HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-17 OOTOBgR 10, 19S~-continued Mr. Kirk felt that the Sta~e has the right to empty into this drain and he suggested that Mr. Jenkins be contacted as to easements etc. He also suggested that Ms. Musimarra be contacted and asked ~c withhold any further work at the corner of Mass. Ave. and Waverley Road until ~his matter isstraightened out. He asked tha~ Mr. Carry be notified of this complaint and to request that he do no further work a t this corner until we hear from Mr._Jenkins. The Board agreed with Mr. Kirk's suggestion and these people will be notified as agreed. : G~EAT POND ROAD - CHAPTER ~0. Mr. ~ainey left two copies of a pl~an showing where the easements should bet obtained and .Mr. Broadhead made a mo~iun that Mr. Arthur A. Thomson be appointed as tc~n counsel since we have several matters to refer ~o him and it would 'eliminate appointing him each time. Mr. Kirk would no~ go along with this motion at. this time as it was no~ an opportune time to make such an appointment, hut he .would be willing to appoint Mr. Thomson as lawyer to t~ke care of obtaining the easements. Mr. Broadh:.ad withdrew his.me,inn and seconded Mr. K~k's motion, and the wteathen was unanimous. The matter will be referred to Mr. Thomson. 'WAVERLEY ROAD D 'R~L~N. S: mMr. Finneran informed the board.that the work that had been planned cannot be done and with respect to the easement from Mr. Roche, it has not been given: as y~t.' Mr. Thomson is working on this and Mr. Finneran will see Mr. Roche againin ~he near future to see what his thought is in this matter. A momen residen~ of Waverley Road had called to find out what had been done about the drainage problem and said- she would call again tel.-morrow to see if Mr. Roche had cooperated. She would not leave her n~me. ' BOUNDS PERAMBULATING : . ,.. The Board of Selectmen me~ with the Selectmen from Andover on October 8, 195% at' nine o'clock A.M. and perambulat&d the bounds. Ail monuments werekfound standing and in good condition.and there are eleven bounds in In the afternoon, the board me: with the Selectmen of Middleton but due to inclement weather, they were unable to complete the. work 'and they will return at a~ later date. The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.Mi with members Finneran and Broadhead present. Mr. K~.rk was ill. Weeklybtlls and payrolls were approved. ~HEAKING;PETITION OF N.E.T. & T? CO.- LA~.ELECTRIC CO: A hearing was held at 7:30 P.M. on the petition of these 'two companies f6r 'permission · to locate poles, wires, cables and fixtures on Johnson Street, northwesterly, l from a point approximately 38 feet northwest of Salem Tu~-npike, 6 pcles,(remov~'8 .telephone poles). Abutters were notified and no opposition was presented.' The board~ '~oted unanimously to grant this request. - ...... S~e~ ~rl~ a petition~ to 1.ocate poles,' wires~, cables and fixtures on Sale~ T~rnpike southeasterly from a poin~ apprcximately 1§0 feet southeast of ~averley R0ad~ ~ 4 poles, (remove 6 poles). ~1~ ~'~ No opposition was presented and the board voted unanimouBly to grant this ~quest. PGSICE r CHIEF: .... ': Chief Mclee met wlth tbe board to discuss his recommendations presented l~t week to the board. The Board discussed th~ various recommendations and suggested' ~that the chief obtain some prices as to the cost of beacons at t~o locations, paint.for the white lines and perhaps articles could be inserted in the warran~ for the annua~ town meeting in March next. ~e Chief mentioned the situation on Greens Street, ~hear the ~tpex Co'. and ~uggested that some kind of fence be installed by the highway It is very dangerous there and anyone could fall in~o the water, especially at night when it is dark. The board agreed that Mr. Carry should be contacted about this condition and see if he can ~ut up a . fence for the time being. - APPROVAL-- T~AI~FER, FROM RESERVE F~ND: ' Approval received from the Advisory Board for the transfer of $700 from the Reserve Fund to the-Dutch Elm Disease Salaries appropriation. LAWRENCE CHA~.R OF COMMERCE: The Board members received an invitation to participate in "Operation Airport", a flight from Lawrence to ~?orces~er on October 20. Mr. Finneran is planning to accept and perhaps Mr. Kirk. Mr. Broadhead will be out .of tow~. ' LAWRENCE GA~ COMPANY: ., Permission granted to this company to excavate 18 feet in street ~o install gas main at' Furber Avenue conner of. Wentworth Ave,N.A. Approved by Wm. B. Puffy and Mr. Carry notified. OCTOBER 17, 1955- continued VICIOUS DOGS Mr Fi'nneran received a cody of a statement regarding the position of the Lawrence Council of Churches regarding the possession of dogs. The CoUncil,s attitude is: 1. Vicious and~quarrelsome dogs should~be restrained at all times or destroyed. 2. Large dogs, though gentle by nature, can injure a small child should they ~reat ed the child as a "rag dol~"when in a playful mood, therefore, they should be restrain at all times. 3. Repeated 'warnings should not be given and public dangers should be destroyed. The Board voted to refer this matter to the dog officer and have him report to the Selectmen if he finds any vicious or quarrelsome dogs, and'take th~ n&ces~ary action if it is required. LA'~RENCE ELEC~IC COMPANY: i petition received for permission ~o construct a line of underground conduits from existing pole on the mouthwosterly side of Osgood Street, approximately·~49 feet southerly from Prescott ~Smree~ northeasterly to the easterly line 'of Osgood Street a distance of approximately 28 feet, 1 duct. A hearing was set for October 31, 1955 at 7:30 P.M. N.E. T & T CO.-LAWrENCE ELECTRIC CO: A petition for permission to relocate poles,' wires, cables and ·fixtures 1on Pond Street, approximately 44 feet east of Great Pond l~oad,' 1 pole . (remove ,2 poles) was approved by Unanimous vote of the board. No hearing required. · ...... WESTERN ELECTRIC - ELEVATORS: · · Atty. ~homson called to inform the board that they have' a right to issue a permit .for two elevators for the ~ester Electric Company by directing their building inspector to issue the permit but the Sta~e makes the regulations· and the town is bound to abide by them. However, the Building Inspector must assume the responsibility and Mr. Thomson suggests that he be guided by the state. ~ letter from. Mr. Thomson will be in the mail to-day. - The board voted ~o instruc~ Mr. Lawlor to go ahead and issue the permit. EASEMENTS- GREAT POND ROAD: Mr. Thomson suggested that the Selectmen request the engineer on the Chapter 90 work on Great Pond Read and Pond Street, get exact specifications as the plan sent to Mr. Thomson is not specific. He will have ~o know the exact distance ~o be taken and then the abutters· would be obtainable from the"Assessors office. OCTOBER 24~ 1955 Th'e regular w~ekly meeting of the Board of'Selectmen w~s held at 7:30 P.M. with all members present. ~eekly bills and payrolls were approved. HEARING-PETITION OF LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: A hearing on the petition of this company for permission to loc~ pol'~s~wires, etc. on the northerly side of Main Street, at a point approximately 314 feet eas~er from Chickering Road, 1 pole, (one existing pole location to be abandoned) was approved by unanimous vo~e of the board. Tr~E REMOVA~ HEARING: The~Board approved the request of Mrs.. James Brierly, 18 Beverly Street, for the removal of a horse cbestnu~ tree, and Er. Connors agreed that. this was~an undes tree and should be removed. REQUEST FOR REM$VAL'OF~ T~E: Peter Kutgin, 281 Sutton Street, requests the removal of tree in front o£ his proper~y. Mr. Connors informed the board that the roots of this tree,are causing the sidewalk to lift. The board voted to:~r~fer the matter ~o the ~ree ~warden for posting. A hearing will be held on November 7, 1955at 7:30 P.M. LAWRENCE ELECTRIC CO: George Frost informed the board tha~ they ~ould recommend a !000 lumen light to be installed on pole 3869 opposite Linden Avenue which would be the nearest pole to Mrs. ~eMarco's residence. The board voted unanimously ~o request that~this light be installed as recommended. LAWt~NCE GAS CO: The Board voted Unanimously to grant nermission to excavate as follows: 27 feet in street to install gas service for Louis Petereon, Irving Road. 21 feet instreet to install gas service for Sherman Seeche, Johnson St. Corner of Sutton Hill Road. Mr. Carry will be notified.of these approvals, o The board discussed the mat~er of checking on these excavations at the request of William B. Duffy. T~ere have been several in the past mo~th where the fill has dropped causing dangerous conditions..The Board voted unanimously to request that Mr. Carty, High~ay Surveyor, check the various locations within a month, for a follow-up check and send a report to,he Selectmen. ~n.this way, we will have some way of knowing that the excavations have been taken care of by the Gas Company. -160 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS- DRAINAGE EASEMENT-CORN.MASS.AVE. & WAVERLEY RD. A letter received from l~ussell E. Jenkins, District Highway Engineer, replying to our letter of 10/11/55 relative to a drainage easemen~ at culverts at the corner of Mass. Ave. & Waverley Ed. A copy of a plan dated 8/10/1900 sho~ing the culverts in question on Mass. Ave. and a copy of the easement form, signed by Henry Tougue and Thomas Bevington, on 9/6/1900 was enclosed. The beard' voted to inquire cf the Board of Assessors if the easement form refers to the same land owned by Anthony and Fortunata Bellia. who own four lots #176, 185, 186 and 187 between Kennwocd and Jetwcod Streets off MablinAvenue. After this information is available, they will comtact Atty. Thomas J. Lane who represents Mr; & Mrs. Bellta. REQUEST FOR SPECIAL TOI~N ~ETING: SCHOGL COMMITTEE ' ' Attorney Charles W. Trembly, Dr. F. C. Atkinson, Mrs. Caroline Ingrain and Francis J. O'Brien met with the Selectmen to discuss the matter of callinga special to~n meeting within the very near future. Atty. Trembly read a letter which was addressed to the Selectmen which explained the reason 'for their requ~est. First .they have been confronted with an enrollment of 1400 students as compared with an enrullment, in ~ctober, 19%4 of 12%8 and in the past two years the enrollments have Jumped out of proportion. Second, the budget estimates for the operation of ~the new high~vsshool.were, lmeraly speculative ~and altogether inade.quate. Taiti°ns for North Andover students going 'to trade schools have increased and there is a deficit. ' Because bf the increased enrollment, the budge~ item for textbooks and workbooks of $6,000 will be short by approximately ~$2,000 and supplies of $7,000 will be short approximately $2,000. ~ It is therefore, the purpose of the School Department to. request specia~ :t~n meeting and' to insert the two articles enclosed., Mr. Kirk and Mr. Broadhead made. inquiries as to the reason this request~was?no~ made sooner so that the articles could have been inserted inthe last warrant .but the school committee did not hold their meeting until the 13th of~ October and .there would not have been time. The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to' take this matter under advisement with the understanding that they would hold the meeting a t the earliest possible ti~e. This was agreeable to all present. Later the board voted unanimously %6 hold the special town meeting on November 16, 1955 ~t 8:00 P.M. ~n the former ccur~ room, to~n building and to include.~the articles presented by the school committee. The warrant~was declared open aZ 8:35'P.M..and closed at 8:36 P.M. The board felt that if there were any other articles to be inserted they would re- open the warrant at a later date. OCTOBER 31~ 1955 .~The regular weekly meeting of the, Board of Selectmen was held a t 7:30 P.M. with ~1 members present. ~eakly bills and payrolls were appreved~ HEARING- IAWRENCE ELECZ~IC CO: Ahearing was held on the ~etition of the Lawrence Electric Company for per,~ission to construct a line of underground electric conduits from the e~.sting pole on the ~ ~ southwesterly side of, Osgood Street, -approximately 149 feet southerly frc~ Prescott Street northeasterly to the easterly line~of Osgnod Street a distance of approximately 28 feet, 1 duct. . -~ Abutters were notified and no opposition was presented. Mr. Barry informed the board that this conduit was to take care of the new beacon at the wa~er tower~.- The board · voted~unanimously to grant this request. - ~ · ' POPP~ DAX : ~, . The Board voted unanimously to grant permission to the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 219, to hold their annual Poppy Day on November 10 and LI, with no fee. This was requested by Mrs. Gordon Rokes, Secretary. ~ , PERAMBULATL~G MIDDLETON: ~The Board signed the specifications for the perambalattng Of the bounds at the Middleton and North Andover lines and one copy will be returned to Daniel J. Donovan, chairman of the Board of Selectmen of Middleton. ACCIDENT REPORT: A copy of an accident report was received from the North Andover. School, .informing us that Alice A. Cavallaro, ~70 Maple Ave. ~as Hurt when a heavy wooden guard s~ruak her left leg..Ne.action required. LAWRENCE W.L~.CT~IC CO: Notice received that there is no electric service at 1040 Johnson Street at this time but as soon as the line is installed, a street light will be 'installed at the res~dance of Mrs. Cobb~$.