HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-11-18 Board of Selectmen Minutes510 NOVE ER (continued) POLICE STATION EQUIPNENT: Quotations received from Andcver Statisners were received and the Board voted to have copies sent to Chief L~wler and the architect for their reco~endations. NOTICES RECEIVED.: Personnel Board hearings, November 18, 1968, 7:30 P.M. Request for increase in insurance from Board of Library trns~ees. Referred to R. Lafond. Insurance safety program submitted by R. Lafond. Meeting requested by Mr. Lafond. ~cp Insurance up-dating brochure. Referred ~o Town Treasurer for study and recom~lendations. e of Man-Power Planning System, 11/20/68, meeting at 9:30 A.M. Elm St. Gloucester. Chapter 90 Memorandum of Understanding. Land use at Expressway Interchanges inMass. Referred to Planning Bd. VETERAN,S Day: The Bo ~d yoted to send a letter of appreciation for the Veteran's Day Committee,s efforts resulting in a fine parage and celebramion. LICENSING COMM~SSIONE~: A hearing was set for the outdoor parking application of Henry Poulin, 1635 Osgood Street. Date: Dec. 2, 19~8.· To be advertised and abutters notified. Hearings December 2, 1968: Canty's Market - Wine & Malt Beverage George's Pkg. Store - AllAicoholic Dehulu's Market - Wine &Malt Beverage RichlynClub - ~lub - all alcoholic China Blossom, Inc. - Restaurant, Ail ~lcoholic Merrimack Valley Motor InnJ Alice M. Letarte, Secretary NOV~E~BER 2~ 1968. lerk The Beard of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date,all members present. PARKIN~ BAN: The Board voted to have the annual parking ban ~o be advertised on Nov. 29 and 30; ban to go into effect on December l, 1968 a~ 12:01. Noparking of cars on stree~suntil ban is not necessary. STREET LIGHTING: ~ request for street lighting on Marion Drive, and street light surveys received for Long- wood Ave., Great Pond Road, corner of Hedges and Belmont Streets and Saunders Street were Received and approved. A stree~ light survey was also requested for the corner of Johnson Street and Turnpike St, v~cinity of the Ski Tow, and Walter Masjenko, 657 Bradford St. DRAINAGE PROBLEM: A drainage problem complaint fromWilliam Brown, 350 Great Pond Rd. was referred to the High- way Surveyor. GAS EXCAVATIONS: Petitions to excavate on Salem Street and wood Avenue for gas services was approved.~Alse, on Hillside Rd. and Route 114. SANTA CLAUS PAP~DE: An invitation to participate and notice of parade was received. at 2:15 P.M. It will be held on No~. 30, SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: The Board opened the warrant for a special town meeting to be held oh Dec. 5, a~ 7:30 P.M. in the North Andover High School. Warrant opened at 8:19 P.M. - closed at 8:20 P.M. In- cluded were 4 articles on Water, sewerage, drainage and rezoning. 'The rezoning petitmon would take in Rt. 114 in anticipation that the Raytheon Plant would relocate in North Andover. STA~E FLOOD RELIEF COSTS: The Board received a letter from the above-named Board requesting expenses incurred by the town for flood relief for possible reimbursement. The letter was referred to the Town Acct. for report. ANTI-TRUST COPPER PIPING: A letter from the A~%~y. General requested a report on the town's copper piping purchases to aid his department to prepare case of over-charging. The Board referred the matter ~o Town Accountant and Town Counsel. ~P~E~NE~TARTIC~E. . e~mtmon re ap~tmen~ buildings was table for further study. DPW-PAVENENT MARKINGS: The Board voted to send letter requesting pavement markings on Rt. 125. to Mr. Lespasio, DPW.