HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-05-17 Board of Selectmen MinutesMAY 10, 1954- conti~R- MASS. AVE.
Mr. Willis said that surface drainage wamer is going into the sewer pipes and
overloading them causing the backing up of sev~erage. Mr. Willis explained that
there is a proposed project for surface drainage a~ Mifflin Drive and Greene
S~ree~ and after this is completed much of the excess surface warner will go into
these new outlets.
There was further discussion and various persons informed the board of their own
individual cases and all fect ~na~ so~thing should be done.
Mr. Willis s~ated that Mr. Du~fy intends will check to find out persons removing
the caps and find out who the principal offenders are. Mr. Willis agreed to
contract Mr. Duffy with respec~ to this investigation.
All those prSsent were willing ~o cooperate and hope that something will be done
~o straighten out this problem.
MAY 17, 1954~
~ Selccumen held their regular weekly meeting at 7:30 P.M. with all
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Roger Dehullu came before the bo.~d =o discuss changes in the b),-laws of the
association whereby he is not permitted mo participame in the to~n insurance
as they have determined that' it is not his principal source of income. He is
no~ allowed to attend the meetings of the association so is not able ~o find
out Just what the changes are.
Mr. Willis felt that the association should notify the Selectmen of any changes
made although the Selectmen have no part in the insurance changes. He said he
could see their~easons for doing this but couldn't see whey they would cut a
man out who was already in the association. He said he would like to talk with
Richard Whipple, president and suggested tha~ he be invited to meet with the
board. ~he o=her members agreed and they will mee~ with Mr. ','~ipple on May 28,
a~ 1:00 P.~.
Leo }~urphy came before the bosrd to inquire about the original map under'the
zoning of 1943 and Tovm Clerk john Lyons had found the map together with the
o~her material sen~ ~o the Attorney General. He also wanted the Selectmen
to find the ~wo maps he hsd presented to the :own in September 1950 and which
according to the records, was turned over to the Assessors. Mr. Willis said
he would do what he could to loca~e the maps since they were the proper~y of
Mr · Murphy.
Mr. Willis said that according to the information on hand he .would agre.e ~rith
Mr. Murphy that the part of the ~owu not shown on the map, from Brook Street to
the }~iddleton line is not zoned and that this should be called to the attention
of the Planning Bomrd.
King MacRury me~ with the board ~o discuss a survey to be made at some time in
the ~own relative to wages and salary study.
Mr. Willis said that from past experience the board found that wages and S~alary
studies ~ere not more important than an operational study. The board' would like
to find out the cost and advantages of such a survey.
Mr. Macrury ex~lained the procedure at length and stated that for a Jbb description
it would cost approximately $2,000.
Mr. Willis thanked Nr. Macrury for coming in and stated that the board hoped to
have other g~oups~in ~o discuss this same survey. No definite action taken.
A letter from the Lawrence Electric Company recommending a 20,000 lumen mercury
vapor light at the corner of Marblehead and/Suttcns Streets replacing the present
10,000 lumen sodium light now installed, was received by the board.
The board voted unanimously to request that the 20,000 mercury vapor light be
installed a% this location.
Orin Foster reported that he had collided head-on with another car on Thursday,
May 13, 1954 at 3:30 P.~I. The other car was driven by George S. Higginbotham
of 24 Narket Street, .Lawrence. Both cars were badly damaged.
An estimate of the cost of repairing the town infirmary truck was received from
Stev~ Verda's garage in the amoUnt of $254.60.
Mr. Willis made a motion that this matter be referred to Attorney Charles Trombly.
Mr. Kirk made a motion that the matter be referred to Attorney Arnold H. Salisbury.
Mr. Finneran seconded Mr. Kirk's motion to refer the matter to Attorney Salisbury
and the vo%e was Unanimous.
l~r. Edwin Copeland, on behalf of the Tidol Company requests removal of a' large elm
tree a~ the corner of ~ass. Ave. and Perry Street. This ~ree interferes with the
driveway being constructed. The board voted Unanimously mo refer this to the ~ee
invest~ and posting, if necessary.
I~Y 17, 1954- continued
Notice of the annual inspection of Highway Grade crossings was received
and there are ~wo signs missing on Sutton Street and on Osgood Street.
and three signs in poor condition on Ashland, Riverview and North Main
Street. The board voted unanimously to refer this to the Chief of Police
to have these irregularities corrected.
Notice of the decision of this board on the petition of Mrs. Caroline S.
Rogers, ~80 Osgood Street, Mrs. Horace Stevens, Academy Road and Mrs.
Turner J~ridges, Foster Street to permit the operation and maintenance of a
shop as a philanthropic organization ~o provide a market for home made articles
from this vicinity.
A letter to the board form the office of the Attorney General informed
tham that the records of by-laws cannot leave his office but areOpen for
examination. The letter further stated that all by-law material should be
filed in the town clerk,s office. Mr. Willis ar.d the other members concurred
that the par~ of the to~n beyond Broo~s Street is not zoned but before calling
this ~o the attentio~ of the Planning Board, they .~ill wait for'a report from
Goodwin and Costello.
A letter was received by the board relative to the raising of $5,000,000
on behalf of the thousands of homeless and impoverished victims of the
Korean War. ~e letter suggested that the chairman act as Honorary
Chairman and that a community chairman be named as soon as possible.
~r. 'Willis will~c~ as Honorary chairman and will name a community chairman
as soon as possible.
A communication was received from ~VilliamB. Dufi~, Supt. in reply t6 the
letter of the board dated May ll, 1954. Mr. Duffy called attention to the
Rules and Regulations relating to particular sewers in the enclosed booklet
on pages 5' 6 and 7. Mr. Willis read the rules on the page~ mentiohed and
suggested that the selectmen authorize the Supt. of Public Works to enforce the
regulation and impose the necessary penalty. The board agreed with this auggestion
and a letter will be sen% %o Mr. Dully to that effect.
~n a second letter and an enclosed copy of a self-explanatory letter %o Mr. Ca=ty
Highway Surveyor, Mr. Duffy stated that the installation of the storm drains in
Mifflin Park will not relieve the surcharged condition of Mass. Ave. sanitary
sewer but would prevent adding to the ground water already being allowed to enter
the Nass. Ave. Sewer.
Mr. Willis stated that he felt that this board should contact Mr. C~rty and find
out Jus~ what he plans to do on this project and to inform him that drainage wa~er
is to go into a dran and n6t in the sewer. ;Ar. Willis made this clear.
Nr. Kirk then made it a motion that the Highway Surveyor be informed that the
drainage water is to go into the drain and not the sewer. Mr. Finneran seconded
the motion and it was declared ~o be a unanimous vote.
~. Willis then suggested that a Joint meeting be held with Mr. Carry, Mr. Brasseur
and }Ar. Duffy ~o discuss this problem. The board agreed with this suggestion
and a meeting will be held o~ Jun~ 7, 1954 at 8:00 P.M.
Mr. Kirk said he would like to see the plan for Mifflin Park drain before the work
is started and that further he would not sign any bills unless he d~d see the plan.
Nr. Willis called attention the a bill being presented by Congressman Lane relative
dredg~ing the Merrimac River in conjunction with flood control. Zf the board is
in favor of this bill, Cong. Lane asked that they communicate with him.
Mr. Kirk made a ~otion that the Board of Selectmen go on record as in favor of
the proposed l~gialation with respect.todredging the Marrimac River as far as
Lawrence and the vote was unanimous. Mr~ Lane will be so notified.
Norman Scott and a group of residents from this area came before the board to
discuss the water draining from Mass. Ave. onto Adams Ave. and to see what could
b8 done about it. The'water runs ohto Unity Ave also. They have discussed this
with Mr. Catty but he said that Adams Ave. is an unaccepted street and that he
can't do any work on it unless the Selectmen authorize him ~o do so.
Mr. Willis explained that this is true about no work ~o be done on an unaccepted
stree~ and that this board cannot do something that is illegal, and that this
board is very strict about this rule. There was considerable discussion about
this matter and Mr. Willis said that the board would con~act the State Department
to see if they will do something to alleviate this concbt~ion. He suggested