HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-07-01 Board of Selectmen Minutes July~ 1~68
T~e land-fiLl petition of Benjamin Oegood far Farnum Stree'~ and Coachman,s Forea'r, wa,,, reviewed
by the Board at this hearing. Selectman Finneran made a motion to approve the petition and
the motion was seconded by Chairman K~r k, subject to Conservation Committe'e approval..
The Board received notice of hearing, July 8,. 1968 on Medelo appeal by Board of Appeals.
Attorney James Glynn, 12h Miflin Drive, was unanimously appointed representative f~r the
town cf North Andover for the Welfare Dept. recently changed under administration of the
State as of July 1, 1968.
A letter was received f~om State Department of Welfare re Chapter 312, Acts of 1968; ,
An affirmative character reference was received from Chief Lawlor re the member of a pro-
, posed corporation entitled the 'Quarter Centrury Federation-Boston Dtstrict-Intarna~ Revenue
. Service, Inc. Joseph F. Bishop, 334 Waverley Rd, Member.
A~tetter'of application for a permit to have passenger service in North Andovar was received
from Michaud Bus Lines, Inc. This was tabled until advised by Town Counsel re, contract
d~awn, ' ' ~ ,,.
Letters of acceptance to participate in the ann~al 4th of July Parade were received/~,'th~'
,Board from Congressman Bates and Repres'entative Paul Cronin. Senators Edward Kennen~i.and ·
rE. Brooke ware unable to attend.
';.A lettar of congratulation was sent by Paul Cronin for-the %own's record (one o~. 27. Mass.
~owns)' without a pedestrian fatality within the period of 3 years. A copy was voted to be
'~sent ~to Chief Lawlor, Police Dept'.
THANK YOU NOTE: ' ' .... :
.Rev..Edward M. Sull~ven, S.J., ~ampion HaLl, thanked the Boar~ for their felicitations.
Due to the efforts of Selectman. Fred P. Oakes, an official letter of confirmation from
:'James T. Curtis of DSN Realty, Inc. ~o the effect that the new shopping plaza would be
called the "North Andover Mall., instead of"Andover Mall.. as or.iginally planned. :' Mr. ,Oakes,
took a bow ~o~ his co/leagues.
Notice received from Essex Retirement Board that John ~olt, Board of Public Works,.would.be
,: ~mr.eti~ing as of July 1, 1968.
,i:Mr-4., Griffin, Osgood Street, complained of negative results of her request to pick"~
,_ once a week on Chtckering Rd. and once every two or three months on Osgood Street., ,Sher~said
the barrels were o~ 0sgood St...that it took 2 or 3 months to fill them..and she has a small
container on Chickering Rd., she wants emptied every week; She states'she leaves a~.'note.'~hen
~ls have 'to be emptied, but .the Highway Dept. will only empty containers o~ one street.
?MrS. Griffin was told that she could only have trash pick-up on one street..to put the small
container with her barrels on Osgood St. .t%
UNREGIST~ED CARS: ,.., .. ~%.. ; ~,, ~,'
A complaint re the parking of two unregistered cars an the lawn and in the driveway',of ,a ,res-
,ident at 871 Salem Street was received by the Boerd and referred to the Building Inspector
far report, after investigation.
Mr. Charles Peterson was in again asking about the replacement of,his fences taken down be
of Salem Street. Referred to Town Counsel.
A letter fro~ Charles ~3_lan, District SAChs Manager, Mass. Electric C o., assured the Board
that the Village Green street lights would be billed to~ t~e Town as of March 16.
A petition from Joan Fierino, 288 Pleasant St., with many signatures requested that a play-
ground be constructed at the Stevens Corner area. She stete~ that there were liS-children
iz that vicinity. "The Board voted to send a letter to Mrs. Fiorino stating that they would
investigate the matter and referred her letter the Board of Public Works.
A precinct workers list was tabled until August 1 pending letters to of both
~arties' in town ~-~ ~
_ . ~ct. ion from attorney(aene~al.~s Office, .-.
':/.': ,/~ensi~ ~r~ and donald 'by ~h~ S~
Ipainh Watershed ~oa~ion,
.' efens ' :e ency ~ica
void to send;'a oo~na~i;n
~ po~ce'w~k~.~' a~rehen~ng '.!he abduc~.
~th.,ad~,~l. I~;was't~o~kthe~' offadu~b~ts that the
~ a~iet} w~ sent ~o' to' ~f L~l~;,'f~ the~ ~e~nao~, eff~
~was , sent.
to/ e selfish d~otion.~.
., . ,,
' ' The?';~d'~o~'d;~[to r~lease ;the ~uch~..te P~ aOX, [1~ t~ Thast~e',b :
.eh ~ro~d~,the Ret~ement ~nd Req~e~nt ;that t~',~e-m,,~-
~';~Union:Wo~d.~ '~o' ~e a bond to .be ~pro~. ~ :the D~ector "of~Ac~o~'~
~'J~ ~ar,'.can' deduct .their...~ion. dues. ~bm,.the~ .p~ check.
acc0r~ce ~ith Section ~nar~ ~s '
~ (continued)
' The mBOard of Selectmen voted ~o send the following letter te A. Murray Howe, Chairman of.
'the.Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library: "This is to confirm our telephone' .conversation
of June 20, 1968 'in reference to Article 13 of the t968~Warrant of our Annual Town Meeting.
The Board of Selectmen have unanimously given their approval, as required, .in .the above-
named Article.,,
fOrt June 6, 1968, the Board' of Seiec~ ........... '
or th- ...... -.,~- o~,~'~wa an amanaed la - Plan, N0. P.L.~24~8
=,~- e". ~evelopment Co. [Sun, n~ n,, ~ .... y out of
' - ...... ~ ~or a ~oree-nay. filling Station on Osgood
Street 'and concur with the decision made by. the North Andovar BOard of Appeals. on May1:8~1967
tIi,ce,H. Letarte, .Secretary. -: _ . :-~
-:,-~:,.:.::.. ,~., :~. '~: clerk: *
.July1;,1968 (continued). ~ . :
that. HoUSe
had passed the House and~was going ~o ~
,~ ........... -- ~?~. =,~ou.tion ~f the. Char~y Shee~. ~o the extent Of'~48;aT8~O,
~dbfe b'. :. P , ; Senat,~ Rusrk,and to ask his assistance:in, the.;
I~OC] RECEITED: ' ..: ': " :'
The ,~Bo~'
~:be r~p~lr~o~d *]3y '9'0~: 'Board/for
' to .close ~the town building from:Thursday~ :4th ~of.'
not,U~de~ Selectmen,s Jurisdtction~may~stay;¢
held on July,,20, behind Finnaran.s Store~ auction to be. conducted by 'William Lawton.
Chief 'Lawlor.. wl!~:· ?.e. · so. 'notified. ...- .
Stewart. Wilson of .the 'North Andover Fire Company appeared before the Board to request per-
mission ts'haye said Company sponsor a Labor Day Carnival and celebration to be'held on
August 29,' 1968 through September 2,' 1968. The Board voted unanimously to grant the
mit'with' the following .stipulations;to 'be. sent to Fire Chief Daw, Police Chief LawlorPand
the Buildinglnspector: Chief Lawlor: Character references of carnival workers..Ohief Daw:
_Ohe, c.kequipment_far .f~e. hazard.s...Building Inspector: Inspect equipment to be used,
ama mmsurance'oz carnmvan opera,ors.' The Board feels these precautions must be taken to in-
sure the .safety and protection of the :children and L~ec~le. cof the town.