HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-18~-mRIL 18, 1955: continued 119 H57~ ENGLAh~) TEL. & TEL.CO: Reply from Frank p. Desmond, manager, informing the board that our letter relative ~o hanging banners across the main stree=s in the town.during the week of June 6 to 12, has been r~ferred'to him and one of their engineers will con~act us within a few days and explain their position. LA~RENCE GAS CO: The Board granted permission ~o excavate to r~pair gas service at 3~ Milk St. Mr. Carty notified. RENT CONTROL BOAFO: A letter advising the boar~ that'a majority ~of this board decided that there is a substantial housing shortage in ~he ~own of North Andover. Mr. Boanano came before the board and explained that Mr. Bamford felt that there was .a substantial shortage; Philip Sutcliffe felt that there was a shortage Of desirable houses but not~ undersirable, and did not vote; Cyril Knowles felt'there was a~substantial shortage,of desireable houses and Mr. Bonnano did not feel 'that there.was a shortage of houses in the town. Irving Howes'was not present. HIGHWAY DEPT. A reply from Mr. Carty infromed the board that an agreement has beeb made wi~h Mr. Tetreau relative to the sidewalk in front of bis property, and He will ~cover tt'~i£ he so desires or make application roi~ a cement sidewalk~ in front of his property if the other ovmers are interested. The sidewalk~was not built'by'the town. HURRICANE .RELIEF BOARD: Notice received that the members of the Hurricane Pmlief Board voted that the emer- ,gency should be over by )~ay 15, 1955~-and that any'claim for reimbursement which is ~postmarked after that' date will not be .accepted. Mr. Connors, %roe'warden,' 'has been so notified. _. PUBLIC SCHOOLS: , A reply to our re!a~ive relative to the property located between the High ~sch$ol and. ~oodbridge ~Road, informs the board that 'a petition asking that aboum ?O, O00 square feet of the high-school site be sold' to Louis H. ~McAloon was presented to the School Building Committee. on March 16th. The proposal was taken under considera- tion by the School- Building Committee and referred ~to the School,Building Assistance ~Commission for commen~.. No action has been t~.ken by the North' Andcver School~ Committee. · · , TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION-ATT~. ARNC~D H. SALISBURY: 'A reply from Mr. Salisbury informed the board that ir'was his understanding that the Board of Directors of the Association was to communicate v~ith the Selectmen, for the purpose of giving information as they might have concerning ~he necessity of inserting am article in the special' to~n mee~in~ warrant, for the purpose of raising a~ sun in addition to that appropriated for the police cruiser at the anm:al town meeting. When it appeared that the article had already been inSerted, the board felt that it was not necessary to meet with the Selectmen ~o dismuss this matter. The letter further ~sta~es that the board plans to meet again early~ next:week ~to discuss, this mat~er and will communicate., with this· board prior %o:~A~r,i~/~fl?~.1955. DIVISION OF CIVIL SERVICE-POL~CE '~ A letter ~%'om Thomas ~. Greehan relative to Leo j. Galleazzi, who was appointed a permanent reserve patrolman after certification on June 1, 1~54. The auth$~iza- tion for his previous provisional appointment as patrolman terminated November 22, ' 1953~ Taey inquired if he was employed between Novemb~,r'22~.~1953 and June 1, .1954 and if, so, under what authorization he,as so employed. ~hislwas checked with Mr. Maker~ treasurer, and Mr. Galeazzi Was employed ~ a call fireman from December 1953 through May 31, 1954, and a reply seHt ~o Mr. Greehan. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES: Notice received that a hearing will be held on April 27; 1955 at 10:CO A.M. at 166 State House, Boston on the petition of Francis J. T~ombly and Harold W. T~ombly doing business as 'l~ombly Bros. for approval and consent" of'the Department to transfer and assignment from said Francis and Barold T~ombly to said F~anci~ J. Trunbly of charter license D.P.U. 10163 issued on July 3, 1952, to engage in the business of rendering charter service b~ motor vehicle. ' BOAPJ) OF APPEALS: Notice received that after a public hearing, the Board of Appeals vo~ed to grant the variance and authorize the building inspector to issue a permit to Bernice F. and Edward J. Dudley, 1627 Osgood St. for the construction of a gasoline fiiling s~ation and service s~ation subJec: to the following conditions: ' Before the permit is granted, the petitioners must submit the ola~s of the proposed building and plans of the layout of the grounds and landscaping and these taus: be approved by th6 Board of Appeals. Upon approval of said plans, the permit may be granted. '120 APRIL 18, 1955: continued DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS: A request for the copy of the to~n vo~e relative to th~ allotment of funds for the proposed Chapter 90 ~vork in your ~own. A certified copy~of this vote was obtained from the ~own clerk and forwarded to Mr. Jenkins, District Highway Engineer. RESERVE FUND TRANSFERS: 'Approvals were received from the Advisory Board on the ~ransf~r of $1500 to be used for Discoun~ on notes(anticipation of tax revenue) to To~no Treasurers account. This budge~ item was submitted but it was omitted by the Advisory Board in their budget item for 1955. Approval for $500 to be transferred ~o the Board of Health for the services of a Sanitarian was received .... CERTIFICATE OF !NSURlfICE-S!DENALK SIGN: Certificate #271 under Policy RSL 44960~5 with the Travelers Company providing bodily injury and prop~.rty damage liability on an advertising, sign to be installed at 77-81 Main Street a~ the Gulf 0il station was approved by the . board and aopermit to Allow the installation of the s{gn was returned to the Gulf Oil Corporation. JUROR .DRAWN: . . .: . William A. Finneran drew the name of Loring.B. Foster to serve as a.traverse Juror at Superior Cou~t, Newburyport, for the transaction of criminal business~' May 16, 1955 at 10:00 A.M. Mr. Fqster is a laborer and is e~ployed by the Ridg~ood Cemetery Associates. CENTENNIAL C~.EBRATION CO~MITTEE: . .~ .- A group of members of the parade committee met with'the board and Chief. McKee, Dewey Dyer and William McAloon., chairman, were also present to discuss the compli- cations with raspec~ ~o fire and police protections. . Mr. Sutcliffe explained the route planned for the parade which will start at the Center near Mr. Carty's residence andthey plan ~o use the various streets .in this area for different sections of the parade. -~ .. Mr. Dyer informed those present that there are about sixty~ auxiliary police avail- able and if they could obtain about 35 uniforms for some of these men~ they would be more effective. The cost would, be about $245.00 and he would like to make a request for a transfer of this amount from the ~serve Fend. ~he board agreed and felt that this ~as not part of the celebration but to protect the townspeople and voted to refer the request to the Advisory Board. . Chief McKee will contact Captain Robert J. Nitchell of Troop A, $~ate Troopers in the near future and give him some idea of how many mroopers will be required. There were several suggestions as to changing the route of the~ parade~and having ~ it start near Sutton St. and go up to the cen~er but the members of the parade committee stated that they had made all their plans and. felt it would be better for' all concerned to use the present plans. . lbo board thanked all' the members for attending the meeting ami informed them 'that they would do all in their po~er, to help with this celebration. · The' regu/ar weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen w~s held at 7:30 p.M. wi~h members Finneran and Broadhead present. Weekly bills and payrolls were 'approved. ' CONPLAINT: Mrs. Elaine Griffin came'before the board to complain about water running onto her proper~y from Prescott Street across Chickertng Road atOsgood Street. She stated that there is eight feet of road a~ this location which has been washed out. She has talked with' the Highway Surveyor and he promised ~o do something. but so far nothing has been done. She feels .that something has to be done as she will not put up with this condition much longer. Mr. Broadhead said he would view the location and he made a motion tha~ the matter be called mo Mr. Carty,s attention by this board. Mr. Finneran seconded this motion and vote was unanimous. Aletter will be sent to Mr. Carty. CARL ~'.'r,T.~ -REP. N.A. TAXPAYRRS ASSOCIATION: Mr. Williams came before the board and informed them that they had agreed with the · figures shown by Chief McKee and that Mr. Endicott had deducted the Federal excise tax which accounted for the low figure. He presented two ',Bids" , one addressed %o Chief McKee and the other to ]~r. Endicott. Mr. Finneran stated that he did not thin~.' it good business procedure for the Selectmen to accept any bids unless they were addressed to the board and that they came in a~ the time specified. Mr. Broadhead went along with this and added that the bids for the police c~uiser had been received, opened and rejected some time ago and that no ,,bids" should be received am this time. Mr. Williams then opened the bid addressed to l~r. ~Endtcott and informed the board that the price quoted was $1460 and that all specifications were me~,' and this bid' was from Broadhead Ford Sales, Dover, New Hampshire.