HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-05-28 Board of Selectmen MinutesMAY 28, 1954:
~eekly meetingwas, held on this day at 1:00 P.M, due to the holiday
falling on Monday. Ail members were present. Weekly~lls and payrolls were
Richard Whipple, president of the Ins~mance Agent's Association met with the
board to discuss the policy of the Insurance Agent's association.
Mr. Willis discussed the formation of the Organization, stating ~hat they have
no soliciting, no competition, Just recommendations. He mentioned one member
who had Joined when the organization was formed and that now he had been dropped.
Mr. W~llis felt that this was unfair.
· Mr. Whiople said there was considerable work that had to be done and that he was
the person who had to do it an~d everybody el~e received the same amount of money.
He then sai'd that he did get a little more than the others. He said that Roger
Dehullu had sold his agency tc the Berman A~ency and that he expected to'collec%
on the town insurance and that all members decided that this was not fair. He
said he s till feels that if a fellow is in business and is not an agan~, he should
not be included. ~r. Dehullu attended the meeting when this vote was taken
and he did no~ vo~e against it. ·
Mr. Willis said that this board has no power over the organization but they can
obJec% to something which they feel is unfairJ He said thatif Mr. V~ipple
sold a policy mo the ~own, then all the requirements would fall on him jusm as
it does through the association. He said they could giv~ ou~ this insurance
on a competitive basis if they wished. He said we are now faced with issuing
a policy and asked if he had any obJections%o 'this policy being issued at this
tLme. It expires on June 10 snd he felt that the firemen and police should~ be
covered. He said that if the board renews the policy he would like Mr. Whipple,
as a favor ~o the board, to take back this discussion tot he association and
see how they feel about it. He also mentioned Thomas McGrail, now employed at
Lynn and that~perhaps he would receive his principal income, no~ from. the in-
surance business but from his regular emp!oymen: and Mr~ Willis, as well as the
other members, did not feel that he should be dropped from the association.
Mr. Kirk said he agreed with the association on its policy but he did not feel
that it should affect the present members. He mention&d that although Mr~ Whipple
is doing mos~ of the work now, ~homas McGrail, Roger Dehulfu and Andrew Coffin
had done a lot of ~ork there too.
Mr. Willis then asked that ~. Whipple go{o the agency and suggest that the
Selectmen feel it {s unEair to eliminate the present members as ahy one of'them
could lose their income from other sources other than insurance and that this
· would ~eats a difficult problem.
Mr. Whipple said they had to draw the line somewhere and he felt sure that .the
members would go along with the thought of' the $oard.
Mr. Whipple then discussed fire insurance ~nd said that there was' no,tended
' coverage and'he would like ~o submit his proposition to the board as he had to the previous board who took no actibn.
He also mentioned that the town cerries no public liabilityund he tho~ghtthat
the town should have some speciul coverage.
Mr. Kirk made a motion that he meet with %he board at some future date and tham
the~ could take time to discuss both thes~matters, Mr.'Flnner~nse6onded the
motm6n and vote was declared to be unanimbus.
Mr. Willis will'arrange a meeting a~ a later date.
~Mr. Whipple gave each member a copy of the Article 2 of the Constituti6h of the
North '~dover Insurance Agents' Association and all agreed t~at it was a very sound
article and should be followed with the exception of having it apply to persons who
were already members of the~association.
A letter from this 6o~pany relative to a street light on pole 3479, Marblehead
S~reet was received by the Board. The board voted unanimously to go alongwith
the suggestion made by this company to instal~ a 2~00 lumenlight on pole~ 3479
and this lightwtll be at the approach to the Little League ball field. ~e
board had viewed this lo~ation and felt that it very definitely .should have
better lighting.
A certification and report form was received from. Civil Service and the following
names were listed as eligible for certification ~o the Reserve Police vacancies.
Leo J. G~leazzi, 242 Sawyer Rd., philip T. Miller, 242 Dale Street and Ernest A.
Roberts, 400 ,~inter Street. The Board voted unanimously to appoint the three men
listed to fill 'the vacancies in the Reserve Police positions. Approval will be
sent to the Director of Civil Services for his approval and the starting date is
to be June 1, 19~4 or as soon as approval is received.
MAY 28, 1954- continued
A letter was received from Charles A. Fritz, District High~ay Engineer,
acknowladging the board,s letter of May 18, and confirming a meeting ~vith
Mr. Berry, Engineer of this Dept. as itpartains ~o drainage' conditions on
Massachusetts Avenue, northerly of the intersection of Chickering ~oad.
The letter states that they will proceed .at their earliest convenience to
eliminate any surface waterwhich may be discharging on to the side streets
in that area from Mass. Ave. This work will involve establishment of a gravel
berm and regrading of the approach of Adams Ave.
Mr. Willis informed the board that he spent one hour with Mr.,- Berry and they
determined that much~ of the water is due ~o an existing condition in the area
and not too much of it is coming from Mass. Ave. ~e residents should have some
kind of a drain installed.
A reques~ was received from this board for a special town meeting~to be held
about the middle of June~' r~pdetermine whether or not rentcontrols-shoald be
extended for a period of nine months from June .30 when the preseat controls
expire. The Board~ voted.unanimously to hold a special town meeting on Jane
16, 1954 at 8:00 P.M. in Stevens Hall. Mr. Kirk vo~ed to~ open the ~warrant
at 2:20 P.M. and include the article.requested and also an article received
from ~tlliam B. Duffy, Board of Public ~orks, to modify action taken at the
19%4 annual town meeting under Article 81.~ Motion was voted unanimously.
Mr. Kirk then made a motion to close the ~warrant at. 2:25 P.M. and~ two articles
only will be included in this warrant.
A second letter was received from this Board stating that'their office (in
the Court Room).is being used by .various departments of the ~own.without
consulting this Board. They'requested that-:if this condition is to exist,
they would like to be assigned to quarters where they can conduct their
business properly. ~he Board voted unanimously:to accept.this.letter and
place it on file.
A letter was received' from Benjamin Hol0.ins officially protesting the
building which is now in.the process of'being built on Mass. Ave. at the
corner of Perry Street, due to the fact that it is ~oo close to residential
property and also that it is against the ~oning laws of North'Andover.
.Mr. Willis stated that this board was entering on very dangerous ground a~
· thispoint and felt that this was a matter for .the building inspector: and the
Board of Appeals. Me said if they expect to effect .a satisfactory conclusion
in Court, then we charge ourselves with a knm~ledge of a ~iolation. Mr. WiLlis
referred.to the Zoning laws, article 9, and ll whereby the complainant may
appeal to the Board of Appeals.
Mr. Kirk suggested that we ask ~artin .Lawlor :o give us the basis of. his
issuance of this permit.
Mr. ~tllis said that the Tidol Company has all.~he necessary authorization
to affect their .claims and that he felt :we should refer the complainant
to the Board of Appeals. - ....
Mr. Kirk made a motion ~hat Mr. Hollins be .informed tha~ if he feels rog-
grieved by the act&on of~ the Building inspector by-the issuing ~of this
permit he may then appeal ~o the Board .of ~ppeals. Mr. Finneran seconded
this motion end it was declared to be a unanimous vote.
A letter will be sent to Mr.~ Hollins. . .
The Board received a proposal with respec~ ~o an organization survey
relative ~o paving the. way for improved administrative methods ~at reduced
operating cost.~ No action taken. The cos~ of the survey conducted in .the
manner presented by Mr. MacRury was $2,000.
Three estimates were received for repairing the town infirmary truck which wes
involved in an accident. Joseph Burgson submitted an estimate of $139~17,
J.-W. Robinson Co. $293.15 and Verda's Garage$254.60. The board voted ~
~o award the work to. Joseph Burgson on his. low figure of $137.17.
A copy of the proceedings and de~ates of the 83rd Congress, second s~esion was
received from Congressman Lane. The letter sent to Congressman Lane from the
Board of Selectmen,. relative to dr~dging the Merrimack River was includedin
this record.