HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-03 JANUARY 3, 1955:
.The Board of Selectmen met a~ 7:30 P.M. for their regular weekl~y meetin~g..Weekly
bills and payrolls were approved. ~...
The Board voted unanimously to re-appoint Mary T. Finn, to~m accoun~an~ for~ three
years, 171/1955 through 12/31/1957.
A le~er was received from William B. Duffy, calling attention to the several
large trees in the w0%ded area ~at the North Andovor High School in the rear of
the houses on Tavern Road which were overturned by Hurricane "Carol".
~his matter had already been called to the attention of the tree warden,
started that he will remove them as soon as he can get around to them. No further
action was taken by the board.
A letter was received from ~"~. ~. Withrow, Mgr. of this company ~nd: a time table
was attached containing changes effective January 2, 195~. .The Board vo~ed to
ask Mr. ¥~ithrow to meet with them on January 10, 1955 at 7:30 P.N. to dis.cuss
this matter further.
A letter was received from Dr. Julius Kay, Chairman' of the Bo.smd o£ Health,
relative to the Building Luspector issuing perm~its for bUilding on w0o'dstock
Road. Tn accordauce with Chapter 674, Ac~s of 1933 the. Planning~ Board is .required
to submit plans for all new subdivision of land prior ~o development to the
Board~ of Health for its 4ppro~al. Preliminary investigation reveals that~ the
Building inspector has issued thre~ P~er~i~s a~d Construction has star'ed and
the'letter states that he is~ill~galty, premature and i~ defeating the ~purpose
of the'ruling. Also he may involve the town in litigation if the Board of
Health condemns the subdivision as unfit for ~wellings. The letter asks
for the cooperation of this board in this extremely, important phase ~of th~
~ow~ development.
No action was taken as~ the Board of health is e~-ected ~o meet v~lth the Sea'ct-
men on January l0 and it will be disc~'~sed at that tim~.
.A lett&r was received from this company re!~t.ive to the case of Fred J. Bonaccorsi
who brings action for personal injuries and propertydamage in the sum of $~,000.
They are referring this matter to their attorneys for' defense and they ~call atten-
tion to the smount sued for in this case plus the previous suit of Stanley p.
Fancher vs. Wm. B. Dully and the town in the sum of $50,O00 making a totsl of
$55,000 for personal injury claims whereas, the limits of our policy for ~nJury
for any one person involved in an accident is ~45,O00 and $40,000 for two or more.
The board voted to refer this letter to Atty. Arthur A. Thomson who is handling
the case.
Dewey Dyer s~nt a letter to the b~ard reques'ting that the L. C. Smith typewriter
now in custody of the ~ent Control Board be assigned ~o .the office of Civil
Defense upon termination of the P~n~ Control office activities on or ab~out
The Board ~oted to accept this communication and place it on file.
~ letter received advising the board that the Commissioners at their meeting
of 12/21/19~4 voted to approve, ~s of August 3~, 1954, the work done by~ .this
board under the provisioms of Section 34, Chapter 90 of the G. L. in the main-
tenance of Chapter 90 roads in this town under con~rac~ No. 15026, dated
July 20, '1954, the engineer having reported that the work called for by s~id
contract has been completed. No action taken.
A letter was received from ~r. O'Brieh, ~elative to the liability insurance on
high school facilities ~hich might run to $350 a year. Mr. ~hipple has suggested
that they revise t heir rules and call the rental a contribution toward the expense
involved in the use of several facilities. ~he letter referred to various.concerts
· ~o be held in January and he would like ~r School Committee ano/or the Selectmen
to supp!~ the correct answers to ~is problems. ~his is a copy of the letter,
the~ original having been sen~ to Charles ~?. Trombly, Chairman of the School
Committee. Mr. Willis suggested t&ab nothing be done about this letter until
they hear from' ~r. Trombly and the board members agreed to wait.
~d to open the warrant at 9:35 P.M. on this day and it will be closed
at eight o'clock on January 2h~ 1954.
JANUARY 3, 1955- continued
Atty. John A. ~{cNtff me~ with the board to discuss the ~own repor~ and the
'posmibility of the Tsxpayers Association taking over the compilation of same.
hT. ~cNiff said he had no personal thoughts' as to howit might be changed but
suggested having picu~res of the High School and each depar=men~ could furnish
some kind of a picture, like the police cruisers or the fire truck. He said that
in some places the Association has undertaken proJec=s of this kind.
Mr. Fimoeran inquired if this could be done legally or if it should remain in
the departments.
A~l agreed that it was rather late to do anything this year but that it w~o~ld
be a good idea to have a picture of the' new high school on theou~side cover
and some mention of the Centennial Year.
Mr. McNiff agreed to look over this years report thoroughly and have some
suggestions for the next town report.
Mrs. Carolynn 2~cQues~en me~ with the board to discuss the progress made on the
towu history.
Mr. Kirk felt tha~ this should not be executive' session since it was Just a
progress report. ~1~e board would like to know how near completion the history
Mrs. McQues~en said she is no~ through but she is satisfied with the progress she
has made and Mr. Buchanan ~harles is also satisfied. He edits her work. She said
she was a~ least ~wo thirds through and had hoped ~o be through in December but it
was impossible. She doesn't think she has cheated the ~o~n in any way and she hopes
~o have it completed in time.
Mr. Willis inq~:ired if she would reimburse the ~o~n if the history is nbt completed
in time for printing for the Centennial celebration. He reviewed the past nine
mop,tbs. He had insisted that the work be in~ the Selectmen,s hands by July l, 19%4
and he said he would refuse ~o sigm the voucher for Mrs. ~cQuesten,s pay. He was
laid up for four or five months and unable ~o do anything but he felt that this
matter had been carried on in such a manner tha~ it is very ~nsatisfac~ory to him.
Mr. Willis said the board asked for ~ completion date at least three times and she
couldn,t give it ~o them. He asked ~na~ the result would be ~hen the Centennial
comes and it isn't completed. He asked her if s~e felt tha~ she took the money
under false premenses. There has been $4,000 spent and the board has not seen
one completed chapter.
~rs. McQuesten said that there had been a final draft on ~wo chapters and the
board members had looked it over. It was final and then ~r. Charles looked it
over and changed certain par~s. She said she has an outline of the complete book
~and that there are ten chapters but she can't tell how many pages in the hobk.
She said she had worked hard and had tried to do her best but it was physically
~impossible to do more than she is doing.
Mm. Willis again asked what the ~electmen would say to the townspeople when 'it
i~~ Centennial time and the history is not complete.' Ne mentioned that th~ board
had asked if she needed assistance and the board would have been willing to ge~
some help. He said everything is so nebulous and Mrs. NcQues~en asked what he meant
or what nebulous mean~. He explained that it mean~ "in the air" or "cloudy,,. Mr.
Willis said ~this was the mos~ slipshod thing that has happened since he has 'been on
the board. He asked why she took the work i~ she couldn't do it. IE she were under
. conl~ract, she~would have had it completed and that is where the mistakewas made in
the beginning. Over $4,000 has been spent and he said he would ask her again,
',What answer do we give ~o the people if this history is not completed~,, The
Centennial chairman has asked about it and the board doesn't ~noW. He told Mrs.
McQuesten tha~ she just doesn't want ~o coopera~e.
Mr. Flnneran asked her ~o give them a completion date but she said she could do it
and that the board has had the benefit of her training in this type of work. ~He
felt the~ she should set a goal and he suggested that perhaps by the end of January
would be sufficient time. Mrs. McQues~en wen~~ on ~o say that it has been difficult
getting records from 1646 through 1§55 but after that.the records are easy ~o get into.
Mr. ~illis then asked about 2/3 of the history being completed prior ~o 1853 and only
1/3 to the time we became North Andover. He wanted tom know if he made sense asking
about this as a business proposition.
hts. McQues~en said he did no~ make sense. She said there are many parts of the
that many people know nomhing about.SHe told the board long ago that if theywere
not satisfied that she would do the work for nothing.
Nr. Willis said he.made the sta~emen~ that ~nere was an implied contrac~ and all
the board members are unanimous tha~ this is for the~Ablic interest.
Mr. Kirk then said he agreed that we must have a completion date and that she
should try to give us some definite answer.
.~.~rs. McQuesten said that she simply couldn't give a completion date ~ut that she
hoped ~o have it done as soon as possible.
~.$r. Finneran then informed Mrs. McQuesten that she mus~ realize tham this history
must be completed for the Centennial.
Mr. ~illis asked if she wo~ld work from how until the work is completed and the
board :rill hold her salary in escrow and then pay a lump sum when it is completed.
Ne said it would be v~-ry embarrassing to the Selectmen and he would feel it dishonest
~o continue ~o pay Nrs. McQues~en unless' you give us a date of completion.
JANUARY 3, 1955-continued
Mrs. McQuesten saidshe was'willing,to give a' contribution of service and that
the to~n was getting the benefit of the material she had years ago. She said
as far as she was concerned, if the board wanted to stop her pay she will continue
on with her ~or~ without pay. She wants to do the best she can and that is all
she ban do.
Mr. Kirk made a motion that the board set a completion date o& set February 51,
1955 as the date and that they would expect an answer from Mrs. McQuesten at that
time. He said this was a very drastic~ac,tion they had.to take but they had a d~ty
to perform. ....
' Mr~ Finneran seconded the~ motiox~'and Mr~ Willis said he would'make itJunaAimous
if an' amendment was-' accepted as' follow~ :' that the 'weekly reimb~s~m~nt ~pai~ to
· ~ Mrs'. McQuesteh be held in abeyance until the wore is c0mpl~ted and that the money
then be paid in a lump sum.
Mr. Finneran said he would not agree to the amendment..
Mr. Ktr~ stated,that'he is determined that the historY shall be Published
and if Mrs. McQuesten has not co~pletad the work then the board will take the
material and have it published .by someone else. ~he board would then take' over
the completion of the project.
Mr. Willis didn,t feel that the board should enter into the new year by paying
this ~eekly amount .and he would not vote on the motion unless it con~ains his
amendment ~ , ·
Mr. ~illis then' stated that a motion was made and seconded that the Board Set
February 21, 1955 as the completion date of the .to~n histo.ry with the understanding
that if it is not com~leted,'the Selectmen would take ov~r the material ~and have
it completed and published by someone else with Mr.. ~llis opposed .to the motion.
e nt,
eret~. Woo~ouse ~and~Jo~ ~anni appeared fore'the olice de'
Department to discuss the ma~er of sick leave accumulating:
Mr. Daw informed the board tha~ in 1941 the engineers made a pish whereby they
would fire a man for the first ~o ~eeks of sick leave and pay him and .the second
~o weeks the men would double up for him. In 1949 they i'did ,~away with thi~ plan
although the order of 19~1 has never'bee~ rescinded.
Mr; Le,~s~,prasented a plan 'whereby eick':leav~ for~a erlo~ o~ 1 ·
grante~annuall~r to ull t~m~ ~ .... . p 5 days sha~ be
~ - f .......... s ox- the aepar~ment anti-shall ac ,
· · no~more than ninety da s with a : ~ . ~c~mul.ate to
.~ · , .. Y medical repor~ to be re uirea at
~. ~.~3.astmfy the period of time 'off with ~av, r+. ~,~ ~:,- .-q .... · any~ ti~e to
est of them allow up ~o ninety days. . . P, days, but
Mr. Willis informed ~em that it' WOuld mean increasing their'budget to prdvlde
for 15 days for each man but he did not wish to make a formal statement om the
matter. Ail the board can do is endorse' the plan or not endows-it and then
they would get~it o~ their e~n. He suggested :two~ p~oc~dUre~~ the fi~§t would be
that Chief McKee would, set up a specific~budget item for sick leaves. When this
em,~omes bef..ore_ ~tHe,.Sele?t.men they ~ then eithe~r approve disa v
~hte z~em come me,'ore the Ac ~v *~,~*,.a ~ +~ ~ ' , ppro e or 'let
vzs__~ ...... ~nou~ any comment.. ~he Fire ~hief would
follow the same procedure and if the Advisory Board did not approve this', then
representatives of the 'various departments would hav~ the right~ to discuss~ this
at the Annual Town Meeting before the budgets s~e adoptedj Mr..Willis' the4 informed
them that they could insert an article in the to~n warrant.
~y meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7.~30 P.M. with
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
~$~p:~an~ refer to, the Lawrence Electric ~ompany,. the request~s for street
lights on Pole ~9-12~Ma~bleridge Road, by George Healey and on Parker. Street
at Bradstreet Rd by Mrs. Barry and on Beacon Hill ~lvd. at the Mass. end by
Mrs. Gtard, Mr. Paste~hak and Mrl Peterof~ for a recommendation from Mr. Frost.
A copy of an accident report was received from the High#ay Dept. George 4ams
injured his back ~hile spreading gravel as the truck wheels struck .the shovel
in his hand and it struck him in the,buck as he was knocked to the ground. No
action required.
The Board unanimously approved the application of John F. Sullivan, 173 Pieasa~
Street for a license to carry a revolver for protection and hunting. Mr. Sullivan
carries large sums of money in conducting his father,s business.