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~he re&~nlar weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen wA~!held at 7:30 P.M. with
members ~neran ~d Bro~head present. Wee~y bi~s a~ pa~o~s were approved.
~ ~HOV~ H~ING:
A hear~g w~ held on the requests of Jo~ Damon, of Bradford for the remov~ of
~hree trees on his property at ~e corner of N~bleridge Road and Joh~on Street~
~s. ~tohell Boot~ fur remo~l of one t~e at ~35 Pleaser Street;
~bert Do~hue for the removal of one=ce at ~6 Ph~i~ Court and' }~ss Finegan
for remov~ of one tree a~ 50 ~im ~ad on ~d~es~ Street side.
~e Board voted ~imously to Erst ~ese ~quests and ~o i~t~ct the'tree warden
to=emove these
Chairman Nilliam McAloon met with the board to inform them of-the progress made with
respect to the Centennial celebration. He stated that the committee was trying to
get' the Giant Balloons :which have never been in this area and he hopes to get the
merchants interested in them.
Ne did ask that the board get-permission from Ehe LawrenceElectric Co~ for
to have streamers or banners across various streets in the to~n. --
Ail town officials are-eXpected to become members of the Brothers of the'Brush.
Each day. there will be some sort of celebration..He suggested that the board start
now to .decide once guests they plan to invite to the dinner so that they can esti-
mate how many tickets will be ~aid for.
~r. McAloon suggested that the board contact Arthur Thomson to get permission for
: the parade ~o cross the. highway and also to contact Mr. ,~hitney to see if they
will send somes~ate ~troapers on this day.
The Board expressed the thought that ~r. McAloon and his :ommittee are doing a'
fine Job in connection with the celebration and stated that they would.do all they
could to assist them in any way possible.
T~o bids were received for the new police cruiser ,~ both of which were rejected
bY unanimous vote of the board as they were both higher in price than the amount
of money available for this purchase.
One bid from Shawsheen Motor Mart, $1668.27. Total price including all special
police equipment factory installed $2668.27 less allowance for 19~3 police car
of $1,000.
Another bid from Coombs of Watertown in the amount of $1825. Total amoun~ $2755
~including all police equipment, minus municipal discount of $206 and less allowance
for 1953 police c~uiser of $575. - - ·
The Appropriation requested by Chief McEee in his 'article was $1670 plus the trade
in of the'1953 car and Carl~Williams, spokesman for the N.A.~Taxpayers association
committee spoke at the ~own meeting and stated that the car could be purchased for
$1375 plus the trade-in and it'.ms so voted at the meeting.
Mr. Finneran called Mr. Williams and inquired as 'to where this purchase could be
made at the figures he quoted at the town meeting but he s rated that he did not
get the figures but that William ~ndicott had supplied them and he was at presen~
out of to~n. He stated that~ the committee ~ould hold- a meeting and report back to
this board'. -
In view of this shortage of money, .the board decided, to. insert an article in the
warrant for the special to.~n meeting to raise .$295 so that the cruiser can be
purchased with. the equipment required.
Stanley Buturlia presented a reporm to the board that Char~ s E. ~hornton, 140 Mill
Road reported that one female sheep, Suffolk breed was killed by unknown dog or dogs
and that the value Of the sheep was $45.00. Mr. Thornton has a Kennel license #209
under date of 3~30/1955. Mr. Finneran~and Mr. Buturlia appraised the sheep. A
report will be sent to the County Commissioners.
Notice received that the Hurricane Relief Board voted on March 31, 1955 to ~rant
an extention to North Andover to April 15, 1955 for the "Clearance of debris'public
Mr. Conners was present and informed the board that he ~as quite disappointed in the
length of time granted since the letter.was not received until April 2, 1955 and he
had laid the men off March 31, 1955 so that~actually they only had eleven working
days left. He stated that there is approximately $6,000 left but he is having trouble
getting help and he would like to get another extension.
Mr. Finneran suggested that he wait until next ~onday and then the board 'would write
a letter to the Hurricane Board. This was agreeable to Mr. Broadhead and-also to
~g'. Conners.
APRIL 4, 1955- continued
Domenic Bonanno and Philip Sutcliffe came before the board relative to continuing
Rent Control in the ~own. Mr. Bonanno stated that ther~ is mixed reaction of
the board with respect to the re-acceptance of Rent Control.
Mr. Broadhead said the board would like a recommendation from the board but ~r.
Sutcliffe stated that this board is impartial and he felt that no statement should
be made hut that the Selectmen should make the decision.
Mr. Bonanno informed the board that they haven,t had a case in 2 1/2 months. The
petitions have been small and there is not much to do. He stated that he didn,t
believe that the Rent Control should make a statement that there is a hpusing
~e Board voted to insert an article in the warran% for the special to~n meeting
to see if the town will accept Rent Control until December 31, 1955 and another
article to raise and appropriate $300 to take care of the expenses of Rent Control
for the remainder of the year. '
Dewey Dyer came to the office and asked that the selectmen do something about
the money which the town voted to accept as a gift from a fund raised from a
private source duringWorld Nar l at a special town mee:ing held on October 18,
1954. Mr. Dyer plans to use this money $1483.65 together with the $950 raised
at the same town meeting towards the expense of a Civil Defense~arning Sysmem.
Mr. Broadhead made amotion that the board contact Mr. Abbo~ Stevens relative
~o this article and find out what action is to be taken ~th respect ~o the
town receiving this money.
~he Board approved the amount of the indemnity for the bond for the reco~mitted
uncollected taxes and accounvm for.1954 for James Dewhirs~ in the amount of
$2900. This form will be returned to the Commissioner of Corporations and~ Taxa-
Notice received that Edward Saul, 1717 Turnpike St. and others who have filed
an application for a certificate of incorporation under the name of the Bay
State Retail Gasoline Dealer,s Association, Inc.
O~ motion of Mr. Broadhead, the board voted to refer this to the Chief of.Police
for investigation and report.
Letter received informing the board that there v~ill be some difficulty in locating
a street light on Saunders Court since there is no ~ay of reaching the area. It
may be possible to loca~e a s~reet light near the fence of~lthe Town Yard which would
held illuminate the Court. ~he Distribution Department will check whether such an
installation can be made and we will notified as soon as possible.
~he Beard will view the location for a s~reet light at Mifflin Drive on pole $3871,
requested by Santo DiMauro.
Chief reported that Officer Fleming investigated the arm mentioned and found a
number of beer bottles on the side of the road. He talked with Mr. Teel who in-
formed the officer that there was considerable dumping along the road bu~ the
officer was unable to find anything more than that mentioned above. He also talked
with Mrs. Gor~on who lives in this vicinity and she had no complaints to ma~e.
This location will be checked periodically by the officers and if there is any
further dumping this board will be so notified.
The Board vo~ed unanimously, to gran$ permission ~o excavate 15' in Stevens Street,
· to install gas service for WilliamM. Smith and 16, in Stevens Stree~ to install
gas service for Raymond Lewis. Mr. Cartywill be notified of this action.
A petition for identical polce locations and permission to locate poles, wires,
and fixtures on Beaconhill Boulevard, approximately 531 feet southwes~ of Osgood
Street, 1 pole was received and a hearing se~ for April 18, 1955 at 7:30 P.M.
A letter was received from Atty. Arnold H. Salisbury relative to securing an
easemen~ for the town, giving it the right to drain ~ater from ~reat Pond Road
across land owned by the Society of Jesus of New England and a copy of the
document for the records was enclosed. ~he original copy will be mailed to the
Selectmen as soon as it has been duly recerded at the local P~gistry of Deeds.
A bill for the legal work was included.
The Board of Health requested a fer of
~ns the ~as
pay a to the ~h
to the Board for
APRIL 4, 1955: continued
The Board re-appointed the present Recr. eational Council with the exception of
Elmer Jackson ~ho expressed a desire to rettre from this appointment thie year.
An appointment will be made at a l~ter date to replace Mr. Jackson. Mr. Rroadhead
had hoped that the committ~e~could be reduced but since all members are willing
to serve the board felt that another member should be appointed at a later date.
BUILDING INS?ECTOR: Martin Lawlor re-appointed unanimously
DOG OFFICER: Stanley Buturlia appointed by unanimous vote of the board.
FIRE ENGINEERS: Edwin Koenig and Calvin Snali re-appointed by unanimous vote of board
In accordance with article 64 of the last annual town meeting, the board voted to
appoint the following members:
George B. Farley, Ragular member for five years
John Clark, ~' " " four years
Kenneth Terroux, . " " three years
Mrs. Earle B. Warwick " " two years
James McClung " " " one year
'Warren Sargent was appointed an associate member for two years and Raymond Fountain
was appointed an associate member for one year.
Mr. Finheran informed the board that Ira D. Carry had requested that they contact
Mr. McV~illiama and see if he v~ill be allowed to continue the Chapter 90 ~ork
along the road from Great Pond Road into Boxford. He said that Boxford ~ill no~
be ready ~o go along with their work for some time and that Mr. Carty.can fix the
drainage and also the road under Chapter 90. The board istructed Mrs. 'Dearden ~o
call Mr. McWilliame and make an appointment.
Eugene Sztucinski, 460 Boxford Street complained to Mr. Finneran that th~ boundary
marker at his property has been pulled out by the ~own truck and he would like to
have it put back. The board voted unanimously ~o refer this to Ira D. Carty and
ask his cooperation in straightening the matter ou~.
Thomas Tetreau requested permission to remove a sidewalk(hot-top) in front of
his property at 44 Furber Ave. which iscracking up .and is dangerous and unsight~ty.
The Board voted to refer this ma:ter to Ira D. Carry, Highway surveyor,, to determine
if his department put this sidewalk in and if so, if he will gran~ permission to
Mr. Tetreau ~o do this work or ~o determine Jus~ what can be done.
The Board voted unanimously to call a special town meeting on April 27, 1955 at
8:00 P.M. at the High School Auditorium. The meeting ~as culled on the,~petition
'of John J. Lynch upon presentation of 200 signatures of registered voters requesting
that an article be inserted in the warrant changing the classification from Resi-
dential to Educational on the land bordering.on Maple Ave. and Main St,
The board accepted other articles ~lth 100 signatures of registered voters and
the total number of articles ~o be inserted was 12.
The Board proclaimed April 25, 1955 as Navy Day and asked that all flags be
displayed on that day.
1 55
A hearing~mS held on the petition of the Gulf Oil Co. for removal of a maple
tree in fronm of their property at 77-81 Main St. Mr. Conners checked this
tree and informed the board that it would have ~o be removed.
The Board voted unanimously ~o instruct Mr. Combers to remove the tree.
A req~es~ received from James G. Johnstone, 287 ~averley Road for removul of
a large elm tree damaged during the hurricane. The Board voted unanimously
to refer this request to the tree warden for posting and hearing.
A hearing w'ill be held on April 25, 1955 a~ 7:30 P.M.
Mrs. Julia Holz, 37 Furber Ave. requested a s~ree~ light in front of her property.
There is a space of six poles in between lights and it is very dark.
The Board ~oted unanimously to refer this to Mr. Frost for investigation and
The boa~d also voted to refer the matter of !~fflin Park to Mr. Frost for investi-
gation and recommendation.
A letter from F. S. Richards, 33 Phillips St. Andover was received by the board.
Mr. Richards stated that he believes tha~ the sidewalk in front of his property
has been undermined, not becm:se of his drain pipes but because of the removal
of the retaining wall.