HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-18100 FEBRUARY 18, 1955 The Boszd of Select.men held a meeting on this day due to the holiday eve on Monday, February 22, 1955. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. ALLIED .PRINTING TRADES COUNCIL: A letter thank~g the board for their recent action in granting the printing of the annual ~own report ~o a label shop, was received from the board. NATIONAL FEDE.~ATION OF POST OFFICE CLERKS: An invitation was received inviting the board ~o at~end religious services on February 27, 1954 at the church of their .faith. The members will plan to attend. HURRICANE P~LIEF BOARD: Notice received that a time limit has be~n established, fo~ the reimbursement of bills and payrolls for the clearance of debris- public proper~y and the clearance of debrms on private property. At a meeting held on February tO~ 1955, the members of the Hurricane Relief Board Voted to set the tim~ limit as March 31, 1955 and any work done after this date under: the above quoted categories will not be reimburseable. The Board voted to notify John J. Connors that they wish him to com'p{yl with the mandate of the Hurricane Board and any work not completed by March31, 1955 will have %o be done under his a~propriation. GENERAL RELEASE: "~ ' A release for the consideration of $45.00 for damage ~o his automobile when it hit a hole in the road on Third Street on February 11, was. receiveC from Rklph Bevin, ~33 Johnson Street, North Andover and a check' will be mailed him in the above amount. LAV~RENCE GA~ CO: The Board voted unanimously to gran~ permission ~o this company ~o excavate 13 feet in street on Prescom~ Street ~o install gas service for Nicholas E~angelos. Mr. Carry will be notified. LAWRENCE E~ECTR!C CO~.~ANY: ' .A letter from Mr. Frost advising the board 'that they would recommend a 1000 lumen light on a new pole to be located about 100 to 125 feet in on Oxford Street from RUssell Street was received by the Board. After checking the sketch,' ~the beard vo~ed unanimously to inform Mr. Frost that the board feels that there is sufficient lighting in this area at the present time. CO~NT~ CO~SSION~RS: A letter was received from the County Commissioners ackno~ledgimg receipt~ of letter of Februar~ 8. relative to land damages on Great Pond Road. Enclosed were copies of the letter sent to Mr. Salisbury, attorney for the to~n and to. King, attorney for the Commissioners. No action taken by the board. DAMAGE CLAI~ A letter with estimate enclosed was, received from Kathleen Casey, 266 Hampshire Street, Lawrence, for damage to a Ford Truck caused when the ~ck to~n truck backed into i~ a~ the .Essex Sand & Gravel Plant in .%ndover, 'was approved by the board and a general release form will be mailed to Kathleen Casey and upon receipt of same, a cheek will be mailed to Kathleen Casey. Release form maiIed 2/18/55. APPLICATION FOR ABA~EM~NT OF CHAPTER 80 assessment. Ar& application for abatement of $101.04 for Chapter 80 asasassment on Lozs 137, 138, Beacon .Hill Blvd. corner of Osgood Street, was received by the board.,and they voted unanimously to grant this request since no work has been dono.at this location under chapter 80. Applicants are Salvatore j and Rose M. DiPaolo, 5 Beacon Bill Blvd. REVOLVER PER2~T APPLICATION: ~hs Board voted unanimously ~o gran~ a license to Benjamin Hollins, 24 ~Saltonstall Road, North Andover, business address 50 Mass. Ave. Application has been approved by Chief McKee. REQUEST FOR SELECTMEN TO CALL A SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: A petition conmaining more than 200 signatures of registered vo~ers was received from Alfio Coppola, petitioner, to inser~ one article to see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficien~ sum of money to extend the drainage system and improve the road on Admas Avenue from Mass. Ave. for a distance of 1620 feet under Chapter 80 of the General Laws provising for the assessment of ~tterments upon property owners. Mr.iKihk'~Ade a motion that the warrant be opened for one article and that a special town meeting be held on March 19, 1955 immediately follo~ing tho adjourned annual town meeting and then made a mo~ion that the warrant be closed. Vote was unanimous.