HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-11116 APRIL 11, 1955-continued CULVERT-SUTTON STREET ~r. Carty hsd promised to fix this wall but has not done so. The neighbors are complaining about the wall because of the hazardous condition. }~r. Richards further stated that ~r. Mattheson, former Highway Surveyor informed him that the new culvert was installed in 1921 and was installed because the discharge was blocked and it blew up the cellar floor, of his house, as the old culvert ran directly beneath it. ?he new culver~is made of cement but the old one wltich runs into' it is made up of rocks only. He feels strongly after looking it over that any large amount of water having to pass these rocks and follow the old culvert could cause the damage ~o his cellar and he believes that this might explain the disappearance of the three loads of fill, which was put into the hole'in th~ street. He suggested that the old culvert be pointed up for about lO-15 feet before it Joins the new one. ' The Board voted unanimously to refer this again to the Highway Surveyor and request a report in writing. TO~ HISTORIAN: Mr. Finneran informed the reporter that this board had voted no retain Mrs. NcQuesten as the town historian and they have been advised that the history will be completed by late summer and the work will then be ready for the ~ publisher. The Centennial Celebration will be included in the history. The Board voted to infcnm Mrs. McQuesten of this vome of the board. RECREATIONAL COUNCIL: By unanimous vote the board appointed William Lafond as a member of the Recreational Council. PLANNING BOARD RE: ROUTE 28 A letter from the Planning Board informing the board that the Planning Board feels that until they are informed of the definite relocation of Route 110 by the commissioner, tha~ no action should be ~aken on the matter of Route 28. In view of this information, the board voted unanimously %o notify the Industrial Development Committee .that the Selectmen go along with the feeling of their Planning Board and that no action will be taken at this time. HUR~CANE BELIEF BOARD: Upon request of john J. Connors, tree warden, the board agreed to send ~a letter to the Hurricane Board requesting additional time for hurricane worE. ~1~ere have been days when the men couldn't work and in addition the letter granting the ex~ension came before the board on April 4, so that three 'days were lost there. Later Mr. Connors talked with the chairman and they decided not to send a letter but will consider allowing Mr. Connors to use the remaining money for this work, even though the town will receive no reimbursement on same. BALLOT FOR ELECTION ON MAY 2, 1955: Mr. John Lyons, town clerk and Fred McCormack, registrar came before the board to discuss the matter of Arthur P. Ktrk's name placed ~n top of the bsllot. Mr. Lyons explained that the registrars had made a rule that Arthur P. Kirk is the present encumbent and his name should head the list. They were in contact with Mr. Mulcahey, Assistant Secretary of State and he ruled that they were correc~ but that it would be better to have their town counsel decide on this matter. Mr. Arthur A. Thomson caunot rule on this,'as the Moderator. Mr. Lyons stated that he had been petitioned by Atty. John.J. Lynch and ~tty. Ralph Finck mo check on this. This was an informal petition and was made verbally. Mr. Lyons first stated that ,,they,, were after him to do something about it and ',they" felt that th~ matter should be straightened out so that a new ballot could be printed, if necessary. ~r. Broadhead inquired Just w~o "they" were and he felt that the Selectmen had a right to know who was making the petition. Mr. Lyons then informed the board that it was Atty. Lynch and Atty. ~Finck. Mr. Broadhead felt that the tc~vn should have legal counsel in this matter and he made a motion that ArthUr A. Thomson be retained~ their counsel and~that he be requested to make a decision on the matter in question. Mr. Finneran seconded this motion and the vote was unanimous. RESIGNATION - BOARD OF APPEAIS: A le.tter of resignation was received from' Richard G. l~hipple as a member of the Board of Appeals to become effective on April 15, 1955. The board voted to accept the resignation with regrets and to so notify Mr. Whipple. FIRE INSURANCE: Mr. Whipple informed the board by letter that the extended coverage endorsement to the town schedule of fire insurance had been taken care of and he included six binders to cover each policy in force. Endorsem~nt~ will be issued and attached to the policies as soon as t~e New England Fire Insurance Rating Association approves the rate. 117 APRIL 11, 1955- continued DEPT. OF PUBLIC %~ORKS- WHITE PAINTED LINE Notice received that the Department of Public Works will apply pavement markings in this :own on Route 133 covering certain Chapter 90 roads and other non-state highways. The board voted unanimcus%y to inform. Chief McKee and Ira D. Carry of this action. LAWRENCE GAS CO: ~- The board vo~ed unanimously to grant permission ~o this company to excavate to ins~alt 2112 '.-8" SIP low pressure~ gas main on Osgood Street, North Andover, beginning Just beyondoff theOldtravelledClark ROadroad.and ex~ending ~o the Red School House. Said main will be installed Mr. Carry will be notified of this excavation. CIVI~ ' SERVICE APPROVAL: Notice received that the employment of Frank H. Dushame, Jr. has been approved by the Division of Civil Service and employment will star~ at once. ~ Mr. Broadhead made a mo~ion that we request a list from Civil Service for Reserve Police to fill the vacancy caused by the appointment of Mr. Dushame who~was 'formerly a Reserve Office. r: Motion seconded and Vote was unanimous. ~ A letter received from the Civil Defense Administration rela:ive ~o the distribution .· of~ identification ~ags. The board referred this to Dewey Dyer, Civil Defense Director. ~EQUEST TO BLOCK OFF STREETS: ~ ~ 'The Community Center has requested permission to hold ~ block ~arty on June ll, 1955 as par~ of the Centennial Celebration and the following streets will be. blocked off, Johnson and Salem Streets at Andover Stree~ and Johnson Street at Milk. ~hey· also re~uest' police protection at this time without cost. The Board vo~ed .~o refer this matter to the Police Chief for recommendation as ~to poli. c e ~ protection. UNZ~ED NATIONS DAY: '~e"Board voted ~o appoint Rev. Ernest Rro~m~ss chairman of the Tenth Anniversary ~ of the United Nations on April 25, 1955. Mr. Finneran stated that he had done an e~ce. llen% job. in the past as chairman and hoped that he would accept the appointment. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: _. .. ~e Board discussed the ma~ar of ex~ra police for'~he/traffic project 'on June 12, and vo~ed to request that the Commission of Public Safety, Otis Whitney, provide state troopers to aid the local p~l~ce. The parade is to cross the state highway Route ]25, and there will be considerable Sunday traffic. .~.,u~, Mr. Broadhead also suggested that Governor,s Counsillor ~rthur A. Thomson,~e. notified ~,9~f this request end perhaps he ca~ do something ~o .help..this situation. NORTH ANDOVER TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION: POLICE CAR:' -~ · The Board had been unofficially notified that a representative of the association would call or meet w~.th them ~onight to informthem that a police cruiser could be purchased for $1375, the amoun~ voted at the annual town meeting. At the close of th e ~meeting .. no one had a. ppeared'or called and the boardvoted to send a letter to Arnold H. Salisbury. chairman, requesting information as to where the car could be purchased and from whom. Since there is an article in the warran~ for the special %o~al meeting to raise .an additional sum of $29~ for this purchase, the board felt that they should know where they S~and' with the association before the to~rn meeting. ~RNOLD H. SALISBURY: LA~ D~J~AGE CLAIMS: .The Board vo:ed t6 consact Hr. Salisbury and request that he inform them Of the status of this case (damage suits caused by the relocation of Great Pond Road) ·.and request ,that the files be returned to this office if he has no further use for them. AV.~iBLE LAND: SCHOOL COMMITTEE: The Board voted to request from the S~hool Oommi~tee any information available on ~he parcel of land located between the High School and %?oodbridge Road and .and action which · is contemplated in the future. The board has received severa~ inquiriesI relat~ipe to this ma,:er and were unable to give the information requested. BANNERS AND S ~{EAMERS -C~NT~NIAL CELEBRATION. .-~ The board voted ~o request permission of the New England' T & T Co. and the Lawrence Electric Co. t~ hung streamers and banhers on the main s~reerm of the town using the poleScommttteebelonging, to these companies. This was a request from a member of the parade APRIL 11, 1955- continued CHAPTER 90 WORK: Mr. Finneran informed the board that he recently had a conference with Ira D. Carty and Mr. McWilliams relative to construction of Chapter 90 work on Great Pond Road. Mr. ~Winneran stated that they '~ould like to continue constraction on this road on approximately the same course ~o the Boxford line. He stated that there is a proposal to change the road to the back of Nasons Garage but the cos~ would be $60,000 and the board doesn't feel that they wan~ to spend this amoun%, lhey w~Lld like ~o reconstrec% this sec%ion using the present appropriation and then change ChaD%er 90 ~vork over ~o Greene Street. They voted ~o contac~ Commissioner John Volpe relative to this matter and if a conference is necessary they will be pleased %o mee% with the commissioner. .ROUTE 110: ~he Board voted ~o contact the commissmoner John Volpe relative to Route 110 relative to any new proposals made in the future or any other pertiaent informa- tion which should come before this board. APRIL18, 1955: The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P~N. with members Fimm~ran and Broadhead present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. NEW EN~.A~ TEL. & TEL. CO.- LAWRENCE ELECT~iC CO: A hearing was held on the petition of these two companies for permission to locate poles, wires, e~c. on BeaconHill Boulevard, approximately 531 feet southwes% of Osgood Street, 1 pole. CHAE~C TER REFERE~'~E: T~e Board signed a character reference for William Burris, 49 Beverly'~Street. lAND COURT: Notice received that Joseph p. Slipp et als have petitioned for the registration of t~dd at Chickering Road amd Trenton Street. No action taken by the board. PETITION FRO~ LAWP.~NCEE~EC~RZC CO: Permission requested to locate poles, wires and fixtures on the wes%erly side of Chickering R., a~ a point approximetely h09 feet northerly from Prescott St~ ~1 pole; on the easterly side of Chickering Road, at a point approximately 123 feet sou%herly from Prescott St. 1 pole; and on the westerly side of Chickering Road, from a point approximately 123 feet southerly from Prescott S~ree~, southerly, 19 poles. ~ hearing,s set for May 2, 1955 at 7:30 P.M. DEPT. OF PUBLIC SAFETT: A reply was received from Commissioner ~tis M. ~;~itney informing the Selectmen ths~ they~.ll be happy %o assist the to~m in their mraffic problem during Centennial Week and that Captain Robert j. Mitchell of ~roop A will be in touch with the Board for furthe~ details in the near future. ARTMUR A. THO~ONRULING: A letter was received from Atty. Arthur A. Thomson with reference ~o the order of appearance of the names of the candidates, Ralph Finck and Arthur p. K~rk, upon the official ballot for the special election ~o be held on Nay 2, 1955. The letter s%ated that there does no% appear ~o be any question as to the order of appearance of the names of the candidates as it was mede up for the"March seventh election, and on that ballot ~the name of Candidate Kirk preceded the name of Candidate Finck by reason of Section 42, Chapter 53 of the General Laws of Massachusetts. Section lO of Chap%er hi of the General ~aws was quoted by Mr. Taomsbn~and he further stated tha~ it is his opinion that the proceedings with reference to the Special Election to be held on May 2 next include the preparation of the ballot and the listing of the names of candidates thereon, and that since the name of Candidate Kirk preceded tha~ of Ralph Finck in the March 7th election, then the same procedure should follow~ith reference to ~he ~y 2 ballot. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: Notice received that a 1000 lumen light has beeh installed on Pole #572, Pleasant St Mr. Frost recommended that a 1000 lumen light be installed on pole 3457 a~ the corner of Hi~hland Ave. opposite ~s. Holz,s property, who requested the light. Ibc Board voted unanimously.%o accept Mr. Frost's recommendation. Nr. Frost recommended 1OO0 lumen lights be ihstalled on pole 3636 at'the intersection of Douglas Rd, and on poles at the corners of Putnam Rd, Pembrook Rd hnd Kittredge Rd. A 1000 lumen light on pole 3871 opposite Bradstreet Rd. and a 3300 lumen mercury light at the corner of Mid&lesex ~he Board voted unanimously to accept this recommendation.