HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-30DECEMBER 30, !955: continued TO~N HISTORY: The Board approved bills' for the town history project and voted unanimously to inform Nfs. McQuesten by letter that no further remuneration will be made for any expenses £or the town history until they have received the completed history. The check for Mrs. McQuesten's expenses will be mail~d~%vith the letter. .rANUAR~ 9, 1956 The regular weekly meeting .of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. with all members present, iieekly ~oil'ls and payrolls were approved. NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY: Notice received that Anna Ampollane, d/b/a Freddie's Fruit Market has been duly adjudged a bankruo~ on a petition filed against her on November 16, 1955 and the first meeting of her creditors will be held in Boston on January 16, 1956 in.. Room lllO, Federal Building, Boston. No action taken by this board. DEPT. OF PUBdIC UTILITIES: Notice received that a hearing will be held as to the propriety of the rates a~d charges stated in the M.D.P.U. NOS. 20 and 21, filed December 29, 1955 to become effective January 29, 1955 by the Eastern Mass. Street Railway Co. The hearing will be held on Tuesday February 7, 1956 at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at 166 State House, Boston. ~_ll members will plan to attend this hearing. LA%W%ENCE ELECTRZC CO-NE~'~ ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. CO: A petition for Joint locations on existing poles at Johnson Street, appro×iv~ately 1035 feet northwest of Salem Turnpike Street, 1 pole was approved by unanimous vote of the board. No hearing required. NEi~ ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. CO. '~ "~ A second petition for the removal of a pole on Waverley Road, southwest if- Greene Street, was aoproved by unanimous vote of the board. No hearing required¥ '~ · REVOLVER PERMIT' APPROVAL: The' Board approved the application of Edward W. Phelan, 93I Turnpike Street ~r a~-icense ~o carry a pistol or revolver. Also approved by Chief McKee. ~-- GAHAGAN CONSTEUCTION CO: A letter and pamphlet was received from this company relative .to.th~ re'cen~ search for ground wa:er and the board voted-unanimously ~o refer this to the Board-'of Pub- lic~ ~orks ..... COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: £ letter and an Order of Notice was received from the Commissioners on the :etition for the widening, alteration and specific repair of Grea~ Pcnd Road' and Pond Street from'Osgcod Street easterly to the Boxford- North Andover town lime in North Andover. The order will be placed in the hands of Deputy Sheriff, Louis Silvermen 'for~ and: will be~ returned to the Com,~issioners office as soon as the~ serf-ice has' been completed. The hearing on the petition has been set for Tuesday, FebruarY'7, a~ 10:45 A.M. a~ the Court Homse, Salem, Mass. DEPARTMENT OF PU~.IC WORKS: ,I~) The Board received an invitation to attend a meeting ~o be held' on January 12, 1956 at the Lawrence City Hall to acquaint city and ~own-officinls with the Master Plan of Highways for the La~w~ence, Lo~ell and Haverhill Metropolitan Area which is nearing completion. The Town engineer and chief 6f Police are also invited. The Board will attend as well as Chief ~cKee and ~'~. B. Duffy, Supt. of Public ~'~orks .... COUNTY COMNISSION~.~S-E$SEX COUNTY RETIRENENT SYSTEM: ~he Board received the amount estimated~6 be necessary %0 5he various funds of the Essex County ~et~mement System and the amount payable by the Town of North ~ndover for the year beginni..ng January 1, 1956 is as follows: Pension Fund:~ $16,964/45 - Expense fund, $1,04~.76 and Special fund(~ilitary Service Credits) $56.20 with a total of ~18,066.41. Mr. Maker will use this figure as a budget item BUILDING INSPECTOR: Martin Lawlor came ~o the office on this day and asked that the selectmen be'in- formed that the Brooks School have applied for the necessary permits. They ~ee~e notmvare that this was necessary but will obtain permits in the future. Mr. Lawlor left a letter which he received from James V. Gerraughty, Plant Superintendent which states that only one building 'Nas completed between the years 1954 and 1955 which is an addition to the Dining Room and the Headmaster's House. This b~ilding was35' x 25' and cos~ $32,200.00. They now have under construction 1 13 room class-room of brick.~eneer and 1 Hickey Hut of Ccmen~ block with wood roof. ' They also have a %emperary wood class room building to a new location and they ar~ in the process of revamping it to a new office building. Mr. Lawlor stated that all institutions of this ~ype are~are that they are re- quired to obtain permits for building and there should be no trouble of this kind in the future. The Bo,~rd voted to inform the Board of Assessors of this information an~ see if they have any further questions.