HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-08FESRUAR~ 8, 1955: The Selectmen met a~ 6:30 P.M. to complete the business scheduled for Monday February 7, but due to the lengthy meeting with the County Commissioners and a scheduled .meeting with the Adv!so~yBoard, the material on the asenda was held over. ACCIDSNT REPORT: A copy of an accident report on. Antonio Oiarrusso, 60 Marbiehead ~t. who w~s inJured,.~hen the axeslipped and struck his fore-finger of the left hand, was received from John J. Connore. No action required, TREE REMOUALHEARL~G: k hearing was held on the petition of Walter Hp~r~, 65 Linden Avenue for the removal of a ,tree in front of his property on Oou~t Strse:. Hr. Connore has viewed this tree and recommends the removal of sane. The Board voted unanimously toinsmruct the tree warden to remove this ~ee. ESSE~ COUNTtRET/RE~NT BO~D: Notice received that ~on B. Le~is will attain the age of 65 on ~arch 19, 1955 and that his employment must cease as of the last day of the monmh in which his 65th birthday occurs. . ~/r. Kirkmade a motion that we make some mark of recogmition and presentHr. Le%~is with a scroll in reco~pition of the thirty years of service he has ~iven to the to~n and that ~r. Willis be appointed to make the appropriate s~atement. ~he rome was unanimous and H~. %¥illis will draN up some suitable, wording.for the scroll and contact ~ason Downing to see if he'can do this work for the board before ;~r. Willis leaves as Selectman. . Mr. Finneran menmioned tham the board should request a list from Civil Service so that there will be no delay in making the appointment when Mr~ Lewis retires. The Board agreed to go along with this suggestion. J. P. STEVENS& CO. INO:-'Mr.~Fred Kenm: A reply to our letter of February!, was received from Fred I. Ken~ informing the board tham Mr. G..J. Naylor had advised Mr. Kent that he had discussed the r?quest of Mr.'Norces~er but~'that~no definite agreement has been made. Mr. Kent hW~e~.1 ~ ~r~. ~ ~e~h~on~rJ ~lu~.and he feels sure that Mr. Worcester will Mr. Willis brought up the matter of the ~o~m paying one half of.the bill for Hr. Green ratherthan have him~aituntil this matter is settled. ~he Board agreed andas soon aS.we receive a bill, the payment will be made from mhe Contingent Fund. JUROR DRAWN: Wtlliam Finneran drew the name of Florence G. Fortin, 14 Linden Avenue tomerve as a :raverse Juror at Superior Court, Civil Session, on March 7, 1955. LAWRENCE GAS COMPANY: l~e Board votedunanimously~o grant parmission to this company to excavate f~t. in'stre2t to install gas service at64 Beverly Street, Phillip Cocchiaral · uarmywilloe notified of thisexcavation. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC COMPANY: Notice received that in accordance with o~r letter of Novemb~z 16, the following changes have been made instree~ lighting; 2500 lumen incandescent light have been located am the following poles, ~67, 758, 580, 582, 585, .547, 556, 558, 561 and 1040 on Pleasant Streem and two 15,000 lumen Mercury Vapor lights installed on poles 577 and 588 on Pleasant Street. PETITION FRO~ N~? ENGLA~ TEL. & TEL. CO: A petition for permission ~o lay end maintain underground conduits on Osgoed Street, approx. 60 feet of underground conduit from pole #30/184 westerly across the S~ree~ to the property line was received. The Board set a hearing for 7:30 on February 21, 1955. M.~ .T. STEVENS & SONS: A letter was received from John F. Matthews, Manager of the Engineering Depart- ment pointing out mo this board the progressive subsidence of the Stevens Street roadbed am the point where the pond flows under the road to the mill storage pond. ~here is no question that the subsidence is progressive and that a very hazardous condition demands atten:ion of an emergency nature in t he very near future. Mr. Flnneran had no~iced this condition, very recently and felt that somemhing should be d one aboum it. The Board voted to refer this ~o Mr. Carry and request that he dc something as soon as. possible. DRAINAGE EASEMEN~ GREAT POND ROAD: A letter was received from Arnold H. Salisbury relative to these easements. DRAINAGE EASE~TS-GREAT POND ROAD: }~. Salisbury explained that he had prepared the necessary instrument giving the town the right :o drain wa:er away from Great, Pond Road, over and through the land of the Society of Jesus of New England. The final communication to Mr. Salisbury stated that the Society of Jesus is v~il!ing to give the ~own of North Andovar the land drainage easements over its landj but they request that the petition giving the town the land shall contain a provision that it is being given f~ee to the town, and that there will be no betterments assesssd against their property. Mr. Salisbury request advice from this board as to whether or no~ the board is willing :o accep~ the conditions imposed by the land owner. The Board agreed to this condition and a letter will be sent ~o Mr. Salisbury advising him that it was the unanimous vo~e of this board that Mr. Salisbury may assure the attorney of the Society of Jesus that no assessments in the nature of Betterments will be made now or in the future on this stretch of road and that this board would waive any such assessmen~ in the event that they should arise, in ~eturn for the rights and easements which the Society is giving to the Town. DUST CONDITION: ~ Nr. Finnaran called attention to the dust condition which ekis~s at the plant site of the ~estern Electric plant and suggested that the board send a~letter to see if there is something that can be done. Mr. Willis had hear4 complaints · about this condition and they will send a letter to Jesse Ault, General Manager. STREE~T LIGHT REQUEST: Mr. Finneran brought up the ma:~er of the lighting at ~the corner of Russell and Main Street and in the area of Oxfood~ Street. The board voted unanimously request Mr. Frost of the Lawrence Electric Company :o make a.survey of this location and send his recommendation ~o this board. The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held a~ .7:30 P.M. with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls ware approved. EXCHANGE S TUD~TS: A group of high school s~udents from Salem at~ended the meeting a~ the request of Alvah Hayes, Principal. Mr. Willis welcomed the boys and girls and stated that they may not possibly pick up any pearls of wisdom but they can see the type~of govern- ment in.the town as compared ~o their city. Mr. Willis explained the~pr, ccedare of the selectmen and stated that they oversee most of the denartments and that they also sit as a license board and the board of Public Welf~re.~ He allowed them examine several of the vouchers which were before the board for approval. He then .turned the meeting over to William A. Finneran, chairman of the license board. ~ADJUDICATION OF BEACON HILL BOULEVARD: ~A hearing was held on the adjudication of Beacon Hill Boulevard and all abutters had been notified and it had been properly published. Mr. Walter Steele appeared before the board to inform :them that about 8 ~eet of land had been taken and that he understood tha~ there .was tobe an island in the middle of this street. If.this is discontinued, Mr. Steele inquired if the landfwould be returned to the abutters. Mr.. Carty had informed: him that the land would be re:urned but he had been advised ~o c nme before this board. Mr. Willis informed him that if a taking has been made, the land .will not.be returned ~o the owners or abutters but after checking the map filed in the to~a~ clerk,s office, Mr. Willis felt that there would be no island in this street, He informed. Mr. Steele · that the adjudication would not be made until all signatures of abutters were in the hands of the. selectmen.' Mr. Steele stated that the list ~s almost completed and that it would be given to this board within the next week. Mrl Finnerar. mad,. a mo=ion that Beacon Hill Boulevard be adjudicated as a ~ublic way on condition that the release :signed by all abutters be submitted to'~the Board of Selectmen. 'ibis was a unanimous vote of the board. DOG OFFICER: Stanley Buturlia informed the board that ~wn dogs owned by Kenneth R. Kniffin, Essex St. Middleton (tag No. 112-1954) and Norman Welch, North Main Street, Middleton (tag No. 53-1954) had destroyed rowe sheep owned by Charles 'lhornton, ~illRoad, North Andover but that all damages were to be paid by the owners of the dogs. He recommended that these ~wo dogs be restrained and asked the Selectmen ~o~rrite a letter to the Select.men of Middleton and make this recommendation. The Board voted unanimously ~o send this le~er. LAND COURT: Notice received that a petition by Louis J. Dubois, et ux has been received for the registration of land in North Andower on Bacon Avenue and Martin Avenue. Mr, ~illis informed the board that action was. required.