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Numerous letter were received from the various merchants and organi ~-ations as well
as department heads informing the bma~d that they endorse the natianal effort
for this'day and will do all in their po~er to make ir'successful.
The Board felt quite pleased with the outcome of this drive and complimented
Myron. Lewis for his fine Job.
The regular ~eekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen ~as held at 7:30 P.M. ~ith
all members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.~
The Board unanimously approved the petition of these companies for ~Joint pole
locations on the southerly side of Osgood Street, at a point appro×imately
378 feet westerly from Court street, 1 pole. i (One existing Light Company
Lobation to' be abandoned.)
The Board received a letter from Mr. Greehan~requesting information on the
applicants who ~ook the recent examination for Sergeant in the Police Dept.
The Board referred this to Mrs. Dearden for the '~nformation ~required and-in-
structed her to send a letter containing same.
Raymond Broadhead drew the name of Theresa ~alsh, Sutton Street, to.~ servecas
a Juror at Salem Superior Court on January 3,
The Board approved the request of this' company for permission ~e excavate ~740
feet in. street along Turnpike Street, to install gas main..This 'had been approved
by Wm. 'B. Duffy. Mr.. Carry will' be notified.
The Dept. of Public ilorks has certified work to the value of $13,097.60 'as'
completed under this contract No. 16028' to November 9, 1955 and recommen~' that
the sum of $4,490.18 be paid to the contractor under the ~erms of the contract.
Mr. Frbst sent a .letter to the board and recommends that ~o street light's be
installed'near the Eawrence Process Company, one a: Clennies :and'ohe'~at %he
Richlyn Club and also suggests that 2500' lumen lights, be installed ~e~ give: satis-
factory.lighting in this area. The Board voted to take this .underadvissment and
they want to discuss the lights with the Lawrence Process' Co~"before' making their
Notice" has been received %hat the following lights have been installed as requested
by this board: Pole lieS-Mass. Ave'. 2500 lumens?Pole 3932, Silsbee Road, '1000 lumen,
Pole 2778 Chapin Road, 1000 lumen, pole 3270 Mifflin Drive, ~:3300 luman-Mercury vapor
-' and poles 3636, 3880 and 3882,and 3883, Mifflin Drive, 1000 lumen lights~ lThe following
· lights-were removed:. Pole 1106, Mass. Ave. 1000 lumen and pole 3270, Mifflim Drive,
1000 lumen. ~ "
lette4-was.received by the board and they voted to refer this letter ~o 'Mr. ~aker,
treasurer since he is the person who will have the information required.
A copy of the Ac~s passed by the recent Regular Session of the 1955 Legislature was
received by the board. -:
2he Board received a lengthy letter from Mrs. Carolynn McQues~en in reply to the
request of the Selectmen to deliver the completed to~n history to the Selectmen
no~ later than December 5, 1955. Mr. Broadhead felt r~hat this letter requires
c'onsider:ble thought and made a mo~ion that the matter be tabled until they have
had an opportunity ~o think about it. Mr. Kirk £elt that ~he letter was most
unsatisfactory, and seconded the motion for~the reason given. Mr.'-Finneran~statea'.'
~hat the whole matter is distasteful and unsatisfactory. He stated further.that
his policy on stopping Mrs. McQuesten,s com~nsation will remain unchanged-~' He
declared the motion to be a unanimous vote and the matter ~rill be discussed again
at a later date~ and a reply will be sent to Mrs. McQuesten.
DECEMBER 5, 1955-continued
Mr. Matthews of Sutton Street, rear of Ellis estate, came before the board ~o in-
quire if anything is to be done to stop the seepage, of wa~er frama vacan~ lot
into his cellar. Ihs water hole is only about 20 feet away from his cellar and
he would like to have something done, if possible. Mr. Finneran stated that Mr.
Carry was~ supposed to have taken care of this ma~er and the board voted ~o refer
the matter ~o Mr. Carty again and see if something can be dons about it.
Nicholas Nicetta and other members of the Planning Board met with the Selectmen to
reques~ that they be allo~ed to have the Court Room for their meetings, after
. the Rent Control is eliminated. They have so many files now that the Old 'Age office
is very crowded and when they have hearings there definitely isn't enough, room.
The Board vo~ed ~o take this matter under advisement and will notify Mr.~Nicetta
later of their decision. Ail a~eed that it was a good suggestion.
.~. iFinneran brought up the matter of having a "slow Sign,' on Pond Street near the
Boxford line, now that the road has been repaired. He mentioned tha~ there, is
a driveway to the Crockett Sanitorium and it could be dangerous if vehicles were
allowed mo speed in this area. The board voted ~o refer this to the Chief~ of Police
for' his recommendation.
They also suggested the: he have a white line painted on Great Pond RO~d and Pond
Street and this will be referred to him also.
Mr. Kirk brought up the matter of "No Parking" signs at .Flats Bridge ~and ,this will
be called to the attention of 'the chief.
-~he Planning Board met with the Selec~m~n to discuss the pe~mit, granted by the
building .inspector to-renovate the old :Waiti6g-station in No~th Andoveg. They
inquired as to the provision of the .Zoning By-Laws under which this permit was
granted. They have no objection to the building but if it should be re-zoned they
· ~,would prefer to have it .done properly so that there will be no 'trouble ih~%he future
'They',informed the board that they w~re not here' to complain but it~:is the.:feeling of
the board that the matter should be made clear. '-
The chairman informed the Planning Board members that Ralph Branseur had informed
~him that this wan an industrial area and the selectmen felt ~that he' should~know
.....an'.he is familiar ~rith~the town and with all the maps.
~Malph Finck informed .the board that ;the Planning Board had a' r~quest' f6r~a variance
for a subdivision of this property end'it is now a ma~ter before tbem?How~ver, he
willcheck with Mr. Bresseur ~o see why he gave out this information and if Mr.
Alosky',is-required. to'apply, fo~ a change in the' zoning cZassification all members
feel. that they will go along with the reques~ ·
Mr. Finneran informed the members that the Selectmen had Advised Mr. Alosky to
refrain from any further building until this matter had been snraightened out.
'Mr. Kirk stated'that the selectmen instructed Jthe building inspector to grant the
· .permit as they all believed that this w~s 'the proper thing to do.
DECEMBER 9, 1955:'
The Board a~proved the following petitions for the Lawrenc& Gas Co. · Mr. Kirk
.wan not available and forms w~re signedby~Mr. Finneran and Mr. Broadhead.
To eXCavate 24 feet at 6 locations along. Waverley Road and 14 feet at ? locations
along Turnpike Street to install.~gns services. Approved by W'. B. Duffy~
To excavate ~O street along Tarnpike Street to install gas main. Approved by WBD.
Toexcavate 5 feet at 7 locations on Turnpike St. to install gas services~ "" "
DECEMBER 12~ 1955:
The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. ~"ith all
members present. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
Mr. Musimarra met with the board and informed them that in orderto correct the
drairmge at Mass. Ave. and Waverley ~d. he' would have to pay about i$~6OO and he
~doesn't :think this would be the fair thing to do. He was willing so pay $400 but
even that would be spent on the ~street and~he felt the. town should do this work.
The board~suggested that'he contact Mr. Carry and ask him to insert an article in
the town warrant and. see if the town will vote~te have this'work done.
A he,ring was held on the petition of Edward Garvey, for nermission to have a mree
removed in front of his proper~y at 281 Middlesex St. Th~~ Board voted unanimously
_to instruct the tree warden to have the. tree removed.
Mr. Gearhart from Glennies Plant, Clark St. called the boards attention~ ~o a condi-
tion existing a~ the Junction of Osgood Street and Gt. Pond Road, where water runs
down a telephone company pole and in the cold weather freezes over causing a hazard-
ous condition. The Board voted to con%act the Telephone Co. to see what can be done
to remedy this condition.