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would be responsible for the cost of police or firemen, as well as any tree work
to be done. ,~r. Dill signed the agreement and the permit wes granted. The barn
is to be moved on November 1, 1955.
Mr. Finneran informed the board that Mr. Catty had erected a snow fence at end 9£~e~
G~eene Street as requested by the Selectmen under date of October 21, 1955.
The Board voted ~o inform the Board of Assessors that they are given to understand
that there is some land near Sharpners Pond which is assessed by ~iddleton
which according ~o the bounds should be assessed by North Andover. They will ask
the assessors to check this information for their ~vn records.
A letter was received from Ernest A. Brown, Jr. informing them that~ a well
prepared program was presented by a panel of students from the North Andover High
School under the leadership of Mr. William Larochelle and s short film was shown.
The expense of the meeting consisted of $7.50 for Mr. Everson, Janitor and $4.50
for paper, stencil and notices sent through the schools. The board vo~ed ~o pay
the two bills mentioned.
NOVEMBER 7~ 1955
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
i hearing was held on the petition of Peter Kurgin, 281 Sutton Street for the
removal of a tree in front of his proper:y. Mr. Conners informed the board that
the tree had been posted and there was no opposition. The Board voted unanimously
to instruct the tree warden ~o remove the :roe.
Mr. Arnold Johnson, Philip Sutcliff~ and John Lyons met with the Board to discuss
plans for the CUaristmes parade. There was..a general discussion and i ali agreed
that it would be better to hold the parade on a Saturday. ~r. Kirk suggested that
the Board of Trade could be asked to participame ~on that day and to have an ad in
.the newspaper. The ma:mer of using the money left from the Centennial Celebration
article was discussed and this will be taken up with Mr. Maker, Arthur A~. Thomson
and ~illiam McAloon.. Mm..McAloon has not been discharged as chairman aft he
committee and it is hoped that the money needed will be allowed from the balance
of the ,appropriation since it is still ~entennial,year and this would~be a part
of the celebration to wind it up.
Another .meeting will be held on November 14, 1955.and it is hoped that many other
interested persons will attend the meeting. .~L~
Mr. Johnson suggested that Legasse in Haverhill be con~acted as they pu~ on the
parade for aaverhill and Andover each year. Mr. Finneran w~_ll contactthese people
~o ge~ their price.
Certification of work ~o the value of $8108.50 has been performed u~der t~e contrac~
NoJ 16028 between J.J. Donovan Coast. Co. and the 2o~n of North ~Andover and the
Dept. recommends that the sum of $4160.25 be paid by the town.
A second certification received for w~rk to the value of $3,486 and recommendation
that $3,137.40 be paid to the contractor by, the town.
Notice receivedtha~ William H. Coramwill att~.n age 70 on December 13,'1955 and
must cease his employment on the last day of December, 1955 in accordance with
Chapter 32 of the General Laws, section 5 (i) (a).
The Board of Selectmen authorized Elwyn A. King ~o settle the petition of Marion
A. Burke (Reynolds) for damages for taking of petitioner's land on Great Pond Road
in North Andover for the sum of $233.10. This vms a majority vote of the board with
Mr. Kirk no~ voting since he had ~%ken a previous stand on this matter and did not
wish to change it.
A reply to our letter of November 1, was received from this Board. The letter
states that the working map shows the North Andover line located 400 feet, more or
less, to the east of t~is pond. With meagre descriptions of ~arcels inherited from
their predecessors, the Assessors ar~ aware that Leo M~rphy and Hazen K. Richardson
owm and pay ~axes on some of this land. Without a proper description and a recorded
daed ~o prove title, they cannot plot any~rcel on a map. The burden of proof is up
to the owner. The letter ~ent on ~o say that there is a n~sconception of the scope
of Mr. Brasseurs services and some people think he is bound top lot for private
individuals as well as the assessors. The maps in their office are not a legal re-
quirement and are for ~ne purpose of enabling the assessors no identify as much as
possible for their o~n rocoros. Noaction was ~a~en by the board.
NO~EMRER 7, 1955- continued
Arthur P. Kirk drew the name of Olive Moody, 100 Marb!er£dge Rd. to serve,as
Juror ak Lawrence Superior Court on December 5, 1955.
Copy of Contract No. 16028, covering work in this ~own under Chapter 90 on Great'
Pond Road and Pond Stree~ received by the board. Noaction necessary.
A damage claim was filed with the Selectmen by Thomas J. McGrail, 84 Fleasant St.
in the amount of $111.50. Mr~ McGrail claims he struck a hole in the road and
damaged his car. This happened on October 26, 1955 while travelling on Middlesex
Mr. Finneran.had talked about this location with Mr. Duffy and he informed him
tha~ excavation had been done on 10/10/1955 and that the hole was covered with
patch on 10/18/1955 by George Sanford and that Mr. Sanford had done a good job
there. The board voted to refer this matter to Chief NcWee as ~o whether or not
there was a report made of the damage to the car and also to have an officer look
at the location and see what the condition of the road is at this time. Mr. K~rk
asked that Mr. Duffy be contacted to find ou~ if any work has been done at this
location since October 27, 1955. Mrs..Dearden checked witb Mr. Duffyand he said
no work had been done since October 18, 1955. The matter will be held over until
next week for disposition.
.A letter was received from this board requesting that they be advisedas to what
provision of the Zoning By-Law was the permit granted for use of the building as
an industry. The Board voted mo refer this to the building inspector who issued
the permit. They later discussed the zoning laws in an industrial district and they
felt that under Section 6, Industrial Districts, (c and d) woul~ apply as well as
Article 2, last paragraph. The board voted to send ~. Lawlor a letter and ask
that he report back to this board.
A request for a street light was received from William Smith of 9Cabot Road and
from Daniel Cahi!l of¥~oodbridge Road. The board voted ~o refer these requests
~o George Frost for a survey and recommendation.
Mr. Kirk made a motion tha~ a survey be made of the area bounded by Greene Street,
Middlesex Street, Lyman Road and Massachusetts Avenue. This ~rea is pretty w~ll
built up now and a survey would show just where lights are most needed rather than
wait for individual requests throughou~ the y~ar. The other members went along
with this suggestion and the vote was unanimous.
The Board discussed the matter of completion of the Town History for a considerable
length of time. ~r. Finneran and Mr. Broadhead visited with Mrs. McQuesten and
were unable to get any definite information. She had asked that they pay'her until
· the end of the year as she needed this money to build her Social Security up. Mr.
Kirk felt this should be checked since the town does not participate in Social
Security. Several suggestions were made as to the courseof action to be taken
but it was held over until next week.
NOVEMBER14, 1955:
~here~ular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen metat 7:30 P.M. with all
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Horace Howard came before the board ~o reques~ the removal of a tree in f~ont
of his proper~y a~ ~61 Brightwood Avenue. He stated that the ~ree is partially
dead and in order to complete an apromat his driveway, the mree would have to be
removed. The Board voted unanimeusly to refer this mat~er to the ~ree warden for
appropriate action. A hearing will be held on November 28, 1955.
Stanley Buturlia came before the board ~o discuss ~wo kennel owners who refuse to
get a license and pay the usual fee. He asked that the Selectmen send a letter ~o
each owner and see if action can be obtained in this way. The Board voted .unani-
mously to write these letters as requested.
The Board voted to request information on the delay in getting a street light in-
stalled on Chapin Road.. Mr. Kirk brought up the matter of service from this
and stated that Sgt. Hilton had informed many people that he hasn't been getting
good service when he calls up for residents of the town. Mr. Kirk said he has had
several similar complaints and he felt that this was the time to check and find out
what is wrong. We are paying for service and we should be getting it. The board
voted to send a letter to ~r. Frost relative to these complainms and ~lso to include
a copy of this letter with the check to be paid on November 22, 1955.