HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-02 ~ weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.N. with
all members present. %~eekly bills and payrolls were approved.
A hearingwas held at 7:30 P.M. on the petition of the Lawrence E~.ectric Company
forpermission to locate poles, wires, cables, etc. on the westerly side of Chicker
Road, at a point approximately 409 feet northerly from Prescott Street, 1 Dole;
on the easterly side of Chickering Road, ak a point approximately 123 feet southe
from Prescott Street, i pole; and on the westerly side of Chickering Road, from a
point approximately 123 southerly from Prescot~ Street , southerly, 19 poles.
Nr. Samuel F. Rock%veil was present and' stated that the pole on the essterly side
of Chickering Road is right in/Pont' of his property and this is the only pole on
this side of the street and he doesnt believe tha% it has to be this way. He said
there are other ways to do this.
Nr. Barry from the Electric Co. stated that they need this pole but they don't
want any quarrel vd.th ~Mr. Rockwell but the State has the final approval as this is
a state highway. He s%a~ed that %hey have had a lawyer in the field who checked this
and they feel that there is no other way ~o do it.
Upon }Ar. Bockwell,s inquiry as %o why they could use braces on ~he poles, Mr. Barry
mentioned that braces are not standard instructions and they would have %o ~btain
pe~rmiss~ion to .go on ~o pri~ate property.' He did say that if, at any :ime, this
poze interferes with building then they would have t6 do some%hiHg 'About 'it.
The Board voted unanimously to grant this petition with the exception of one pole
on the easterly side of Chickering Road, 123 feet southerly from Prescott .Street.
Dewey Dye~ met with the board and gave them a repor~ of the Civil Defen~se Program
for the %own and the organization se%up. ~he Board accepted the repor~ and it will
be. placed on file.
A request received from Alfred Nicoll, 1R6 Highland ~%d. Andover for permission to
move his house on the smal~ section of Highland Road that is in North Andover.
He stated that he nas an agreemen~ from the Sta~e to go dc~m the by-2ass towards
Boston and has the permit from Andover.
The Board vo~ed to hold this over un~il a letter can be sen~ ~o'the N.E. T & T Co.
to sec wha~ their reaction is.
A request for per.mission to move a building from Woodland Road, Andover to Salem
Street, Andover and he would have to us~ a s~all portion of Route 125 to ge~ ~'
~o Salem St. Andover. This reques~ is from Joseph F. Nigrelli, 49 ~cKenney Circle
Andover. .
The Board voted to hold this reques~ over until they hear from the New. England
T & T Co.
A thi~ reques~ for'a permit ~o move a house had been received from Mr. Ralph E.
Adie, Jr.22 Roxford St. Andover. The house now se~s on 172 Highland Read, Andover
and he plans to move it to Foster St. North ~ndover.~ This will involve a big
expense to the N.E. Tel. & Tel. Co. ~2500 ts $3,000) and the board received a
letter asking that they advise Mr. Adie that he should remove the roof of the house
to allow at least 12, difference in heigh~ an~ this would cut the cost to the
tel.ephone company ~o abou~ one third ~f this estimate.
The Board vo~ed to send Nr. Adie a letter advising him of this request a.ud no other
action v~ill be taken until we hear from him.
A list of the officers elected by the council was received by the board. Philip
.Sutcllffe is now the chairman. ~he report will be filed.
A invitation was received by the board to attend the program to be given by the
Public Information Committee of the North Andover Board of ~rade to be held on
May 4, 1955 in the Veterans Nemorial Auditorium. ~l~e board will make an effort
to attend.
The board held a letter over for further consideration which ~theyr eceived from
Mr. Salisbury. The letter is.in connection with the land taking on. Great Pond
Road and will be discussed at the nex% meeting when there will be three members.
A lotter was received from ~A~. MacRury relative to the matter of discussingthe
feasibility of an organization s~udy of the ~o~n and its official departments and
personnel. No action taken.
MAY 2, 1955- continued.
A petition for permission to locate poles and wires ~n the North Andover Town
Yard at a point approximately 160 feet easterly from ~in St. 1 pole was set down
for a hearing on May 16, 1955 at 7:30 P.M.
A letter informing the board that !,~. Anthony Rogers, owner of the ~ichlyn Club,
has been notified that the plumbing in his building has been condemned by the Board
of Health. The plumbing was iastslledwithout a permit having been issued and was
not approved by the plumbing inspector.
The Board voted unanimously to csll on Mr. Rogers tonight after the meetin~ and see
what has been done to remedy this condition.
The board voted to csll for bids for the new police cruiser and request' that the
bide be accepted until May 9, 1955 a~ 8:00 P.M.
Fred llhite requested a street light ~o be installed near his property on Dale
Street v~ich is close ~o 242 Dale St. The Board voted ~o reques~ the Lawrence
Electric Co. to make a survey and rec'ommendation to this board.
Mr. John Carse complained to the board that the Stevens trucks are using Prescott
Street in the late~hours and that people are unable to sleep. The board voted to
send a letter ~o }~r. Kent to see if this situation ca~ be remedied.
5, 1955:
The Board of Selectmen voted to grant permission to ~. Nigrelli and to Mr. Nicol
to movie their buildings through North Andover upon condition that they sign an
agreement to pay for the necessary police coverage and for any tree work.that is
required and for any further damage which might be incurred by~ moving these houses.
9, 195%:
The regular weekly meeting of the Bea~d of $~lectmen was held at 7:30 P.N. with
all ~embers present. Arthur P. Kirk is now the third selectman. Weekly bills
and payrolls were approved.
Arthur P. Kirk drew the name of William White, 91 Waverley Road, Rou%e Salesman,
to serve as a Juror on J~ne 6, 1955 at Salem~WAperlor Court for the ~ransact%on
of civil business. -.-
Three bids were received and the prices quoted as follows:
Shawsheen Motcr Mart, Inc. $1668.27 in accordance with specifications listed.
Lowell Motor Sales, Inc. $1816.00 in accordance with' specificationS' listed.
Brodhead Ford Sales, Dover, N.H~ $~467.3§ all specification as listed with the
exception of ,,large" heater~ defrosmer and undercoating. ·
After some discussion Mr. Kirk made a motion that the bid be~arded to the Sha~heen
N~tor Nart, Inc. on their bid of $1668.27 which complied with all specifications.
The Motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhead and vote ~as declared unanimous.
Mr. Broadband then made a motion the the Brodhead'Motor Sales did not comply with
complete specifications and the bid was' discarded. Notion seconded by Mr. Kirk and
declared to be a unanimous vote.
On request of Mr. Mark Palermo, the board granted permission to excavate to install
gas service at 422 Waverley Road for Walter Corcoran. ~he order will be mailed to
this board at a la~er date.
Copies of accident reports were received from the Highway Department on Charles
Black,Walter Stamp and Wilfred Windle~ No action required.
Approval was received from the Division of Civil Service on the appointment of
E&~ard T. Sullivan, Jr. as a P~serve Patrolman.
Chief McKee asked that the two remaining names on the list o f eligibles for Reserve
Patrolmen be appointed provisionally for a six month perio~due to the need for
officers during the Cen~ennial Celebration. These two men would be used only when
others are no~ available. The Board voted unanimously to reques~ this provisional
appointment for the Centennial period only and ~o be used when other officers are
not available.