HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-28FEBRUARY 28, 1955:
The regular weakly meeting of the Bo~rd of Selectmen w~s held at 7:30 P.N. with
all members present. ~eeklybills and payrolls wore approved.
A Hearing was held on the petition of these two companies for permission to locate
poles, wires, cables and fixtures on Osgood Street, southwesterly from a point approx..
8~3 feet southwest of Haverhill -No.Andover line, 5 poles and on Osgood Street,
2535 feet southwest of Haverhill-No.Andover line, 1 pole and (remove 1 pole).
John Roche, an abutter, came mo the me,ting and his only concern wAs whether or no~
one light was to be removed. If so, he didn't feel that any light should be removed
from this area and there is little enough light flow.
Mr~ ~Vlanagan, representative of the telephone company informed the board and others
present that they plan ~o eliminate one pole, but no light will be removed.
The Board voted unanimously to grant permission ~o these ~wo companies to go along
with this work.
Police Officer Myron Lewis came before the board at their reques~ and ChalrmanWillis
informed him that the board had called him in so that they might make some'official
recognition f6r his past services in the police department.. Mr. Willis stated that
this is hi~ last official act as he is not planning to be a member of this board. He
recalled that Officer Lewis and Mr. ~[illis had spent considerable time together in
the police department and although they differe~ on some occasions they enj6yed work-
lng in this department. ~r. Willis stated that this board could n~t allow him to
retire after thirty years of service without some recognition and stated thatit
was a distinct honor for him, as chairman of the Boar4 of'Selectmen, to pre~ent this
Resolve to Nyron Lewis~ Police Officer extraordinary. Mr. Willis preceded to read
the resolve and then handed it to Nr. Lewis.
Officer Lewis acceoted the resolve and felt it was a great honor and thanked' the
members of the board but was unable to express his feelings further. E~eryone
present wished Mr. Lewis the very best of luck in his retirement.
Mrs. Carolynn McQuesten came before the board at their request with respect'to the
completion of'the town history.
ChairmafiWillis talked ~o her directly and informed her that a month or so ago,
a majority of the'board members voted that you were to appear before this board
on,February 21, with the completed historyor'the board would give it to someone
else for completion. ~he meeting of February 21 was postponed until' tonight and
you~re so notified. Mr. Willis stated that he hsd nothing f~rther to say as
his S~and was made clear at the last meeting'with Mrs. McQuesten.
Mr. Kirk stated that in his opinion the tov~ historyshould be ready at this time
so that the board may have t~me to have it printed and bound.
Mr. McQuesten informed the board that she wo~ld be~,able to tell them in' three weeks
what the outcome'would be and went on to explain tna~ you wrtte something~ in the
history and then find there is something more ~o be'added and all'this takes time.
Mr. Kirk said that his particular concern is that the'Selectmen are in a seat'squirm-
ingposition and they wan~ this history ~o be ready and in the hands of theater, s- ::
people before the Centennial date if possible.
Mrs. McQuesten proceeded to explain to the board that she has had many letters and
calls from people who have written histories and you Just can't rush ~ thing like
this. She has done s13 she can and she has had people read the history. About
l~ chapters are completed and she is still working on the last 100 years~ and she
hopes to include all of it in her history.
Mr. Willis inquired of Mrs. McQuesten if she did not believe that it was the intent
and purpose of this proJecm to have it complete and ready for the Centennial Cele-
bretion and she again stated that many people Who have written histories have had
to take extra time to complete them. It is something that cannot be rushed.
Mr. Willis inquired if she woulddeliver the 15 chapters ~o the Selectmen t6 read
and she replied that she would have ~o thinks bout t.his. She said that Member
Finneran had been to h~r home ~nd looked over the fifteen chapters and John'Donovan,
High school teacher had read the chapters over. Mr. Willis wanted to know why the
Selectmen can,t see thes~ chapters if John Donovanwas allowed to see it.
Mrs. McQuesten told the chairman that Mr. Donovanwas in a position to help her by
reading this over but Mr. Willis could not as he was young and did not have enough
Mr. Finneran inquired of Mrs. McQues~en if she c~tldn't get help to work on this
history ~o rush the completion but she has t~ied to figure out ho~ she could use
help but'this .is s very complicated thing and you have to be sure that you have
the right kind $f help. She suggested that the finished chap~ere be sent ~o the
printer and get it star~ed but Mr. Kirk did not go along with this as he felt that
the bbard should know Just ho~ many pages therefore to be. Mrs. McQGesten sta~ed
again that she will know at the end of three or four weeks when she will be able ~o
,finish the work. She mentioned that she could use some h&lp in checking something
at the Archives in Boston and that would save time,
FEBRUARY 28, 1955: continued
Mr. Kirk askc~ if she hsd any material ready for typing and she answered that all
the typing is caught up.
~{r. ~i 'ikis~went on to say that over a month ago, two members of this board voted
to set the completion date as February 21, 1955 and that if it is not completed
at this time, the Selectmen would ta~e over the material and have it completed
by someone else. He stated that he did not vote on this motion and his StAnd was
the same now as it was at that time. He still feels that the people in the town
are entitled to see something for the money that has been spent on this
Mr. Willis stated that $5,447 has been spent on this project and $4170 has~been
paid to Mrs. McQuesten since April 1952. He felt that she should present the
board with something so that the tmvnspeople may know ¥:ho~ this money has been
e~pended and for what purpose. He wanted ~o know how the other members felt and
if they were willing~o go Along with the position they took in January last~ and
if so what action they wanted to take at this time. He again stated that his
position has not changed and he preceded to read the minutes of January 3~ 1955
at which time he would have gone along with the motion of the other ~wo members
if an amendment were added, - "that weekly reimbursement paid t$ Mrs. McQues~en
be held in abe.vance until the work is completed and that the money then be paid
in a lump sum."
Mrs. McQuesten told Mr. ~illis not to bl~me these two ',boys,, for everything that
back in April 1954 he had said some pretty mean things and that she had been so
upset that wee~s of'her work were spoiled and she bls~ed this on Mr. Willis's
attitude and comments.
Mr. Kirk. stated again that his only interest is ~that the ~o~n history should"be
re~dy for Centennial Celebration in June and he has not changed his position~ with
respect to the vote made in January.
Mr. Finneran went along with this but felt that there must be some way th~t~Mrs.
McQues~en could obtain help and rush this' project along.
Mrs. McQuesten said she did not ~,'~ant to spend any more time here 'and started"to
leave. She said she had given everything'she possibly could towards this proJec~
and it is something you can't rush along but she ~cou!d not .give any definite"date
for completion.
Mr. Kirk asked if the Selectmen could have the finished manuscript and Mrs. McQuesten
replied in the negative.
Mr. Willis went on to inform her of the motion made-by the two members and he inquired
if they wished to lchange their position and both ~. Kirk and Mr. Finneran'stated
that they were of the same opinion now as they ~ere on January 3, 1955, which'was
jby majority vote of the board that the board set Februarz.~ 21, 1955 as the completion
date of the teen history with the understanding that if it is not completed,~,the
the Selectmen would take over the material, and have it completed and published
by someone else. Mr.' Willis was opposed to this motion. He'further informed M~s.
McQues~en that the motion is that she deliver the ma~eriat to this board, since
the work has n6t been completed.
Hrs. McQuesten again informed the board that she could not stay here' any lo&ger
and she left the &eeting.
No definite vote was taken by the board with reference ~o Mrs. McQues~en bein~
dismissed although both Mr. Finneran and ~. Kirk re-affirmed their position
taken on janus?y 3, 1955.
Robert Surette cam~before the B6ard to again complain about the dust condition
at western E~ectrie plant site on Osgocd Street. He wanted to know what, if anything,
had been done to correct this condition. Re. stated that he has storm wind~vs on
which ire wind tight but the dust gets in Just the 'sams. The tools in his'~arage
are c6vered with this dust and he is.particularly worried abont the health' of'his
seven children.
The Board voted to send e letter to the Western Ele6tric Company in New Yor~~
and also a letter'to the Board of Health suggesting that they also send a letter
to this company to see if this situation can be cleared up. -
Mr. 'Willis explained that he had vrritten to ~r. Ault and later had 'called him to
find out what had been done. Mr. Ault said our letter had been sent to the New
York Office and also a·letter from one~ of the neighbors.
Mr. Surette is planning to move from this area but He believes that something should
be done as soon as possibl~ to help.clear this matter up.
Mrs.. Mildred ~ickory, 476 Great Pond Road called to c6mplain about a trench in front
of Brooks Potter property which is one foot deep and ten to fifteen'~oet long and it
is right in fron~ of the mail box. ~he Board voted unanimously to refer this matter to
Mr. Carty and suggest that he do what he can to remedy this situation.
Notice of epprocal received on the .petition 6f Paul Derosiers of 55 Mass. Ave..
zo change this 'location from General Residential to Business .and ~approval was given
on February 21, 1955.
F~RUARI~8, 1955-continued
DEPT OF 6OPJ~OgATIONS & TAXA'lYON% Re-Police Department
A letter was received from Herman B. Dine, Director of Accounts requesting undnr
what authority the Board of Selectmen are granting this vacation pay, before ne
can give his opinion on ~he matter. A letter wa~ sent back ~o ~r. Dine explaining
that the Board acted under Ghapger 41, Section 97 of the G.L. which is the sec-
tion under which our police departmen~ was established and is o~eratcd. The
letter stated that this board foels that they have the authority under this section
of the Statute since it spells our "The Selectmen may make suitable regulations
governing the police department and the officers thereof.
Mr. Willis had previously talked with Mr. Dine by telephone and he said a reply
should come to the board v~ithin a very short time.
A letter and copy of an order of the Department, D.P.U. 11112 relative ~o the
petition of the Selectmen for a public hearing on the discontinuance of its
agency and modification of its station facilities ag North Andover, B&N Railroad.
It has been ORDERED: That the petition of the Selectmen of North Andover protesting
the discontinuance of the agency and modification of its station facilities at
North Andover by the B & N Railroad is DISKrSSED. No further action taken by board.
A claim in the amount of $8.20 was presented to the board for repairing damage
go the aatomobile of Alfred Briguglio, 183 Mass. Ave. on Feb. 23, .195~ when his
car went do~n into a bad hole caus~ing the left wheel go practically fall off.
The Board voted unanimously go pay this claim upon submission of a general release
signed by Briguglio.
Mr. Kirk made a requesg for a street light at the home of Mrs. West, Oak Ave.
where it is very dark. There is only one light at the corner of Andover Street
and Oak Ave. The Board voted to refer this matter ~o Mr. Frost for a sruvey and
'~5-. Willis informed the board that he had received a complaint from Louis
McAloon stating that he wa~ not satisfied with the investigation made last week
when he had a fire in his barn. The' Fire Chief and State Fire Marshall made a
complete investigation but Mr. }~cAloon felt that the police should check this
matter and see if they can determine how the fire sgarted or who started it.
T~e Board toted ~o refer this to the Police Department for investigation and ask
that a report be sent to this board by noxt :londay evening.
!&tRCH 3, 1955:
At a special meeting the Board of Selectmen appointed Mrs. Rite ~{arkey)
38 Union S'treeg as Deputy Clerk in Precinct Three to fill the vacancy creaged
by the illness of ~rs. Elizabeth Trombly. A notice wil~. be s cng to Mrs.
;?eeks, warden. ~hls was a majority vote of .Yr. ?~illis and Mr. Kirk with }~r.
Fi~meran not voting.
MARCH 7, 19%5,
The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 8:00 P.M.
and payrolls were approved.
The Board voted unanimously to approve an application for a license to carry a
revolver by Alexander L. Taylor, Jr. 11 Richardson Ave. for protection and target
Mr. Rufus Lambert and Martin Lawlor met with the board to discuss the matter of
' a henhouse which a Mr. Louis Slrois had moved to within 10 feet of Mr. Lambert's
land. He has not obtained a permit to do this and Mr. Lambert stated that if he
builds a house he would have to go go the Board of Appeals for a variance. Mr.
Sirois informed Nr. Lambert that he will remove the henhouse when he builds his
Mr. Lawlor stated that if this is an accessory buildtng~ he can move it but only
if he is planning to remove it at a later date~ but he should have a permit for
moving it. The board voted unanimously to send a letter to Mr. Sirois advising
him that he is in violation of the Zoning laws and that he should report to Mr.
Lawlor at the earliest possible time.