HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-09~AY 9, 195%- continued RESERVE FUND TRANSFER: Approval of the transfer of $262.50 ~,o provide for uniforms for 35 auxiliary police for Centennial %?oak was received from the Advisory Board at the request of Dewey A. Dyer, Director of ~ivil Defense. STATE HOUSING BOARD Notice and copy of Chapter 128, Acts.of 1955 was received from Daniel ~yler, Jr. Chairman of ~he State Housing Board which is effective on May 30, 1955. No tenant shall become a member of a housing authority, or if a member becomes a .ten~-~ of the housing project, he automatically removes himself from membership; and provides that a tenant also serving as a member on May 30, 195% may continue to serve until the completion of his membership ~wem; however, a member so serving cannot participate in any decision affecting his personsl interest. ~ MOVi~G OF HOUSE~: Permits were issued to Alfred Niccll and Joseph 'Nigrelli to move their houses through a small portion of North Andover, upon receipt of agreements signed by both men, stating that they will ts~e care of the expense of police escort and any tree work necessary, plus any other expense incurred through this pro~ect. PERMISSION GRANTED TO DEPT. OF PUBLIC Upon request of Mr. Love from the Department of Public %~orks, the board voted unanimously tusend a letter to P~ E. Jenkins, 5 Elm St. Derivers, granting permission to the Department to do the necessary work on Prescott Street in' order to take care of tbe complaint made by Mrs. John Griffin, 841 Chickering Road. ~hey plan to lay 20 to 30 feet of pipe in this area to take care of the drainage.'- ~his will clear up the complaint made by Mrs. Griffin to the' Highway Surveyor and to the Selectmen. RECREATIONAL COUNCIL: P~ilip Sutcliffe, chairman of the Council, came before the board ~o request that they approve a request for a transfer of $500 from th~ Reserve Fund ~o the Re- creamional council for expense for the year for supplies and equipment. Through an oversight, this article was omitted from the annual town warrant w-ith the result that there is no money availabIe for these expenses. Mr. Sutcliffe stated that this amount has been appDopriated for more than five years . ~he 'board voted unanimously to approve the request and ask the Advisory Board for the transfer of $400 rather than $500. Mr. Su~-cliffe felt that expenses could be kept within the $400 as they turned back a fairly good sum. JLast year. LA~E~CE GAS CO. ~he Bo~d ,,nauimeusly voted to grant permission to this company :o excavaze lbo , on Green Street and 1500, un Mass. Ave. to install 6, low pressure gas main. STreET LI~T REQUES~-GRA~T.~o: Upon'recommendation of the La~rence Electric Company, the board voted unanimously to have a 1000 lumen light instulled on pole 1429, Dale Street, at the 'residence of Fred White. LIBRAP~ REQUEST: S~EET LIGHTS: At the request of the Selectmen the Lawrence Electric Company recommended that three 3300 lumen mercury vapor lights be installed and one 2500 lumen light be re- mewed and a 1000 lumen light be relocated. A sketch showed .where these lights would be located. After some discussion the board voted :o write to the trustees and suggest that they have some lights installed from the library with a time switch as they felt this lighting would be more effective. Because of the number of trees at the rear of .the library the board~id not feel that even if ~lights were installed, there wouldbe sufficient illumination. One pole, recommended by the E~ectric Go. would be inst-13ed directly in fron~ of the memorial at the park, and this would not look good. PETITiON-LAWREnCE ELECTRIC CO: -. A petition for permission to locate poles, wires and fixtures on the westerly side of Osgood St. at a point approximately 574 feet southerly from Great Pond Road, 1 pole, was set down for a hearing on May23, 1955 at 7:30'P.M~ NEW ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. COMPA~ LA~RENCE ELECTRIC COMPANY: A petition for ~ne removal of joint poles was approved by the unanimo~ vote of the board on Osgood St. southwesterly from a point approximately 843 feet southwest of Haverhill-North Andover Line, 5 poles. No' hearing required. NE~ ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. CO: A letter was received from F. P. Desmend, Manager of the Telephone Company informing the board that their engineer would contact Mr. Finneran ia the near future. Mr. Finneran reported that this company does not giv~ any written permits for hanging banners on their poles but they also did no~ refuse the request. 126 MAX 9, 19%5-continued. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS~ A letter was received from Commissioner John A. Volpe informing the board that the commissioners ~ill go along with the request of this board to continue construction on Great Pond Road on approximately the present location to the Bcxford line, the remaining distance to the Boxford Line b~ing less then 1000 feet in length. Regarding the' spending of the balence of the money on Green Street, they will apprve this, providing the County Commis.*ioners concur, as they believe that Green Street, which connects with North Parish Road, Lawrence, is of Chapter 90 importance. Mr. Volpe further suggested that the tov~n keep alive the proposed cutoff at the North Andover -Box~ord Line which has been proposed and has been under study for several y~ars. ~nis cutoff will be located, for the most part, within the town of North Andover when the bad curves in Boxford, Jus~ over the town line, ere corrected. Mr. Volpe hopes that this project can be given further consideration in the ~uture in co-operation with the ~own of Boxford and he believes that the 5tare will be willing to go in on an unbalanced allotment, providing that the town '~ill pay the land damages, inasmuch as the bad curves to be corrected are in the adjoining te~n of Boxford. MASS. S~.ECTM~'S ASSOCIATION: An emergency bulletin re: H-278, An Act providing for the higher minimum salary for school teachers was read by the board but no action was ~aken. DMSION OF INDU~I~IAL ACCIDENT: A set of forms were referred 1;o the to~n'~reasurer since he has the i.n~.ormation requested by this division. 1~55 'Census figure; ~ie census has been completed and the population as shown by the compilation of cards taken by the eight workers 6f the ~o~n is 9362. ~he bosrd signed a special form under oath as required by the Secretary of state end the completed enumeration cards will be packaged and mailed ~o the Secretary of State, on May ARNOLD Ho SALISBURY: Tn a letter dated April 26, 1955, Mr- Salisbury provided the present s~atus of the ma~er referred to him by the board as then constituted, in E~hruary 1955, relative to the lend takings on Great Pond Road. Mr. Sa~ ~bury repor~d from February 5, 1955 ~ stated ~hat on 'March ~, 1955 motions were heard in open court and were deniedd by the presiding J~stice upon grounds no~ clear to him. ~he allowance of such motions rested entirely within his discretion, so that ~here was' no aPPeal from his decision and at this mo,~--nt the town, although it mus~ ~lti~ately pay any damages awarded, is no~ a party ~6 the pending cases. The County commissioners have indicated that unless your board as presently constituted requests that the to~n be represented by independent counsel, they will proceed to take Mr. King, s advice. ~ey did indicate that, upon appropriate request by this board, .~they would permit me, or some other attSrney of your choice, ~o enter the case as co-counsel with Mr. King. He asks for the board to advise him of their wishes so that him £ttee on this problem may either be closed or reactivated. Mr. Finneran and Mr. Broadhead felt that the matter was closed and Mr. Kirk suggested that the board ask Mr. Salisbury to what .extent negotiations have progressed end then go on from there. ~ne other members agreed to send a ~etter to Mr. Salisbury requesting this information and take no further action until' they heard from him. POPPY DAY PERMIT: ~e board granted a permit to J~nes Houle ~o hold poppy day on May 20 end 21. PE~RY STREET DUMP: Mr. Finneran di.~cussed the Perry Street end the amount of fill being dumped there. He wondered what the status of the dump was end asked Mrs. Dearden to look up the minutes and see what the last action of the board was. CO;~AINT-SMOKE Mr. Kirk informed the board that he had received complaints from High .Street residents about the thick 'smoke coming from the Lawrence dump on Sunday end Monday. The board voted to send 'a letter to Mr. Guilmete relative to.this compla, in.t · T~M OF SELESTMEN: Mr. Kirk .brought up the matter of the term of office for the Selectmen and suggested that they give this some thought relative to arriving at a three year ~erm. He said this has been discussed many times b~t no action has been taken and he felt'that this was a good 'time to think about it. Mr. Finner~ suggested that we send a letter to the Secretary of $~ate and inquire as to the procedure for this change.