HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-06The Board of Sele~ctmen held their regular weekly meeting at' 6.'30 P.M. ~-lth all members present. Weekly bills and payrells were approved. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY: Notice received tha~ an application has been filed in the Secretary,s offi"ce for a certificate of incorporation by Alfred R. Montgomery, John H. Fitzgerald, William Canningham, William Arsensult, William McKinnon, Alexander S. McEinnon, Edward W. Galaher, Robert F. Donohue, William L. Smith, and others not residents of town. The Board voted to refer this to the police chief for investigation. Chief McKee reported that the above persons have no records and are persons of good repute. The Board then approved the form. LAWRENCE ELECTRZC CO: Notice received that a 1000 light was installed on pole 3096,Greene St. 5/19/55 Also tha~ a 15,000 lumen mercury vapor light installed on pole 281, Osgood St. and Sutton St. on 5/25/195~. A reply from Mr. Frost recommending that a 1000 lumen light on pole 2912, OakAve. and a 20,000 lumen mercury vapor on pole 1049 at Middlesex Street and Mass. Ave. be installed and there will be an additional cost to the town of $43.00 yearly. The Board voted unanimously to request the lights as recommended. NE~¥ ~GLAND T & T CO.- LAWRENCE ELEC~IC' CO: Petition for permission ~oreloca~e poles, '*ires, cables, fixtures, etc. on Court Street, approximately 390 .feet south of Osgood Streetl 1 pole (remove 1 p~le) No hearing requirsd and the board voted unanimously togramt the permit. LA~CE GA~ COMPANY: Permission granted by unanimous vote of the board to excavate 27 feet in street to install gas main on Linden Street, at the corner of Sylvan Terrace. · R~OLVER PERMIT APPLICATION: Application for a license ~e carry a revolver was approved by the boa~d for Arthur A. Lynch, 19 E. Water St. Mechanic. Appl$cation was approved by Chief Mckee. RE~ER~E FUND APPROVALS: Approval by the Advisory Board for the foll~o~rlng transfers from the Reserve Fund wasereceived by the board: Forest Fire E~penses, ~100 to cover expenses for the remainder of the year. Advisory Board Expenses, $445.03 mo cover expense of Advisory Board reports, ~aili~g, envelopes, etc. RECREATZONAL COUNCIL: $400 to cover expense of s.upplies' and materials for- playgrounds. Appropr%aticnleft out of ~udget .(annual) in error. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC No.tic~ rec'eived' that the Department of Public Works certifie~ that work to the va~ue of $10,739.37 has been performed under this contract to Nay2~, 1955 and respectfully recbmmends that the sum of $1,691.50 be paid to the contractor by the town under Contract No. 15362. -The board accepted this certification and bill was forwarded to the Highway Dept. RECHEATZONAL COUNCIL: .... The Board approved the appointments'of the folloWing ~rSons.who had been~appointed · by the Recreational Council: Names were referred to the Selectmen for themr approval. Noranne MaHoney, ~upervisor and Purchasing Agent; Instructors- Barbara Driscoll, Barbara Wood,Martin Eelcourse, Joan Valliere, Robert Harris, Paula Weymouth Substitutes, Josephine Bonenne an~ Carol Ackroyd. ' Cl~IE SERVICE APPROVAL: Ap~roval~ceived for thr&e months ~roVislonal appointment of ~aniel M. Quinlan and James E. Ftizgerald as Patrolmen a~ $1.74 per hour, to be used only when the regular or reserve officers are not available. 'ARNOLD H. SALISBURY: A letter received relative to the land takings along Great Pond ~oad ~ud~ accordance with the request of the Board, Mr. Salisbury returned the papers which he had been given when engaged in this matter. Bill received for the services of Mr. Salisbury. LAND COURT: Norice received that there is a pendency in the Land Court of the petition of Daniel ~. Buckley et ux for registration of land on Adams Avenue, North Andover. No action taken by the board. DAMAGE CLAIM: A claim for damage to an automobile was received from Thomas Torrisi, 11 Orchard Street, Andover in the amount of $57.15. Mr. Torrisi calimed he was driving on Mass. Avenue tows.~ds Lawrence on May26, 1955 at 7:00 A.M. at the ra~e of 20 to miles per hour and at a point near the Colgate Construction Co. project, he hit a newly excavated ditch pushing his 'motor forward with the result that the fan hit the radiator cutting it all ~o pieces. The radiator is beyond repair. ~he Board voted to refer this to the Police chief for investigation and reoort and to Mr. William B. Duffy for his report, before official action is taken'by the board. MR JENKINS_~{. HEALEY- BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Healey met with the Selectmen to discuss the drainage problem at Pleasant Street and Chickerlng Road. The Board looked over the pland and a general discussion was held. Mr. Kirk was more familiar with this problem and he suggested that Mr. Jenkins request tha: the State Department of Public ~?orks re- consider this problem and change their position with regard to assisting in the · correction of this problem.' HO explained that there is a d~finite hazard here be- cause of the wa~er draining onto Mr. Helbrick,s proper~y. Mr. Jenkins stated that he would send a copy of the board,s letter to the Bo~on office and we would receive their decision in the near future. CHANGING TOWN BU2ZDING LOCKS: Mr. Broadhead made a.motion tha~ the locks on the to~n building be. changed in the near future. He fel~ that it was a good policy ~o make these changes and at the present time there are so many people with keys, it isn't funny. Mrs. Dearden will contact Mr. Seymour to inquire as ~o the cost of this project. MOVING OF HOUSE:. Mr. Ralph Adie me~ with the board and informed them 'that he had talked with the telephone people and that the time limit is now ten days which is quite a big difference from 40. He discussed the bond ~o be filed by the mover and it was Suggested that~he should make it for 15 days to be sure he is covered. Mrl Kirk Suggested that he have the telephone company con~act the Board of Selectmen to b~ing tham-up to date on this matter. CO..~EAI~T: 'Mrs. John Griffin made a complaint against Mrs. Gerald Chapin, Prescott Street, to the effect that she is selling agricultural products without a permit, in a general residentlsl district. The Board Voted to refer this to the Hoard of Appeals. · ne regular weekly meeting of the Hoard of Selectmen was held at 7~30 P.M~ with all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved. HEARING ON CROSS STREET PARK~qIG: A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the request of Hugh Stewart, 62 Elm Street f~r limiting the parking on Cross Stree~ to the north side only. The hearing had been advertised and there was no opposition. The board voted unanimously to'grant this request and signs will be posted in this area. .REVOLVER PERMIT APPLICATr0N: The Board voted unanimously to grant a license tO Michael Marohese, -34 ~esley Street, to carry a revolver for target practice. Application was approved by Chief NcXee. CERTIFICATE OF CHARACteR: The Board of Selectmen signed a Certificate of character for Richard Bro~n~ Russell Streem in connection with Hathaway Bakeries. LA~ENCE GAS CO~ANy: BOARD OF P~LIC WORKS: The board received a letter from William B. Ddffy, Supt. of Public ~orks informing them that a 12 inch water main on ~averley Road near Turnpike'Street was broken by a p=~er shovel engaged by the Lawrence Gas' Co. in placing a gas main directly on top of the existing water main. There was considerable expense to the town, damage some of our commerical establishments and great inconvenience ~o the residents. Mr. Duffy suggested that in the future all requests for permits should be referred to his department for clearance in the future. The Board voted ~o go along with Mr. Duffy,s recommendation. The following requests were granted by unanLmous vote of the board, subject to approval by Mr. Daffy& E~cavate 3 feet off the traveled, road at each location to install 14 gas services on Mass. Ave. for the Colgate Construction Co. Excavate 7 feet in mtreet off ~rav~led road on Osgood St. to install gas- for the ~/estern Electric Company, 0sgood Street. Excavate 13 feet in street %o install gas service at 661 ¥~averley ~oad. Excavate 52 feet in street %o install gas service a~ 1451 Osgood St. Fred Aziz. E~cavate ½3_feet in street ~o install ~as Mr. Duffy approved the above requests. ~averle NEW ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. CO: The Board unaninously voted ~o grant the petition of this compsny for the removal of: 1 pole at Waverley Road at Greene Street, and #averley Road, at Trinity Court, 1 pole and on 'Waverley Road, approximately 93 feet southwest of Mass. Ave. No hearing was required. DAMAGE CLAI~: Thomas Torrisi; Mr. William B. Duffy, Supt. of Public Works, sent a letter to the board relative to the damage claim made by Mr. Torrisi and stated that his records show that his depart- ment excavated for a sewer connection on the south side of ~ass. Ave. on May 24 and on May 25, on the north side for the water service to a house under construction by the Colgate Cons. Co. Both excavations were carefully backfilled and because the sewer ditch ~as somewhat soft, a roadside torch was placed, there on ~ay 25~ to warn the traffic of the condition. Mr. Torrist claimed damage ~o his car when it struck a nearly excavated ditch at the above location and the cost of repairs was $57.15. After a careful discussion of this case, the board voted unanimously to notify Mr. Torrisi that they had accepted ~r. Duffy's report and that they do not feel that there is any legal responsibility on the part of the to~n to pay this b~ll. DISTRICT HIGH'NAY ENGINe. ER: Notice received that the work authorized under Permit #5-5601 was completed in accordance with all the requirements of the Department on June 8, 1955. (Signed) Caroline S. Rogers. . DEPARTMENT OF' PUBLIC WO~ES: Letter received from this Department, Boston, informing the Board that the Commissioners voted to allow the work on Great Pond Road contract 15362, (Martin Mai~et) sub-contractor) to be extended as far as the funds now available will permit. SPECIAL TO;?N MEETING: The Board opened the warrant at 8:00 P.M. for a special town meeting ~nd there were five articles presented to the board, one containing 200 signatures. The meeting was set for Jun& 29, 1955 at 8:00 P.M. at the Veterans Nemorial Auditorium, High School, subject to approval from Mr. Hayss. The warran~ ~as closed at 8;15 P.M. Chief James Daw withdrew an article h~ had previously submitted re: sick leave. ACCIDENT REPORT: A~ copy of an accident report on Leo Lafond, Tree Department was received by the board. No actian required. INSURANCE PRE~ James Maker informed the board that the premiams on the group insurance have-been increased for the second time and he had understood that they would remain at the same figure. He slso mentioned dividends which were to have been paid but he'has received none to'date. The Board voted to request Mr. Carl '#illiams to meet with them on June 27, 1955 at eight o'clock to discuss this matter thoroughly. T~EE WARDEN: John J. Connors .met with the board to discuss the new law on Poison Ivy. He did receive a copy of the new law but he uflderstood that his department would have to eradicate within 100 feet from' the roadway. He said the best time to kill poison ivy is in July and August. This will cost a considerable sum of money, and ~hey would need special equipment. The board suggested that he wait until next year and study the problem before requesti~.g any money for this work. ~EQUEST FOR TRANSFER FROM RESERVE FUND: Mr. Connors informed the board that he is out of money on the Tree Department and would like to have transfer from Reserve Fund. His expenses were much higher be- cause of the hurricane and he had'gasoline and repairs to the trucks which could not be reimbursed from the Hurricane appropriation. He will send the required forms to the Advisory Board for approval. BIDS FOR FLOOR COVERING: SLx bids were received from various company for floor covering for twelve offices. There were various types of covering and the board voted to accept the bids and · take them under advisement in order to allow more time for study before awarding the contract ~o any company.