HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-23 DECEMBER 2_t. 1955
~ctmen held their meeting at 3~O0 P.M. to-day due to the.holiday
on Monday next. ¥~eekly bills and payrolls were approved. Ail members were present.
The following men were appointed special police officers on this day.
Edwin E, Johnson, 47 Chickering Road, upon reeommendati on of Dewey Dyer for C.Defens.
Edward Phalan, 971 Tarnpike St. upon recommendation of David & Nurber ~achine Co.
A letter received~from L. S. Belanger, Unit Engineer informing the board that the
conditi ~n existing by water running out of their manhole and through their, Under-
...... ground Connection ~o the roadway has been remedied to the satisfac~ionof all.
The Conduit foremen, John Carney, has covered with Mr. Finneran, the matter referred
to and the Job was 'completed and me~ with Mr. ~inneran s approval.
- The Board received a letter from Atty. Arthur A. Thomson informing them that the
petition which they sent to him for approval is perfectly in'order for this board
,-to cause to be executed and ,returned to the County~Commissioners. Mr. Thomson will
endeavor to secure the releases from the abutters and will keeps%he~ hoard advised.
The pe.tition :was si~ed by the board and sent.to the County/Commissioners.
In compliance with the provisions of Section 35 of Chapte~ 41 of'the General Laws,
' the Commissioners of Corporationa and Tsxations has established th~' sum~bf
$48,000 for the 1956 bond for the'town trsasursr and~the amount'of $49~900' for the
1956 Bond for the Tax CoLlector and the board so approved and returned the. form
to the Commissioner. · ..... . . i ~ T
Mr. Dewey Dyer. Director of Civil Defense sent a 'letter to 'tHe' board to ~inform them
or ~he fact that the Civil Defence Communications system is now,installe~ ,and in
operation. James Daw has be,on appo'.m~.~t.ed .Communications ~Offi~e~r in civil. De~,ense and
' D~menic Bonanno a Sergeant ~in ~the A~XiliArY Polic~ group. ".~ere~t' ~o0d~use has
b6c~o~e 'the training officer fora:the AUmiliarY p&lice und6~ ~he ~auspices~'~ the
Police Department. ' · . ~ ~ ._ -
The Board voted td accept the 'letter and report'.': :'~ ~-
:CHAPTER 9G .work for '1956: ..... . .'
:"~THe'~Board of Selectmen notified :Mr. - · · · - '~ '- , .....
Jenkins, D~s tract H~ghway Engineer %bat
.the follow~_ng, streets ~should ~b~ considered in ~the order given for~:Ohapter ~0 work
~:' to be done in the town in 1956:~ Greene St~reet, Dale'Strset and S~lem Street.
A repor~ and'maps were received from'Ralph' Brasseu~ at the .........
request 'of the' Selectmen,
~xplaining that he had made a -study of'the situation'in ' ....
ouestion and~the problem
arising of the said ~ailread Station and the proposed 'sate thegeoT to,'an~ individual.
As longas the railroad station.wan used as such, there was no question'as to violaS!
tion of the Zoning by-law as this use was permitted ~and legal in any district tha
it ~%ght be determined to be in hut when this building passes into other than raid-
road ownership and station use, there arises the question of whethe~ it conforms
to the requirement of the zoning by-law in its new use, location and size',of lot.
O~mS~ptember 26, 1~55 the building inspector issued a permit to Joseph and' Mary
'Alosky for a $2500 addition to t'he['RAilroad.sts, tion apparently'jto,.be used by the
.:'Me~rimac Spool' and Bobbin Co. Ties addition'has been constructed.
Mr. Brasseur made an enlargement of the 'Zoning Plan of this area' and'a '~pla~ sho,~ing
the· result of the ex~ending zones to the' ~entmrline of the streets and railroad
,~,~ right of way as called for in part. of' ~Lrticle 1 of the~ by-l~w. ; "-"-, :
· It would seem that the station in question here is definitely in ~'GenerslJ Rssiden'
distric~ and so ~ubJec~ to the requirements of such a district. In which case the
set out is not of sufficient'size'and has no frontage on an approved ~tre'e% and does
not meet the set back~ side yard, rear yar~ or use requirements~ I{' also comes under
the subdivision as it requires a way ~o reach it and so would need approval of the
': Pl.anning Board.
~he authority'and responsibility for tasking the decision as to the bo~nda~y line of
any zone lies definitely with the Building Insoec~or and though he might ~ot agree
with my interpretation of the Zone boundary a~'this locus, I cannot conceive of any
reasonably interpretation that would entirely clear the lot and buildin~ from the
requirements of General ~sidential District.
The only other possible district would be business in which case: i~oulduS~till
need approval of the Planning ~Board as a subdivision as the lot has ~o access to an
approved street except by the establishing of'a way leading ~o Sutton Street.
MrJBrasseur's conclusion was that there c~n be only two Districts that th~s lot
can be decided to be in, L General Residential or 2, Business..'
If general residential then the permit to build was granted in error as there is
not compliance with the requirements of the zoning by-law and the subdivision
If Business then the permit was granted in error as the lot does no~ meet the
ments of the subdivision control law as it has not even been submitted to the
DECEMBER 23, 1955- continued C~D RAILROAD STATION:
M~. Brasseur stated that he cannot see how a dangerous precedent can be aboided
.unless some action is taken in this ma,%er. The Build Lng inspector, in his opinion
is the one %o take the necessary action as he is the enforcing officer under the
zoning by-law. A ruling by Town Council as ~o what should be done and by whom would
be more to the point than his advice.
The Board voted ~o send a copy of the letter and plans to the Planning Board and
ask that they meet with the Selectmmn on January 9, 1955 at eight o'clock.
. William B. Duffy me~ with the board and informed them that they are looking for
water as there is another plant who wants to come into North Andover and they want
· '1OO,OOO,000 gallons of water. So far the results have no~ been good and they have
. approached the mills for mo~e wa~er and they were cooperative but they wan% to know
where the.~a~er will come from. The Board of Public ~¥orks plans to have the Carney
Company, Industrial Engineers come in if the money can be appropriated. The new
plant will employ 1000 people.
M~. Dully said he would like. t~e Selectmen to meet with the Board of Publi~ ,~orks
and the Advisory Board ~o discuss this ma~er and th~, would appreciate having the
meeting on.December 29, 1955 as ~he Board of Public ,orks reserves this night for
their meeting.
The Selectmen will let Mr. Duffy know if this night is agreeable to them~nd to the
Advisory Board members.
DECE~R 30,
The Selectmen held. their weekly meeting at 4:00 P.M. due to the holiday on Monday
next. Weekly bills and payrolls were approved.
The Board voted unanimously to gran~ the petition of these companies for Joint pole
location at new Clark Street, approximately 545 feet north o~.Osgood Street, 1 pole,
(remove 1 pole). No hearing required.
A letter was receive~ relative to the savings bank book #111744, 'proper~y Of Carmelo
Marine of Lawrence' ·as an agreement and power of attorney, to be held untL!o the work
is completed satisfactorily. Mr. S~erman informed the board that the Planning Board
is insisting that he install two catch basins on Woodstock Street near the intersection
of Greenhill Ave. which will becovered over so that no wa~er c~n go into them. They
believe that at some future date the town will have a catch basin~ system on ,¥oodlane
Street to which connection will then be able to be' made. Mr. Marino~ees not be-
lieve that this requirement was within the original ~undertaking by him under the
agreement. It is impractical at this ti~e to install catch basins which will not be
'used until some indefinite time i~nth~efuture. He ~ould be willing' ~o settle the
matter and get the money as soon as possible ~o install the catch basins. .Mr. Marine
states that he can do this for '$200 and if the board will relesse $4~00.00 of the
said account, he will enter into an agreemen~ to install the catch basins ~by July l,
1956.. Mr. Sherman £urther stated that he thought it very inequitable for the full
amount to be withheld under the circumstances.
The Board will take this matter up with the Planning Board on January ~, 1956.
A letter was receive~ from the Board of Assessors informing, them that %heyhave
noticed several places where construction has been completed o6]which they have
nd record of a building permit. One of these is a~ the Brooks School. .This corpqra-
tion does hot contribute ~o our tax system but they have to comply with ~he law
in reporting exempt values ~o the State Department. Exemption from taxes does not
exempt them from applying for a permit and with no permit record they have no lead
~o follow. They feel that there should be a fee charged for a permit and.a fine
imposed for infraction o~ the regulation. As far as they know there is ne.limit
so the time in which a permit may be exercised. Thus, they may have arecord of permits
of two oz three years standing which they have neither the time nor facility for
reviewing yeAr after year.
They mention also that the certificates of oil or gas burner installation or
conversion are ~wo items which are practically a necessity f~r them to have in order
to ~ain revenue in an equitable manner.
The board voted to request a repor~ from Martin Lawlor with respect to't~first
part of this letter and the other matters will be discussed later.
~r. Bonanno has asked for permission to use the Court Room for the' meetings of the
Auxiliary Police twice a week. ATter some discussion the board voted %o allo~ them
~o use the court room as ~emporary quarters and suggest that they try to.find other
quarters as there is a possibility that the Court Room will be used by the Planning
Board and Boa~d of Appeals.