container on Chickering Rd., she wants emptied every week; She states'she leaves a~.'note.'~hen ~ls have 'to be emptied, but .the Highway Dept. will only empty containers o~ one street. ?MrS. Griffin was told that she could only have trash pick-up on one street..to put the small container with her barrels on Osgood St. .t% UNREGIST~ED CARS: ,.., .. ~%.. ; ~,, ~,' A complaint re the parking of two unregistered cars an the lawn and in the driveway',of ,a ,res- ,ident at 871 Salem Street was received by the Boerd and referred to the Building Inspector far report, after investigation. PETERS ON: Mr. Charles Peterson was in again asking about the replacement of,his fences taken down be of Salem Street. Referred to Town Counsel. STREET LIGHTS: A letter fro~ Charles ~3_lan, District SAChs Manager, Mass. Electric C o., assured the Board that the Village Green street lights would be billed to~ t~e Town as of March 16. PETITION-PLAYGROUND: A petition from Joan Fierino, 288 Pleasant St., with many signatures requested that a play- ground be constructed at the Stevens Corner area. She stete~ that there were liS-children iz that vicinity. "The Board voted to send a letter to Mrs. Fiorino stating that they would investigate the matter and referred her letter the Board of Public Works. PRECINCT WGR~RS LIST: A precinct workers list was tabled until August 1 pending letters to of both ~arties' in town ~-~ ~ _ . ~ct. ion from attorney(aene~al.~s Office, .-. ':/.': ,/~ensi~ ~r~ and donald 'by ~h~ S~ Ipainh Watershed ~oa~ion, .' efens ' :e ency ~ica void to send;'a oo~na~i;n ~ po~ce'w~k~.~' a~rehen~ng '.!he abduc~. ~th.,ad~,~l. I~;was't~o~kthe~' offadu~b~ts that the ~ a~iet} w~ sent ~o' to' ~f L~l~;,'f~ the~ ~e~nao~, eff~ ~was , sent. to/ e selfish d~otion.~. ., . ,, ' ' The?';~d'~o~'d;~[to r~lease ;the ~uch~..te P~ aOX, [1~ t~ Thast~e',b : .eh ~ro~d~,the Ret~ement ~nd Req~e~nt ;that t~',~e-m,,~- ~';~Union:Wo~d.~ '~o' ~e a bond to .be ~pro~. ~ :the D~ector "of~Ac~o~'~ ~'J~ ~ar,'.can' deduct .their...~ion. dues. ~bm,.the~ .p~ check. acc0r~ce ~ith Section ~nar~ ~s ' ~ (continued) ARTIOEE 13 - STEVENS LIBRARY ' The mBOard of Selectmen voted ~o send the following letter te A. Murray Howe, Chairman of. 'the.Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library: "This is to confirm our telephone' .conversation of June 20, 1968 'in reference to Article 13 of the t968~Warrant of our Annual Town Meeting. The Board of Selectmen have unanimously given their approval, as required, .in .the above- named Article.,, P, ~ L. DEVEEOPMENT CO.: -' fOrt June 6, 1968, the Board' of Seiec~ ........... ' or th- ...... -.,~- o~,~'~wa an amanaed la - Plan, N0. P.L.~24~8 =,~- e". ~evelopment Co. [Sun, n~ n,, ~ .... y out of ' - ...... ~ ~or a ~oree-nay. filling Station on Osgood Street 'and concur with the decision made by. the North Andovar BOard of Appeals. on May1:8~1967 tIi,ce,H. Letarte, .Secretary. -: _ . :-~ -:,-~:,.:.::.. ,~., :~. '~: clerk: * .July1;,1968 (continued). ~ . : that. HoUSe had passed the House and~was going ~o ~ ,~ ........... -- ~?~. =,~ou.tion ~f the. Char~y Shee~. ~o the extent Of'~48;aT8~O, ~dbfe b'. :. P , ; Senat,~ Rusrk,and to ask his assistance:in, the.; I~OC] RECEITED: ' ..: ': " :' The ,~Bo~' or ~:be r~p~lr~o~d *]3y '9'0~: 'Board/for ' to .close ~the town building from:Thursday~ :4th ~of.' not,U~de~ Selectmen,s Jurisdtction~may~stay;¢ held on July,,20, behind Finnaran.s Store~ auction to be. conducted by 'William Lawton. Chief 'Lawlor.. wl!~:· ?.e. · so. 'notified. ...- . Stewart. Wilson of .the 'North Andover Fire Company appeared before the Board to request per- mission ts'haye said Company sponsor a Labor Day Carnival and celebration to be'held on August 29,' 1968 through September 2,' 1968. The Board voted unanimously to grant the mit'with' the following .stipulations;to 'be. sent to Fire Chief Daw, Police Chief LawlorPand the Buildinglnspector: Chief Lawlor: Character references of carnival workers..Ohief Daw: _Ohe, c.kequipment_far .f~e. hazard.s...Building Inspector: Inspect equipment to be used, ama mmsurance'oz carnmvan opera,ors.' The Board feels these precautions must be taken to in- sure the .safety and protection of the :children and L~ec~le. cof the town.