HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-27~ekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held a~ 7:30 P;M. with members Finneran and Broadhead present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHT: }.~r. Santo DiMan~o requested a s~reet light on pole #3871 on ~Lfflin Drive and the Board voted unanimously to view this' location to establish the necessity for a light at this partic~larllocation. T~e Board vo~ed ~o request Mr. George Frost of the ~awrence Electric Company ~o make a survey of Saunders Court and see if a light could be installed in the town yard which would reflect light on Saunders Court which is~ very dark. REVOLVER PERMIT APPLICATIONs ~heboard approved the revolver permit' application Street, approved hy Chief McEee. SALE OF REVOLVER: A notice received that William J. Arsenault sold a revolver 999, Harring~on and ~ichardson, calibre 22 ~o Charles Verda, 324 Bradford St. South. No actibn re- quired by beard. for Charles Verda, 324 Bradford -~TRANSFER FROM RESERVEFUND: Approval received of the ~ransfer from the Reserve Fund the amount requested by the Advisory Board $554.90 mo pay the balance of their bill for mailing and printing Advisory Board repor:s. ~his amounm transferred to Itemized annual ~own reports .appropriation. DUSTCO DITZO ; ZEC C Letter'received from the lhrner Construction C~mpany advising that~this ~attsr should be handled directly with the Western Electric Company. ~hey, ~oo, have been affected by the dust condition to some extent during the month of December. A ietter received from the Western Electric~ Company ~dvising that~they are ~sking s~eps to plant,s ground cover in accordance.with the recommendations of the Faculty of the University of Massachusemms as soon as the site is in proper~condition for · ~. sowing. Due to the eXtent of their earth moving operations they have ~beenunable up to the present time to alleviate the condition. Mr. FLnneranwill write a letter mo be sen~ ~oWestern Electric Compan~ thanking them for their fine cooperation. Mr. Finneran talked with Mr. Erwin recent~lyand he informed him that as soon as there is good weather they will star~ to work and this should be completed in about six weeks. · GOLE OZL CORPORATION: SIDEWALK SIGN: A request was received by the board to erec~ a standard steel ~dentification sign as shown on their plan. Thissign has a clear height of 12,-0, from finished grade rounder side of identification disc andprojecte 5'~1" over thesidewalk area. ~he Board voted unanimously to grant this.request upon fil{ng of aS1000 bond with the ~owu or a certificate of insurance covering liability. GULF OIL CORP: REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF TREE: A request for removal of a 24" maple tree located a% curb li~e ~n front .of their proposed service s~ation was received. ~he Board vo~ed to refer this matter to the %ree warden for posting and hearing.' Ahearingwill be held onApril 11, 1955 at 7:30 P.M. on this petition. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY: Notice received that.an application for a~certificate of incorporation has been filed and that George Schruender, 54Dufton Court, Nogth Andover and others, not residents of this town are the applicants. ~his cozporation .is to.assist and help those engaged in the business of real estate 1broker for the purpose of promoting, encouraging, improving and developing businesses practices in said-industry, etc. .~he board voted unanimously ~o refer this to the Chief of Police for investigation and report. ' LAWRENCE GAS COMPANY: Permission requested to excavate to install 1460, of 4" C. I. 'gas ma~n on Waverley Road, starting at "~he Den" and continuing across TUrnpike Street, North Andover. The Board vomedunanimously to gran~ permission for this excavation and Mr. carry will be so notified. Ci~ SERVICE CERTIFICATION- POLICE DE?AR~ENT: The Board received a list from Civil Service for certification of one permanent patrolman at $69.39 weekly to fill the .vacancy caused by the retiremen~ of M~ron Lewis. The following names were lis~ed: Frank H. Dushame, Jr., 2,so R. Macklin, Ronald F. Hegar~y, and Paul .U. Lafond. The Board vo~ed unanimously ~o appoint Frank H. Dushame ~o this position since he was the first on the list and he had notified Mr. Finnsran tha~ he was available and interested in the appointment. POLICE DEPART~%~NT VACANCY: FILLED: Leo R. Macklin no%if led the board in writing that he was available and interested in th& appointment. In view of Mr. Dushams heading the list by seniority, the board felt that he should be appointed'. Duties will star~ on April 1, 1955 if approval is received from Civil Service. DA~,~GE CLAIM: The Board voted unanimously to offer the sum of $10. O0 as payment for' repair.lng car of Mrs. Alfred Concemt, 50 Sanborn St. Lawrence, which was damaged when it struck a hole in the road near the Brooks School. Chief McKee investigated this complaint and after due consideration, the board felt tha~ ~10.00 should cover the cost of repairs. A general release will be sent ~o ~s. Concemi. CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S DAY: Notice received that April 2nd, will mark the observance of the second national Crippled Children,s Day in Mass. The reques~ that the Selectmen give the enclosed proclamation %o the local newspapers for publication. Mr. Murphy, reporter for the T~ibune, cannot take any proclamations of this nature. COMPLAINT: DU.MPING: The board received several complaints about dumping refuse on Boxford Street, near Tool's farm. The Board voted to refer this matter to th~ Chief of Police for investigation and report ant that a copy of the letter to the chief be given to the Board of Health. PETITION FOR SPECIAL TOWN MEETING: Atty. John J. Lynch presented the Selectmen with a petition containing over .200 names of registered voters, requesting that they call a Special town meeting and insert one article as follows: Th see if the ~oun will vo~e ~o amend the zoning by- laws for the ~own of North Andover by changing from a restricted residential area an educational district a certain parcel of land located in the general area~ between Main Street, Second $~. Maple Ave. and Third St. being more particularly bounded and described as follows. The description was read by Mr. Finneran but will no~ be inserted here. Mr. Broadhead inquired if this matter first comes before the Planning, Board ~and if so he would prefer not ~o have the special town meeting on the same night that the Planning Board makes their report. In view of this, Mr. Broadhead made a motion that the petition be accepted and that the Selectmen ~rill se~ a date for the special town meeting at their next meeting on April 4, 1955. DOG OFFICER8 REPORT FOR APRIL 1, 1955: Stanley Buturlia submitted his repor~ as dog officer which is required on .April 1. He listed the number of dogs sent to MSPCA, destroyed, dog b~.tes,damages to livestock; number of licenses issued and kennel licenses, plus amoun~ received for all licenses which is $1014.00. BUILDING INSPECTOR: Notice sent ~o Mr. Martin Lawlor that the Selectmen would appreciate his sending toll call slips and gas slips along with ar$~ bills he might ~resen~ for .payment, and that all departments would be requested to do likewise. RENT CONTRGL OFFICE: Notice to Mr. Domenic Bonanno informing him that the Court Room will be used for voting on May 2, ~1955. · ~RCH 31, 1955: MYRON LEWIS: I~ETZEED~ It had been voted previously that the following resolution be spread upon the records of the Board of Selectmen and this being Myroz Eewis' last day, the following resolution is recorded and a copy in the form of a pla~ue was presented to Mr. Lewis on the twenty-eighth day of February, 1955. WHEP~AS: Myron B. Lewis was appointed to the North Andover Police Department on March 13, 1922, and VgtEP~: He, as a Police Officer has given unselfishly of himself and his talents for thirty-three years, and WHEREAS: By his efforts ~nd tireless devotion to duty he has endeared himself to the citizens of our Town, and WHEREAS: It no~ becomes necessary for him ~o enter into a well deserved retirement, and WH~: The Town of North Andover cannot adequately repay this man for his many sacrifices in the performance of his work, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Selectmen shall cause to be spread on the records of the To~n of North Andover, official recognition of his devotion and strict adherence to the best principles of a good police officer and it is further RESOLVED T~AT: This citation shall be suitably engraved and framed; and it shall be publicly presented a~ a Selectmen's Meeting called for this purpose on February 28, 1955 to Myron B. Le~is, Police Officer extraordinary. Given under our hands this twenty-eighth day of February in the .~ear of our Lord nineteen hundred fifty-five. John J. Willis, Chairman Arth~r p Kirk V~iam ~. Finneran ~F ~