HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-25APRIL 25, 1955- continued ~.~. Finneran informed him tha~ after the town meeting on Wednesday evening, the board ~ill call for new bids and if a low bid, complying with the specifications listed, is', received, the board will act accordingly. REMOVAL OF TREE HEARING: A~ the reques~ of John J. Connors, the hearing for the removal of a tree which was petitioned by James G. Johnstone, 287 ~averley Rd. was held up as ~. ~Johnstone is considering leaving the tree as it is. No further ac~tontaken. HEARING-LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: · A hearing was held on the petition of this company for permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures on the northerly side of Parker Street, at apoint approximately 102 easterly from Faulkner Road, 1 pole. No opposition was 0ffe~ed and the board voted unanimously to grant this request. GROGAN'S Fig,,n: ATTY CHARLES TRO~,Y: Arty Trombly reported the progress he had made relative to thestatus of Grogan,s Field and if the ~own is to purchase same, the procedure ~o be followed. Mr..Tromb!y presented am Written report of his findings and specifically mentioned · the condition contained in the deed whereby the land.was made as a gift to the Town of North Andover upon the express condition that the land therein described shall be devoted to the purpose of a public playstead and if said land shall cease to be used for such. purpose,or if any other land not now owned by the said :own of North ~Andover~ except additions that may hereafter be made ~o theCommon of North Andover, a~ the Centre, shall be used as a public playground, then this deed. shall immediately become void and the title~o the above described uract'shall revert to the Davis & Furber Company or toits successors or assigns. He further reports that on March 16,~194Ounder Article 9, the ~town meeting autho*- izedlthe Selectmen ~o acquire another playground in the cen~er of North Andover. The Selectmen on May 6, 1940,' took by eminent domain, 3.77 acres of land next to the ~enter school, for the purpose of a playground or recreation center~ now known as Drummond Playground, and has since been maintained by the rowland'annual appro- priations have been made for this purpose. Mr. ~rombly reports that the "condition"in the deed of June 18, 1908 was~breached when the town acquired other land,~not owned by-the ~own on JunelS, 1908~and used this other landfor a public playground. Therefore,~.the deed of June 18, 1908 has b, come void and the title to. the within described premises has reverted 'to the Davis and Furber Machine Co. or its su'ccessors ar assigns. Mr. Tvombly recommended thai'the town negotiate to purchase' the~lots bound"Grogan,s Field on Belmont Street and PAtriot Street so that the entire playground will be bounded by the four streets and recommended that the ~own immediately negotiate to have the D & F Co., its~,successors or assigns,:which may be the ~illage Land Company,- convey all of its rightr title ~and interest, in an~ ~o, the so called~"Grogan,s Field"~to the town, free of all conditions subsequent. - , !~rs. Dearden then checked her files and there was a copy of,an agreement made in February1950 in.which the,condition, at Srogan,s Field was~waived.and further stipulations made with respect an area of land shown on .the map inredpencil. This copy was no~ signed but it was -felt that S.H. Roc~'~s!l had signed it and recorded but Mr. Trcmbly had found no record of this change and asked that he be allowed ~o take the record and check it further. He will meet with the board on )~y 9, 1955 a~ 8:00 P.M. REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO USE.C~TAIN STREETS: A letter was received from A.J. Tardiff, Chairman of the. So. Broadway Veterans for permission to use'2%L~npike Street from Lawrence to%%~ilson's Corner and going down Elm Street into Andover :o the square for--their, first annual 20-~[lometer AJA.U. Championship .Road Race .on Sunday, June 12, starting at~2:15 P.M. · The Selectmen voted to send a letter to Mr. Tardiff'asking that.they reconsider the rou%e as the Centennial Parade is to be held that day in town. T~LEGRAMFRO;~PRESIDKNT DWIGHT D. E!SENHO~ER: A telegram was received by William A. Finneran congratulating all citizens ~of the town of North Andover on the one hundredth anniversary of its incorporation, and sending good wishes for future progress ~o all. APPOIN'B~2IT TO BOARD OF APPFALS: Albert Roeglin, 31 Baldwin Street ~ms appointed unanimously to serve as a member of the Board.of Appeals to fill the unexpired term caused by the resignation o~ Richard G. Whipple. Term will exolre on 12/31/1956. The Board appointed Darrell Britton to serve as an associate member of the Board of Appeals for a two year term. TAX COLLECTOR,S BOI~D- UNCOLLECTED ACCOUNTS OF HIS .PREDECESSOR A bond for $3,000 for James Dewhirst, Tax Collector was received by the board and has been approved by the ~ommissioner of Corporations an~ Taxation on April 20, By William A. Schan, Commissioner. 122 APRIL 25, 1955: continued A request received from Ralph E. Adie, Jr. 22 Boxford St. for Permiss.lon ~o move a house from Andover ~o North Andover. The house is now located an 172 Highland Road, Andover. The proposed route will be down Highland Road on to the By-Pass, turning righn at Willson,s corner, going down Chickering Road, turning righn on Andover S~reen and then no North Andover Center, turning right again, and ou~ Salem Streen ~o Foster Street, turning left up Foster Street ~o ~he new location £or said house. The Board voted ~o send no letter no the New England T & T Co. relative to this ~eques~ and the route mentioned and the board will confer later with Chief McKee and T~ee Warden, John Conners. GENERAL RELEASE: A general release for the sun of. $10.00 for damage ~o her car on Febru .a~y 22~ 1955 was received from }~rs. Alfred Concemi, and the bill was approved tonight. Mrs. Concemi had asked for consi~eration of $20.15 but the board felt that amount was too high for the damage allegedly done. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: k letter informing the board ~hat he had viewed the conditions of Mr..~F. S. Richard,s property at 72-78 Sutton Street was received from Ira D. Catty. Er. Catty had the wall rebuilt and pointed it and he now feels that the conditions which exist there could be eliminated if the property-owner would have two trees removed and the drain gutter repaired. ~be Board voted to send a copy of Mr. Carty's letter toMr. Richards. REQUEST FOR MORE ADEQUATE LIGHTING: The Trusnees of the Library have instructed ~&iriam Tacker ~o request mo~e ade- quate street lighting for the Library, as breakage of windows in the building, particularly on those sides of the building bounding on Middlesex and Greene' Streets have been reported to the Trustees. The Board voted ~o refer this requesn to Nr~ Freest of the Lawrence Electric C~. for a recommendation. CIVIL CERTIFICATION FOR RESERVe. PATPDL~N: A list c~ntaining three names was received from the Division of Civil' Service as~ follows: Edward T. Sullivan, .Jr. 86 Pleasant Street, 90.45; Daniel M. ~uinlan, 53 May Street, 81:30;~ and James E. Fitzgerald, 31 Phillips Court, 80.26. On motion of Raymond Broadhead, the Board voted unanf~mously ~o appoint Edward T. · Sullivan, Jr. for th~ position of Reserve Patrolman at $1.74 per hour:, duties to begin as soon as possible, after approval. MONEY FOR CIVIL DEFENSE: ~.A letter was received from Mr. Abbott Stevens, ~reasurer of the North A~dover Committee of Public Safety in reply to our letter of April 6, and stating that in accordance with a vo~e of the town meeting in 1954(special) he was enclosing a check for $1504.04 which is all that is left of the money raisedd~ring World War 1 by his committee.' He stated that he .understands from our letter that this money will be used ~! the Civil Defense Director. The money will be turned~ over to the town treasurer. RENT CONTROL EXPENSe: Notice received that an audit of all rent con,re.1 expenses will be made .sometime after April 30, and more detailed instructions will follow. There will be no reim- bursement for any expenditures incurred after April 30. . THIS APPLIES .TO ALL CITIES AND TO'~S ~P~INATi-NG RENT CONTROL AS. OF APRIL 30, 1955. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE-APPROVAL Approval :received on the appoinnment of Dr. Edward C. Bulger as Inspecnor'of Animals for the town of North .Andover for the year ending March 31, 1'956. DEPAR~NT OF PUBLIC WOP~KS: A letter received from L. J. Fritz, Associate Comnissioner informing the board than the Department has hired a firm of consulting engineers, Edwards, Kelcey and Beck, ~o make a study of the La~rence, Lowell-Haverhill area. This would include the relocation of Roune 110. ~he board ~ill be informed as to the results of the~ relocation of Route 110 through North Andover. This would no~ mean the final design for this road and ~efore any final location is adopted by the Department, the Selectmen of North Andover will have an opportur, ity to review the results of the repor~ and make suggestions as to the proposed location. CO~&~LAINT: A letter was received from]lev. Clinton W. Carvell relative to the building of new houses on which people work on Sundays and a noisy power saw in operation somewhere in the Mifflin Park area. Be Believes that the settled par~s of the town should be preserved as a day of quiet. He would be interested no ~now what can be done about this. Tae board referred the matter, to the Police Department.