HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-04Pl-~inq Board Ootober 4, 1994 Senior Center The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. Members Present Joseph Mahoney, vice Chairman, Richard Rowen, Clerk, Alison Lescarbeau, Associate Member. Also present was Kathleen Bradley Colwell, Town Planner. John Simons arrived at 7:45 p.m. Richard Nardella, Chairman was absent. Bdaewood Life Care Acting Chairman, Mr. Mahoney, signed the Edgewood Life Care extension. 8eve~ Oaks Issues Mr. James Grifoni, developer, presented a plan that would move the existing driveway easement on the Lyons property 15 feet toward the Seven Oaks Subdivision into the 50 foot buffer zone, the buffer zone will be extended an equal amount into Lot 3. buffer zone can be moved but must keep the septic out of the buffer zone on Lot 3. There was a discussion of the septic system in the buffer zone on Lot 8. Discussion of whether change triggers modification to the subdivision approval. Consensus that it is a minor change. LOt 3 - no ~ on Lot 3 buffer zone, some minimal cutting will be allowed in order to install the septic system. Extend the buffer zone as shown on plans, Easement Plan located in North Andover, MA, Prepared for Thomas C. Lyons and Amy B. Lyons and Paul St. Hilaire, Trustee of Summer Trust, dated SeptemBer 29, 1994. Allow the easement as shown on plan. Minimal (10 ft.) cutting in the buffer zone to be reviewed by the Town Planner prior to cutting and area restored after. No structures in buffer zone, consensus by the Planning Board that the buffer zone be extended and easement moved with the above stated conditions. Den Rook VLew - noaev Coverall Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Rowen and Mr. Simons signed the renewed covenant as discussed at a prior meeting. Endorsement of Plan~ The Planning Board signed the covenant and the plans. ~eland Property The Planning Board signed the plans Watts Re~ulator - site Pla~ The Planning Board signed the plans. PrelAminarv Planm Sunrise Estate- The Planning Board discussed the cul-de-sac island, the width of pavement, granite curbing and sidewalks. Bver~reen Estate° Issues discussed: septic systems flood plain drainage wetland issues difficult site to develop will be scrutinized by the Planning Board when definitive plan is submitted Bonds/Release Covenant- Penni Lane - Definitive Subd~visio,~ The applicant was not present. This item will discussed at the October 18, 1994 meeting. Watershed Protection Distric~ Discussion of revised Watershed Protection District. Workshop meeting set up for October 11, 1994 to discuss changes with Watershed Council Public hearing on October 20, 1994 to discuss Watershed Protection District changes. P~newood aka WooSchuck ~rov~ Mr. Rowen read the legal notice to open the public hearings. Mr. Steve Stapinski, Merrimack Engineering Services, reviewed the existing plan with the Board. off of Salem Street original plan had lots of cuts and fills with retaining walls portions of the slope filled in 2/3 of site would have been disturbed large detention pond which would have removed trees wetland area has expanded since plan originally designed 65,000 sq.ft, of wetland would be disturbed under original plan additional 20,000 sq.ft, to be disturbed across the street for drainage looked at reducing the % grade in the road, eliminating retaining walls house on Lot 17 could not be constructed without a variance because in 50 ft. buffer zone town water and sewer roadway length extended from 925 ft. to 1,025 ft - long road 35% of site cleared all activities outside of wetlands but work in wetland buffer zones Lot 2 grading to accommodate side slope houses shown - one actual house - foot prints some houses have garages under easier for a contractor to stabilize fill rather than cuts long treatment swales within detention ponds water discharges into brook under Salem Street sewer is in Salem Street already only work in Salem Street will be for the water-line minimum flat back yards of 10 ft. then 2% to 4% for 10' then 2% to 4% small retaining wall behind Lot 17 and Lot 16 from Salem Street to station 1+50 has been cut and is about 1' below final grade concern by Planning Board about erosion on the steep slopes with the amount of cuts and especially fills, area will be open without stabilization Discussion of erosion control. Mr. Simons asked if there was a change in the open space amount. Mr. Stapinski stated that there may be a slight increase. Ms. Colwell recommended that the Town take the open space because it is contiguous to Foxwood and State Forest. Mr. Simons would like to reduce the amount of grading on Lots 9, 15 and 16. Mr. Laudani stated that the houses have been designed specifically for the site. Mr. Laudani will bring the designs in at the next meeting. Mr. Simons asked if there was minimum frontage on all lots. Mr. Stapinski replied "yes". Mr. Simons - review doing anything to eliminate steep slopes in te~s of variances that may be required and discuss with Planning Board at next meeting. Mr. Robert Halloran, 1049 Salem Street expressed concerns about drainage problems, his property is flooded currently when there is a big rain storm. Mr. Laudani would work with Mr. Halloran to review his drainage issues. Elsie Poulet, 465 Boxford Street, expressed concerns about increased traffic on Salem Street and the 40 mph speed limit. Mr. Simons stated that if there is concern about the speed limit it should be brought to the Selectmen's attention. On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted to continue the p~blic hearing to October 18, 1994. 350 Winthrop Avenue - Site Plan Review The Board continued their discussions of the addition to Market Basket. Mr. Simons asked if there were any State pe£mits required. Mr. Stapinski stated no because there is less than 10% alteration. Mr. Simons encouraged common parking, do not need all of the required parking spaces. There was a discussion of security issues. Mr. Kettenback stated that he has been talking and working with local police, marked and unmarked security. Cats eyes to mark the traffic lane will be added to existing painted lanes. On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted to close the public hearing and direct staff to draft decision for October 18, 1994 meeting. S40 Job-son Street - Special Permit - #atershe4 Protection Distric~ Mr. David Minicucci discussed pool system with the Planning Board. Proposed is s diatomaceous earth filter, no back washing required with this system. Drain system around pool with a pressure release system. Drainage system on pool cement apron. Ms. Colwell spoke with the Watershed Council regarding a pool in the watershed. Pool water is basically the same as drinking water on lawns. If pool is not maintained, the water becomes similar to any natural stagnant pool. The major concern should be storage of chemicals. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted to close the public hearing. There was a discussion of the decision. storage of chemicals - best management practices to be used; store inside. On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Ms. Lescarbeau, the Board voted to approve the special permit based on written decision and discussion. Salem Forcer Iv - Definitive Subdivisio- Ms. Colwell stated that the applicant requested that discussions be continued until October 18, 1994. John Pemhle, 215 Raleigh Tavern Lane, expressed concerns about current driveway becoming a roadway and traffic. He had questions about minimum frontage. Ms. Simons stated that the developer can create a new lot with frontage on the new road. The Pebble Lot misidentified on the plan. Ms. Colwell to let the applicant know. Mr. Mahoney read a letter from the Board of Health regarding the need for additional testing. Mr. Simons would vote to deny subdivision plan based on the lack of info~mation regarding septic systems. On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted to continue the public hearing to October 18, 1994 as requested. Everarsen Bstates - Preliminary Plan On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted to deny the preliminary plan based on the lack of septic tests, drainage problems, and the like, as outlined in the draft decision. Sunrise Bstates - Preliminary Plan On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted to deny the preliminary plan based on the lack of septic tests and as outlined in the draft decision. August ~6. ~994 On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. ~owen, to approYe the minutes of August 16, 1994. SeD~-mher 20. 1994 On a ~otion by Kr. Simons, seconded by Ks. Lescarbeau, voted to approve the minutes of September 20, 1994. Adtourmnent the Board voted the Board On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 p.m. ~net L. F~.ton, Secretary Joseph V. Mahoney, Vice chairman